Connecting With Neighbours Ch 02


Darcy was someone with a somewhat patient disposition, but the time without any word from Margot seemed to drag by. He wanted to speak with her, to be with her, if only to ensure she was okay. He repeatedly checked his phone, but alas, there was no communication from her, not yet anyway. He busied himself with dinner prep and various other domestics out of necessity as much as to help pass the time and keep his mind away from pining.

Just as he settled down to watch the news at 7 pm, he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He was in his usual position, tucked into the corner of one of the two deep-red covered three seater lounges in front of the large TV. The lounge he occupied faced directly toward the TV, which was about 5 metres away. His wife lay upon the other, which ran at right angles to him. She always preferred to recline rather than sit and so took the other lounge for herself. He unwittingly held his breath as he withdrew his phone surreptitiously. At the sight of Margot’s message, his heart skipped many beats.

Margot: Hi Darcy. R u ok? Sorry for the delay, dinner etc. Apols for the abrupt ending this afternoon.
Darcy: Hi Margot, all good. Dinner etc., here too, so I can relate, no need to apologise. I understand. I’m fine ty, better now with your text. How r u?
Margot: Are u ok to talk?
Darcy: sure, what’s up?
Margot: I need to tell you what I meant about I wanted to see you cum.
Darcy: r u sure? It can wait until we can see each other
Margot: Sorry, I need to tell u this sooner. Face 2 face would be best, but for me, it can not wait.
Darcy: ok. Go on.
Margot: I like to see a cock spurt. I like to watch the guy as he cums
Darcy: no prob. I like watching a female climax even squirt
Margot: I also like to have cum on my breasts, face, anywhere, as well as inside me, of course.
Darcy: why are you telling me this? It does not change the way I think about you.
Margot: so sweet, ty. It’s important to me, that's all. FYI: I’m no cum slut.
Darcy: what??? Margot, I don’t think that of you. I barely know you, haha.
Margot: I need you to know.
Darcy: I would NEVER call you that, not in a mean way, haha. Sorry bad time to joke.
Margot: ty. I was going to tell you this afternoon
Darcy: I got that impression you had something you wanted to get off your chest, but I don’t understand your wanting to tell me through here. I appreciate the openness but isn’t it dangerous to put in writing here
Margot: no danger, trust me. It's important to ME that you know and understand.
Darcy: and I want you to know me too. Full, open and clear communication
Margot: totally. TY
Darcy: This is best talked about this in person, though, don’t you think? Sorry, just worried for you.
Margot: we will. No need to worry. Please don’t worry. It’s all okay. Not sure when we can discuss, though. I have a full schedule over the next few weeks.
Darcy: that’s depressing
Margot: haha… yes, I know. Squirting? As in female squirting?
Darcy: yes
Margot: wow, that’s really cool. My husband hates it
Darcy: each to their own. Do you squirt? I think it’s wonderful. Tastes ok too
Margot: omg??? You're as bad as I am, I think, haha! I have not full-on squirted. Not sure I really understand it properly. If only I had someone to show me?
Darcy: bad??? Haha! Hmmm, I think that is an offer too good to refuse?
Margot: u know what I mean, haha. Well, let's see if we can teach each other a few things, haha.
Darcy: You are a cheeky lady, but sounds like a plan. Ty. I am over the moon you opened up. That took courage
Margot: flatterer, haha. But I needed to tell you, needed for you to know. My husband does not think much of my obsession, as he calls it. It’s not as though I go looking for heaps of guys to cum all over me. I haven’t “strayed” previously. You’re the first, actually.
Darcy: his loss. TY for trusting me. I have no ill thought of you at all. I make no judgements either. I am far from perfect myself. I’m not the most honourable of husbands; infidelity is a label I am not happy about, but I am guilty, so I have to accept it. FYI: I do not frequent brothels, have zero emotional connection etc. One day I will explain it all to you. Too complex to deal with here.
Margot: you’re a good man Darcy. I’d better say good night. Be thinking of you.
Darcy: you’re a wonderful woman, and I'm here for you. Be thinking of you too. Good night Bella.

