⇤ F
All erotic stories in alphabetical order for section F
There are 539 erotic stories in this section
Failed at DatingAt school and then at university I failed to date any girl and was seen as a nerd or a loser. But done very well at university and graduated second in my year. Years later still no change in my dating success, but due to my high income I had lost my virginity to a hooker by paying for sex. But I was later sent overseas to assist in a project and since I was in France, I decided to get professional sexual help from a sex therapist. She taught me everything I needed to know to please a woman but c... reading time 3 mingenreStraightwritten on
Changed manFailed at dating so I just got marriedAs the title says I (34) really failed at dating, but I got passed that by marrying. It might seem strange, but I wasn't the only relationship failure out there. Females as well as males don't do well and some even worse than I did, not many but some. I'm good at listening and I overheard a female co-worker (32) complaining to her friend about her lousy dates and the creeps (her description) she dated. Wanting sex first date and even worse things on a first date and no attempt at starting a rela... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Promoted to husbandFailed in RelationshipsI've never been very good with relationships, I usually get a date with someone, but never a second date. I not the greatest looker, but I'm fit but short at 5'6" and women I date are usually slightly taller than me. Anyway, I decided it was a waste of time to keep trying and also decide to start anew somewhere else. I transferred and at first my life was the same as it always had been. But it changed when I was promoted and got an assistant, at first it was strange having a woman with me almost... reading time 3 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Accident to HusbandFailing SisterI'm 27 and doing fairly well career and relationship wise. But my love life isn't anything you could call a standout. I do get sex, but I'm greedy and wanted more like most men. But my girlfriend worked shifts and it meant either her or I were working while the other was off and it restricted our Love Life somewhat. As I said I've a good career and had to study to get where I am. My younger sister partied a little much and was having trouble in her courses. So, she approached me, I told her to s... reading time 1 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Randy Brother.Failure to SuccessMy love life was hookers and lucky for me I'm loaded, an only child born just before my mother turned 40. She had lot of trouble with my birth, so I was her first and last. My father was 12 years older than her and had stroke 2 years later and died, a lifetime of smoking, drinking and drugs was the cause. So, when my mother died at 62 (car accident) I was all that was left of my family no grandparents, aunts, uncles or cousins. None listed anyway, quite well off and felt awkward in personal rela... reading time 3 mingenre
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Former FailureFair EnoughI'm 25 and lost my job and not a great work history, no skills at anything that earns good money, unless I'm topless. But I don't like being touched and am known to break wooden serving trays over the head of the touchers. Loss the job as a result and have a reputation as a result. No brothers or sisters and my father died, and my mother became a drunk and died when I was 20. I didn't do well at school and started working lousy jobs and it has continued ever since. My mother had a sister who die... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Practical CousinFaithful Hi I'm Courtney. I'll give a short background to my story. I'm a 26 y/o women. I am currently working on divorcing my cheating ex husband. We've been together for 6 years. Dating for 2 years. Last month, I caught my husband with a girl barely 19. I will admit I was jealous simply because I was barely 19 when we met, he was in his late 20's. I didn't know he'd been cheating on my the whole time. Once I found out, I worked on getting out. I found this beautiful couple who had a large paster. The... reading time 4 mingenre
Zoophiliawritten on
DonzFall of BetaSome of us hubbies are just meant to be betas. However, it does mean we do not have desires and sometimes we even get the nerve to demand we get the respect we deserve. I remember one night doing just that with my wife. We had gone out for the evening and my wife was dressed hot! Some of her male colleagues lavished compliments on her right in front of me, but that can be another story. Being a hubby with cuckold desires, the attention she was receiving fueled my foreplay for things to come! I g... reading time 5 mingenre
Masturbationwritten on
JimmyPicoFallen MotherNOTE FROM THE AUTHOR: Good day beloved reader, a few things before we begin: Firstly , this is my first ever story I have ever published when it comes to porn, as such I am seeking , any input you may have on my work. Don't hesitate to inform me on what you liked / didn't liked , what you think I could improve on and especially what you'd like to see next , so long as it falls within what I can write of course. Secondly , this story has some very dark and mature themes even for a porn , that ... reading time 177 mingenre
Witnesswritten on
ForTheCeasarFalling for my big brotherI always knew it was wrong. I tried so hard to hide my feelings for him but it was just too difficult. My names Emiline (Em or Emmi for short) I’m 16 and I live in Ashland, OR with my mom, my baby sister Katy (4), and my big brother Matthew (17). Ive never been really open about my feelings and I’ve always felt like I was different from the rest of the girls. Ive been told I’m really pretty but I could never get a boyfriend. I was used a lot because I have a hard time saying no and soon I beca... reading time 6 mingenre
Incestwritten on
EmFalling from graceSome times a secret isn't as secret as you thought. It was the perfect set up I thought. You see I have had been skimming money out of the church coffer. Not alot. But, enough. My husband was the preacher and I was put in charge of counting the money after service. It was pretty simple really. Sense there was no one watching me count it. Every one that new us thought we where perfect. They even teased me about being a modern day June Cleaver. I understand why. I'm thin and curvy like Ju... reading time 6 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
Janice Joe Falling in love with momThere was still light coming from my parents room , i gathered up my guts and walked towards the door , when i saw my mom was still asleep in her bed . The things that had happened this morning must have shocked her too i guessed " Mom can i come in " i asked She tighetened her robes and sat at the edge of the bed "yes come in "she replied . I sat beside her and i was already fallen into her beautiful eyes again. My mom looked beautiful although she was over her 40s. She never looked aged , s... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
