Grandma comes to stay
Peter Grandma Fucker
I'm Peter 29 have my own home and work at the local mill, wasn't in any relationship at the time. I was lucky I was able to buy a house cheap at the age of 25, it wasn't a palace but it would do me fine. I've been working ever since leaving high school and had saved my money, I rode a bicycle instead of having a car. But I now own a pickup and had done up my house over the years since buying it. So I'm pretty well setup as they say, then my grandpa Jack died of the coronavirus leaving grandma Sylvia 61 alone. My father's mother and I'm the only relative that lives close, the other moved interstate a few years before for work. I stayed as I had a good job at the local mill. Sylvia lived a couple miles away from my home, but it was a rental and with Jack gone she couldn't afford the rent anymore. Not wanting to move away from all her friends I was the best option for her staying here. It was a good deal for me as Sylvia is a great cook and I'm a takeout guy. So I would be saving money and having home cooked meals, she moved in and cleaned my whole place top to bottom. No real change to my life except for home cooked meals. She also did my laundry and started to make a garden, I helped out as required. Then one day she was visiting one of her friends and I was home alone and I was feeling horny and got on my computer to watch some porn and masturbate. Usually Sylvia would be gone most of the day, but this day her friend to go to a funeral of a relative in the next town, so she came home early. She walked home it was only a couple of blocks and she did it all the time. So I didn't hear her return and she decided to have a snack and came to ask me if I wanted anything. With my back to the door, I didn't see it open. But she could see my computer screen and that I was masturbating myself. I was shocked at getting caught and she was a little shocked, but more bemused of my reactions than seeing the porn on my computer screen. Anyway after everything settled down we had a snack together in the kitchen. I tried to say sorry, but she said I didn't need to as it was normal to masturbate. So I asked her did she do it, sometimes was her reply. I was somewhat aroused by her response and felt my cock start to stiffen. But not game enough to ask anything more left it at that. I had a bulge in my pants on getting up from the kitchen table, which Sylvia saw straight away. To my surprise she asked me to show her my cock. I hesitated a bit, but finally agreed and dropped my pants. Sylvia said we should go to my bed and get me off, as I had already shown her my cock. I couldn't really say no to her suggestion, not sure on what she intended to do. I stripped off all my clothes and laid on my bed and she started to stroke my cock. But then stopped and went to the bathroom, returning with a warm damp cloth. She then stripped naked herself, saying it would ease the tension us both being naked. Resuming the stroking of my cock and she soon had me get off. Using the cloth to clean up the cum and then started playing with my cock again and it got hard again. This time she just mounted me and rode me until I came inside her. We laid together for a while, she told me she had been missing the regular sex she had with Jack. Then said if I was willing we could do it again, but only if I was really sure. Having just fucked my grandma and having really enjoyed it as well, I replied anytime you want. So we been fucking regularly since, I still don't have a girlfriend. But have have had some casual sex with Gina 46 divorced from work. She was always making sexual suggestions and when I was alone with her, I asked her straight out for sex. I was going to say I was calling her bluff if she made a fuss. But she was willing and I've fucked her several times since, but she now has a boyfriend George 58 and it looks serious. But she hasn't stopped the sex yet, but it won't be too long before she does. But I still have Sylvia and have started checking out other mature age unattached women. Haven't made any moves yet.
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