Hyperspermia Daddy Chapter 01 - Lusting After My Teen Daughter


“Hey Bill, watch it!”

“Shit, sorry mate,” I called down from the roof.

That was the second tile that slipped and went off the side today. I did not have my head in the game. Not that I was pissed or anything.

It was my dick.

The fucking thing was sporting a chub, and I had to stuff it down the left side of my jeans. Being on the roof, trying to nail down slates, wasn’t the best possible angle for it either. Fucking jeans were tight enough as it is.

I didn’t know what was going on. For years I seldom had to sort myself out. Ever since Maria left me, it broke my heart, and it did something to my dick. Libido or whatever you call it. It just felt like that part of my manhood just stopped working. That was fine by me, that meant I could focus on working and making sure Jade had a roof over her head.

Yeah, my wife didn’t just leave me, she figured a fresh start also meant not having to have a 14-year-old angry teenager around. Fuck it, that was years ago and now Jade blossomed into a lady.

Well, some sort of lady. What was she again? A goth? I dunno. She kinda looked like Morticia from that Addams Family show. But hotter. She got the black outfits (If you can call thin lacey pieces of clothing an outfit) and porcelain white skin that offsets it. She loves the dark make up look too. And I had to admit, the combination made me stir deep down. Maybe I liked that gothic look, but I didn’t know it until now. It’s hard to keep up with what kids nowadays like.

But anyway. The shit she wears. One time, she wore this see through mesh top thing, which absolutely did nothing to hide the bra underneath. And said bra badly to contain her tits. At 18, she had the biggest pair of tits I ever seen on a woman. Double F cups. I checked one time in the clothes basket, just out of curiosity.

I knew better than to confront Jade about it though. Dad lesson learned - do not tell your daughter what to wear. Maybe when she was younger, yeah, but now she’s an adult. Still stupid as kids that age are, though. Their bodies have matured, but their brains haven’t. Bet all they thought about at that age was sex, sex and more sex.

Nah, I’m being unfair to Jade. She liked to dress… Differently, but on the whole she seemed more mature than most. I mean, she’s doing a nursing course for God’s sake. After Maria left, Jade kept her shit together to get her GCSEs done, and then she got her A-levels after that. Then she told me one day she wanted to be a nurse. I mean, it made me happy that she had a plan, but I worried if she can handle the job. Nursing sounded like a massive ball-ache to me- people getting sick and taking their anger out on you. I took my mate to A and E after he fell off a ladder and the behaviour of the people in there was atrocious.

Still, helping others was something Jade wanted to do, so who am I to argue? I’m glad she had the sense to not dress up like a goth when she was in her uniform, too. Her make up was toned down, but you can still pick up subtle hints here and there.

Anyway, back to my problem. My dick.

Lately, it’s been getting hard. And I know it’s not my daughter’s new look. That would be obscene.

But hard it got in the morning and night. Most guys don’t have a problem with boners. I do. I’m what you call being freakishly endowed. It’s a curse, really. The lads took the piss at school and when I was old enough and horny enough to date, I usually scare the shit out of women in the bedroom. Lately, these unwelcome erections have been coming at me at full force. I do what most guys usually do and try to sort it out.

But I could be in the bathroom for a good 15 minutes rubbing one out and nothing happens. If I’m in a particularly good mood, I might leak some stuff out and that seemed to satisfy my dick. Fucking hell, I just need it to be soft enough so I can go to work. I can ignore it in the evenings. Not when Jade was around though, that was another kettle of problems. She didn’t need to see her old man walking around with a boner, I don’t need to traumatise her.

So I nailed down the last of the slates, ignoring my dick pulsing with need. When I got down onto the ground, I apologised to my mate Dave, who almost got hit by the errant slates. Dave is a good sport, he doesn’t take nothing personally.

“You okay, Bill? Something bugging you?”

I sighed. Dave was a bit of a lad, but he’s solid. I could count on him to keep his trap shut if I needed to confide in him. Hell, he told me that one time in Thailand when he hooked up with two ladyboys.

“Ah shit, yeah. You ever get problems with your dick?”

“Like what? It not working or something?”

“Kinda the opposite. It feels like it’s working again but for no good reason.”

“You having dick problems?”

“No, you idiot. I just didn’t have much of a libido since Maria left and now it’s waking up on its own.”

Dave laughed, a big hearty laugh a big guy like him had. “Ah shucks, man, that ain’t no problem. Means you ready for some tail. Go get laid or something.”

