Big and Mean...


I was pulling back the curtain's, in the Lounge, when I first saw him... he was trotting along the road, outside my gate, like he owned the world.

The movement of the curtain must have caught his eye, because he stopped suddenly, side-on to the house, his head swivelling around to look at me with that blend of bold furtiveness that stray dog's have.
Body held taut and stiff-legged... eyeballing me, almost with contempt.
Like he was challenging me, saying "So what, if I don't belong here?... what are YOU going to do about it?"
He held my gaze... a second, two... longer.
His stance didn't relax... he was waiting for me to do something about his presence... if I dared to.

I knew there was a stray dog, in the area... a pig hunter had lost one a week ago. My neighbours had given me his phone number, just in case the dog showed up... this had to be the dog and it looked as mean as all get-out.

You know how all your senses suddenly lean towards a single thing and your entire being becomes focussed on it?
That's how I felt when I saw that dog, out on road. I wanted him to do me. Have him inside me, fucking me.... I found myself checking him out, looking at him, seeing that he would be good for it. A big, bold, sexy animal. A mean-looking, brindle colored dog... he looked like he could go at me, all night and do me again in the morning. I had a sudden hankering for that.
What can I say?
Big and mean-looking did it for me... just the look's, not mean in reality.

I pictured him on me... I was on my knee's, his cock pressed against me. Nice and warm... touching me where I needed him.
And then?
He slipped inside me and did it to me... and I was letting him do what he wanted too, any way he wanted. Hard and fast... dominating me. My own pleasure increased by being submissive to his wants.
I closed my eyes and I let the imagined ecstasy warm me... wet me. Touching him, feeling him, tasting him.
Yes!... oh God, yes!... I wanted all of that!
The thought of it was so strong! So good.
I didn't waste time on thinking it was wrong... or dumb to go out to him. I didn't have time too waste on that.
I just did it.

I turned abruptly and went to the Kitchen, grabbed the dog roll that I had bought, hoping this moment might come. I quickly cut off a chunk... going as fast as I could... hoping he would still be there when I went outside, but expecting that he would be gone, off about his business.
The chance to do what I was imagining, gone forever.
Out to my Front door... he was'nt in sight anymore!
Ignoring the patchy snow, and the biting cold on my feet, I ran to the gate... desperate not to miss the chance.
"Hey, dog!" I called to him... he was fifty yards down the road, trotting towards town. He stopped and looked back at me... I held the dog roll out enticingly... aware that I was offering him my body too.
He didn't move. Damn!
I walked closer, close enough to toss him a small piece of the dog roll. Close enough to feel myself responding to being nearer... nearer... to him... I was so close! So willing!
He looked at me and then at the food... then took it, swallowed it quickly then looked at the rest of it, still in my hand.

I checked out the road beyond the dog and back behind me... nothing... no-one!
No cars, no sound... the road was clear, no reason not to do what I wanted!
"Come on, good dog!... come with me!!" wanting him to follow me, wanting him to be with me.
He didn't move. He didn't run away either.
I wanted him so badly that I walked up to him instead, the wet grass had chilled my feet, the cold air cutting through my nighty, cooling the outside even as inside me warmed up the closer I got to him. Still he didn't run. I dared to hope that I could encourage him to come back to the house, come inside with me.

Up close he was bigger than I expected... a tough looking mastiff, thigh high to me. He had several scar's on his neck and chest... evidence that he was a survivor. I held my empty hand out to him and he tenatively stretched out his muzzle and sniffed my fingers... not sure my intentions were harmless. His head was big, his muzzle was wide. Teeth slightly yellowed... the brindle fur was short and soft.
Big enough... old enough!
"Good dog!" I murmured to him, my heart reacting to being so close to what I wanted. I looked at his sheathe, thinking about what it contained, wanting to see it. Imagining him, in my hand, in my body, wanting it... more and more. I reached out my hand to touch him but the dog sidled away from my outstretched fingers. I withdrew my hand, disappointed. He wasn't that sort of dog. But if I could get him into the house... maybe I could change his mind?

My fingers were getting cold. I let him sniff my fingers some more and then tried rubbing him behind the ear's... he pulled back slightly, but let me do it... relaxing when I didn't make a grab for his collar. I felt a small glow of success... but I was starting to shiver. I needed to get back inside... back into the warmth again. I rubbed his head, slightly rough with him... the way big dog's usually like it. He loosened up, sought more, I kneaded my fingers into his fur, enjoying the warmth of his skin. His head.. his chest... resisting trying to get him excited... just wanting him to see me as a friend.

He suddenly lunghed at the rest of the dog roll and I went backwards onto my arse. I dropped the roll, as I went, he grabbed it and started to wolf it down, eyeing me up and down, as if he expected me to growl him for his actions.

