Fucking Siblings Chapter 01 - Lusting For My Big Brother
Stasia Grey
There’s two things you needed to know about my big brother, Jason.
One, he was a complete asshole.
Two, he was really fucking hot.
I mean, that wasn’t a normal thing for a younger sister to think, right?
Cut me some slack. I was 18, and my hormones were going haywire. I was doing fine in that department though; lots of pussy playtime with my trusty vibrator at night.
And then he came home.
Jase was in Uni. He got scouted by a prestigious sports academy and they gave him a full scholarship after seeing what he could do on the field. He was at least 6 foot 2, and packed well over 200 pounds of pure muscle. On the rugby field, he dominated. He could simply push the other players aside, if not for his skill too.
I didn’t care for rugby and even I could see he was talented. So yeah, he carted off to university a few years ago, never to look back.
And now he’s back for a couple of weeks over the spring holidays.
I didn’t realise how much I missed him, and hated him, once he got back.
I sat around the dining table, eating some fruit before heading off for college. I was taking it easy, just checking my social media. Mum didn’t like me doing that, and then Dad did the same thing too, so she relented and didn’t fuss (too much) about it.
I heard Jase before I saw him; like a fucking rhino, he stomped down the stairs. And that was him walking normally.
“Morning, Mum,” Jason said as he leaned over and gave Mum a quick cuddle and kiss on the cheek.
“Morning, honey, you hungry?”
“No, I’m going to catch up with some friends. We’ll grab something later.”
“How is university?” Dad asked.
“Great, I’m doing great. Busy. Glad for some down time back home.”
“Well, don’t let yourself go too much,” Dad chuckled. “I know how many parties you will have lined up.”
“Nah, just gonna take it easy, Dad.” Jason replied, his tone not convincing at all. “How about you short-stack, you working hard?”
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt the heat of his body. Jason was right behind me.
I didn’t bother turning to face him. “Yep. Doing just fine.”
“What you doing again? Feeling men up for a living?” He laughed.
God, I wanted to thump him. “I’m doing physiotherapy. And you sports people should know how valuable we are.”
“Yeah, well,” he snorted, leaning in. “I only need a physio if I get hurt. And I don’t get hurt.”
God, he smelled good. He was freshly showered, and even if he didn’t, it was that thick, musky male scent that just did something for me. My thighs rubbed together.
“Don’t be arrogant. Injuries could happen to anyone. Besides, physio is good as a preventative.”
“Nope, never needed it.”
And before I realised it, he snatched my toast on the side.
“Snooze, you lose, short-stack,” he chuckled and headed out.
“Fucking prick!”
“Language!” Dad said.
“God, I’m an adult now! We’re all adults. Besides, he started it! He stole my fu- toast.”
“Jason is a growing lad. Let him have some of your toast. It’s no big deal.”
My fingers dug into my palms.
Fucking Jase. He was the golden child of the house. He can do nothing wrong. Dad was a massive rugby nut, and he’s convinced Jase would end up playing for England. Mum said she doesn’t play favorites, but you could tell she beamed when she looks at her son with pride. So fucking big and strong and… handsome. Nordic blood ran thick in him. He had that strong jawline and easy smile that turns every... single… head… when he walks around. His blond hair looked as if it was bathed in sunlight. He looked almost angelic in the summer. Especially when he’s walking around in nothing but swim trunks at the beach. And don’t get me started with his fucking bulge. Even when he’s not hard, it catches the eye. I couldn’t cope with girls wagging their tongues and finding any excuse to grind against him.
And his eyes… we had the same green eyes, but his seemed to radiate like emeralds. I didn’t have that lustre.
It was hard for me to compete with him.
Fuck it. Fuck the toast. I lost my appetite anyway.
It shouldn’t bother me, but my mind wouldn’t stop ticking away. My eyes kept looking at the time through my morning classes, right until lunchtime. I sat with my friends in the canteen, and they were talking about a house party coming up. Usually I’d be down for it. Get drunk, have a laugh and maybe hook up with some cute guy.
But I felt it. I could sense it. Jase was probably out finding some random tail right now. He didn’t rub it in my face, but I knew he had no end of pussy. He’s probably fucking some random bitch right now in the shopping arcade.
“You coming to Rick’s party?” my friend Jenna asked me.
“Yeah, for sure.”
“Bradley is going to be there.”
“Bradley Wakefield. Only the hottest guy on campus. The mid-fielder for the football team. I’d suck his dick.”
“Jenna, you’d suck anyone’s dick.”
We laughed at that.
But it wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe all I needed to get my stupid brother out of my mind is another guy. Could do worse than Brad Wakefield.
Well, college was uneventful. Had a long boring lecture about how aromoatheraputics could enhance a client’s experience, followed by a top-up course on anatomy. I’d learn it, but my head wasn’t in the game right now.
Nobody was home. I couldn’t decide whether I was glad that Jase was home or not. I was used to Dad and Mum being out a lot. Dad was busy with his job and Mum had loads of events to do. She liked to generally be involved with all sorts of community initiatives.
So, I ate whatever was in the fridge, which was some cheese and fruit and what’s left of a Cadbury’s chocolate bar Mum had hidden behind the tomato sauce.
