

I was exhausted from three hours tightly bound, hideously gagged and struggling furiously in vain to escape… sweat dripped off my forehead into my eyes mingling with my own tears as the pain of the ropes which crushed my body cut deeper into my tender flesh each time I tried to move or free myself from my own incredibly cruel self-bondage!
My wrists were tightly bound together crossed and pulled up high between my shoulder blades! The line holding them in place led up from my wrists to a locking ratchet hanging from a hook above my headboard! Once I had slipped my hands through the already tight cords I reached back and began to pull on the free end hanging down behind me from the ratchet!
The more I pulled the higher my wrists were tugged and the tighter the already tight ropes dug into my wrists! Finally, when I thought I could take no more from the stress of my arms being pulled savagely up behind me I gave the free end one more hard tug which forced a loud muffled groan from my already stuffed and gagged mouth as the pain shot through my shoulders!
I released the cord and rolled reflexively onto my side which I immediately discovered was a painful mistake as my body pulled my arms away from my tightly bound wrists and a piercing pain shot through my shoulders and arms and I screamed in agony and fear!
But with my legs tightly bound together at both my crossed ankles and knees with my ankles anchored tightly to the footboard my range of movement was severely limited as I struggled, crying to regain my semi seated semi reclining position against the headboard!
My mouth stuffed with a huge wad of cloth painfully distending my jaw to its fullest range of opening was taped over by a dozen windings of clear packing tape encircling my head, pushing the wadding deeper into my mouth and covering my face from the bottom of my nostrils to the tip of my heart shaped chin pinning my shoulder length brown hair to my head!
But the wadding did not totally stifle my painful cries as I struggled to regain my perch and relieve the pressure on my shoulders! I grabbed the steel bars of the headboard with my fingers and slowly, laboriously pulled my 125 pound, 5 foot 4 inch body back up, slowly abating at least some of the pain in my arms and shoulders… finally after several painful tiring minutes I regained my previous position but my shoulders were still throbbing in incredible agony and my wrists felt like the rope would saw through them at any moment!
I looked over at the bedside clock, 8:11 pm, I had been bound for eleven minutes but it felt like hours… then I looked at the box next to it and the display that glowed 3:49 in red… three hours and forty-nine minutes… my eyes followed the rubber coated wires running from the box to the copper clamps that painfully crushed my left and right labia! And the second pair that ran to the second pair of copper clamps painfully crushing the swollen nipples on my bound 34-D breasts which were already throbbing in agony from the wide, rigid plastic flex cuffs encircling the base of each mammary, making my soft full breasts into rigid mounds already turning dark from lack of circulation!
At midnight the electricity would surge through my bound, helpless body for 15 seconds and then every 15 minutes after that for another 15 seconds until I could free myself, If I could free myself, because otherwise, well, I didn’t want to think about otherwise…
I looked up to the ice filled nylon stocking hanging high above the bed with a very sharp diving knife imbedded in the ice hanging from a loop of rope. The theory was that as the ice melted in the nylon that the stocking would slide further and further down through the loop of rope holding it until enough ice had melted that filled the stocking that it would fall through the loop onto the bed next to me where I could struggle to get the knife and cut myself loose before… well, before I was electrocuted!
But now it was 11:41 pm and the agony of my plight was tearing through me, whether I moved or struggled or just lay still the ropes were taking their terrible toll on my bound, helpless body! And so were those terrible copper clamps biting into and crushing my most tender and sensitive flesh! And those plastic bands cutting into my now purple tits that throbbed with every beat of my heart!
But worst of all, the timer kept counting down, only 19 short minutes left until electricity would surge through my helpless, straining flesh with a ferocity I had only ever dreamed of in dreadful nightmares!
But I found myself looking back and forth between the timer counting down and the nylon slowly dripping a widening puddle of cold water onto the bed which was spreading out in a puddle of cold clammy wetness under my helpless, round ass adding to the terror of my plight for being in a puddle when the current erupts through me cannot possibly be good!
11:52 and yes, I am panicking! I know it is just about impossible to break free from the cords crushing my wrists together, but I am trying anyhow because I can see that the knife in the stocking is far from falling free and I know that I am about to suffer the excruciating result of my own carelessness!
