Best Result Ever


I'm Warren 31 youngest of 3 and have been fairly unsuccessful with women, I wasn't the man any of them wanted unless they did it for money. So in late 2017 I decided I was going find a woman to use for my pleasure. I've had always been a self interested person and not a caring person, my interests took priority over everyone else. My plan was to find a woman who was down on luck and I use that to my advantage. My family business is big and we have a lot of employees and I would comb thru the employees looking for a suitable woman. I wasn't great at work also and rarely done anything much at all. But I would need something to get the woman working close to me if I was to succeed. I found the business had projects that were waiting for someone to look them over and progress them or reject them. I went thru the project files look for something easy to use. Then asked for women who could assist me and had seven women sent to be informed of the project and see who was willing to put in the time required. It wasn't exciting and after I had explained the project asked for who were interested to stay and the rest could go. Six left straight away, only Alison was left. She was distracted by other things on her mind and wasn't paying attention. I told her she was selected and it was a bit of a shock to her. After she left I had a look at her personal file, she was 24 and a single mother of Casey 3 at the time and lived in a rundown part of town. On further investigation, I found out she she just got notice of eviction due the place being condemn. That's why she wasn't paying attention and she was having a lot of trouble finding a new home for herself and daughter Casey. Desperate another good sign for me, I lived in an apartment and didn't want her moving in with her child, that wasn't in my plan. But I'm well off and decided I rent a place or something similar, but the rental market wasn't showing much of a choice at that time. By chance I had to divert on my way home due a major car accident and while going the long way round. I came across a cottage for sale in a much better neighborhood than where Alison already lived. After a quick phone call to the agent and then a viewing of the vacant property, I bought it. Taking ownership straight away, my enquiries about Alison showed she didn't own much in the way of furniture. So I bought furniture from charity shops and had it all delivered. Buying a new fridge as nothing that suited me was at the charity shops, I had done a lot since the Tuesday meeting and had been out of the office since then. On my return to the office on Friday morning late as was usual for me. Alison came and said she wouldn't be able to assist me, I asked why and she told she to find a home for herself and Casey straight away. I didn't respond straight away, but as I always carried a beeper that caused my phone to ring when pressed. I pressed the button and I pretended to talk to someone. After the fake call, I told Alison I could solve her problem. But she had to come with me straight away, she said okay and she informed her supervisor. I took her to my cottage and showed over it, telling her it was available and came with the all the furniture. Her first response was she couldn't afford such a place, I said I wasn't concerned about money and we could make a rate that covered the cost of owning the cottage and that should make it reasonable enough for her to rent. She agreed to work with me, I didn't try to make a move as I didn't want her backing out. I told her I would help her move in Saturday and she could start full time with me on the Monday. I was playing the long game, getting her settled in and comfortable first. I met Casey on the Saturday and it didn't take much to move them into the cottage. After they were moved in I took them to the supermarket to get their groceries. I told Alison she could have the first month rent free, after I had returned to my place I felt lonely without them around me. This was a new feeling for as I'm usually only interested in myself. On the Monday Alison was smiling and with Casey at the company child minding unit as usual, we started work on my chosen project, which me being me I left to Alison to do most of the work and went out and enjoyed myself, saying I had things to check on. I returned later after a long lunch and to my surprise, Alison had finished the whole thing, I had a look over what she had done and it was very good in my view. So I sent it to my father John and on the Wednesday I called to his office. He and the others had looked over the proposal and thought it had merit and it was being passed to my cousin George to start on it. John was surprised by my sudden interest in the family business and asked did I have any other project lined up, I just a couple I'm looking at. Good keep up the good work he told me, so I returned to office and told Alison it was accepted. We done a couple of more small things and Alison done most of the work and all were accepted also. But then George senior my grandfather gave me the next project to do, it wasn't a small project, but he said I've shown I can take on projects and so he was giving a chance to fix the major problem the company had. It's waste and how to get rid of it cheaply and cleanly, no one had yet found a way of doing it and so we had a large waste dump. I was shocked but knew I had to give it a good try or George would let me know about it. I tried saying it was too big for just me and Alison to work on by ourselves, but George told me to get whoever I needed to help. I returned with the news and shortly after Lorraine arrived one of George's receptionists. He had sent to help and would make sure their wasn't any resistance from anyone in the business to my ideas. I knew I was cornered and so I looked for a bigger office area to work from. Finding a set of offices unused near the childcare unit. Within a week I had seven more staff and I had a large table I found in the company storage area for everyone to work around and layout the mass of papers on. On the weekend I sitting home and bored and had started thinking of play a visit to Alison and seeing if I could bed her. But as I watched some program on the T V I saw them getting rid of waste at a remote research center where everything had to be removed. They used a solar powered furnace that burnt everything down to ashes and they bagged the ashes and remove them. The ashes were useful for use on gardens and weren't toxic, it was a lightbulb moment. So I done some investigating and found nothing of the size we would need was made and we would have to build it ourselves. First thing Monday I was there not late as usual and telling Alison to follow me headed off to see my older brother John junior, he was in charge of all equipment used by the company. He wasn't all that frilled at what I suggested at first. But allowed some of his staff to assist me in a small scale test. We burnt some of the waste and once it was ashes, they were sent to to be tested. All gases from the burning were also tested, the results were favorable. So with Alison writing up the my finding I gave it to George and nothing happened, I was a little dejected as it was finally something I had done myself start to finish. But as Alison and me waited for a response we got closer and finally slept together and I took her and Casey out on the weekend staying the nights with Alison. I then hit me that I was in love with Alison and that became stronger as the days passed and we went away on a holiday together and we married. On our return I told my father and grandfather that I had married Alison they were happy. But my mother, grandmother sister weren't happy at all. They had picked up on my relationship with Alison and were happy, but as we had married while away together. Their plans for a family wedding were sunk, George told them so they are married, there's no law saying you can't marry twice. Also telling me the project was a goer and I'm was to start on another, but without Alison as my mother Jane and grandma Katherine and sister Joyce would be planning our family wedding with Alison and no one argues with Katherine not even George. After the wedding Alison and I went away on our honeymoon without Casey who stayed with Katherine and Pup a dog we had got from refuge also stayed with Katherine. The only dog ever allowed to enter Katherine's house. Casey was spoiled by Katherine.
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