Indoctrination - Chapter Five


WARNING! This is a work of erotic BDSM FICTION. It is ADULT ORIENTED MATERIAL of an EXTREME SEXUAL NATURE, including acts of abduction, exhibitionism, humiliation, and discipline. This is not for readers who are easily offended or incapable of distinguishing fact from fiction. The author does not promote such activity in real life unless it is between consenting adults and practiced safely. The copyright of this story remains with the author, Night Owl. This posting does not give anyone the rights to post or print content without obtaining the author's permission first.

by Night Owl

(Story Content: F/f, Bondage, Whipping)

So many tears I cried of loneliness
I feel so hollow inside like a carcass.
Darkness is haunting me, driving me into insanity,
My life now shattered from all the pain.
Don't know where I'm going
But it's someplace new.

"Paradise of Suffering"

Chapter 5: Amber’s Descent

It was still pouring outside. The kind of rain that gushes over the tops of rain gutters, so much in a hurry to hit the earth, it has no time to flow down the spout. It soaked the ground to a mire in some places, and the ground, in turn, drained like a full sponge into a creek nearby.

In an old wine cellar, two levels beneath the house, Amber Brkich could smell foul water behind its ancient stone walls and seeping through some of the cracks. The air felt thick and moist. She was nude, save for her leather collar and bindings. Yet in spite her raw, clammy surroundings, rivers of sweat rolled off her body; sweat brought on by the strain of her suspension, and fear of the whipping she was about to receive.

Looking up, she saw her wrists imprisoned in their leather cuffs, her arms pulled high above her head by the twin chain links separating them. Her eyes followed the greased metal cable that ran from those chains, through a pulley above, then down to a wheel crank bolted into the floor. A leather strap fastened just above the elbows kept her upper arms secured and her head back. Her ankles were cuffed together as well, and her feet raised 12" in the air, keeping her tight, young form stretched and exposed.


Sonia snapped the whip once into the air to test it while Amber slowly rotated on the twisted cable. The room itself looked old and ominous with darkened corridors that seemed to lead nowhere. Through one doorway, she saw the narrow stairway they had descended from earlier spiraling upward to the cellar above. This was the type of place where screams are never heard beyond its walls.

"Well now, are we ready?" Sonia asked.

"Please," Amber begged, "I'll do anything you want!"

"I know you will."

Amber strained to keep her eyes on Sonia, but the turning cable made it impossible. When her back was to the mistress, she heard another loud snap.


This time the whip landed on the right cheek of her buttocks, causing Amber to shriek and lurch forward in response.

"Painful, isn't it?" Sonia quipped, “and such a pretty ass too.”


"Oh, come now. You didn't think I would be going easy just because this is your first time, did you?"


The next strike was much harder, and this time, the whip curled itself like a snake around her upper body and left a faint red mark just below her armpit. Amber screamed louder. Her tethered hands clenched into a fist, then relaxed. The searing pain was matched only by sheer terror in knowing there was nothing she could do to prevent another.



Sounds of braided leather snapping against her smooth, almond flesh reverberated against the stone masonry. Amber's head began to spin. Sonia had wanted her to learn the power of the whip, and she certainly did. She screamed again and again, her stretched and helpless form writhing spasmodically in its forced rotation, offering new targets for the whip to land each time it hissed angrily through the air.


Amber screamed until her voice was almost hoarse.

"Had enough?" Sonia asked.

"YE . . . YES!”

"That's 'Yes Mistress.'"

"YES . . . MISTRESS," she begged, "I’VE HAD ENOUGH . . . PLEASE . . . OH PLEASE STOP!"

"Hmmmmm . . . very convincing, " Sonia nodded her head in approval, "but I'm afraid you're not quite ready yet. At this early stage, a new slave will say anything to escape further punishment without fully appreciating its meaning."

Before Amber could utter another plea, Sonia swung her whip again, and delivered a series of strokes to her back. As her body rotated, the mistress struck her breasts, targeting each hardened nipple with stunning precision. Another full turn, and the whip landed across her buttocks again, then right ‘there’ between the legs, causing the beautiful captive to squeal and twist violently on the cord.

