Sore Balls Update
Lionel G
I got hit in the balls by a hoe left lying in the grass by my brother John. My mother Judy saw the incident and came to see if I was okay and one thing led to another and we started fucking. Judy marriage ended with the sudden death of Kevin in a car accident, I wasn't very close to him. Neither I or John were all that close, John took a job offer from his girlfriends father and move to the next town. I finished my hitch and then returned home to Judy and straight into bed with her again. She wants me to find a wife and I've met Ann 24 who works with Judy and as I found out slept with Judy while I was finishing my military hitch. After several weeks being back, Ann joined me and Judy in bed and we're now dating and living together and sharing Judy's bed. Plans are being made for a wedding in July and Judy is pushing for grandchildren as well. With my sore balls came great relief.
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