He thought it was a strange exchange, but he could understand the importance Margot had placed on her disclosure. The consequence of the discussion had brought them a bit closer together, in his mind. Whether that was Margot's intention or not, he could not guess, but it certainly seemed to galvanise their fledgling relationship.

Darcy found his heart pounding with excitement at the thought of Margot. It was all he could think of as he lay in bed that night. The darkness of the room helped him to visualise her lovely features in the sunlight upon her deck and the calm, relaxed atmosphere that had enveloped them. Not even his wife snoring like a steam train beside him could diminish those images. He also had this feeling of something being 'found' that was not deliberately looked for, some inexplicable reason. All he knew for sure was that twenty-four hours ago, none of what had transpired would have seemed even remotely possible yet, as of that very afternoon, his whole world seemed destined to be changed forever. He slept fitfully and finally fell into a deep slumber in the early hours, only to be rudely awoken by the alarm on his phone. He awoke with a start as the sound crashed into his dream.

"Huh!" He mumbled as he was jerked away from a blind run across a foggy bridge in a place he knew not and groped for the phone beside the bed. Sleepily, he silenced the alarm and fell back onto the pillow. He closed his eyes, sighed and started to think of what lay ahead for his workday. After a moment or two, he sighed again, opened his eyes, put on his glasses and decided he had better get up instead of lounging. It was not long past dawn, and the rising sun reflected a brilliant orange from the glass of the apartment towers across the river about two kilometres west of him. The rear of the house faced the new apartment developments and was on the high side of a small ridge that fell away front to back. The houses behind and beyond were still shrouded in morning shadow, but the cloudless sky above and out over the Blue Mountains in the far distance was clear and pale blue; it was going to be a lovely day weather-wise.

Shower, shave and breakfast dealt with, Darcy collected what snacks and food items he wanted with him for sustenance plus two water bottles, put them in his backpack and walked out to face the new day. He stopped briefly to make sure he had his car keys, and then he pulled the front door quietly closed behind him.

"Good morning Darcy." Her soft voice floated across his verandah, yet it still startled him.

"Margot!" He exclaimed, "I did not, I mean…" he felt foolish.

"Sorry to scare you like that. I heard the door close and saw it was you. I should have made a noise.”

"All good. No need for apologies." He said as he collected his wits. "How are you this fine morning? Can you give me a sec? I'll throw these in the car." He scampered away to his right and pressed the remote to unlock his car. He opened the hatch and deposited his backpack in the rear, and then jogged back across the front path toward the low boundary fence which had been, quite literally, in the middle of what had taken place the previous day.

Margot had also taken the opportunity to divest herself of her work material and stood, leaning against the passenger side of her car as he came closer. There was a slight chill in the air, enough to call it fresh but not enough to warrant jumpers. Margot had her medical uniform on that consisted of black slacks and a turquoise collared shirt. It was not form-fitting but comfortable, which allowed for ease of movement. Her hair was pulled back into a small ponytail and held in place by a thick black elasticised ribbon.

"Sorry to hold you up. How are you?" Darcy uttered in a soft voice as he approached her. The street was devoid of movement. There were no walkers out and about, at least not in the immediate vicinity. The only sounds were from birds as they fritted about in the considerable Liquid Amber tree that stood in Margot's front yard; its' now naked branches stood in silhouette against the morning sky.

"I'm very well, thank you." She replied in an equally hushed voice. They both knew that directly above them were the bedrooms of sleeping offspring. Without any forethought, Darcy climbed over the small fence and gently wrapped Margot in a tender embrace. She did not resist but melted against him. They looked briefly into each other's eyes and slowly melded their lips together. Their first real kiss was not one fired by lust. There was something more to it, more profound, not that either of them would have admitted it. Their arms wrapped about each other tightly as they kissed. Tongue engaged tongue, and each breathed deeply. After a few moments, they stopped and quietly stood brow to brow, their arms still firmly wrapped around each other.

"We had better get to work." Margot sighed. "I hope you did not mind my candour last night?”

"Not at all, my little cum slut." He replied, smiling broadly. He was feeling adventurous and wonderfully at ease in her presence and did not stop to consider his words.

