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I seduced my MotherI'm Gary 21 single and live with my mother Cathy 39 divorced and my sister Fiona 19. Fiona and me were always mucking around and dare each to do things. I had been fucking her since she was 17 and it started because of one our dares. But we like fucking each other and kept it up. Last year during Easter after having sex, Fiona asked me I would fuck a more mature woman. I said Yes as long as she had a pulse. Then I want you to fuck a mature woman and you must seduce her not pay her for sex. What'...reading time 3 mingenre
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I thought my brother was gayMy older brother and only sibling is very smart and done very well at university and then got a started in a great career. But he didn't seem to date, and I couldn't remember seeing him with girls. Convinced my brother was gay, I decided to save him from himself. I've a friend who is sex mad and would fuck anything for a frill. I suggested to her she couldn't seduce my brother as he was out of her league. She said she could and so she started to stalk my brother, stalk might seem a little bit mu...reading time 1 mingenre
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Wrong Sister
Decided to try my luckI've read stories on this website and others and being a failure at the dating game, decided to test my chances. Not sure if luck would follow me, I (33) started looking for woman who were down and out and living rough. First problem there were none, our community isn't big enough. Only a small city and authorities keep the street clear of the down and outs. So, I would look for women having a hard time financially, there were some not many and none suited me. Finally realizing I was being too s...reading time 3 mingenre
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Totally Satisfied
Afterwards,,,What is the worst part of being bound and gagged for hours on end? well that is hard to say, there are many hard, painful parts to enduring that type of restraint, but I can tell you one that I experienced just last night, it was escaping! That is to say actually getting myself loose after hours of lonely, painful struggling, that moment when I am able to finally free my hands and get that excruciating surge of blood and feeling slowly return to my hands and fingers and actually scream and groa...reading time 3 mingenre
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Playing around with SisI live with my sister Janice 25 and neither of us dated much at all. So during the Christmas holiday we started mucking about and ended up fucking. Neither of us are anything special in looks or build, but we have always been very close and got closer. After the holidays I couldn't think of dating anyone and was only interested in Janice, she likewise only wanted to be with me. We started sharing the same bed every night and finally made a mistake and Janice got pregnant. That didn't dampen our ...reading time 1 mingenre
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The Old Gloomy HouseI had gotten divorced and had move to a dead-end street, which had an old-style house at the end of the street looked like Addam's house. I thought it was vacant, but it wasn't it had parcels, milk and mail being delivered regularly. Intrigued I decided to introduce myself to the owners. I was then 31 no children my ex-husband wasn't ready for children t the time we married and after 4 years we divorced. I rang the doorbell and a man in his thirties answered, and I was invited in and sat and tal...reading time 1 mingenre
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Happily Married again.
Roommates I was sitting on the couch feeling a bit horny. I wasn’t thinking at all about the fact that my roommate was also on the couch. I turned on a threesome porn video and shoved my hand down my pants. Boy did my pussy feel amazing with each stroke of my fingers as the hot scene in front me opened further. All of a sudden I turned my head. My roommate was doing the same thing. She was going to town on her pussy while watching porn. She was unaware of my activity. I wouldn’t really consider myself les...reading time 3 mingenre
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Strange WomanI'm single and had bought a house on the edge of town, it came with 4 acres of land. I'd no animals and just wanted some space around me. Then one day a Sunday I noticed a mature woman walking about my property, I went to enquire who she was and what she wanted. As I approached a car pulled up on the dirt road near mu boundary and a younger woman got out and started calling to the mature woman. I arrived near the women who were then together, the younger woman said sorry for her mother wandering...reading time 3 mingenre
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A Happy Husband
The Poker GameI 30 played cards (poker) once a month with friends a friendly game and one of them won quite a bit and got a swollen head a result. Thinking he was a natural poker player, soon our game was too lame, for him and he stopped playing with and then join a poker contest. Done okay at the start and that made his head swelled even more. Finally, he sold his house, car anything else he had of value and promptly lost everything. Being a shallow person, he took the easy was out and jumped off a cliff. Le...reading time 1 mingenre
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Average Player
Finally MarriedWhen I was growing up, I had a girlfriend, and we were together like we were joined at the hip. I had to go into the marines as it was a family tradition and I followed tradition. Done the required 2 hitches and returned home. A surprise awaited me, my girlfriend was there to meet as usual and had our son in her arms. We had gotten careless during my leave before deployment. She hadn't told me as she didn't want to distract me while I was deployed. So, I was very surprised to have a son, my girl...reading time 1 mingenre
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Returned Marine
I read about fucking Mature women and decided to give them a try. I like to read sex stories and get ideas to try in my sexual relationships, 31 (at the time) unattached by choice and doing well career and in casual relationships. I was getting bored with my usual female pickups and wanted something new to spice everything up, so the idea of bedding a mature woman seemed to be the thing to do. Problem, I knew no mature women well enough at the time and the ones I knew weren't appealing to me sexually either. But I did see mature women that were during my work...reading time 3 mingenre
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A Horny Guy
First timeWas a short boy and very into crossdressing. For a few short years, my step-sister who was older and I were about the same size. It was wrong to do without her permission, but I loved wearing her skirts and panties and did so any chance I could secretly. I didn't want anyone knowing I preferred wearing girl's clothes, and was too afraid to ask for some of my own. My favorite times were the days she had practice and was gone for a few hours. I had her clothes all to myself and could dress up com...reading time 5 mingenre
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Caring for Mr Evans VI looked down at him smiling telling him he was the greatest lover I had ever been with. Baby, I haven’t even been inside you yet. I laughed and told him I have only been with one other person and that was my ex… You are such a brat…then I told him I had never had my pussy ate before. He shook his head sat up against the pillows lifted me up and sat me on his lap. I was sitting on top of his shaft and my pussy lips, scooting my hips back and forth then felt his shaft getting harder. He was pla...reading time 5 mingenre
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Beth R
The ProposalI'm now 32 married and very happy with my acceptance of the proposal. Back in 2018 I was down on my luck and unemployed, no real skills to speak of. My only asset as it turned out was, I was fairly handsome. But employers weren't interested in my looks, and I struggled to get by. Enter my now wife, a plain looking woman of 27 at the time with average figure. But she was rich and somewhat reclusive, not into partying and not wanting to get into the spotlight at all. She had always dreamed of fami...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Hubby
I do as toldI'm Oliver 21 never a good student I left after high school and work on the family farm. As the youngest of 3, I'm quite shy as my mother puts it. My older brother Patrick calls me retarded, but that because I don't chase girls like he does. Anyway one day he thought we were alone and started his usual crap and got caught by our grandma Emma 61 widow and she let him have it. Emma is a slender and short at 5'3" and nobody in the family wants to get her angry with them. Anyway Emma had come lookin...reading time 5 mingenre
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Oliver Mc
Small Town Girl and Her Dog I live alone in a small town, about 500 people. The house I rent is small and rustic with a fenced in yard for the dogs to run around in. Callie is my 4 year old black lab and Rusty is my 2 year old stud chocolate lab. I’ve always wanted to raise puppies but they haven’t had any success since Callie snaps at Rusty when he mounts her. I’ve tried helping but Rusty gets distracted by me. One day I saw Rusty getting frustrated, so I decided to bring him in the house and into my bedroom. I got comp...reading time 3 mingenre
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S. J.
