My Neighbor the Witch


I'm Henry 45 widower 2 grown children and moved to a rural area after the death of my wife Sarah in 2019. The city held too many memories of my life with Sarah and decided to move, I could work from home and with the start of the pandemic, it became my preferred way of work. I found a house of a 12 acre block and only one close neighbor. The local agent didn't say much about the neighbor, except they were quiet and rarely seen. Only after buying the house I found out at the local shops, that my neighbor was the local nut. Not dangerous, but totally wacked out and thinks she is a witch. The locals don't have very much to do with her at all I was told. I wasn't concerned as I wasn't planning a busy social life and would like to be left alone as much as possible anyway. That was late April last year and by the end of May I hadn't seen or heard my neighbor at all. I had gotten a dog (collie) of course I called her Lassie and she had been fixed up and so no worries of stay dogs coming to my home. I would walk for exercise around my block with Lassie and followed the fence line. Lassie stayed close and didn't chase any of the animal we came across on our walks. It was on one of these walks I finally saw my neighbor for the first time, she was hanging out her washing on the line and everything was black in color. I didn't try to speak to her and just finished my exercise and went inside my house to start work for that day. Several days later Lassie was barking at something near the shed at the back of the house yard. I went to see what it was and found a black cat on top of a bench there. I told Lassie to be quiet and she stopped barking and sat down. The cat had a collar and a bell and I guessed it was my neighbor's cat. The cat wasn't very friendly at first and I sent Lassie inside the house. It calmed down and I was able to pick it up and took over to the neighbors house. That's when I met June 37 for the first time, she said sorry for her cat causing me problems. No problem I said and left soon after. We started to see each other more often when I was exercising and would sometimes talk. I decided she wasn't as mad as the locals had described to me, I liked our talks when we had them. But we didn't get past that and it didn't seem we would. But nature has away of changing everything you do, in September there was fierce storm that lashed the area, causing damage to buildings and flooding. The power was out for 2 days and I checked my place for damage and only had lost power and several trees blown over. I decided to check on June and she had a sheet of iron lifted on her roof not fully off. It had tear in the metal would need replacing, I measured it and went to local suppliers and got a replacement for June. June paid me back, she didn't interact with the locals much if at all. She didn't why and I didn't ask either, I found out later that as a witch the locals church going people thought her a devil worshiper and wouldn't interact with her. Silly I know, but that what they believed and it wasn't my place to try and change them. I started seeing June more and more, getting to know her a lot better. Then I was going into the city for the day to get a new printer and other things for my home office. June asked would I mind giving her a lift and I told she was welcome to come along and on arrival she went her way and I went mine. We met up at a prearranged time and place and then returned home. Having done our business, I had taken the opportunity to restock my whiskey supply and a few other essentials. June had gotten a couple of books and some special herbs as called them. I dropped her off at her place and went home, next day June came over and asked me to have dinner with her. I accepted and we had a nice meal together. June asked did I think her a bit weird like the others in the local area. I said no I take people as I find them and not by what I'm told about them by others. She smiled and we talked a bit more then I return home. Several days later while exercising she came to fence and asked over for dinner again and if I would like to stay the night with her, adding it wasn't a requirement to the dinner invitation. I said I would love dinner and see how it went as to staying overnight. After dinner she again asked would I stay the night and I said yes, after a bit of talking and then cuddling we went to her bed and fucked. She told me I didn't to use any protection as she was protected. I thought she was on the pill or something else, after fucking again in the morning I returned home and done my work for the day and June came over about 4 in the afternoon and we ended up fucking again. This turned into a regular thing for us, having sex several times a week and staying the nights at each others homes. In January, June told me she was pregnant, at first I was shocked. June said that she wanted a baby and had decided I would be the perfect mate to make it happen and she wouldn't want any support from me. But adding I could still sleep with her if I wanted. I at first thought I had been trapped, but quickly realized she wasn't trying to trap me and she wanted her own child. As we were getting on well together and liked her a lot and I had already started thinking of a long term relationship with and had even thought of asking her to marry, but hadn't as I wasn't sure she would accept the proposal. I told her I will help out anyway she wanted and that I had been considering asking her to marry me. She said she wasn't into marriage, but if changed her mind I would be the one she wanted. The babies arrived last week twins a boy and a girl, we're still living separately and sleeping most nights together. Reaper the cat and Lassie don't bother each other now and even sleep next to each other while we're staying together at night. My children like June and are very happy with their new siblings.
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