Should I grab him by his collar, while he was busy? It was a wide, studded thing, clearly designed to protect his neck. I stretched my hand out towards it... but he growled... no!... not yet! He finished the food in only a few seconds and then looked at me, expectantly.
"There's more in the house!" I told him... trying to pitch my voice in a friendly manner. He cocked his head at me... "Come on!... this way!"
I took a few steps, back towards the house, looking to see if he was going to follow me... he came over and sniffed the hand that had held the dog roll... "Good dog!... Lets go!"
Yes!, he followed me back to the house... I carefully led him inside... then locked him in... and everybody else out.
He was mine! and I had plans for him!

I walked past him and went into the Kitchen, giving him some more dog roll as a reward. I left him to it and went back to bed, trying to thaw myself out. It wasn't long until I started thinking about him again... my hands seeking myself out... my mind thinking about what was to come. Looking through the bedroom door, seeing him wandering past, as he started to scope my house out... passing in and out of view as he went into the Lounge, the Bathroom, the other bedroom's.

Finally he came to see me. I knew he would, eventually.
I stilled my fingers and closed my eyes, until I could only just see him, through the crack between my eyelids. He approached me slowly, nose questing as he smelt me. His head slid onto the sheets, beside my head... his nose quivering as he investigated what he could see of me.

I slowly slid back the cover's, so he could see more. Careful not to startle him... As I peeled it back, exposing myself to him, he snuffled his way down my body, his nose and whiskers tickling me where they touched. The top of my head. Eyebrow. Loud sniff's in my ear... tickling me with his whiskers. I flinched involuntarily.
Now his tongue... at my cheek. On my jaw bone. On my neck. Cleavage. Nipples. He buried his muzzle underneath my breasts and snorted at me there, loudly. Ribs. "Mmmm! More!" I whispered to him, breaking my own rules, to be quiet and let him discover me at his own speed.
It was so hard to wait!
My belly!... as far as I could strip the duvet down to... without moving.
Did he smell me?
Was he intriged by the smell?
Would he want me?
I moved my finger inside me, building my arousal up again, now he was here, with me, in my bedroom.
How long before he was in my bed?
How long before he was in my body?
If I timed it right, it would be fantastic...

I made a small noise at the thought of that and increased the pressure on my finger... feeling a corresponding increase in my need for him.
Soon!... I wanted it to be soon!
I was almost ready for him!
I hoped he would be ready for me!
I sat up slowly and the dog withdrew his head. I removed the duvet from the rest of me and threw it over the end of the bed. Then I lay back down, hoping that I hadn't ruined everything.

The dog didn't come back right away and I cursed myself for being in such a rush. For all his size and maturity, this dog had never been used for sex before, I was sure of that. I felt a tiny thrill at being the first one... if only I could get him interested!
I slowly continued to stir myself... my breathing deepening and becoming slightly erratic as my thought's, actions and the dog's presence blended together.
Faster now... deeper... flick it!... rub it!... talking to him... seducing him...
"That's it, good dog!"
"Good dog!"
"Come here!... come here!"

He was watching me curiously... watching my finger as it slipped in... slipped out... he extended his muzzle... "Good dog!" cautiously smelling the air... it was working! Took a step closer, sniffing... intrigued. Closer, closer... it was happening! My fantasy was coming true! His nose slid over my thigh... he could smell my excitement... he tasted it on my finger... licking the wetness... once... twice... just exploratory tastes... now the taste of my pussy was on his tongue, I held my breath.. would he be interested? Would he want more?...
He liked it! He wanted it from me! He licked me properly, speeding up... pressing his tongue firmly... seeking the taste of my body.
"Good dog!... Good dog!"

Now the feel of his tongue on me making me twitch each time it flicked around my finger, touching hair, touching skin, touching my clitorus... I arched my body upwards, wanting more of that. Lick, lick, lick... Lick it!, Lick it!, Lick it!
I wasn't positioned right!
If I wanted sex, I needed to move.
I slid my legs off the bed and rested my feet on the ground. He continued to lick me and when I spread my legs enough, he pushed into the gap... they opened to accept the width of his chest. Wide... wider... I was open for him now, my skin being moulded as he licked me... his tongue touching me properly, now. Big long strokes... I took my finger out of me... I was at the point where any more would make me come. Fully excited... I needed him now, to make it perfect.

I took hold of his collar and lifted his head away from where he was licking... He resisted slightly, wanting to continue tasting me... "Come up here!... Good dog!, Good dog!" I slid him up my body. His muzzle was by my navel, his chest touching me, riding up, past my pussy and onto my belly... I felt his sheathe, soft, against me. I held his collar with one hand and used the other one to manipulate his sheathe... stroking him genlty, willing him to start getting hard... wanting to feel it, needing to feel it. Patting his head... saying "Good dog!... Good dog!... Good dog!" in time with my stroking... harder, faster... wanting it to happen... whispering "Come on, dog!... Please!"