I stripped and jumped in the shower, enjoying washing the day’s grime off me. Not that it was physically strenuous today. I used to play football on the girl’s team in school, but once I got to college, I was more focused with my course. I had to figure out what I wanted to do after this. A towel wrapped around my head and another around my body. I looked at the standing mirror in my room. Luckily, I still looked slim despite not being as active as I used to be. My legs are slim and I still have a flat tummy.
The problem was my tits.
I wasn’t flat chested, but I wasn’t exactly the big breasted sluts my brother seemed to go for. Maybe he liked them dumb and fun, not tomboy types like me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid of lipstick or dresses. I just preferred doing less girly things. Maybe I’m a closet introvert, but I preferred hiding in a corner somewhere and read a book or play my guitar. Just chill.
Girls tend to bitch about each other and get caught up in all sorts of drama. I couldn’t be fucked with that shit.
Dad didn’t like me blasting music through the walls, so I donned my headphones. One less thing to worry about while I review my notes.
The clock read a few minutes after midnight when I woke up. In my sleep, I managed to take off the headphones, which were currently lying on the floor, with music still playing. The room was pitch black, apart from the lamp on my desk.
I stretched and yawned. I figured I did enough for tonight, so best thing to do was go take a leak, and settle in bed.
I opened the door to the bathroom, not bothering with the lights. I lived here long enough feel my way around. Besides, the bathroom I use is a shared one.
Let me explain.
For some strange reason, Dad wanted an ensuite in the master bedroom. He also wanted it to be convenient for my brother and I. So, the main bathroom was sandwiched between my room and Jase’s room. I can open my door and go straight in. Over the years of almost walking into each other taking a shit or worse, I developed a habit of locking my door and vice versa. We also gave a customary knock as extra insurance.
Jase was gone a good few months since he went to uni. It was incredible how quickly you forget about some habits. So I started treating the main bathroom as my convenient ensuite.
Not like I had to worry about walking in on him, right?
My foot dragged across some fabric in the dark, and I remembered about the clothes I left on the floor. I relieved myself and was about to grab the clothes and dump them in the laundry basket before I saw a strip of light.
It was coming from Jase’s door.
So, he was back home.
I dumped the clothes and went to pull his door close. I didn’t want to deal with that later.
And then what I saw stopped me in my tracks.
I didn’t mean to stare. Seriously.
Through the gap, I could see my brother on his bed. He was topless, which was not strange. He always slept with nothing but a pair of underwear. He claimed because he’s just so muscly, he gave off too much heat. Show off.
But this time, his briefs were halfway down his legs. In one hand, he had his phone and I could hear the tinny sound of a woman moaning.
In the other, he was rubbing something against his dick. A piece of fabric.
Holy shit.
Jase was jerking off!
I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from making a sound. I didn’t trust myself right then. I swallowed down a gulp as my eyes were powerless to peel away from the scene before me.
Jase’s face illuminated by the light of the TV screen… Fuck. He looked pained. No, not in pain, but it was tight, like he desperately needed to cum. The way he jerked off was interesting too. It wasn’t a steady up-down rhythm I thought all guys did. He would do it agonizingly slowly, then sometimes he would mix it up with a couple of quick pumps. I wish I could see his cock, but the fabric half hid it from view.
It was dark, so it was not like I could see very well, anyway.
My other hand was between my legs before I knew it. There was something so naughty about watching him do this. He was clearly enjoying himself. I wondered what he had around his dick. A sock? No. Wouldn’t he be wearing it over his dick if it were a sock? I heard guys did that too.
He licked his lips, eyes fixed on the screen.
Then he mumbled something. A name?
Ka… Tie…
My heart skipped a beat. I must’ve misread. If not, then he must be thinking of a girl with the same name as me. Not uncommon.
My fingers pushed past my shorts and panties and felt how soaked my pussy was.
Fuck, I was really hot and wet. Was I so depraved that I got this excited from watching my own brother jerk off?
I gave my clit a little tease. Just a little to take the edge off. I didn’t want to start moaning and give myself away.
He dropped the phone now. The video kept playing, but he pulled the fabric to his face. The dirty bastard. I think he was getting off on sniffing it.
But my eyes went to his dick. In the low light, I could just about make out how big it was.
I licked my lips.
Even his big hands couldn’t hide his big, curved dick. It had to be at least eight inches big, and thick too…
What I wouldn’t do to get on my knees and run my tongue up his shaft…
“Fuck, Katie…” he grunted. “I’m going to cum…”
“Cum,” I mouthed. I knew he didn’t mean me, but I told myself he did.
His hand was a blur. His hips flexed, joining in with his need to climax. I could sense him reaching his peak.
He pulled the fabric over his cock and he came.
I almost groaned myself as I watched his entire body tense, laser focused on the end of his dick, shooting his thick load into the fabric.
I would’ve loved to see it happen, but the fabric and his big hand blocked the view.
It was over as quickly as it started. Jase bundled up the fabric and chucked it onto the floor. He stood, yanked his briefs over his ass, and headed to the door.
I sucked in a breath, but quickly realized that he was heading for his main bedroom door- He was probably going downstairs to get a drink or something. It was late. There’s very little risk of running into Mum or Dad. And even if he did, it was no big deal. He was always walking around half naked if there weren’t guests around.