Time seemed to stand still, and to Amber, the universe had shrunk to just two people. Sonia and herself. Life outside was now a distant memory, her clouded mind unable to focus on anything other than the whip. She wished she could escape the painful lashes by slipping into unconsciousness, but Sonia always knew just when to hold off until she had regained enough of her senses to stay alert.


Once, twice, three more times, the whip ravaged her body from all sides. When it ceased again, Amber feared there would be more to come, though she was grateful for the momentary pause in her torment. Her mouth felt dry, and as she moved her tongue around, trying to find some moisture to apply to her lips. She tasted something like copper, then realized she had bit her lip earlier and it was bleeding.

"How much am I hurting you?" Sonia asked.

Amber couldn’t take more of the whip, yet she knew by now that begging for her to stop, would only encourage the mistress to continue. She tried to keep her head clear and answered meekly,

"M-more than I have ever felt before, Mistress.”

“And do you understand why you are being punished?”

“Yes, Mistress . . . because I disobeyed you.”

"Now kiss the handle for me."

Amber fluttered her eyes open as if she had just awoken from a dream and saw the whip handle only inches away from her face.

"Kiss the whip handle," Sonia repeated, "and thank your Mistress for the punishment that you have received."

Amber licked the blood from her lips, and then pressed them firmly on the leather handle.

"Thank you, Mistress," she repeated, her voice rough from screaming, "for the punishment that I have received."

Tears streamed down her cheeks.

"Very good," Sonia hung the whip back on the wall, "nevertheless, just submitting to my whip, is not enough. A well-trained submissive willingly accepts her punishment, embraces it, without being forced."

Amber closed her eyes again and rested her forehead against the leather strap between her upper arms. Was this ever going to end? The whipping had already left her fatigued and deflated spiritually. Her skin felt like a burning hot poker had been applied to it all over and sweat glistened off her heated body in the dim candlelight. Though as painful as it was, the red welts left behind were only minor and, once treated properly, would fade in a short time, thanks to Sonia's skill with the whip. After all, no one was going to pay for a “marked” slave.

Nonetheless, Amber had no knowledge of this, allowing her own imagination to picture much worse. Sonia continued,

"You are just at the beginning of a new journey in your life; one that will change completely how you see yourself and the world around you. It doesn't matter how you were brought here. The fact is, you ARE here. How and when you wish to accept your new role is up to you."

She ran one finger over Amber’s left breast and across her open armpit, then placed the finger in her mouth to taste the sweat.

"Now kiss me," she demanded.

Amber would never have thought of kissing another woman before, but this time, she parted her lips obediently as Sonia pressed her own lips tightly against them. She felt Sonia's tongue slither into her mouth and wrestle with her own. Amber welcomed it.

"Mmmm, very nice," Sonia commented. "I think you're going make a fantastic slave. And who knows? When you go to auction, I may put in a bid for you, myself."

The mistress gave her breast a final squeeze, then turned to the wheel crank. Another series of metallic clicks sounded, and Amber felt her body descend until she could feel the floor again, though she still had to point her toes to reach it.

"I'm going to leave you now to think about what you've learned so far, however, this doesn't mean your first session has ended. While I'm gone, we'll be testing your endurance. Do you know what that means?"

Amber shook her head cautiously, uncertain as to if she wanted to hear the answer.

"It means you will be staying down here, just as you are for quite some time, and I'm afraid tonight is only the beginning. For now on, you will be spending many hours fully restrained in various uncomfortable and challenging positions. At first you will find it almost unbearable, but in time, your body will become more supple and accustomed to your bondage."

Sonia took one of the two remaining candles and moved toward the doorway that led to the stairs.

"From what I’ve seen so far, not only will you grow to accept this -- I think you’ll actually enjoy it,” then she blew a kiss before turning away, “Ciao!”

Amber listened to the sharp click of her heels on the steps as Sonia ascended the narrow passageway. Somewhere above, the door slammed shut, a dead bolt rattled, then silence. She breathed a sigh of relief in knowing Sonia had gone, and yet, dreaded the idea of being left alone. Shaking the wet strands of hair away from her face, she looked upward and began testing the wrist cuffs, twisting her hands every which way with the hope of somehow loosening them, but it was no use. The leather was padded with foam on the insides, making them tighten uniformly under her own weight. She studied the two chains that ran from her wrists to the cable above. They could be unclipped easily if given the proper slack; however, that would mean pulling herself up to the cable and her slender arms were far too weak now to even attempt it.