He was just looking at me... not doing what I wanted... confused.
But suddenly the look in his eyes changed, at the same time I felt a stiffening in his sheathe and he surged forward in my hands. I tried to make a pattern that made him respond... faster, harder. At the same time that I felt both his body and cock stiffen, the tip of his cock came out, touching me, poking into me. I wiggled to get it where I wanted. The dog, maybe thinking I was having second thoughts, maybe feeling my warmth and wetness envelope him... realising what I was wanting, gripped me with his front legs and drove this thin boner up inside me. The sound of his meat slipping inwards made a sloppy, slippery noise as he squirted out, into me.

It seemed only pencil thick but I gasped at the sped of it as he started to quickly hump more and more of himself up inside me, the sheathe's furriness rubbing at my clit, quickly pushing against the entrance, the feeling of him taking me making me grab his collar and secure him on top of me.
He was as big and long as my finger... but only for a few seconds. I was gasping softly as he filled me and I was suddenly wetter than I had been for months as he filled me with cock and come.
He was bigger than the biggest finger now, his knot swelling out of his sheathe and rubbing it's way against me too. Big! Man sized, he put it into me... and along with his dick it swelled up, locking the two of us together as he fucked me harder still.

The dog was loving it!
Looking into my face as he took me, a determined look on his face as he pummelled me... screwing me so hard and fast that my body was being vibrating unable to keep up with him... my body's grip on his knot making it want to push in deeper, pull out of me... it strained to move inwards... outwards... the pressure in caused increasing as the dog grew to full length.

It felt so fucking good!
I was wrapped around the dog, he was doing me like a fuck machine, mindless with his need to breed. His come lubricating me, filling me. He was a big bundle of pleasure giving fur and thrusts. Cock in, cock out... I wrapped my arms him and smelt his maleness, loving him for what e made m feel.
I felt my body being fucked, used... pushed myself up to meet it, I was fucking and using him too... and he was so good!. So good!. So good!
I gripped him to me, harder and harder as he worked at rooting me. A series of thrusts... followed by a second of near stillness. I felt my orgasm coming, matching that pattern... good!... rest! So good!... rest. Better!... rest. And better!... rest. Oh!... fuck me harder! Harder! Harder! My own spasm's outstripped the dog's and I was fucking him faster than he could fuck me, as I started to come.

I held him tight, he whined but was still activelt doing it to me... meeting my need, satisfying it. I pulled him in with my legs... so his cock went deeper still, making him touch the depths of me that needed him now... vocalising, satisfying that part of me that loved feeling an animal, wanted to be like an animal... yes! fuck me there! Fuck me hard! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!
I loved this part!
I loved him doing this to me!
I loved dog's... loved this dog... he was so good... so good.... so good!

I held my breath as the feeling of my orgasm flooded through me, my heart pumping harder and harder, as I pumped the dog's cock into me, harder and harder. I made him empty his juice into me as my heart beat slower... slower... both cock and heartbeat deepening...

We both slowed to a stop... sated, for now at least. I felt that pleasant languidness you get when you've had a good one... I closed my eyes, still enjoying feeling filled by his engorged cock, quietly patting him. He rested his head between my breasts as I touched him, more than happy with to be with me now.

I kept him with me for 3 day's... 3 day's of sexual debauchery, 3 days of sex-filled fun.
We did it inside, we did it outside, we did it whenever he or I showed an inclination to do it. I went around naked, if he asked for it, he got it... he bruised me, made me sore but I was still enjoying being his bitch.
I was his bitch. I wanted to be with him... he wanted to be with me.
He was good for me.
He chose not to leave.

But then it was time for me to return to the real world.
I showered, washed away the evidence, scrubbed off the dirt, the stain's... soaped myself until I couldn't smell him anymore, shampooed... Put fresh clothes on.
I turned myself back into a woman.
I gave him the last of the dog roll.
I called the hunter and organised for him to pick the dog up... feeling emotional... I would miss him!
Miss the sex, miss his presence.
Realised that I didn't want him to go... wishing he was my dog. Wishing I hadn't made the call.
I was patting him when the hunter pulled into the driveway.

The guy got out of the pickup, he was big, tough looking, he looked like he cared about the dog though... He looked like a good owner... giving the dog back was harder than I had realised it would be...

The guy was thanking me for looking after the dog... it was my pleasure, no... he was no problem... he was a good dog.... I had enjoyed his company...

But I was thinking...
The guy looked like he could go at me, all night and do me again in the morning.
I had a sudden hankering for that.
As I already said...
Big and mean-looking did it for me.
I got big and mean to do it to me...
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