A few seconds passed and heard his footfalls going downstairs. Even if he was trying to be quiet, it was still louder than a regular person’s.
I should pull the door to and retreat.
My heart pounded against my ribcage.
I snuck into his room before I lost the courage and grabbed the fabric.
Then I closed the door behind me.
I padded through my own door, locked it, and sat on my own bed.
Only then did I stop holding my breath.
In my hand was the crumpled fabric, still hot with Jase’s cum. I gasped as I unravelled it.
It was the panties I wore today.
I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe he used my panties to get off with. That jerk, he probably wanted a masturbatory aid when he jerked off thinking about this other Katie girl.
Still, it was kinda hot…
Like him, I couldn’t help but put it up to my face. A whiff, and the pungent scent of my brother’s cum went straight to my brain. It was thick and intense and made my pussy ache with need.
“Jase, you idiot.”
My fingers slid easily past my inflamed lips, making me groan as they invaded the inner walls of my pussy. It’s been so long. I never had a problem with boys being interested in me, but I never went out of my way to flirt with them either.
Or maybe I was subconsciously waiting for Jason. I knew it would never happen, but I still couldn’t help comparing other boys to him. When I touch myself, it’s always my brother in my fantasies, using me, fucking me hard…
God, lust overwhelmed my body.
I was soaking wet. Slick, damp heat was leaking endlessly. I pulled my panties down, exposing my pussy to the open air. God, that was so bad of me. I let my fingers explore me, touching my inflamed lips and letting them slide into me over and over.
“God…” I groaned.
I was so shameless. I was so wet for my fucking brother.
My mind was reeling.
I needed relief. I needed to cum…
Maybe… Maybe if I use that thing…
I pulled open the bottom drawer of my bedside cabinet.
I brought myself a brand new vibrator. I lifted it out of the box and looked for a slot or something. I found it and opened up its core, peeling the packaging away and slid two batteries into the toy.
I should stop…
No, maybe if I use it, just for a little… Just to take the edge off…
Where’s the on-off switch? God, this was so frustrating. I sniffed the toy while I looked for a button. I cleaned it regularly, but sometimes I wondered if it still had the faint aroma of my pussy. My imagination was running wild, imagining Jase finding my toy, getting aroused over my scent. Maybe even giving it a taste…
My fingers found a textured part of the base- a rectangular slot with ridges, probably to help with the grip. Without thinking, I slid the switch upwards, and the whole thing pulsed in my hand. It was so intense, the vibrations travelled up my hand, up past my wrist and right down to my bones.
How loud was it? Will Jase hear it? Will he come in an investigate? God, maybe I would like that…
What the hell am I doing?
My legs opened on their own. An unfamiliar tendril of illicit excitement travelled down my spine.
I imagined Jason opening the door, and watching his little sister play with her naughty pussy…
“C’mon, Katie, place it over your panties and trace your pussy lips with it.”
Hearing the word ‘pussy’ coming out of his mouth felt so wrong, so obscene…
Yet, I couldn’t help but do as phantom-Jason told me to. It was fine. There was no one there but me.
No one would know…
I pushed the tip of the artificial cock against my panties and I had to hold in a moan. The vibrations were violent, intense and unending. It’s thrumming was teased my pussy mercilessly.
“Slowly grind it against your pussy.”
“I-I’m doing it right now…”
God, was the house always this quiet? I couldn’t anything but the buzzing of the toy. For a moment, I wondered if anyone else could hear it too.
It felt so good against me…
“Now slip it under your panties. Touch your clit directly with it.”
I pulled my panties aside and the thick scent of my own arousal assaulted my nostrils. Carefully, I placed the base of the toy against me.
Oh God, it was too much, the direct stimulation to my engorged clit was too much. I gasped and keened against this new sensation. I tried my best to hold the toy, but my brain was hazing up.
“Lie down. I want to watch you to masturbate with both hands.”
This was so wrong. Why was I imagining Jase like this?
I lay on the bed, one hand holding the toy. It jutted out of my panties and I looked like I had a deformed penis curving out from between my legs. It was vibrating so hard and I used one of the smaller curved arms to push inside me.
“Oh, God…” I moaned.
“Use your hips too. Thrust against the dildo,” his voice rasped. He was stern and commanding, and I felt the need to obey.
“Yes… I’m doing it right now…” I panted.
Why did I like the thought of being submissive to my brother? Why did it feel so… good?
Oh God, I moaned like a bitch in heat.
I gyrated my hips up and down, as if I was fucking an invisible lover.
“Don’t forget to keep plunging the toy deeper into your cunt.”
“N-no… please don’t say such embarrassing things.” My face burned red with shame, but I felt compelled to keep on doing it.
“How I wish I could lick your tits. I’d suck on your nipples as hard as I could.”
“God…” My hand moved on its own, pulling the front of my T-shirt up, letting my breasts spill out.
“…Then I’d tease your tits with my tongue…”
My fingers groped my breasts, mauling at them, pulling and yanking on them.
This was so lewd and shameful. I imagined what my big, rough brother would actually do to me.
I rolled my nipples between my fingers, tugging and pinching them.
“How are they right now?”