"That is not very funny! Are you making fun of me?" She scolded him. "Besides, I would have thought that sort of comment beneath you." She slapped his backside firmly but did not pull away.

"I am so sorry, my dear." He apologised sincerely. "I will never use that term again.”

"Hmm, don't promise things that you cannot deliver. Never is a very long time. Apology accepted, though." She smiled demurely as she looked directly at his face. "I'm not what that term implies, though.”

"Shhhh," he softly placed a finger on her lips. "I know. I think the reality is we are two of a kind in the, um…" he stopped briefly searching for words that appropriately conveyed his meaning tastefully.

"We are more sexually adventurous than some." She offered.

"Yes, exactly. Thank you." He sighed and laughed.

"What's so funny?" She said a little indignantly.

"I'm not making fun of you. I was relieved you were able to complete my sentence for me.”

"Well, Mr Cheeky, I have work to do, and you kissing me and holding me like this is not getting that done." Her eyes sparkled in the first rays of the morning sun. It had just edged its way above the roof lines on the eastern side of the street.

"Oh, but parting is such sweet sorrow." Darcy dramatically put a hand to his brow and gave a mock display of grief.

"Be off with you wretch!" She lightly commanded and playfully pushed him away in dismissal and then grabbed him and kissed him again in earnest. "Have a good day, my dear Mr Darcy." She said and finally relinquished her grip.

"Don't you start, please! I got enough of that in high school." He retorted with a grin.

"I have a lot on the work front over coming weeks. If I don't see you, stay safe and happy for me, please?" Margot said as Darcy climbed back onto his side of the fence, and she moved to the drivers' side of her car.

"You too, please, my dear." He replied. "We can chat via text, though? I won't flood you with messages, promise.”

"Okay, thank you and ditto for me re: messages." She smiled and waved.

"Ciao Bella.”

They did not see each other for quite a few weeks, which was nothing out of the ordinary. In fact, there had been times during the period they had been neighbours where months could go by without even a hello. They kept in touch via occasional text messages that did not contain any earth-shattering insights, just casual chit chat and the like, but it was needful communication nonetheless.
Easter and the school holidays were just around the corner, which Darcy realised would add to the time he and Margot would be apart.

The first Monday of the new school term had dawned grey and threatening rain. The forecast was favourable for the rest of the week but today seemed it follow the script. At least the showers were holding, for now, so he might be able to get out and do some work before the heavens opened. Just as he started the car, his phone buzzed, and his heart leapt. He had edited Margot's contact listing and allocated a unique ringtone so he could identify her messages from other work-related ones who were on the default setting.

Margot: GM Darcy, how r u?
Darcy: GM Margot, I'm fine, just about to head out. Lovely to hear from you. Your timing was spot on.
Margot: I'm great, ty. I won't hold you up too long.
Darcy: All good. What's up?
Margot: nothing much, but I do have a question, and I know it's short notice, so no prob if you cannot make it.
Darcy: Curiouser and curiouser. Haha. Fire away.
Margot: I'm working at the New Mona Vale hospital tomorrow, and I look like finishing late morning. Would you be able to meet for lunch? Maybe about 12-30?
Darcy: OMG!!!! That would be fab, but yes, yes, yes!!!
Margot: Haha, too funny. Great, let's do that. Do you know of somewhere to go?
Darcy: Leave it with me. I'll make some enquiries and let you know. I'm in North Ryde tomorrow, so 12-30 gives me enough time to finish work and get over to the northern beaches.
Margot: Fantastic. I look forward to seeing you. 😍😍
Darcy: Exciting. TY. 💋💋

Darcy could hardly contain his excitement despite the grey clouds overhead. At least tomorrow was supposed to be bright, sunny and warm, even hot. He knew exactly where to go, provided they were open for lunch early in the week, which he assumed they would be. The next challenge was finding the phone number of the place. He knew where it was, he could even see it in his mind, but the name escaped him. He waited a few hours before contacting the restaurant. By mid-morning, he had booked his table of choice, right at the front on the upstairs undercover balcony that overlooked the beach. He knew from personal experience that the restaurant was beachside chic in its appearance: stylishly understated but still charismatic. As soon he had the booking confirmation Darcy sent the details to Margot. He had been rained off for the day by lunchtime, and he sat in his home office, aimlessly ploughing through some admin when her text arrived.

