

She hung in the cold brick walled basement by her long black hair, the rope tied tightly around the long ponytail extending painfully from the top of her scalp holding her head painfully erect, and holding her tight, buxom 32-year-old body several feet off the concrete floor.

At only 4 feet 11 inches tall the majority of her 99 pounds seemed to be made up by her 32-inch, Double D cup tits. Tits that stood out in stark contrast to her tiny hourglass figure. Normally the one thing that was sure to draw stares and attraction, those same tits were now black from three days of being hideously strangle tied, their bases wrapped excruciatingly tight with gold colored speaker wire which since being put in place three days hence had failed to budge one micron.

She knew that even if she did survive this horrible ordeal that these atrophied breasts, black and swollen, would have to be amputated, long since numb, she would have given anything just to feel the agony of the whipping they had endured earlier in her terrifying captivity!

Her hands and feet were likewise swollen and long dead from the braided steel wire which tightly encircled her wrists and ankles and pulled her already tight little fuckable body into a living X, her feet a good three feet from the floor and her swollen blackening hands high above her head and out to the sides, the long pink nails on her dead fingers and equally pink nails on her swollen purple toes giving memory to the beauty she once was, but after three solid days of hanging like this that beauty was fast fading.

Her eyes, puffing and swollen and red rimmed from crying looked out above the yards of silver tape that covered her lovely lips and lower face to the chin and tightly encircled her little skull sealing the large hard ball deep behind her teeth, broken by the effort of her captor pushing it home!

Her shaven mounds, filled with a pear-shaped steel extender that had been opened wide to forcibly open her tight, warm pussy to an excruciating level only meant for childbearing, a second similar device distended her tender but now ruined anus, both devices attached by electrical cables to a device which pulsed current into her captured body at regular agonizing intervals.

her time using those orifices to satisfy her captor's sexual perversion had come to an end hours ago when he had inserted the pears and opened them wide, but although her time with him was coming to an end, mercifully or mercilessly, depending on her point of view, her ability to entertain him had not...

The walls of this vile, cold stinking chamber which smelled of sex and urine and shit and sweat and terror were covered with near life-sized posters of other women who appeared in similar situations to her own current plight, naked, bound hideous, hanging, spread wide, but only the videos, which seemed to be playing on a continuous loop on the 80-inch screen across from her showed her what her horrible end would be like!

The muffled, terrified screams of those women and the unspeakable end they each met and continued to meet in front of her was horrifying to behold and to contemplate, but Jin knew her time to join them was near...

An hour later her captor came down the long stairs and sat in the big chair in front of her watching as the current surged through her on its endless, diabolical loop of agony!
Through haze of pain and tears she noticed that he was wearing a kind of white Haz mat suit that covered him from his shoes to his head, hood showing just his face.

After a while of enjoying her terrible agony, he decided that it was time. He reached over and pushed a small toggle switch in a panel next to his chair. Immediately the four motors that the braided wire holding her wrists and ankles came alive and slowly began to put tension on the lines pulling her arms and legs painfully away from her torso!

Her screams of agony and terror, muffled by the heinous gag signaled that the tension on her limbs was even more agonizing than it had been the last three days as she hung there being brutally abused! And just as she had and still was watching the other victims on the screen, her little, gorgeous body was slowly pulled apart in a fiendish, mechanized form of being drawn and quartered.

Her arms were slowly torn from the shoulder sockets the ligaments and tendons snapping in agonized and surprisingly loud failure, just as her lovely thighs were slowly pulled from the hip sockets, but the machines continued pulling and her flesh began to tear, spurting blood, her cries frantic and excruciating as snot poured from her nose and tears from her eyes, sweat standing out from every tortured pore.

And then her left arm was torn free followed seconds later by her right, and they hung from the ceiling next to her torso as a minute later her legs were ripped from the hip sockets!

She would have fallen but for the ponytail rope and her head would have lolled but for the same mechanism... Blood oozed out of her and her eyes, big and brown stared straight ahead at him, just as all the others before her and all the ones who would follow her had...

Her poster would be added to the wall and her video to the endless loop for his next pitiful victim to absorb as she was slowly used and destroyed...
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