12:44 I was lying in a cold, dank puddle, partly the drippings from the ice filled nylon and partly from losing control of my bladder when midnight had rolled around with my body still hopelessly bound in place! Every muscle in my poor, helpless body was still convulsing from the current ripping through me when I was unable to escape at midnight and then again at 12:15 and 12:30!
Each time my body arched and convulsed, the tight cords digging deeper and deeper into my trapped flesh as my crazed cries filled my ears and my eyes seemed to be ready to bulge from their sockets from the incredible pressure of the current tensing my bound body which strained, and 15 seconds seemed like hours until the current finally died and my body dropped back to the sheets, my body now convulsing terribly in agony still.
I was staring at the timer as it counted down the last few seconds of my self-induced agony, knowing the electricity would rip through my tender, captured flesh! I was crying and screaming NOOO!!! As I struggled trying to break my wrists and legs free of the crushing bonds, I had placed myself into, sweat pouring from every pore, I knew there would be pain in a few short seconds, but I was terrified knowing now exactly what kind of hideous torture I had placed myself into!
I looked up at the dripping stocking above me and screamed PLEEEESSSS!!! Into the gag, my muffled plea filling my bedroom as my world erupted in the most intense, unyielding agony imaginable!
My labia and nipples were searing with 120 volts burning into them, transmitted by the copper clamps biting deeply into the tender flesh. My muscles cramping and clenching like they would tear free from the bone, the pain so intense that I couldn’t even scream, it was like being punched by a giant fist for the entire 15 seconds!
When it finally relented my body slumped, but the twitching of every muscle was like every tendon cramping simultaneously, the sound of my gasping and sobbing now filling the room, my eyes filled with tears, my vision fuzzy from those same tears as snot rolled out of my nostrils down the front of the tape of my gag!
I tried to clear my head as my body painfully twitched, looking over at the dripping stocking, FALLL! FALL! PLEEESEE!!! I knew 15 minutes would pass like lightning… and it did! Striking like a hammer into my helpless flesh, again and again!!!
I was nearly incoherent, my body convulsing uncontrollably in agonizing spasms, the smell of the burning flesh of my nipples and cunt filling my snot filed nostrils as I drew every breath in greedily, my eyes were glazed over with tears, the knife now forgotten in the storm of agony, all I could think of was the pain I was in and the pain I would… UUUHNNNNNN!!!
Consciousness would come and go as the shocking electrocution surged into my helpless, battered body, the unrelenting current still making my bound body dance uncontrollably in a macabre cabaret of torture!
By 2 am I was shuttling incoherently between consciousness and merciful black nothingness… the knife in the nylon had finally dropped onto the bed next to me sometime in that last hour but I barely noticed and was now in no condition to retrieve and use it to free myself from my own self-induced hell! My body twitching and spasming in unyielding agony from the current surging through me, my hands long since dead from lack of circulation in the stringent cord cutting deeply into my wrists wrenching my arms painfully up, the tendons in my shoulders ripped apart from my enforced straining!
Somewhere in the dark night, in one of the few lucid moments left to my tortured mind, I realized that I would never escape my own tortured fate, and maybe this was the way it was always meant to be! My own twisted self-bondage snuffing out my life in a lonely, fit of bound and gagged agony!
But another lightning bolt of excruciating pain shooting through my bound, straining body replaced the lonely lucid thought with pure hell once again, as it had for so many excruciating, burning hours that long, horrible night!
It was somewhere later in that lonely night that my torture finally came to a merciful, horrifying end… the current suddenly ripped through me again as it had for hours, my body arched hard but this time for some unknown and never to be discovered reason, it did not cut out after 15 seconds, it just kept shocking and shocking and shocking me, smoke from my burned flesh drifted upwards as I literally cooked!
My eyes stared at the ceiling, but I could not breathe as the constant electrocution cut off my breath and suddenly my heart erupted in a gigantic spasm and my chest convulsed in the most intense and thankfully last pain of my hopeless, helpless life…
Minutes later the transformer burned out and the current cut off, but it was too late for me, my eyes stared wide, straight up, pupils fixed and dilated, my agony ended, hours before the light would fill my room again…
Days later, when my bound and bloating body was found they would wonder what had happened, until they found my letter, the one I always left, just in case this ever happened, just as it had, to me!

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