Margot: Fantastic. I'm so excited, ty for organising. I look forward to seeing you. 😍😍
He replied in a similar vein and then sat, looking dreamily out the window, his mind anywhere but on the task at hand. As if wishing his life away, tomorrow could not come quick enough.

The day dawned bright, clear and warm. In fact, the weather was perfect in his eyes. Darcy took care in selecting what to wear. On the one hand, he had to go about his usual routine and mode of dress to keep up appearances as it were, and then on the other, he wanted to look a bit more than presentable for Margot. He looked out over the distant rooftops toward the great expanse of sky and guessed the forecast might be accurate for a change. Darcy selected a pair of white shorts and turned to retrieve a pool-blue shirt when he stopped, decided that was a bit too much of a nautical look and a bit obvious for his lunchtime engagement, and changed his choice khaki cargo shorts with a lime green, linen shirt. He would wear the usual running shoes and socks for work, but in his backpack, he had secreted his thongs (flip-flops as they are known in other parts) to change into before lunch.

The venue he had chosen was a Bar/Bistro eatery overlooking Dee Why beach on Sydney's northern beaches. The day was sunny and warmer than usual for the time of year, with little to no breeze. Myriad sunlight diamonds danced across the azure waters toward the distant horizon to be kissed by the soft blue sky. The vast blue above was virtually untouched, save for a few scant clouds that lazily moved inland, and on the beach, carefree gulls played in the gentle wash of the waves. The sand was a deep golden yellow, and the beach itself was curved like the base of a large wine glass with low dark ruddy coloured sandstone headlands at either end. The northern end was some kilometres away. The southern, closer end was topped with four modern-looking three-story apartment blocks. The low slung escarpment above the sand was populated with coarse-looking native vegetation of stunted height apart from the car park and the public amenities block, immediately to the left as you looked out toward the sea.

The street across from the bar was lined with Norfolk Pine trees, majestically tall that ran the length of the road toward the car park. Besides the soft murmur of cars, as they pass, the gentle sound of the small white foaming waves could be heard as they tumbled onto the sand.

He noticed Michelle was already seated at the requested table, but her attention was directed inside the restaurant, and so she did not see him cross the road. Darcy arranged for a bottle of Prosecco and two glasses at the bar before making his way upstairs.

He paused briefly at the top of the stairs and admired her beauty. She wore a simple floral patchwork dress in aqua blue that flared from the waist. It had three-quarter sleeves, was mid-knee in length, form-fitted about the bodice and had a modest V neckline. She had her hair out and pushed softly behind her ears. As he stepped forward, she turned and smiled broadly. His heart skipped a beat.

"This place sensational! And the location!" Margot exclaimed as she majestically waved her arm out toward the view before she reached for his hand. He lent over and kissed her warmly on the lips. The kiss lingered for a few moments before he slipped into his seat beside her.

"How did you know of this place? Have you been here before?" Her pleasured excitement was evident in her voice. He chuckled at her rapid-fire questions. "I've been here twice with the family, once for brunch, and the other time was a birthday from memory.”

She slipped her hand around the back of his neck, drew him closer and whispered, "And now it is ours," before she soundly kissed his lips again.

“You’ll get no objection from me." He said in a jovial voice. The requested bottle and glasses arrived, and they also took the opportunity to order some food before the waiter disappeared.

"Cheers to us!" The crystal glasses chimed as they touched. Margot and Darcy looked deeply into each other's eyes as they drank.

"Very nice wine." She complimented, taking another sip. He noticed admiringly how her lips barely got wet when she drank. They exchanged some small talk about their respective workdays and a few other minor bits and pieces. Margot also spoke in highly complementary tones, again, about the restaurant and its location. Darcy just sat, watched and listened. He was totally consumed with her lilting voice, her relaxed yet confident nature, and her beguiling look.

Their food had arrived, and they toasted each other again before eating and then picked up their conversation as if there had not been any pause. "Talking to Margot was as easy as walking." He thought to himself.