“T-they’re erect…”
He laughed, low and thick with lust. “You sound so slutty, sis. You’re making my dick so hard for you.”
I’m such a bad girl. I wanted the real Jase to do this to me so much.
“Put the toy up to your mouth. Do it.”
I groaned and pulled the vibrator out of my panties. It was coated, all wet and shiny with my juices.
I had it right up by my face. I imagined that it was his dick right now.
“What does it smell like?”
“God… it smells like me.”
“Like what?”
“D-don’t make me say it…”
“Say it. I know you want to.”
“It smells like my pussy. The smell is so thick and naughty…”
“Lick it. Go on, do it. Pretend it’s my dick.”
My lips quivered, but my mouth opened on its own. Slowly, the tip of my tongue touched the rubbery head of the toy. A sharp, salty taste of my own excitement stung my taste buds.
For some reason, imaging it was Jase’s cock, being so forceful with my mouth, just made me want to suck it like a naughty little sister. My pussy ached with need.
“Lick the underside of it, too,” he growled.
I did as he commanded. My tongue ran the underside of the toy, feeling the rubbery nodules buzzing violently against my tongue. I pushed it into my mouth, imagining him fucking my mouth like that.
With my other hand, I teased my pussy, pushing in and out of my sopping wet hole, running circles around my hard little nub, but still feeling uncontrollably frustrated.
God, I needed his cock.
“Good girl. Now we’re going to have some real fun. You see the suction cup at the end of the toy? Jam it against something smooth and flat. Like a table.”
I moaned. My desk should work…
I pushed aside my revision notes and textbooks, letting them fall to the floor. My urgency also knocked over a glass of water, soaking into the rug below the table. I wasn’t concerned about any of that right now; I can only think of one thing.
My need to cum.
I pushed it hard against the glass topped surface. It was vibrating still, but the suction cup held it down securely.
“Take off your panties. And squat over the toy.”
I hooked my fingers under the waistband of my panties and pulled them down. A thick string of my own excitement came away with them.
Shamelessly, I squatted over the toy. It was barely grazing my lips, making my hips shudder. If the real Jason was here right now… under the table, he’d see my shameful pussy being spread like this…
I moaned and a new wave of my own juices flushed out, running down my inner thighs. Droplets hit the table.
“P-please, big brother…” I begged. “I want it inside me…”
“Not yet,” he growled.
The tip of the vibrator lashed at my painfully inflamed lips, grazing against my clit. I bent forward, my knuckles turned white as I gripped against the edge of the table as tight as I could.
“Please… Oh God..!”
“Okay, put your ass down, impale that slutty cunt of yours on it.”
I lowered my hips and the thick, vibrating toy pushed past my lips, snaking deep inside me. The vibrations were intense, and the inner walls of my pussy clung to the shaft. The nodules on the shaft only enhanced the pleasure, making my mind go blank with bliss.
“How does it feel?”
“I-it’s deep inside me! It feels so good..!”
I was just squatting there, like some harlot, shaking and writhing as the vibrator drove me mad with pleasure. The vibrations agitated my pussy, making me squirt out nectar, spraying all over my table…
“Oh God! I can’t stop moving my hips!”
“Now spread your ass wide.”
I can’t! But all I felt was a dark thrill. Excitement pulsed through me at the request. I never played with my ass before.
With both hands, I grabbed my cheeks, spreading them open for my unseen lover. I felt it pucker, thinking about him watching me like this.
I was so wet, it was everywhere. I had no trouble scooping my own juices up, coating my fingers.
For what?
My left hand rubbed my sensitive little hole now. My own shameful juices coated my fingers. I hissed as my middle finger ran over my ridged orifice. Touching and backing off, but returning almost immediately.
I licked my lips. I wanted this.
I pushed my own juices into my asshole, making it all wet and slippery and ready.
“Sit on it fully,” not-Jase said. “Stick the little arm in your ass.”
I gritted my teeth and my heart slammed against my ribcage. I pushed down onto the toy, this time holding it at the base and guiding one of the arms against my asshole.
“Oh God!” I cried out. The toy plugged both of my sensitive holes, the vibrations bringing me to a level of pleasure I’ve never experienced in my life before. I pictured my brother doing this to me, teasing my body like this.
“It’s churning up my pussy!”
“Play with your clit too, sis.”
I did as he commanded. My legs shook with exertion.
This was too much.
“I- I’m going to cum!”
“Cum, you little slut, cum all over the toy.”
I felt myself fall over the edge and into the abyss of pure ecstasy. I shook and writhed and climaxed all over the glass table, my orgasmic juices sprayed everywhere.
I collapsed forward, and I clenched the toy so hard I pulled it off the table. The suction gave away with a loud ‘pop’. In the heat of the moment, I no longer cared whether Mum, Dad or Jase heard the commotion I made.
I dropped to the floor, wide eyed and on all fours, the toy still pulsating inside me.
I managed to pull it out and drop it. It plunked to the floor, right beside me, vibrating and shaking like some obscene thing, coated in my juices.
In the semi-darkness of my own bedroom, I gasped, waiting for my breath to normalise. Waiting for my brother to come, but he never will.
Thank you for reading, go here to download a free copy of this story, along with my other free stories at the back!