Vera's dark secret #4Hi readers, NO comments from you on a site that will exhibit my videos for your viewing pleasure. I finally found a site that would take them but they wanted paid for accepting the videos and also charged those who wanted to view them, so of course I declined them. Our planned sex party with my sister has been postponed as she started her period early, she was very disappointed as she stated it is perfect group 3 Hot women and 3 hot Males. Jill will be paired with John, I with the Dane and Lisa...reading time 3 mingenre
First times
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Breeding the familyI decided before finishing university to build my career than find a wife and have children. I expected I would progress quickly in my career and would be married and starting a family by the time I was 33. But it was wishful thinking as my career was going very well, but not as quickly as I had thought it would. I finally got to the level I had set myself just before my 36th birthday. Now I was ready to find a wife and another problem I hadn't thought of. Availability of women for me to marry, ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Planned Life
All Thanks to the Coronavirus updateMy sister Kimberly moved in with me when coronavirus started, she later asked me to father her child as her body clock was ticking. I agreed and we had our son Gregory and our family believes she had I V F and I asked her about more children and she said she would think it over. Also our parents asked her to help find me a wife and she said she would try. Try she did, her friend Kathy 34 (Katherine) single and quite shy especially around men. Kimberly got us together several times and Kimberly h...reading time 1 mingenre
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Old Gal Next doorLong story short, I 'm David 25 live at home with my parents who went away to visit my sister and her new baby. So I was alone and really bored as the lockdown came into force and my parents were still at my sister's place and unable to return. No worries as they are both retired and staying with their 2 grandchildren was great for them. I just watch T V and played computer games and that became boring as well. I watered the garden and while doing that I saw Ruth 67 widow our neighbor and she wa...reading time 3 mingenre
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David Y
Made it HappenAfter years and years of being used and abused, I was determined to get a better life. I'm Mary 35 now married and pregnant, I didn't finish school and worked low paid jobs and was used by men. My only escape was reading books, as they are cheap and thru reading books. I read that women in early times married not for love but security. Marriages were arranged and from what I've read the women were better off mostly. Even if there wasn't any love the marriage. Marrying older men who were rich or ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Mary is satisfied
Now I know why my wife pussy is so stretched out It's Friday night and I'm supposed to be working out of town but I'm at home in the attic waiting on my wife to get home she thinks I'm of town working for the weekend instead I'm hiding out in my attic to confirm that my wife has been fucking someone else or she is doing something or has one big dildo because her pussy looks beat up ,she just got home when she comes in I could hear someone talking to her as they walk in after the door is closed I recognize that the other person's voice was a ma...reading time 3 mingenre
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I joined a protestI'm a chancer my late grandfather used to call, always pushing the limits. Anyway, I was on my way to get my groceries and came across a protest. Not interested at all until I saw a beautiful girl among the protesters. Now interested, not in what they were protesting about, but the girl so me being me joined the protest. Just to get to know the girl, I was 27 at the time and she was 20. Anyway, if she was paying full attention to my actions, she would've realized why I'd joined them. I went alon...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny Fake Protestor
Grandmother's LoveI'm Donald 22 and live with my only living relative Rhonda 60 widow. Both my mother Heather and father Richard along with his parents died in a car accident 4 years ago. Being an only child Heather had married Richard also an only child and when they died only Rhonda was still alive on either sides of our family. I'm not the greatest when it comes to having relationships, I do get lucky sometimes. Rhonda keeps telling me she loves me dearly and during the last lockdown, I asked her to sleep with...reading time 1 mingenre
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Donald T
Sleeping with TeacherI'm Norman 39 widower and have a 11-year-old daughter, while attending a student teacher night I met Elizabeth 32 single and my daughter's favorite teacher. My daughter was doing great and no problems with her schooling. I myself was attracted to Elizabeth and gave her my card for her to contact me if any problems came up. I was called a week or so later as my daughter had taken ill and so I went to see my daughter and met Elizabeth again. While waiting for the doctors to finish with my daughter...reading time 1 mingenre
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