"The green shirt suits you," Margot said as she finished her plate. "It matches the hazel colour of your eyes.”

“Flatterer," he replied. "But thank you all the same.”

She smiled and squeezed his hand. "Did you know what your surname name means?”

"No, I don't think I do." He lied as he tried to hide a sheepish grin.

"It has French origins, apparently. It means dark; The dark one, actually."

"You have researched it, I assume?"

"Of course." She laughed. "Do you think it fits you?”

"I suppose it does. I have always been somewhat shy and reserved, not self-confident and probably a little introspective, some might say."

"Do you retreat into dark places? Mentally I mean?" Her question was posed in a quiet and gentle tone, but the impact hit him like a hammer. No one had ever asked him about his mental health, no one that was supposed to care about him anyway. He dropped his eyes to the floor.

"Yes." He admitted.

"I know how you feel." She said with empathy. "I can do the same.”

"You?" He was incredulous at her frank admission.

"Yes, me." She smiled and squeezed his hand again. "I present a happy, carefree attitude to the world. Oh, I'm not boasting. Many people comment to me that I'm always bubbly and smiling etc. But there are occasions when the facade is just that, a front. Inwardly I'm hurting and do not know who turn to.”

"That's me as well. But what about your, um…" He hesitated, unsure if making mention of her marital status would be appropriate. He ploughed on regardless; they were both in the same boat on that front. "Your husband?"

"Oh, he is a good person and all that, but I, I should say we, do not talk in-depth about feelings and the like. He is consumed with his work, and he does not pay much attention to me. I'm okay with the situation to a degree. It's a trifle lonely at times, but I've learnt to live with it.”

He looked at her with a new admiration. He felt as if another piece of an intricate puzzle had slid into place as she spoke.

"Sounds kind of similar to my situation." Darcy empathised. "Um, Margot?" He ventured as he steeled himself to continue with his question.

"Yes, my dear Darcy." She replied warmly.

"Did you just get a sense of something just then? What I mean is a sense of a piece of a puzzle going into place… I can't explain it any other way, sorry. I got the same feeling yesterday too.”

"Yes," she frowned in thought. "I did feel something that I could not put my finger on. But, now that you mention it, I did feel something change. Like a connection being made, but it's one strand of numerous disconnected strands…" she paused and laughed. "Sorry, laughing at my lame attempt to build on what you said.”

“Exactly! Not sure what it means, though, but it seems to have a special significance." He commented aloud. He turned to Margot, lifted her hand and kissed it. "What I mean is, being with you is super special in itself. Bloody brilliant, in fact." He smiled broadly, "but that feeling of something falling into place right now seemed outside of us if you can understand what I mean?”

"I think so." She said, a little uncertain of the full ramifications of what he had said. "Are you thinking that it's a…" She trailed off, not knowing how to complete her comment.

"Outside of our control?" He ventured.

"I guess so. Yes.”

"That's what I'm thinking too."

She shook her head briefly as if to clear her mind. "Sorry, but I cannot think on that too much right now. But I do have to deal with something well within my control. I need to pee. The wine has gone straight through me." She laughed, patted his thigh and left him to his thoughts.

He delved into his phone, checked his email, liked a message, and did some quick internet searches as he waited for his beautiful lunch guest to return. He decided to follow Margot's lead and not dwell upon this recent conversation nor to venture onto previous text revelations; it was all too deep for such a lovely day and a wonderful date. The idea of being on a 'date' made him laugh aloud.

"What's so funny?" She demanded politely.

"We're on a date." He advised her.

"And what is so funny about that notion?" She inquired.

"Nothing to all,” he replied flatly. "It just had not occurred to me in that way.”

"And that amused you?”

"Took me by surprise." He added and laughed again. "I had not stopped to consider anything beyond the wonderful person that I had the pleasure of lunching with. Once the idea popped into my head…" Darcy quickly stopped himself. He felt as if he was getting himself into dangerous territory.

"Given the nature of our respective situations, I would say it is not really a date. And by extension, if we were to do this sort of thing again, and I stress if," she paused for effect. He sensed she was enjoying making him feel uncomfortable. "If we continue to see each other, I would then call that dating. Wouldn't you?"

