I caught my Mother
Horny Son Willing Mother
First of all, my father 62 neglected my mother 50 sexually and she loves sex. So, I 24 had need of a computer as mine failed and was in getting repaired. My mother allowed me to use her laptop to complete my history project. In the course of finalizing the project I came across a dating app hidden away in a folder which was also hidden. Similar file names and as I only used part names a list appeared and that's how I found the app. My mother is a person of habit and so I sued the same password I was told to get into the laptop to get into the app and it got me in. I was able to see my mother's attempts to get sex, because she was being extra careful, she hadn't made any contacts or meeting as yet. Now knowing my mother wanted sex and a younger man, I decided I would respond. Not really expecting her to agree a meeting. So, I joined the app and made a profile to impress my mother. Knowing her preferences and dislikes was an advantage, on my way home the next day I was able to pick up my repaired laptop. I send a meet and greet message to my mother with a photo of my body in just shorts face burred. I got a similar photo back a day later, that told me 2 things one she was interested and the other I could try to meet her. Claiming I was out of towner was also a plus as locals were possibility known by her and she wouldn't take that chance. Also knowing the days my father would away and me having one of those days off university as well. I'm not short on money nor is my family and knowing a motel on the far side of the town would be better than a closer one. I told I would at a motel on the day I'd picked and asked for her to meet me. A couple of days passed no response from her, and I thought my plan had failed. But 2 days before the day of the possible meeting she and my father had a big argument. I don't know the cause, but it done the trick she agreed to meet me. I knew she had no arrangements that day and arranged to meet her at 1pm, thus allowing me to book in and get setup. I left my car in the university carpark and caught a cab to the motel. Sitting in the room trying to come up with a believable excuse for my actions. Finally deciding to use I wanted to meet a mature woman to teach me to be a better lover as my excuse. 1pm came and no sign of her, just as I was about to give up, I saw her car arrive. She got out wearing dark glasses and made her way to my room. She knocked and I opened the door and at first, she didn't recognize me as she was wearing dark glasses and the room was dark no lights on. But it wasn't long before she did, she was of course shocked and then asked had my father put me up to it. I said no and used my excuse of training by a mature woman, which satisfied her better than I thought it would. As we weren't in any rush, we talked thru the reason of our being there, I stayed with the training excuse. She said my father wasn't doing her anymore. I decided it was a bust and was ready to go home and write it off as a failed experiment. But she was horny and had come because she was really horny and asked me straight would I fuck her if given the chance and I said Yes, you're my dream woman. That is true I compare every girl I date to my mother. So, we fucked twice showered and then she drove to pick up my car. That night I shared her bed and do so regularly ever since, she has taught me to please her, and our sexual relationship is in plain view if you look closely. My father doesn't look closely nor do my 2 siblings, they think I her favorite and always have been and so being together a lot doesn't arouse gossip or suspicion.
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