Complete series here
One, he was a complete asshole.
Two, he was really fucking hot.
I mean, that wasn’t a normal thing for a younger sister to think, right?
Cut me some slack. I was 18, and my hormones were going haywire. I was doing fine in that department though; lots of pussy playtime with my trusty vibrator at night.
And then he came home.
Jase was in Uni. He got scouted by a prestigious sports academy and they gave him a full scholarship after seeing what he could do on the field. He was at least 6 foot 2, and packed well over 200 pounds of pure muscle. On the rugby field, he dominated. He could simply push the other players aside, if not for his skill too.
I didn’t care for rugby and even I could see he was talented. So yeah, he carted off to university a few years ago, never to look back.
And now he’s back for a couple of weeks over the spring holidays.
I didn’t realise how much I missed him, and hated him, once he got back.
I sat around the dining table, eating some fruit before heading off for college. I was taking it easy, just checking my social media. Mum didn’t like me doing that, and then Dad did the same thing too, so she relented and didn’t fuss (too much) about it.
I heard Jase before I saw him; like a fucking rhino, he stomped down the stairs. And that was him walking normally.
“Morning, Mum,” Jason said as he leaned over and gave Mum a quick cuddle and kiss on the cheek.
“Morning, honey, you hungry?”
“No, I’m going to catch up with some friends. We’ll grab something later.”
“How is university?” Dad asked.
“Great, I’m doing great. Busy. Glad for some down time back home.”
“Well, don’t let yourself go too much,” Dad chuckled. “I know how many parties you will have lined up.”
“Nah, just gonna take it easy, Dad.” Jason replied, his tone not convincing at all. “How about you short-stack, you working hard?”
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt the heat of his body. Jason was right behind me.
I didn’t bother turning to face him. “Yep. Doing just fine.”
“What you doing again? Feeling men up for a living?” He laughed.
God, I wanted to thump him. “I’m doing physiotherapy. And you sports people should know how valuable we are.”
“Yeah, well,” he snorted, leaning in. “I only need a physio if I get hurt. And I don’t get hurt.”
God, he smelled good. He was freshly showered, and even if he didn’t, it was that thick, musky male scent that just did something for me. My thighs rubbed together.
“Don’t be arrogant. Injuries could happen to anyone. Besides, physio is good as a preventative.”
“Nope, never needed it.”
And before I realised it, he snatched my toast on the side.
“Snooze, you lose, short-stack,” he chuckled and headed out.
“Fucking prick!”
“Language!” Dad said.
“God, I’m an adult now! We’re all adults. Besides, he started it! He stole my fu- toast.”
“Jason is a growing lad. Let him have some of your toast. It’s no big deal.”
My fingers dug into my palms.
Fucking Jase. He was the golden child of the house. He can do nothing wrong. Dad was a massive rugby nut, and he’s convinced Jase would end up playing for England. Mum said she doesn’t play favorites, but you could tell she beamed when she looks at her son with pride. So fucking big and strong and… handsome. Nordic blood ran thick in him. He had that strong jawline and easy smile that turns every... single… head… when he walks around. His blond hair looked as if it was bathed in sunlight. He looked almost angelic in the summer. Especially when he’s walking around in nothing but swim trunks at the beach. And don’t get me started with his fucking bulge. Even when he’s not hard, it catches the eye. I couldn’t cope with girls wagging their tongues and finding any excuse to grind against him.
And his eyes… we had the same green eyes, but his seemed to radiate like emeralds. I didn’t have that lustre.
It was hard for me to compete with him.
Fuck it. Fuck the toast. I lost my appetite anyway.
It shouldn’t bother me, but my mind wouldn’t stop ticking away. My eyes kept looking at the time through my morning classes, right until lunchtime. I sat with my friends in the canteen, and they were talking about a house party coming up. Usually I’d be down for it. Get drunk, have a laugh and maybe hook up with some cute guy.
But I felt it. I could sense it. Jase was probably out finding some random tail right now. He didn’t rub it in my face, but I knew he had no end of pussy. He’s probably fucking some random bitch right now in the shopping arcade.
“You coming to Rick’s party?” my friend Jenna asked me.
“Yeah, for sure.”
“Bradley is going to be there.”
“Bradley Wakefield. Only the hottest guy on campus. The mid-fielder for the football team. I’d suck his dick.”
“Jenna, you’d suck anyone’s dick.”
We laughed at that.
But it wasn’t a bad idea. Maybe all I needed to get my stupid brother out of my mind is another guy. Could do worse than Brad Wakefield.
Well, college was uneventful. Had a long boring lecture about how aromoatheraputics could enhance a client’s experience, followed by a top-up course on anatomy. I’d learn it, but my head wasn’t in the game right now.
Nobody was home. I couldn’t decide whether I was glad that Jase was home or not. I was used to Dad and Mum being out a lot. Dad was busy with his job and Mum had loads of events to do. She liked to generally be involved with all sorts of community initiatives.
So, I ate whatever was in the fridge, which was some cheese and fruit and what’s left of a Cadbury’s chocolate bar Mum had hidden behind the tomato sauce.