She looked straight at him. Her eyes were daggers, and her lips were in a straight line showing neither mirth nor annoyance. She was waiting for his reply.

"I would not have it any other way." He held her gaze. The corners of her mouth twitched, and finally, she broke out into a resounding laugh. He followed suit. She had played him and delighted in the fact. He knew, deep inside his chest, that his heart was glad to be in the presence of this wonderful woman.

They finished lunch and agreed to go for a walk along the beach. Margot and Darcy did not speak as they crossed the road, nor did they hold hands. They simply walked down the small flight of stairs onto the warm sand. They kicked off their footwear, left them in a pile on the beach, and wordlessly walked toward the sea. His heart pounded in his chest and reverberated in his ears, much like it had done previously when being in her presence. What was it about this exquisite person he was following toward the waves on a beach that seemed deserted? It wasn't in reality, but to Darcy, the whole beach was devoid of anyone else, apart from Margot. A cone of silence surrounded them as he stopped beside her. They each kept their eyes directed toward the azure horizon, neither daring to utter a sound. He felt her knuckle softly touch the back of his hand. Tentatively he reached out his fingers. The old familiar sense of anxiety about making the wrong move filled his mind. He took a breath and held it as gingerly, first one finger and then, one by one, all their fingers thoroughly entwined. He let his breath go slowly. She was still there by his side, and he felt relieved.

"Did you know the meaning of your name?" He asked as he kept his eyes directed out to sea.

"I did look it up once but cannot remember." Her voice was hesitant.

"It means child light, in Greek, Persian, Hebrew, Irish, and Latin." He turned to face her and took hold of her other hand. They stood at the edge of the water, lost in each other's eyes. "You are the child of light, and I am the dark. I hope opposites attract?" He whispered.

"Oh, I think they do." She replied in an equally hushed voice. The uncertainty evaporated as they kissed passionately. Their arms wrapped around each other in a fierce embrace as they kissed long and hard. As soon as their lips joined, a distant gong sounded in the air, deep, loud and resonant to their ears.

"Did you hear it…that, whatever it was?" Margot asked, a little breathless and bewildered.

“Um, yes, but what the hell was it?" He replied, a little unnerved. "Do you think anyone else heard it?”

"I don't think so." Then she chuckled and added in a shy tone, "I was a bit preoccupied.”
They looked around, but no one else seemed to have heard a thing. Everything and everyone seemed to be going about their lives, unaware of any peculiar sound. Margot and Darcy looked at each other perplexed.

“Any guess you might have as to an answer would be welcomed, Margot, because I sure as hell have nothing.” He looked at her hopefully.

"Do you think it's another of those pieces falling into place?”

"I don't know, possibly. It’s as good a reason as any.” He shrugged and then considered the thought a little longer. "It seemed to coincide with our kiss." He blushed as soon as the words had left in his mouth. Margot smiled and laughed.

"I think it had to do with the light and dark observation, really." She corrected and then added with a sly sideways look, "The kiss was the sealer."

"You mean like this?” He swept her into his arms again and kissed her deeply, putting the recent distraction to one side. She did not protest.

Onlookers could have been forgiven for thinking they were one body. Countless minutes passed as they remained locked together. Heart, mind and body, had blended as they expressed their feelings in that magical place and time. The world stood still and silent, only to be broken by a sudden wave that washed around their ankles. They relinquished their embrace and squealed like children. Hand in hand, they ran up the sand away from the incoming tide.

"You need to be careful." A foreign voice cautioned from behind them as they stood looking toward the ocean after they had returned to their piled footwear. Instantly they both turned, and to their mutual surprise, there was a little old woman. She was about 5ft tall, aged but not stooped, bespectacled and dressed in a nondescript loose fitted brown dress. Her hair was silver-grey apart from a lock at the front that was jet black. Her face was friendly, yet there seemed unfathomable wisdom in her deep brown eyes.

"What?" Darcy stammered and looked at her closely. "Yes, I guess so." He added in response to her suggestion. "But… who are you, and what can we do for you?”

"Ahh," she chuckled, "Alas, you can do nothing for me, for the moment. However, I think I can do something for you, both of you, in fact.”

