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The Bastard "Hey, sis," I said, walking in the door into her house. "How are you?" I pondered, putting my bags down. "I'm good, sis, now give me a hug," she added, before hugging me. "Damn, Alexis, you two are in your forties now, and you still call each other 'sis'?" Louie asked, coming towards us. "Yes," she answered, turning to him. "It's not our fault you're an only child and can't understand why we call each other that, but we do, so deal with it." "Alexis, I didn't say I had a problem; it was just... reading time 44 mingenreStraightwritten on
kornslayer1Love Is? - Chapter OneChapter One: Happiness Is? What is happiness? That’s the million-dollar, scratch that, billion-dollar, no, trillion-dollar question. According to the online dictionary, happiness is simply, “the state of being happy”, but that could be considered quite a vague definition to some. For some, happiness is dragging your ass out of bed in the God-awful early hours of the morning and for others it’s getting to sleep in during those said God-awful early hours. For others, happiness is putting in a... reading time 17 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Alita AngelStella gets pleasures againOne evening after locking the vet door Rus called me to the kennels. I yelled for him to make it quick that Bella was bitching up a storm wanting to get fucked. I walked in the kennel room and didn't see Rus. I looked in the very back and saw him inside a kennel with one of the new dogs. He was in with King. King is a mastiff and he was huge. He was 170 pounds and easily 4 foot at the shoulder. King was here in our vet to get snipped. As my eyes adjusted I saw Russ stroking King's massive... reading time 9 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
MisterKayRestraining my boyfriend for the first time.“Are any of these too tight?” I question my boyfriend, Kevin, while adjusting the final restraint cuff around his left wrist. Kevin gives an experimental tug on all four restraints — wrists and ankles. “Nope, feels good,” he responds, breathlessly. He and I are both naked and as I tightened the cuffs, his erection grew to where it’s now standing straight at attention, begging for me to climb aboard. I give him a sweet smile as I slip a blindfold over his eyes and around the back of his head. “I ... reading time 8 mingenre
Bondagewritten on
Trish MaineThe Happiest of EndingsI had all the supplies to set the scene — the candles, the soft jazz, the sandalwood scented massage oil he likes. I couldn’t wait to see him, my favorite client. The one who makes me laugh, the one who tips the most, the one who makes me feel good about myself just because of the way he looks at me. The one who makes me want to rip off my clothes when he’s on my table. The one who makes me want to climb on top of him and ride his cock until we both blissfully release the sexual tension that has... reading time 10 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
Nora WilsonNaked in the ForestI raise my hands and place them against a branch just above my head. Kevin is quick in tying them to the wood. We’ve been playing with bondage for months, and I know I can trust him. I know his knots are safe. I know he’s chosen this place after thorough research. When my hands are tied to the branch, he unbuttons my black skirt and lets it fall to the ground. That’s the first push to my excitement. I’ve come commando, as per Kevin’s instructions. Only a black t-shirt remains to cover my hardeni... reading time 9 mingenre
Bondagewritten on
Trish MaineChurch camp counselor at the alterThat night after dinner was served the teens were brought into the chapel for services. I sat on the front pew and stared at Brother Steven who preached. Now of course I couldn't tell what he preached about because my mind was on sweet, innocent, drop-dead sexy Misty. I was brought out of my day dream when the piano started playing as the alter call started. A few teens came and knelt at the alter I went to one boy. Ryan was a jock. A total meat-head. He was as arrogant as they came. Wh... reading time 13 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
MisterKayFallen MotherNOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Good day beloved reader, a few things before we begin: Firstly , this is my first ever story I have ever published when it comes to porn, as such I am seeking , any input you may have on my work. Don't hesitate to inform me on what you liked / didn't liked , what you think I could improve on and especially what you'd like to see next , so long as it falls within what I can write of course. Secondly , this story has some very dark and mature themes even for a porn , that ... reading time 177 mingenre
Witnesswritten on
ForTheCeasarThe fuck collectorWhy do I keep doing this to myself? I always get myself in trouble with debts and anything involving money. "I am going to fucking tear you into pieces, you little asshole!" Fred screams at me from behind me while chasing me. I owe him money. Lots and lots of money. It's not what you think. You see... I am addicted to interracial porn. No, I have no interest in actually seeing a black man fuck a white woman. I actually don't like black people. I am a member of a local right-wing party and I. ... reading time 7 mingenre
Straightwritten on
YeahBoy666The BossWhen my husband returned from one of his so-called seminars, which allowed him to slip away from home for three days, he told me that he had invited his manager to lunch on Sunday at noon. He was hoping for a promotion, but it depended a lot, he thought, on the welcome we were going to give him. Of course it turned into an argument. - You ignore me, my aspirations, I always have to give in to your wishes, I'm getting fed up! I got carried away. - Yes, but this is for a good cause, you wanted to... reading time 25 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
TrixieGoing fishingMonday my son Jason called and asked if his father and I wanted to go fishing this weekend. Of course his father didn't want to go. He was to busy sitting on the couch getting fat. I was more than ready for a get away and said yes. Nine o'clock Thursday morning Jason showed up and off we went. Jason rented a nice two bedroom cabin not far off the river. We had a wonderful day fishing just the two of us. As we set talking Thursday evening I got complaining to Jason about his father and ... reading time 8 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Mindy Forbidden IslandForbidden Island an erotic novel by Eric Shon PROLOGUE Light from the setting sun glinted off the rim of the glass, the fine white wine within it running its legs down the bowl and back into the pool of white gold. The man holding the glass by its delicate stem between two fingers gazed from the veranda of his spacious home at the waves rushing up on the beach in an insistent whisper a mere hundred yards or so away, the warm December ocean breeze teasing the grey-flecked hairs at his tem... reading time 197 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Eric ShonIndoctrination - Chapter 11------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this stor... reading time 32 mingenre