I stripped and jumped in the shower, enjoying washing the day’s grime off me. Not that it was physically strenuous today. I used to play football on the girl’s team in school, but once I got to college, I was more focused with my course. I had to figure out what I wanted to do after this. A towel wrapped around my head and another around my body. I looked at the standing mirror in my room. Luckily, I still looked slim despite not being as active as I used to be. My legs are slim and I still have a flat tummy.
The problem was my tits.
I wasn’t flat chested, but I wasn’t exactly the big breasted sluts my brother seemed to go for. Maybe he liked them dumb and fun, not tomboy types like me.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not afraid of lipstick or dresses. I just preferred doing less girly things. Maybe I’m a closet introvert, but I preferred hiding in a corner somewhere and read a book or play my guitar. Just chill.
Girls tend to bitch about each other and get caught up in all sorts of drama. I couldn’t be fucked with that shit.
Dad didn’t like me blasting music through the walls, so I donned my headphones. One less thing to worry about while I review my notes.
The clock read a few minutes after midnight when I woke up. In my sleep, I managed to take off the headphones, which were currently lying on the floor, with music still playing. The room was pitch black, apart from the lamp on my desk.
I stretched and yawned. I figured I did enough for tonight, so best thing to do was go take a leak, and settle in bed.
I opened the door to the bathroom, not bothering with the lights. I lived here long enough feel my way around. Besides, the bathroom I use is a shared one.
Let me explain.
For some strange reason, Dad wanted an ensuite in the master bedroom. He also wanted it to be convenient for my brother and I. So, the main bathroom was sandwiched between my room and Jase’s room. I can open my door and go straight in. Over the years of almost walking into each other taking a shit or worse, I developed a habit of locking my door and vice versa. We also gave a customary knock as extra insurance.
Jase was gone a good few months since he went to uni. It was incredible how quickly you forget about some habits. So I started treating the main bathroom as my convenient ensuite.
Not like I had to worry about walking in on him, right?
My foot dragged across some fabric in the dark, and I remembered about the clothes I left on the floor. I relieved myself and was about to grab the clothes and dump them in the laundry basket before I saw a strip of light.
It was coming from Jase’s door.
So, he was back home.
I dumped the clothes and went to pull his door close. I didn’t want to deal with that later.
And then what I saw stopped me in my tracks.
I didn’t mean to stare. Seriously.
Through the gap, I could see my brother on his bed. He was topless, which was not strange. He always slept with nothing but a pair of underwear. He claimed because he’s just so muscly, he gave off too much heat. Show off.
But this time, his briefs were halfway down his legs. In one hand, he had his phone and I could hear the tinny sound of a woman moaning.
In the other, he was rubbing something against his dick. A piece of fabric.
Holy shit.
Jase was jerking off!
I clamped a hand over my mouth to stop myself from making a sound. I didn’t trust myself right then. I swallowed down a gulp as my eyes were powerless to peel away from the scene before me.
Jase’s face illuminated by the light of the TV screen… Fuck. He looked pained. No, not in pain, but it was tight, like he desperately needed to cum. The way he jerked off was interesting too. It wasn’t a steady up-down rhythm I thought all guys did. He would do it agonizingly slowly, then sometimes he would mix it up with a couple of quick pumps. I wish I could see his cock, but the fabric half hid it from view.
It was dark, so it was not like I could see very well, anyway.
My other hand was between my legs before I knew it. There was something so naughty about watching him do this. He was clearly enjoying himself. I wondered what he had around his dick. A sock? No. Wouldn’t he be wearing it over his dick if it were a sock? I heard guys did that too.
He licked his lips, eyes fixed on the screen.
Then he mumbled something. A name?
Ka… Tie…
My heart skipped a beat. I must’ve misread. If not, then he must be thinking of a girl with the same name as me. Not uncommon.
My fingers pushed past my shorts and panties and felt how soaked my pussy was.
Fuck, I was really hot and wet. Was I so depraved that I got this excited from watching my own brother jerk off?
I gave my clit a little tease. Just a little to take the edge off. I didn’t want to start moaning and give myself away.
He dropped the phone now. The video kept playing, but he pulled the fabric to his face. The dirty bastard. I think he was getting off on sniffing it.
But my eyes went to his dick. In the low light, I could just about make out how big it was.
I licked my lips.
Even his big hands couldn’t hide his big, curved dick. It had to be at least eight inches big, and thick too…
What I wouldn’t do to get on my knees and run my tongue up his shaft…
“Fuck, Katie…” he grunted. “I’m going to cum…”
“Cum,” I mouthed. I knew he didn’t mean me, but I told myself he did.
His hand was a blur. His hips flexed, joining in with his need to climax. I could sense him reaching his peak.
He pulled the fabric over his cock and he came.
I almost groaned myself as I watched his entire body tense, laser focused on the end of his dick, shooting his thick load into the fabric.
I would’ve loved to see it happen, but the fabric and his big hand blocked the view.
It was over as quickly as it started. Jase bundled up the fabric and chucked it onto the floor. He stood, yanked his briefs over his ass, and headed to the door.
I sucked in a breath, but quickly realized that he was heading for his main bedroom door- He was probably going downstairs to get a drink or something. It was late. There’s very little risk of running into Mum or Dad. And even if he did, it was no big deal. He was always walking around half naked if there weren’t guests around.
