Erotic stories of Jippjo-39

Profile page of Jippjo-39. . All of his stories for adults. The statistics and survey all its erotic stories online.

Jippjo-39 wrote 44 erotic stories which have been read 269.7K times

Piece of White Pussy!Wow! Wow! Wow! Growing up in small town USA allows one to be more creative, when it comes to Sex and Fucking. As Americans, we want shit that is forbidden, shit that we should not have, but for some unknown shitty reason or reasons, we can’t keep our hands out of the cookie jar. I believe at one point I was addicted to fucking, not addicted to sex, but addicted to the act. At this point in my life, I’m truly lucky to still be alive. My Dick should have a star on the famous Hollywood walk of fam... reading time 4 mingenre
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Me or the Dog!Life can really fuck your mind up if you’re not careful. When it comes to sex our mind goes into overdrive, and we make bad decisions, especially when that person is young, dumb, and stupid. I was that person. From the time I was twelve yrs old, sex dominated my life. Any kind of sex act would immediately send me into a state of euphoria. It didn’t matter if I saw two dogs fucking, the sex act totally consumed me. It’s like I was having outta body experience. Every time I witnessed animals fuc... reading time 2 mingenre
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Pervert vs Good Morals!Ok, Ok, let’s all be real, are we all fucked up in some type of manner. This site has a huge following and a good representation of our country’s mindset. Does having a hardy sexual appetite makes one a pervert. What are good morals? I don’t fucking know. I was born and raised in the church and tried really hard to follow the gospel. I’m a really good guy and 99.9% of the people I know, enjoys being around me. I like Sigmund Freud’s Theory of sexual evolution, but I never recall wanting to fuck... reading time 3 mingenre
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Be Safe!This Coronavirus has caught us all by surprise and I know I’m suffering from Cabin Fever. My sexual appetite seems to have increased, but my participation has definitely decreased. Before the pandemic; I was a risk taker by not turning down a good piece of pussy. Unprotected sex has always been a risky business, but the Coronavirus is no ffucking joke. To be honest, I’m frighten to the core about meeting someone new. I work in a hospital, so I gotta practice safe social distancing. I love gett... reading time 2 mingenre
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I’m not GayIt’s been awhile since I last posted a story, but I’ve been reading lots of the fantastic stories that have been submitted . Sometimes I question my morality because is sin. Living a well balanced life is my truth, but there’s a big contradiction in how I live. I want to live by positive morals, but when it comes to sex; I loose it. I dream about a C-food diet, eating all the pussy I see. Is there anything as a sexy addiction. Why did God invent a pussy because I’ve never seen a pussy I wouldn... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Mother’s Day Happy Mother’s Day to all mothers around the world. I truly believe I had one of the best mother’s created by God. I’m blessed to have had her until she died at 78 yrs. old, but my mother like most mothers loved sex, I assume. There were 14 sibling crammed in a two bedroom home. My day (a good man) was relentless in fucking my mom, now some of you might think I’m getting a little too personal. This post is my way of honoring my mom and other moms who believe in humor. My mom and dad made no sec... reading time 4 mingenre
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The Truth Hurts!Yes, I will admit that the “Truth Hurts,” and that’s because we’re in so much denial about out guilty pleasures. Women fucking women or men fucking men is something we sweep under the table, but everyone knows the truth. Homosexuality has been around since the Caveman roamed the Earth. Sex or just the thought of sex has completely warped my mind. I can be driving down the Blvd and see two animals engaged in a sex act, I’m going to stop and get a ringside seat. My mind is steeped with imaginary ... reading time 5 mingenre
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Cameltoe!🐪Wow! One thing about the Coronavirus and isolation, it allows the mine to resurrect old feelings. Cameltoe is a true story about my first time fucking a white woman. To me, pussy is pussy, although I am a little prejudice about whom I’m fucking. What I mean is that the bitch has to be attractive and got something going for herself. I’m not into fucking broke bitches, ugly bitches, or bitches who’s strung out on drugs. Lets me be clear, I’m not a pimp, and I think I possess high morals. Fucking... reading time 4 mingenre
First times
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Big Dick-Big ProblemsWhen reading this story, I want all of us to imagine how easy it is to get into trouble. Troubles has a way of following us and to a certain extent, try’s to control us. This story is about my big dick and the troubles it has caused me over the years. My story is no different from any other man with a big dick, but I’ve lost control. People are obsessed with a “Rock Hard” big dick. In fact, there’s no place in society that recognizes a small dick. All woman prefer a Gig Dick, homosexual men pre... reading time 3 mingenre