Bondagewritten on
Night Owl The only male in the family Pt 3Mum said we only had a short time to get ready for our trip so I went into my room and got some boxers and T-shirts and socks. Mum how many pairs of jeans should I take I shouted? Take two and a couple of sweatshirts. I don't know how long we will be at Di's. I picked up my stuff and went into mum's room. She was naked and was laying out some underwear I had never seen before. She had 5 sets in nice bright colours. All see-through lace. Billy we will need to shower together because we haven't g... reading time 25 mingenre
Incestwritten on
GaynorBlueChurch Camp Counselor gives SexEd sessionI was feeling quite confident in my calculated risks with Misty. So far she has been worth everything. When the teens were given free time. I hung with the other counselors made small talk and made adjustments to the activities due to weather changing. Brother Steven (the man in charge) asked about Misty. I assured him that she was doing OK, not too comfortable around the other teens and was not able to follow any complicated instructions but she was good at following the simple instructio... reading time 10 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
MisterKayThe Maid/ housekeeper Diary (1) Part 1 Kitchen SexPart 1 Kitchen Sex By Dina Petro Writer’s Note: I am writing about some of my experiences on a lovely job I was doing, housekeeper or cleaning girl, working by the hour through a services office. The stories will be in series but not necessarily connected or on the same subject, but all of the same manner, each time will be a different story about a different live experience. I was in the kitchen, preparing the dinner for the boss, the house owner, who was a nice man of late forties or early f... reading time 9 mingenre
First timeswritten on
Dina PetroThe Maid/ housekeeper Diary (2) Part 2 cleaning nudePart 2 cleaning nude By Dina Petro Writer’s Note: I am writing about some of my experiences on a lovely job I was doing, housekeeper or cleaning girl, working by the hour through a services office. The stories will be in series but not necessarily connected or on the same subject, but all the same manner, each time will be a different story about a different live experience. PART TWO I had a call from the cleaning office to visit a client’s house, he requested some house cleaning, I was given... reading time 10 mingenre
First timeswritten on
Dina PetroIndoctrination - Chapter 12------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this stor... reading time 40 mingenre
Bondagewritten on
Night OwlAaron Loves To Watch 1/2I slipped into it and peeked at her lying on the bed. "Are you ready for me, Rachel?" I pondered, strolling towards her. "Yes, Evette, now get on the bed and make love to me. I'm pretty sure the dildo is plenty lubed up now, so don't tease me." I slowly got onto the bed with her and lay right on top of her. "I love you, Rachel," I whispered before I kissed her and placed my hands on her thighs. "I told you not to tease me," she reminded me before her palms found their way onto my butt. "You a... reading time 16 mingenre
Bisexualwritten on
kornslayer1Church Camp Counselor Gives In Order To ReceiveAt bunk checks I went to Misty's bunk. She was laying on her side. Her long red hair was still wet from her shower. The smell of her sweet hair and body wash along with the thoughts of fucking her again tonight made my cock hard. I positioned my body to shield my hand as I slid it under the blanket and grabbed her heavy tittie. She was on her side and her titties had been pushed up. The spaghetti strap top was not holding them in. I whispered "meet me at the wooden shed near the river when ... reading time 8 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
MisterKayAnother nephew's wifeOne of my nephew and wife had some personal problems. They are staying about four kms away from my home. He was 32 and she 24.As the eldest uncle I had counseled them.During counseling I took an impartial stand.But she mistook that I was against her. So after that she was not talking one day before noon,I visited their place to meet my sister. Nephew had gone for work and the sister had gone to see the doctor. Both will be back only late evening. Nephew's wife was all alone at house. Sin... reading time 8 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Kunjumohamed Basement sex with RocketMy name is Sarah. This is the story of the first time I had sex with a dog. I was down in the basement doing laundry, my brother was at some party and we hadnt seen my mom in a month. Usually the only company I had at the house was my dog. His name is Rocket and he is a blood hound. He is a pretty big dog, and I will be honest with you, I am a short girl. Well on this day I knew I was alone and I didnt feel like wearing clothes, plus I was in the basement so who cares right? So I slowly pu... reading time 5 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
Raven NightshadeMy cousin is with a guyMy cousin Carolina has a boyfriend now. She told me we can't screw around anymore. I was sad. Alexandra and Gloria were worried for me and tried to make me feel better by trying to convince me to fuck but I wasn't in the mood. I loved Carolina. Which was gross and we crossed the line by fucking a long time ago but I developed strong emotions for her. I was down and I got home one day and Gloria was in my room, wearing slutty clothes and told me to not worry about Carolina and i should focus on h... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
CousinfuckThe old farmerI looked at myself in the large bathroom mirror. I was naked, the mirror sent back to me the image of a young woman of twenty-seven, with fairly long brown-blond hair, blue-green eyes, a small, thin, slightly trumpet-shaped nose, a slim body, measuring one meter sixty-eight, with breasts neither too big nor too small, with well-marked areolas and slightly prominent nipples. I like to wear sexy lace underwear, black half-moon bra, leaving my breasts free of any hindrance, black stockings and gart... reading time 26 mingenre
Cheatingwritten on
TrixieWonder poleLooking up from my knees, I smiled deviously at my little brother Kade as I slowly milked the last drops of his yummy nectar from his hard prick as he smiled down at me. I'm 5'5" chubby with a set of fat 38F tits and big fat 50" ass. Two things that Kade loves to lick and suck on and I am more than willing to let him. I wasn't his first piece of ass. But, I will be his last. There are eight years between Kade and me. I'm thirty and he is twenty-two. My best friend had the hots for Kade... reading time 9 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Janice Joe