A few seconds passed and heard his footfalls going downstairs. Even if he was trying to be quiet, it was still louder than a regular person’s.
I should pull the door to and retreat.
My heart pounded against my ribcage.
I snuck into his room before I lost the courage and grabbed the fabric.
Then I closed the door behind me.
I padded through my own door, locked it, and sat on my own bed.
Only then did I stop holding my breath.
In my hand was the crumpled fabric, still hot with Jase’s cum. I gasped as I unravelled it.
It was the panties I wore today.
I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t believe he used my panties to get off with. That jerk, he probably wanted a masturbatory aid when he jerked off thinking about this other Katie girl.
Still, it was kinda hot…
Like him, I couldn’t help but put it up to my face. A whiff, and the pungent scent of my brother’s cum went straight to my brain. It was thick and intense and made my pussy ache with need.
“Jase, you idiot.”
My fingers slid easily past my inflamed lips, making me groan as they invaded the inner walls of my pussy. It’s been so long. I never had a problem with boys being interested in me, but I never went out of my way to flirt with them either.
Or maybe I was subconsciously waiting for Jason. I knew it would never happen, but I still couldn’t help comparing other boys to him. When I touch myself, it’s always my brother in my fantasies, using me, fucking me hard…
God, lust overwhelmed my body.
I was soaking wet. Slick, damp heat was leaking endlessly. I pulled my panties down, exposing my pussy to the open air. God, that was so bad of me. I let my fingers explore me, touching my inflamed lips and letting them slide into me over and over.
“God…” I groaned.
I was so shameless. I was so wet for my fucking brother.
My mind was reeling.
I needed relief. I needed to cum…
Maybe… Maybe if I use that thing…
I pulled open the bottom drawer of my bedside cabinet.
I brought myself a brand new vibrator. I lifted it out of the box and looked for a slot or something. I found it and opened up its core, peeling the packaging away and slid two batteries into the toy.
I should stop…
No, maybe if I use it, just for a little… Just to take the edge off…
Where’s the on-off switch? God, this was so frustrating. I sniffed the toy while I looked for a button. I cleaned it regularly, but sometimes I wondered if it still had the faint aroma of my pussy. My imagination was running wild, imagining Jase finding my toy, getting aroused over my scent. Maybe even giving it a taste…
My fingers found a textured part of the base- a rectangular slot with ridges, probably to help with the grip. Without thinking, I slid the switch upwards, and the whole thing pulsed in my hand. It was so intense, the vibrations travelled up my hand, up past my wrist and right down to my bones.
How loud was it? Will Jase hear it? Will he come in an investigate? God, maybe I would like that…
What the hell am I doing?
My legs opened on their own. An unfamiliar tendril of illicit excitement travelled down my spine.
I imagined Jason opening the door, and watching his little sister play with her naughty pussy…
“C’mon, Katie, place it over your panties and trace your pussy lips with it.”
Hearing the word ‘pussy’ coming out of his mouth felt so wrong, so obscene…
Yet, I couldn’t help but do as phantom-Jason told me to. It was fine. There was no one there but me.
No one would know…
I pushed the tip of the artificial cock against my panties and I had to hold in a moan. The vibrations were violent, intense and unending. It’s thrumming was teased my pussy mercilessly.
“Slowly grind it against your pussy.”
“I-I’m doing it right now…”
God, was the house always this quiet? I couldn’t anything but the buzzing of the toy. For a moment, I wondered if anyone else could hear it too.
It felt so good against me…
“Now slip it under your panties. Touch your clit directly with it.”
I pulled my panties aside and the thick scent of my own arousal assaulted my nostrils. Carefully, I placed the base of the toy against me.
Oh God, it was too much, the direct stimulation to my engorged clit was too much. I gasped and keened against this new sensation. I tried my best to hold the toy, but my brain was hazing up.
“Lie down. I want to watch you to masturbate with both hands.”
This was so wrong. Why was I imagining Jase like this?
I lay on the bed, one hand holding the toy. It jutted out of my panties and I looked like I had a deformed penis curving out from between my legs. It was vibrating so hard and I used one of the smaller curved arms to push inside me.
“Oh, God…” I moaned.
“Use your hips too. Thrust against the dildo,” his voice rasped. He was stern and commanding, and I felt the need to obey.
“Yes… I’m doing it right now…” I panted.
Why did I like the thought of being submissive to my brother? Why did it feel so… good?
Oh God, I moaned like a bitch in heat.
I gyrated my hips up and down, as if I was fucking an invisible lover.
“Don’t forget to keep plunging the toy deeper into your cunt.”
“N-no… please don’t say such embarrassing things.” My face burned red with shame, but I felt compelled to keep on doing it.
“How I wish I could lick your tits. I’d suck on your nipples as hard as I could.”
“God…” My hand moved on its own, pulling the front of my T-shirt up, letting my breasts spill out.
“…Then I’d tease your tits with my tongue…”
My fingers groped my breasts, mauling at them, pulling and yanking on them.
This was so lewd and shameful. I imagined what my big, rough brother would actually do to me.
I rolled my nipples between my fingers, tugging and pinching them.
“How are they right now?”
