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My Sister Jane took my Car without asking.I lived alone until my sister Jane 23 moved in with me in November last year. I'm Frank 28 (short for Franklin) single and have my home. I make good money and when Jane lost her job due to her employer closing down due the pandemic. She moved in with me, we're like chalk and cheese. She likes to party I don't, anyway everything was okay and then in March Jane borrowed my car without asking and had an accident with it. No other vehicle was involved, she failed to apply the handbrake on a small in...reading time 3 mingenre
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Frank T
Inherited I'm Jacob 47, 2 grown children who have their own lives now and don't visit me very often. My ex wife has remarried and is happy as far as I know and I was getting along quietly with my life. Then a uncle died, I had heard of him never met the man. Uncle David was a bit weird I had been told by my late mother his sister. But I was told I was the only one left in his will, he had no children of his own. I inherited 701 acres of land and several businesses as well and as well stocks, bonds and cas...reading time 4 mingenre
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Told to Marry or get cut of the family fortune I was very use to living the high life and didn't relish actually having to work a living. You might have already I don't work a living and like to enjoy myself than work. So, I was suddenly very interested in finding a wife. Not so easy, she would've to be acceptable to the family also. At 35 I was a catch the papers always inferred, but surprise no acceptable women gave me a second look. My reputation saw to that, so I had to look further afield and while holidaying at fine hotel. I saw the m...reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy married man
My wife confessed about Mr Jones and his friends After weeks of me knowing about my wife fucking our black neighbors she finally confessed that she had been fucking our black neighbors for 2 years while I was at work at least 3 times a week every week and I admitted that I knew about it for the past few months and that I didn't think it had been 2 years now. I told her that if she was going to keep it up she was going to have to let them film the action for me to see how they bang her pussy out, I asked her how many black men she had already b...reading time 1 mingenre
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Compound CAfter many years of private research, I finally cracked it as the saying goes. I'll call it Compound C, using mind controlling substances. I made a powerful compound that allows me to program the brain of people, once ingested they become acceptable to programing. I don't bother trying to correct their flaws or anything so mundane as that. I've always been moderately well off and worked on my private research in my own time. Using magic mushrooms and other substances known for mind altering prop...reading time 3 mingenre
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Compounded Nerd
The Nosey NeighborFor a long time now we lived beside Amanda 56 divorced, widowed or single I don't know or care. She's a know it all type and tries to push everyone around. I no angel myself, but at least I wait my turn. Then in June I was home on holidays, not planned by me. But my employer was upgrading the machinery and I was sent on a weeks leave, till it was installed and I would then be trained on the new machines. Not much money to go anywhere, so I stayed home. Nobody in our house is home usually during ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Andrew U
Mother and son trapped in the carIt was a snowy night, my mom and I had just moved into a new apartment building and we were heading to a friend of my mom's house when we both felt a hard thump in the road! Thump!! "Ah shit, just great, we crash during the biggest snowstorm of the year!" My mom sighed then looked pleadingly at me. " Mikey, sweetie do you mind looking to see how bad the damage is? " I nodded my head and stepped out into the blizzard, the snow whipped against my face as I looked at the extensive ...reading time 5 mingenre
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My Sister I'm George now 24, when I was 18 I had move in with Sister Linda then 26. My Father had left our Mother when I was 3 and Linda was 11 and Grant was 7. We never saw or heard from him after that. My Mother died after complications after surgery and I moved in with Linda. Linda worked in a Lawyers office as a receptionist. Grant was in the Navy and overseas, I had started a trade course to become a plumber, Linda lived by herself and didn't go out much. She had always been a bit of a reclusive type...reading time 3 mingenre
