Welcome to the Family
Bernard B G
I'm Bernard 25 and in May last year I married Holly 22 and return with her to the family property. 56 acres along a river bank, We joined Geraldine 57 (Holly's grandmother) and her mother Frances 39 both widowed, the family is quite well off and don't run any livestock except a few horses and chickens and have 3 dogs who are there to deter unwanted visitors. I'm also from a well off family and the youngest of 3 and was failing at university. Mainly because I was distracted by Holly. Since we married my grades have improved, we still both go to the same university. Anyway we married without either family agreeing beforehand. But after they accepted the fact we were now married, I only stayed a week at first at their property and then we went on to my family. We returned to Holly's family property after 2 weeks with my family and stayed the rest of the summer break there. It was then that I found out that Holly's mother and grandmother had high sex drives like Holly. Now as a family member I was suppose to service the 3 of them. I wasn't approached on my first visit with Holly, but on our return. I was told I had to satisfy all of them. I wasn't taking any precautions with Holly as she wanted to start a family as soon as. Geraldine was passed having children and so I didn't take precautions with her either. That left Frances and she told me she was safe, which I took to mean no precautions needed. But as it turned out she wasn't, Holly got pregnant in July and and Frances tested positive in August just after Holly's and mine return to the university. I was shocked at the news, but Holly was delighted and every weekend we would return to the property and have sex with her mother and grandmother. I don't have to have a career after I finish university. Holly has decided to finish university when I finish and raise our son fulltime and keep close to her grandmother, mother and her stepsister who is due in May.
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