Warlock of the Coven Stead
Brief history. I bought a very old house and while renovating it I found 2 small secret rooms a secret passage and second basement at the end the passage. The second basement isn't under the house but to the side and might have been under another house since removed, but my property. No treasures found nor mush use at first thought, but I work in a large office mainly females working there. I'm the manager of the section and at 43 divorced 1 child 12 with my ex-wife who has remarried, and we aren't on good terms. My son prefers his mother to me and so I don't see him at or pay child support as I wanted him half the holidays and she didn't want to give me anything at all and I said no visits no child support and she accepted it. A clean break no alimony or child support all approved by a judge, and she would've to apply to reopen the case if she wants to change it. Anyway, I moved interstate and started my new life, no plans to date at the time. I started my renovation of my house and found the hidden rooms, passage and basement. All closed off for many years, I had electric lights installed air supply unit and as the 2 small hidden room were next to each other I made one bigger room out of the two. With a new doorway entrance and a window added in the wall. Still the smallest room in the house but I use it as an office. The passage and the second basement I'd no plan at first. My job pays well and is quite important to the large company it is part of. But I hear things around the office, some related to the work we do and others that aren't. I overheard some women talking about witchcraft and the occult, some had little objects on their desks that were related to witchcraft and the occult. Some I already knew others I had to look up, not really interested in out of work activities at first. But my interest in dating returned and 2 of the those I called the witches were gorgeous in my eyes. But all were single or unattached divorced or widowed. Anyway, they seem to travel in a group and some gossip refer to them as lesbians. Whether they were or not wasn't concerning to I just wanted a crack the younger ones (gorgeous). I decided my best chance was the occult and witchcraft route. I studied up on it and made my second basement Coven Stead a witch's meet place, I also install a pentagram using black stones. Occult symbols all over the walls and ceiling, once finished I left a file of photos on my desk. I put another work file on top with a sticky tape folded back to stick to it and the file beneath. I had my file marked so I would know if opened. All I had to do then was ask one the witches to fetch the work file knowing being a bit stuck to other would reveal my pictures. That done I left for a meeting and return and hour later and the personal had been opened and viewing video of my secret camera knew all had looked at my pictures. All I had to do is wait, it didn't long as the one fetched the work file told it had spilled on the floor and I said OKAY no problem. But she asked where the pictures were taken, and I knew I'd, their interest. I said in my secret basement and reach out with my arm to place a folder on top of the finish pile showing my Warlock symbol tattooed on my arm. She left and I saw her speaking to the others, I knew they now thought I was into the occult and witchcraft. One asked me next day how long I've interested in witchcraft, and I said long enough to cause my divorce and left it at that. Finally, they had to asked to see my secret basement as Halloween was fast approaching. I said I'll show them, and it had to that coming Saturday as I had plans made for the next week. They all turned up and like my house and the second basement as well, I told them I had renovated it to improve it. I said it was an old Wicca site and the Great Rite was actually done in the Coven Stead and that was the oldest form of witchcraft. Before the church twisted it to blacken the practitioners in the minds of ordinary people. I knew I had their interest and over the next 10 days they became more and more hooked. They asked could they join me in a ritual on Halloween on the Tuesday a week before Halloween. I said it has to sanctified first with Great Rite and hadn't the time to find a willing witch to join me in the Great Rite. Of course, none of them offered there and then, but the bait was set. Those who took part were supposed to get more power, so I assumed at least one would agree. But all six agreed, each night we had a Great Rite ritual in my Coven Stead and a couple on the Saturday and Sunday nights. So, they had ritual on Halloween, and I had 6 willing bed partners thereafter. One problem has since risen one is pregnant and I hadn't thought it would happen, as I assumed they would take precautions. But no problem as they all live with me now also and I really like being a Warlock, I prefer being a Warlock to a Wizard. My pregnant doesn't to marry me as she thinks witches don't marry their Warlocks.
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