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Mmm Anal AgainSo I went to the shop for my Uncle and I. He knows I don't eat enough but the upside I got that S curve,ladies would kill for! But anyway he is like can ya eat your sandwich,so I do. He went on the phone,I was watching TV then had my bath. I could see him watching me as usual. I got out of the bath,put on my shorts and pj top lol suddenly he was like to whomever he was talking hey ya I am about to bed,so call ya tomorrow. Suddenly he slid up beside me as usual,we had a chat about our "relationsh...reading time 1 mingenre
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My Wet Fantasies My back hurt like a bitch! Being mother of twins of age only five months led to a lot of milk production in my breasts. The were heavy and almost impossible to be fit inside my D cup bra. Even after feeding the kids, I didn't feel satisfied. I hated using hue pump so, just threw it away when my bestie had gifted it to me. My husband came an hour later and was watching a movie with me "fifty shades" to be precise, I could see how turned on he was by the bulge in his pants and his hand rubb...reading time 3 mingenre
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Emma Pierce
My Grandma Trained MeIn 2020 during the lockdown I stayed with my grandma Maureen 56 divorced (my mother's mother). I'm Ross 22, I was at the local university and it was closed down and instead of heading home. It was decided I stay with Maureen, to keep her company and be close when the university reopened. She lives in an 2 bedroom apartment and worked in the travel industry, which also closed down. So both were together in the apartment all the time, Maureen is outgoing type person and I'm the complete opposite q...reading time 3 mingenre
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Ross Grandma's toy
My 3 WivesI'm John now 75 retired and have 9 children 14 grandchildren and 2 wives. I had 3 but sadly one passed away from cancer 5 years ago. All my wives knew about the others and we even holidayed together. When I was single and my work had me travel I met a girl and started dating her in 3 different states. Then one got pregnant, all got pregnant around the same time. I was honest and asked each what they wanted and they each wanted me to marry them. All knowing about the others at the time and so aft...reading time 1 mingenre
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Retired John
I'm a Dildo's ReplacementI've never been a great Ladie's man and paid for most of the sex I've had but had to also masturbate myself. Anyway, to help get myself off I started peeping on my female neighbors. Not that they were anything special, but they were women and sitting in my bedroom in the dark with my telescope I just to see them naked. Of course, I had my favorite women I watched the most the younger better-looking ones. Then an older neighbor moved into a retirement home or something similar and a middle-aged w...reading time 3 mingenre
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It started by accidentRecently divorced and starting over again as single woman at 52. My ex wanted his freedom (his words) to grow. Our 3 children were making their own lives and starting their families. I'd bought a cottage (2bedroom) downsized to suit my new lifestyle and had gotten a large dog "Buddy" (a giveaway) I saw in the local newspaper. Mainly for companionship and security reasons also. At first, he slept in the laundry and a month later he was sleeping in my bedroom. I applied creams to my face to reduce...reading time 3 mingenre
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Willing Divorcee
First a new job, then married I've been a loner most of my life and didn't mix with other people, I just didn't want too in the reason I suppose. Done well and got a great career and moved up the ladder fairly quickly. I finally made they say when I got promoted and got a PA, my PA was 54 unattached was all I knew. Anyway, I had to travel a fair amount in my new job and my PA was always with me. I used to get a massage most week even when I was away, at home I got them at my apartment. When I was away in my hotel room, my P...reading time 3 mingenre
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Massage Lover
Boring FamilyMy family and I aren't anything special to look at and we're quite boring as we've no special talents and exciting things we've done to talk about. We also didn't have an exciting social life either, so while watching porn and saw brother and sister fucking, I decide to ask my sister if she was willing to let me fuck her. She was shocked at first and said no and I left it at that. Later on, she asked me to show the porn I had mentioned, I did. She then said OKAY I'm game and we had sex, and we w...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny Brother
My boss asked me to provide SexI wasn't in any relationship and had been engaged, but it fell apart. So, at 31 and living alone, my boss decided I would be perfect. My boss I call Marion 51 widowed, had a son who I'll call David 33 single and she wanted me to seduce him and make him a man. I was shocked at first and all I could think to ask why me. She said she believed she could trust me to do the right thing by her son and her. I said you could hire a hooker, or a therapist and she said she wanted him to believe it was beca...reading time 3 mingenre