SathyaFamily I'm Kelvan 28 married to Joyce 26 and and have 2 children Rachel 3 and Paul 1. I'm the Manager at a local supermarket. It is a small part of a nationwide chain, but I started to manage it after finishing a University Business Degree. I am being promoted to Regional Manager early next year after hitting and passing all the targets set by head office. I won't have to move and I am hoping to make South Divisonal Manager by the time I'm 32. Joyce and I have a very active sex live and are always tryi... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
KelvanFamilyEveryone heard of keeping it in the family, well that what happens in my family. But it's not incest, mainly because I'm the only male and all the females are my wife's side of the family. Namely her mother, sister and aunt, we all live together and in a remote area. But we do go to town once a month, stay overnight and return late the next day. I met Marie my wife at college and we hit it off and she got pregnant and on finishing college we both went back to her family home. Who work a small go... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
JohnFamilyI'm Dave 35 and own Auction house, I inherited it from my father Matt who passed away 3 years from bowel cancer. My mother I never knew and I know she remarried and moved overseas that's all I know. I'm accountant by profession and I could have sold the Auction business, but decided to keep it. I have twelve staff including 3 women who run the office and 9 men who do everything else. Two years ago I started full time at the Auction house and would work back to get a firm hold of the business. Ch... reading time 4 mingenre
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DaveFamilyI'm Andrew now 46 have my own farm of just over 500 acres on an entire island. I married Rachel on leaving high school as I had gotten her pregnant, it has worked out really well for us. I bought the farm with money from my grandfather and have made a good living off it ever since. A couple of years after moving to the island, Rachel's mother Anne and her only sibling Wendy came to live with us. A widow for some time Anne had lost her job and couldn't find another and so come to stay with us. Ov... reading time 1 mingenre
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Andrew TFamilyI'm Vincent now 28, left school at fifteen and was married at 17. My wife Susan family ran a farm and I got a job there after leaving school and started a relationship with Susan and got her pregnant. I was happy to marry her and it wasn't a double barrel wedding. John Susan's father was in his sixties at that time and died 3 years later. Leaving his wife Eileen 52 and Susan and her sister Margret to run the farm with my help. With Susan pregnant again we worked all together and one night Margre... reading time 2 mingenre
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VincentFamilyI'm 52 and my sisters are 48 and 54 and all our children have grown up and now have their own lives. My wife died in 2020 due to Covid she had Asthma and she caught Covid before vaccine. My older sister husband fucked off with another woman 10 years ago and went overseas. My younger sister husband died on active service 6 years ago and we came back together as a family. I own a large block outside a small town and have a 4bedroom 3bathroom house on it. My wife and I bought it twenty years to get... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Delighted BrotherFamilyI'm David 29 live with my mother Lorna 48 and sister Sally 27, we're well off not rich left that way by my late grandparents. Our farther David passed away in 2014 cancer, we live on the family property 12 acres only a dog. We don't grow anything or raise animals, both me and Sally have jobs in the local town. But we don't mix with the locals outside of work, we quite reclusive in our lifestyle. I've never been outgoing and kept to myself and we didn't go to university. Staying close to Lorna, w... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
David Family manFamily I'm Peter 47 married to Helen 45 and we have 4 children together, all the children are either at university or moved away with own careers. I met Helen and got her pregnant when she was 17 and so we married and have had a great life together and still do. Helen's younger sister Clare 43 wasn't so lucky, got caught up with an asshole who regularly bashed her. Before she got away from him, no children with that asshole. Shell shocked and wanting a new life she came to Helen, Helen was pregnant at ... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Peter 2 wivesFamily I was a only child and only my father had a sibling older than him. I'm Simon 30 and due to my mother I inherited from her family side and was left quite well off. My father Simon (2016)predeceased my mother Robyn due a car accident and she passed away several years later from cancer (2019). So I was alone except for two cousins both female, not that I had seen them much except at funerals or via phone calls. Anyway I never liked the city and upon my mother's death I moved to the country and bou... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Simon...Family 4doors downThis happened almost 35 years ago. We had a neighbor that was 4doors down and they were fun to be around,we watched tv together bbqed together camped together and then we went for a more adventurous step. We were off work for over a week and after a few days and nights at their house we were having some alcohol time. They were just as drunk as we were and our kids were all asleep. So we started to play strip poker after 5 hands I got up at stripped nakid and then bill did to and the women stripp... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Curious ManFamily adventures at the lake It was a shock to say the least. I hadn't dreamed that my adopted father was coming out of the closet. I spoke with both of them alone for the first time. I sat at the table and started confessing about how my uncle had been doing stuff with me and my brother at 11 on the reservation in 1984. I couldn't understand what was happening. My mom came up and cuddled me and asked if I was okay. I saw the look in my adopted father's eyes as he looked different. Not that disgusted look. No he had a funny... reading time 7 mingenre
Incestwritten on
G.F.Family Affair Thirty plus years ago I had finished university and had started work in my career. I didn't have much family only a mother and younger sister, but that changed. Our mother got ill and quickly was gone, she and my sister worked at a local supermarket, and I sent what I could. Our plans were for me to get settled and they would come and join me. But only my sister could now join me, which she did straight the funeral. She returned with me, and I found a house and we lived together there until I h... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Sister LoverFamily Affairs Chapter 1 - The beginning Hi, my name is John. At the time all this happened I was married to Ann. We lived down south with our two daughters, Samantha or Sam, as we call her, who was a tall tanned with long blonde hair. Sam had a long wiry frame like a ballerina and was starting to develop up top, her little breasts were about the size of small oranges. When she wore a tight top you could see she had puffy nipples that clearly protruded. Her sister Bethany, or Beth had long light brown hair w... reading time 53 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Shashi _Bansal