“T-they’re erect…”
He laughed, low and thick with lust. “You sound so slutty, sis. You’re making my dick so hard for you.”
I’m such a bad girl. I wanted the real Jase to do this to me so much.
“Put the toy up to your mouth. Do it.”
I groaned and pulled the vibrator out of my panties. It was coated, all wet and shiny with my juices.
I had it right up by my face. I imagined that it was his dick right now.
“What does it smell like?”
“God… it smells like me.”
“Like what?”
“D-don’t make me say it…”
“Say it. I know you want to.”
“It smells like my pussy. The smell is so thick and naughty…”
“Lick it. Go on, do it. Pretend it’s my dick.”
My lips quivered, but my mouth opened on its own. Slowly, the tip of my tongue touched the rubbery head of the toy. A sharp, salty taste of my own excitement stung my taste buds.
For some reason, imaging it was Jase’s cock, being so forceful with my mouth, just made me want to suck it like a naughty little sister. My pussy ached with need.
“Lick the underside of it, too,” he growled.
I did as he commanded. My tongue ran the underside of the toy, feeling the rubbery nodules buzzing violently against my tongue. I pushed it into my mouth, imagining him fucking my mouth like that.
With my other hand, I teased my pussy, pushing in and out of my sopping wet hole, running circles around my hard little nub, but still feeling uncontrollably frustrated.
God, I needed his cock.
“Good girl. Now we’re going to have some real fun. You see the suction cup at the end of the toy? Jam it against something smooth and flat. Like a table.”
I moaned. My desk should work…
I pushed aside my revision notes and textbooks, letting them fall to the floor. My urgency also knocked over a glass of water, soaking into the rug below the table. I wasn’t concerned about any of that right now; I can only think of one thing.
My need to cum.
I pushed it hard against the glass topped surface. It was vibrating still, but the suction cup held it down securely.
“Take off your panties. And squat over the toy.”
I hooked my fingers under the waistband of my panties and pulled them down. A thick string of my own excitement came away with them.
Shamelessly, I squatted over the toy. It was barely grazing my lips, making my hips shudder. If the real Jason was here right now… under the table, he’d see my shameful pussy being spread like this…
I moaned and a new wave of my own juices flushed out, running down my inner thighs. Droplets hit the table.
“P-please, big brother…” I begged. “I want it inside me…”
“Not yet,” he growled.
The tip of the vibrator lashed at my painfully inflamed lips, grazing against my clit. I bent forward, my knuckles turned white as I gripped against the edge of the table as tight as I could.
“Please… Oh God..!”
“Okay, put your ass down, impale that slutty cunt of yours on it.”
I lowered my hips and the thick, vibrating toy pushed past my lips, snaking deep inside me. The vibrations were intense, and the inner walls of my pussy clung to the shaft. The nodules on the shaft only enhanced the pleasure, making my mind go blank with bliss.
“How does it feel?”
“I-it’s deep inside me! It feels so good..!”
I was just squatting there, like some harlot, shaking and writhing as the vibrator drove me mad with pleasure. The vibrations agitated my pussy, making me squirt out nectar, spraying all over my table…
“Oh God! I can’t stop moving my hips!”
“Now spread your ass wide.”
I can’t! But all I felt was a dark thrill. Excitement pulsed through me at the request. I never played with my ass before.
With both hands, I grabbed my cheeks, spreading them open for my unseen lover. I felt it pucker, thinking about him watching me like this.
I was so wet, it was everywhere. I had no trouble scooping my own juices up, coating my fingers.
For what?
My left hand rubbed my sensitive little hole now. My own shameful juices coated my fingers. I hissed as my middle finger ran over my ridged orifice. Touching and backing off, but returning almost immediately.
I licked my lips. I wanted this.
I pushed my own juices into my asshole, making it all wet and slippery and ready.
“Sit on it fully,” not-Jase said. “Stick the little arm in your ass.”
I gritted my teeth and my heart slammed against my ribcage. I pushed down onto the toy, this time holding it at the base and guiding one of the arms against my asshole.
“Oh God!” I cried out. The toy plugged both of my sensitive holes, the vibrations bringing me to a level of pleasure I’ve never experienced in my life before. I pictured my brother doing this to me, teasing my body like this.
“It’s churning up my pussy!”
“Play with your clit too, sis.”
I did as he commanded. My legs shook with exertion.
This was too much.
“I- I’m going to cum!”
“Cum, you little slut, cum all over the toy.”
I felt myself fall over the edge and into the abyss of pure ecstasy. I shook and writhed and climaxed all over the glass table, my orgasmic juices sprayed everywhere.
I collapsed forward, and I clenched the toy so hard I pulled it off the table. The suction gave away with a loud ‘pop’. In the heat of the moment, I no longer cared whether Mum, Dad or Jase heard the commotion I made.
I dropped to the floor, wide eyed and on all fours, the toy still pulsating inside me.
I managed to pull it out and drop it. It plunked to the floor, right beside me, vibrating and shaking like some obscene thing, coated in my juices.
In the semi-darkness of my own bedroom, I gasped, waiting for my breath to normalise. Waiting for my brother to come, but he never will.
Thank you for reading, go here to download a free copy of this story, along with my other free stories at the back!
Complete series here
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