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Breeder Wife
My older friend's foot fetish with me, Tyler, Andre, and Jacob. I was super stoked about my friends coming over to the house today. My friends are Tyler, Andre, and Jacob. None of them drive or have licenses so my older friend has to pick them up. We arrived early, Andre's uncle dropped him off. He lives with his uncle and his uncle is kind of control freak. He was wearing Air Jordans without socks. His uncle drops him off, yells at Andre that his feet stink, and starts violently peeling out, backs into a plastic garbage can backing over it, then leaves. And...reading time 6 mingenre
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The Fox
Happy I caught outI was having sex with three girls on a regular basis, not all at the same time. But as they say all your chickens come home to roost. Mine did when 1 of my girlfriends wanted me to accompany her to her cousins wedding. I agreed and at the wedding were the other girls I was also fucking, caught red handed. But none put on a scene at the wedding, that was for later. Luckily for me they were cousins and had always got on very well together, 2 of them weren't looking for marriage at the time and I w...reading time 1 mingenre
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Horny Guy........
I found out her SecretRecently divorced and restarting my life, still very well off financially, as we both have careers and so made a 50/50 split. No alimony, no children so no child support, I moved away so restart my life. Once settled in my new apartment and job, I started looking at dating again and soon was enjoying myself. But in the offices, I worked, I was attracted to the office manager 48 single and not in a relationship. She is a stunner in looks and body and even those she is 7 years older than me, I was...reading time 3 mingenre
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Strong Friend
ZoomingI'm 18 years old. And I've been acting out dude to the people I hung out with, but my parents sent me to a camp on a farm. But when I got there I realized it was just for me. I was sent to take care of this Clydesdale horse. It was so big and massive. The farmer told me that he's never gotten along with anyone who came to take care of him, and he was hoping that I could change that. I remember walking in, since it was my last stalker to clean for the night, while everyone was sleeping. I was ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Divorced MotherThe divorce between my parents broke my mother Rebecca 38 and I picked up the pieces. I'm Christopher 20 only child of Rebecca and Stanley, my father has always been an arsehole and treated Rebecca badly. But she was raised to think marriage was for the life of the couple and so she put up with his shit. But Stanley decided he wanted out and started the divorce and dropping it on her without any warning, telling he was fed up wasting his life with her. The divorce went fairly quickly as Rebecca ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Christopher 123
Finally Married I've never been great with the ladies but have had my moments also. With all my friend married I was the only single guy and started to feel awkward being the sole single male at events and started to avoid those events. But I still saw my friends, but not at events. Using my job as a cover, self-employed and would say an urgent job came up and I had to do it or something similar. This worked mostly at first but less and less and then no invitations were given as I never came. But my closest fr...reading time 3 mingenre
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Thankful Friend
The VisitLong story short, I'm Andrew 29 widower and have girl Rachel 5, my wife Mary then 23 died two years ago of a heart attack brought on my a allergic reaction to a vaccine. She had similar vaccines before and didn't have any reactions. I had to finish a contract overseas and returned 2 months ago. I took Rachel to visit her Grandmother Betty 41 widow, her husband Barry then 57 had died 9 years earlier of a stroke. She had married at 16 and pregnant to Barry. Betty and Barry only had Mary no other c...reading time 3 mingenre
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My NeighborsI'm 38 divorced 2 children who live with their mother and visit me very rarely. I live in my own house and keep to myself mostly. I moved here early last year and had no plans to date for the foreseeable future. I'm on a corner and have the local store behind my house and a house with 2 ladies next door. Not at home much in the first month due to work and finalizing everything. I didn't have any contact with the neighbors at first, but finally met one of them at the store. She introduced herself...reading time 3 mingenre
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Sisters Lovers.....
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