"Like what exactly?" Margot asked, obviously annoyed by her intrusion.

"All in good time, my dear." The woman lightly patted Margot on the arm.” All in good time. But I should caution you both to be a little more discrete. The idea of using discretion, meaning taking care in not attracting attention… well, you can hardly call displaying such affection in a public place as being discreet now can we?”

"I guess not," they agreed.

"But what has that got to with you?" Margot asked firmly.

"A lot and very little, if the truth is known." Her cryptic reply did nothing to add clarity nor soothe Margot’s aggravation.

"A bit of truth would be wonderful." Margot shot back. "This is getting to the point of absurdity.”
Margot turned slightly toward Darcy. "I think we should leave this crazed old woman to her misguided self. We have better things to do than entertain her riddles.”

Margot bent and picked up their footwear. She flapped them to get rid of excess sand, placed her hand firmly in Darcy's and went to step around the old woman. The woman raised her hand gently and restrained Margot from going further. Without thought, Margot dropped the footwear to the sand.

"Light and dark have joined, have they not?”

"If you mean our private conversation about the meaning of our names, in a way, yes. But how do you know about that?”

"Your names are known to me. Your conversation too, and, therefore, I also know that you both have expressed the notion of dark and light being joined. Hence the sound you heard."

"You heard that?" Darcy asked incredulously. “What was it, and what is it?”

"Yes, that was the summoning bell. It bought me here. You have nothing to fear; no one else heard it. Be assured, I know you both, and I will tell you more; soon. It is a pleasure to meet you both. Do not be afraid; no harm will come to either of you from this; I will not allow it. Margot and Darcy, you have started something quite extraordinary. That is all I am obliged to tell you for now.”

"Tell us what?" Margot demanded. "Who are you?”

"My name is Aziza. It means beloved, powerful and respected." The old woman chuckled dryly. "I only tell you that as you both seem interested in that sort of thing. I also like to think that I am those things and that I can be those things to you both in time." Aziza sighed, and her shoulders slumped noticeably as if the effort to speak had drained her reserves of energy.

"Are you okay?" Darcy asked.

"Oh, yes, I am fine and thank you for asking.” Aziza sighed noticeably, straightened and continued.

“I need you to trust me and need to know I can trust you both. I realise you are both married but not to each other. Fate has brought you together, as you seem to be aware. The purpose that will come of this joining is not clear to me yet. That is why I cannot tell you more. Please accept this small token of my genuine intentions. It is a Serenity Amulet."

She reached deep into her pocket and handed them both a small medallion of the finest intricate silver, about the size of a bottle top. The medallion was, at first glance, of a blue Yin and Yang symbol enclosed within a flower. The outer circular design seemed to be inspired by a lotus flower that surrounded the Yin and Yang symbol. Each half of the symbol was made of blue Lapis. The Yin, or dark side, was a rich Azure blue, much like the ocean. The Yang, or light side, was a vibrant sky blue, and each blue half was inlaid with what appeared to be cosmic clouds of infinite depth. At the circular end of each part of the symbols was a small blue Sapphire. Margot and Darcy each took the offered amulets and looked at each other in disbelief. The charms seemed almost weightless in their palms. The blue gemstones emanated a sense of tranquillity and calm, much like looking at the sea can bring, and as they gazed into the stones, they appeared to shimmer delicately.

“Yin and Yang, light and dark. Opposing forces to be sure, but balanced together, can bring harmony. May it unlock your hearts and minds to things that you might otherwise dismiss as impossible or absurd. You need not wear it. Simply keep it upon your person." She laughed dryly once again. "It seems the amulets like you both, as do I. See how they glow at you?"

"Um, thank you, I guess?" Margot said, unsure if she wanted to question the old lady or be sincere about what was happening. Her initial annoyance toward the old lady had vanished as soon as Aziza had placed the amulet in her palm.

"I know this all seems odd, but believe me, there is an ultimate purpose, as in all things. The fact that you both are here together is a perfect start. Just remember that you cannot achieve the purpose alone; it must be together.” Margot and Darcy were still perplexed but were no longer annoyed by Aziza's intervention.