I wasn’t going to tell him how I wasn’t ready to scare women off again with my monster cock.

“Nah, I’m, not interested. Besides, I got Jade to think about.”

He whistled. “Shit yeah, your daughter turned into a right little beauty, hasn’t she? Keep an eye on her, she going to have all the guys drooling all over her.”

“Tell me about it,” I growled. I didn’t really want to be thinking about other guys getting their paws on my little girl, especially not her big, juicy melons. Fuck, my dick throbbed again at the thought. I must be more frustrated than I realised. “But seriously, I’m not looking for a partner right now, it’ll complicate things. Jade only just got things on the level lately and she don’t need to start feeling like her dad is tryin’ to replace her mother.”

“Fuck that shit. She left you. The both of you.”

“Yeah, well, you know how kids are. It’s complicated, right?”

“Amen to that. Well, if not a lady, why not find a hooker or something? I know a real nice one down in Harvard Street. She still got all her teeth intact, and she’d suck you like a brand-new Dyson hoover!”

It wasn’t the last time we laughed about shit during that shift.


It was getting dark by the time we were done for the day. I dropped Dave off at his place before I looped over to my home. By the time I got in, Jade was already in. She was wearing a tight fitting T-shirt, with no bra underneath- I swallowed when I saw the gumdrop sized nipples poking through the fabric. She wore shorts, so she was showing off her smooth porcelain white legs. Jade was lying down, taking up the entire sofa. She was holding up one of those teenage fashion magazines and nibbling on some biscuits, completely unmindful of the crumbs falling down onto her cleavage. A dark part of me wanted to lick them up…

I focused on the fact that she had the TV on and there was a pile of cups and plates next to the kitchen sink.

“What are you doing?”

“Huh? I’m chilling out. I’m waiting for Rachel to call.”

Rachel was one of her friends she made at her nursing course. Jade never had a problem making friends.

“Before I give you the Dad talk about leaving stuff unwashed and wasting my electricity, how was your day?”

“I’m good, Dad, had a long day learning the intricacies about inserting suppositories safely into patients, but other than that, I’m good. I’m going out for a drink later with Rachel.”

“Just you and the girls, huh?” I asked, fighting the urge to not enquire about boys.

“Yep, girlie night out and all that. How about you?”

“I’m beat. Almost killed Dave today with some slates. Gonna grab a few beers and watching some TV or something.”

“You should come join us!”

“Yes and embarrass my daughter in front of all her friends. I’ll spare you that torment.”

“You don’t embarrass me, Dad.” She got up and gave me a squeeze. I tried not to think about how big and soft her breasts are mashing into my chest. “Besides, the girls all think you’re a bit of a DILF.”

“What’s a DILF?”

“It’s uhh- oh yeah, I forgot you’re a dinosaur,” she replied, her face turning a little red and sticking her tongue out at me. “Ah crap, I need to get ready, I haven’t picked out my clothes yet!”

“I’m going for a shower. Don’t forget about the plates. I know you didn’t leave them on the side for me to wash.”

“Aww Dad!”


I left Jade to it as I headed upstairs. I could’ve ribbed her a bit more about what a DILL was or something, but I had to leave before my dick grew to full size. Kids and their weird phrases these days.

I’m a simple man with simple needs. This weekend planned was all about unwinding tonight- crack open some tall boys, watching some crap telly and maybe work on the shed in the garden. The house was a proverbial work in progress. You’d think a builder would’ve done his own home, but when all you did was lay bricks and put up plasterboards all day long, you couldn’t face looking at your toolbox when all you want to do is unwind.

I turned on the shower and waited for the water to run hot enough for me to stand under. I stripped and that was when it caught my eye. A pair of Jade’s panties in the clothes bin. They were turquoise and lacey, and I could only imagine how they looked on her. Instantly, my cock pulsed to life, and a groan escaped my lips. She must’ve showered, ready for her night out.

I swallowed down a lump in my throat. C’mon mate, don’t do this to yourself.

It had been a long time since I felt this animalistic arousal. My dick went all hard and tight, the blood flowing and swelling my dick until it curved and hurt. I licked my lips and wrapped my paw around my shaft and gave it a few pumps, trying to satisfy it. With my other hand, it hovered over the clothes bin, eyes focused on the crumpled fabric.

Don’t do it.

Fuck, no, it was wrong. Totally wrong.

I growled and jumped into the shower. The icy sting of the water bolts of shivering pain through me, but I welcomed the much needed distraction…


I climbed out of the shower ten minutes later. The further I got away from her panties, the better. If this keeps up, I’ll need to see a fucking doctor or something, I can’t be feeling like a hormonal teenager.

