Finally my Luck was in


I'd never been great in relationships, until I got a job as the maintenance man at health retreat. Women only health retreat, for overweight or women trying to beat an addiction. Alcohol, drugs and even chocolate, you would think hearing they were overweight. They would be fat, there were some you could call fat. But most were a few pounds overweight and they use the retreat to chill out more than anything, get away from their husbands and relax. I'm "Gordon" 27 single and I kept the place running and the only male for miles around. Of course I super handsome the body of Adonis, "not" I'm 5'5" stocky build and a face that average at the very best. But to the women staying there I was the Handyman, not for repairing or maintaining the place. But for servicing their personal needs, service was provided. The horniest women were the more Christian Conservative types who talked about family values and how they were better than anyone else. Their husbands most likely were chasing younger women, I was told by one that divorce was the invention of Satan and you must stayed married. No matter how bad it was, this after I had fucked her. The tips were great and I'm still working there, why not I get all sex I could want and they do the chasing. Luckiest day of my life when I got this job. But I'll have to watch my health as the previous guy died of a heart attack, but he was in his fifties.
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