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Battle of Two HeadsWow! This story is directed toward men, but I believe women will get a horny wet pussy after reading it contents. I’m not a professional writer or storyteller. All the stories I’ve submitted thus far, has been a documentary of my life. They are meant to make one laugh and think at the same time. The Coronavirus has altered my way of thinking in a positive sense. Post Coronavirus, my little head (Max) got me into a massive amount of trouble. Max could not think, see, smell, or figure out complic... reading time 3 mingenre
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Pussywhipped!When I was in my early teens, life was a breeze. Living at home with my parents were the best of times, because I was worry free. The fact that I could eat for free, sleep as much as I wanted was like living in a fairy tale. Life could not have gotten any better and I was in no rust to leave the trusted arms of my parents. There were no internet or cellphones during this time, and my mind was that of a teenager. If someone would’ve mentioned the word sex; I would not have had a clue to what the... reading time 3 mingenre
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Big Dick Stuck in my Little Ass Hole😮I am not gay or homosexual, and I’m certainly not homophobic, but I do like a hard dick up my ass from time to time. I know whatcha thinking, but I’m not in denial. You can like dick (up your ass) and still not be homosexual, at least that how I sees it. When I was in high school, there was this homosexual dude who always came on to me. I tried to ignore him as much as I could, but this dude was persistent and would not give up, so I gave in. One day he convinced me to follow him into the athle... reading time 4 mingenre
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Why is Sex so Fucking Powerful?My innocence could not contain the devious and derelict thoughts I had as a child. I often wondered why the thought of sex consumed me as I maneuvered through the stages of life. To be honest, sex fucked me up both mentally and physically. Even now, I want to fuck 99.9% of every bitch I see. It doesn’t matter what her background entails; I just wanna fuck something. Getting my dick sucked is equivalent to dining in a five star (⭐️) restaurant and commanding their best sirloin stake. Riding ar... reading time 3 mingenre
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It’s funnyIt funny how we are all exploited to a certain degree due to our humanistic needs. Writing about my sexual exploits allowed me to see the big picture. My morals are shared with those who chooses to read my post. My posts are true stories and I laugh at some of the stories I’ve read, telling myself “no way.” Knowing all the fucked up things I’ve done, gives me great pleasure knowing there’s people on this Earth who’s just as fucked up as I am. I say this without being judgmental, because my fucke... reading time 1 mingenre
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Getting my dick sucked for the first time.It all started my freshmen year in college, being an athlete on campus spoiled me. Getting everything free was a gift from heaved, not even three months out of high school, my life changed. In college you either grow up or be stomped on. I knew my first week on campus that I had to moved fast or I would be lift behind. College will either make you a man or make you out to be a pussy. Initially, I tried the buck the system and toot my own horn. Was I in for a surprise. Before ever taking one st... reading time 4 mingenre
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Tricked into Sex by an Older Crazy as Bitch!The Coronavirus caused me to write this story. To all the readers; I must admit that this crisis we are facing has given me plenty time to think about all the fucked-up things I’ve done in my life. This crisis has also made be think about dating, keeping myself safe, and respecting the space of others. I’m taking it serious! This story is about the misadventures of a misguided 16 yr old virgin guy. At 16 yrs old, sex was a mystery to me, probably didn’t know what a real pussy felt like. ... reading time 5 mingenre
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Retired School Teacher The Coronavirus cause me to write this story. No “Shit” I’m serious. If any of you have read any of my pervious stories, there’s definitely a pattern. I grew up in the Deep South, also known as the dirty south. My family was very large which included 16 in all. My siblings consisted of 7 boys and 7 girls. I’m number 7. I grew up as a precocious child always interested in this and that. When I was about 11 or 12 yrs old I went to visit my elderly grandmother. What I saw startled me, there w... reading time 4 mingenre
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Older bitch loves a Bid DickThe Coronavirus made me write this. Although this is a true story, if it wasn’t for the Coronavirus, this story would never been written. In my life, I’ve done some some fucked up things in reference to fulfilling my sexual appetite. As far as I can remember, my dick was always on hard. At school, my dick was always hard, at church, my dick was always hard, even when I didn’t feel well; I could always count on my dick to be ice cold hard. If someone was to see me in my everyday norm, they ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Old Bitches Want to be fucked too!The Coronavirus caused me to write this. Here we go, it’s now or never. I’ve read about incest, beastatility, and all the other fucked up stuff that appears on the internet. Well, I’m about to add to the nonsense. I’m trying to understand where I got my infatuation for older crusted ass females. I don’t think I have a mental problem, but I’ll fuck just about anything that walks on two legs. I’m going to cut through the mundane details and get to the point. When I was 38 yrs old, I was married to... reading time 3 mingenre
First times
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