I pulled on a pair of shorts and a T-shirt before I went back downstairs.

Jade was putting on a pair of earrings in front of the hallway mirror.

She was wearing a tight, form fitting black dress which showed off plenty of cleavage. What’s worse, the length of her skirt stopped short, halfway up her thighs. She wore blood red lipstick which accentuated her porcelain skin and had her usual dusting of mascara on her almond-shaped eyes.

She took my breath away. My little girl blossomed into a beautiful woman…

“How do I look?” she asked, giving her curls some volume with her fingers.

“Amazing, sweetheart, absolutely amazing. I hope no nasty lad would get their grubby paws on you.”

I tried.

“Aww Dad, don’t worry. It’s a girl’s night out, I promise.”

She gave me that butter wouldn’t melt on her lips smile, which only made me want to keep her at home. No bad idea. Good Dad Mode.

“You have a good time honey, I’ll be here if you need me. You know I keep my cricket bat in the back of the van.”

“Shush you.”

I left her to it and went to get a beer from the fridge. I made a mental note to heat up the curry from last night- That’s dinner sorted.

Her friend turned up not long after I settled- thank fuck it was a girl.

It was Rachel. Unlike Jade, she’s a skinny blonde type. Still hot in her own way, but I much prefer brunettes. I should stop ogling at them both, both looking ready to go out and have some fun.

Rachel said her hellos, and I said them back. And before long, I was left by my lonesome.

I always relaxed when I was home alone. The whole erection thing bothered me, and now that I didn’t have to worry about it, it gave me some breathing space for a few hours at least.

I took a few swigs and eyed the time, making a mental note when to heat up the curry.

There was a niggling feeling at the back of my brain, though.

I pictured Jade laughing and dancing with Rachel, as girls do at a club. Probably wasn’t what’s happening, but you think about stupid things, you know? They might see some lads there, and maybe they’d want to tease them. I could see my little girl giving Rachel a little kiss. At first. Then she’d stick her tongue in and before long they’d be eating each other’s faces and-

And fuck. If I’m not stewing in fatherly possessiveness, my dick had just gone all hard on me.

I knocked back another hit of the booze to wash those feelings away, but it wasn’t going anywhere.

Fuck, her breasts looked great in that dress. I gave myself a pat on the back for not telling her to change into something more conservative. It’s one of those dresses that had those spaghetti straps. You could pull them to the side and peel off her dress and expose her tits…

My cock ached now. Severely ached. Even in my loose fitting shorts, it tented against the fabric painfully.

“Jesus fucking christ and his priest.”

Fuck it, I checked the window to make sure the curtains were drawn. And then I whipped my dick out.

“Much better,” I said to no one as I enjoyed my dick not scraping against anything for the time being.

I reached down and gave my shaft a stroke. It was what I’d call a dry wank. I stroke, and nothing happens until I kinda climax. And even then, my orgasm was nothing more than a sad excuse of a squirt. I made peace with that, though.

In the past, at least. Something felt different now.

I reached down further and took my nuts in my hand.

What the fuck?

I knew they felt different. Fuller, heavier, like someone filled a balloon up with water.

Usually I jerk off, and my dick would sputter and it’ll go down on its own, leaving me in peace for a while.

But tonight I was leaking. Shit, I didn’t leak precum since I was a horny teenager. It wasn’t… Bad I suppose.

So there I was, stroking myself, and it felt kinda nice for a change. Maybe I was being too uptight with the whole thing, stress of something. I tried to picture a nice girl sucking my dick, someone like Rachel. She was hot, but my mind just kept wandering my to my own daughter. God damn, that was some messed up shit.

I licked my lips. It was only a fantasy, it’s not like I was actually doing anything with anyone. People have all sorts of Freudian thoughts, right? My brain jumped back in time, not 30 minutes ago.


“Jade, you look great. Hope you have a good night.”

She turned and looked at me, her smile beaming and warming me right up. “Thanks daddy, I love it when you compliment me like that. So… Do you think I look nice in this dress?”

“Yes, very much so.”

“Do you think I look… Sexy?”

I swallowed. “Damn Jade, if you weren’t my daughter… I mean… Shit.” I felt my face flush.

There was a glint in her eye, like a mischievous cat. “I can tell,” and she looked down.

I followed her eyes to where she was looking at, and only then realized that my cock was poking out against my shorts. “Ah fuck.”