"We will speak again very soon." Aziza continued. "Please do not be afraid of this circumstance; embrace it, please?" Aziza pleaded quietly, then did something that baffled them even more. She gently touched their hands, guided them together, and then wrapped her own hands around theirs, which were still holding the amulets. Her touch was neither warm nor cold; it was as if a gentle breeze had joined their hands together.

"We must trust each other. As long as we have trust between us, others cannot break us away from our journey." The old woman muttered. "Now look into each other's eyes and know that what I have said is true.”

“Excuse me, Aziza, but you said, ‘our’ journey? I take it you mean the three of us?” Margot’s voice has a slight tremor in it.

“Yes, my dear, it’s your destiny to follow the path that awaits you both, together. But I will be your guide, as much as I am permitted.”

“Permitted by who?” Margot asked instantly.

“All will be revealed soon enough, my dear Margot. I’m sorry, that is all I can tell you.”

Margot and Darcy looked at each other, still puzzled and stunned at what had just happened. There was, however, a sense of acceptance in their eyes. When they looked back toward the old lady, she had gone. There had been no sound when she left, nor was there any trace of footprints.

"What the fuck was that!" Margot exclaimed. She was not backward in coming forward with her language when she needed to be. She looked at her amulet and closed her hand around it again.

"I have no idea." Darcy breathed. He opened his hand and looked at the amulet. Its’ Sapphire pulsed a soft glow of light when he gazed upon it. ”What do we do now?”

Without a thought, he withdrew his wallet and placed the amulet in the pocket for small change.

"I'll put mine in my purse when I get back to my car," Margot said in an equally non-deliberate, unthinking way. "I wonder what she meant by it all?"

"I wish I knew, Margot. Strange though," he said, his mind lost in thought.

Hand in hand, they walked back toward Margot's car. Neither talked of Aziza nor her cryptic musings. As they reached her car, Margot could not withhold her thoughts any longer.

"Should we stop?" She uttered quietly.


"This," she waved her free hand back and forth between them. "Seeing each other, I mean.”

"No!" Replied Darcy emphatically. “Unless that is what you want?”

"What makes you so sure?" Her pale eyes searched his face for answers, and she deliberately ignored his second question.

Darcy took a deep breath and looked skyward for a brief moment. "My heart and head are in agreement," he started, "for once." He smiled warmly at the beautiful face that looked up at him. He gently kissed her nose. "This feels right for some inexplicable reason. The appearance of Aziza was, how can I put it, unexpected…”

"You can say that again!" Margot interrupted in agreement.

"Very true." He laughed lightly. "I feel blessed to have met you, Margot."

He shrugged and hunched his shoulders upward to indicate he did not quite know how to add words. "I like having you in my life." Margot nodded and let him continue. "I think I can say this for both of us, though. Neither wants to hurt the other nor lose what we have, our respective families and the like, I mean. I suppose Aziza had a point. We probably need to be a little more careful and exercise a bit more discretion. That said, I do not want to stop seeing you.”

"Nor I," Margot reiterated. "I feel blessed as well." Her eyes welled with tears, yet her smile was as big and bright as the day itself.

“As for all the cryptic things Aziza has told us, I have no understanding what her meaning is. Nor do you, I would surmise. For now, all we can do is concentrate on the things ‘we’ can manage; Margot and Darcy, individually and collectively. Agreed?”

“Agreed, my Darcy, totally agreed. And well said, I might add!” She laughed lightly. Her demeanour changed quickly, Margot seemed to have been washed over by a wave of calm, and she sighed contentedly. “We had better get out of here before even more weird shit takes place." She laughed her distinctive laugh.

"Maybe we could continue this discussion when we get home?" Darcy offered. Her girlish smile nearly made his knees melt on the spot.

"Sounds like a great idea." Her hushed voice sounded sexy in his ears. He kissed her gently, full on the lips. "See you soon.”

They parted knowing a lot more about each other and a whole lot less about the future. Aziza had seen to that, yet neither Margot nor Darcy let their thoughts dwell on Aziza's idea of what was to be. All they instinctively knew was that a special bond had developed, one that would have to be surreptitious for it to succeed but important to each of them regardless.
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