I turned to go backup the stairs and bury my face in the pillow. But before I did, she grabbed my hand.

“Daddy, stay.”

“I can’t. Jesus, look at me. I mean don’t, for God’s sake don’t do that.”

“It’s okay. I mean, it’s my fault, really. I’m wearing this slutty dress and making you hard… I should take responsibility, right? Please turn around, daddy.”

I did, and my shorts weren’t there anymore. Jade looked at my dick, and she gasped, licking her lips…


My eyes snapped open. Crap, I really let my imagination run wild.

My dick was still painfully erect and I couldn’t get the smell of her out of my head.

Her smell…


Fuck, fuck, fuck.

I totally wasn’t doing it. But just the thought alone made my dick twitch, sending a fresh stream of precum leaking out of the tip.

For the first time in a long while, I was kinda looking forward to cumming.

And it was because of my naughty thoughts of my own daughter.

I licked my lips. The promise, the allure of such a pleasure was too much.

Before I knew it, I was back in the bathroom. I fished around in the clothes bin, past my dirty clothes until I found it. The turquoise panties.

My heart slammed against my ribcage as I took them in my hand.

I’m not hurting anyone. I just want to… Smell her.

My cock twitched with painful anticipation, like a divining rod finding something it liked.

I took the panties and pushed it up against my nose. I could still turn back, stop this nonsense.

I inhaled.

A rich, sweet, pungent aroma flooded my nostrils. It was a mixture of damp laundry and a strong musky feminine scent.

My daughter’s scent.

A deep, guttural groan escaped my lips.

God, she smelled amazing.

My hand wrapped around my shaft, and I pumped myself into a frenzy. It actually felt good. I breathed heavily, gasping for more. I alternated between jerking off and sniffing my daughter’s pussy aroma. The excitement was so intense, I thought my heart would burst.

And then I pulled the panties away and looked at them under the overhead light.

Oh God.

It had stains on them! The gusset of the fabric was a turquoise colour, but not completely. Right on the gusset was a sticky white residue. It was Jade’s juices leaking into her panties. Probably innocent, just stuff coming out as she went about her business throughout the day…

But God, was it a sight to behold. I knew I shouldn’t, but I couldn’t help myself.

I licked it.

I ran the tip of my tongue against the fabric. It tasted… sweet but slightly sour too. But the minute I touched my tongue to it, my cock pulsed again and again. Copious amounts of precum leaked out of the tip and ran down my shaft, coating my fingers. It was driving me mad, the taste, the smell. God, my little girl was perfect.

I licked it fastidiously, cleaning the gusset with my tongue. I needed more. I craved it.

And then I had another idea.

I pulled the panties away from my face and I sucked in fresh air. The stain was practically licked clean off…

I took them down to my aching cock and rubbed my tip against them.

“Oh fuck,” I groaned. It was only a piece of fabric, but for some reason, it felt so good. Jade was wearing them earlier today. Her pussy was rubbing against the fabric and now my painfully hard cock was rubbing against the same place…

“Oh Jade, baby girl…” I groaned.

I felt my balls tighten, and I knew what was going to happen. I was at the fucking edge and it was long before I was going to ejaculate. I needed to decide where. Into the toilet?

No fucking way. There was only one place I knew where I wanted.

Right into her panties.

I unfurled the panties, so I could aim my dick nice and centered towards the gusset.

I licked my lips again, sweat running profusively down my forehead. I’ll need another wash after this.

“I’m going to cum baby, daddy is going to cum for you.”

My already massive cock swelled, and I cried out.

A hot, thick torrent of cum blasted forth, right into the panties. I cried out again and again, in pure white bliss, my brain turning to mush as I experienced an almost tantric level of euphoria. And then I realised two shocking things.

I didn’t stop cumming. Way, way more than normal. I gushed out and kept going, like a never ending torrent. The panties weren’t enough to contain the load I unleashed, so I had to drop them.

I couldn’t stop jerking myself though, I was too far gone to deny myself of such an amazing feeling, one I haven’t felt in years. Cum shot forth, hitting the bathroom floor, the sink and the walls.

The other shocking thing was…

I heard a bump against the bathroom door.

I turned as I wanked, and my eyes went wide as I saw Jade watching me. Watching my dick shoot its load into her underwear. Her mouth was gaping wide and all I could do was wait out my orgasm.

“Dad, I- I forgot my purse. Sorry, don’t let me disturb you.”

“Jade. Wait-“ I grunted.

She ran off before I could stop cumming and explain myself to her.


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