Once again, there was nothing to do, but wait.

She gazed at the instruments of torture hanging on the wall - - crops, whips, floggers, collars, and other devices that looked just as devious. She wondered which her body would have to endure next when Sonia returned. Her eyes darted to the single candle left sitting in its holder on the table. It offered just enough light to illuminate the center of the room, leaving corners and niches carved into the stone walls shrouded in complete darkness.

Her mind wandered and recalled a dream she once had, where she had been kidnapped, bound with rope, and gagged, then taken to a warehouse. She was helpless then, just as she was now, like the pretty damsel tied to the railroad tracks in those early western dime novels. Only there would be no hero in a white hat coming to her rescue. She was now living a real nightmare that her mind could never dream up on its own. Amber didn't seem to even exist anymore, only a woman stripped of everything and forced to come to terms with her own suffering.

The minutes crept by, and still, she hung there with no relief is sight, each breath a moan of pain and anguish. Her joints began to stiffen, and her muscles ached terribly from the strain of her suspension. Sweat poured out of her body from a seemingly endless reservoir of cooling moisture. She could feel it trickling down from under her arms, down her back, down her legs, and between her breasts. It itched terribly.

Amber knew there were other rooms and corridors surrounding her own chamber, but she had no idea how many. One narrow passageway opened directly in front of her like a gaping hole, its darkest recesses reaching well beyond the glow of the candle, and every so often, a stale draft would waft in around her and turn her heated skin to goose flesh -- a reminder of how naked and vulnerable she really was to her dismal surroundings.

She wished Sonia would come back for her, even if it meant enduring another whipping. The candle had already burned down to the end, and now its flame began to flicker and weaken. Amber watched it anxiously and wondered if this was her fate -- to be left alone and shivering in the dark, locked away in this ‘subterranean tomb’, with only the pain of her bondage to keep her company.

She groaned softly, then looked up and wrestled with the chains again.


It was almost 3:00 in the morning when Sonia climbed the long, winding staircase from the main foyer to the second floor. She was anxious to get some sleep, but first, she had to meet with Raven and give her report on the new girl.

"Come in," a male voice answered after she knocked on the door to his den.

Raven leaned back in his chair and watched Sonia as she entered. Her red hair was pulled up, exposing her long, magnificent neck. The black evening dress she wore hugged her figure to perfection, and as far as he could tell, there was nothing else between the thin garment and her body underneath.

"Good morning," he said, "please, sit down."

She sat in the chair closest to her and crossed her legs, not bothering to cover up her bare thigh as the slit in her dress fell open. Raven saw this and smiled slightly, then he got up and poured two snifters of brandy, handed Sonia one glass, and sat back down in his chair.

"So tell me, how is she progressing so far?"

"Quite nicely," Sonia replied. "Much faster than I thought she would."

"Good," he nodded, "as soon as her training is finished, I may have to send her to Lamar Quinn as compensation for the other girl, though I would rather she go to auction instead.

"Couldn't Jerri be re-trained?"

"I don’t think so, and you saw earlier how upset our friend was. Apparently, she has been most difficult, quite impossible, in fact. She displays no interest, doesn’t listen to him, she even rebuffed his advances," Raven's eyes seemed to grow darker as he spoke, "so I've decided to make an example of her to the others, then I'll send what's left down to our associates in South America. At least that way we’ll get some compensation back for the loss."

Sonia took a sip of her brandy and said nothing. She knew what the words "make an example of" meant when they came from Raven. She also knew any girl sent down to the work farms would have to endure brutal rapes and long hours laboring in the fields. Most of the girls didn’t last very long in those conditions. However, all of that was none of her affair – so she reminded herself.

Such a shame, though, Sonia thought to herself. Jerri Manthey was a pretty one, and highly sexual. She also had a strong will, which is why Raven took charge of her training himself. He wanted to break her spirit, which of course, he did. Unfortunately, she had developed a strong devotion to Raven during their sessions. Something Raven, himself, had not foreseen until after she went to auction. When Lamar Quinn cast the highest bid, he became her new owner, but Jerri wanted nothing to do with him. She only wanted to serve Raven and no one else.

“It will take time to train this new girl,” Sonia finally spoke up. “How about one of the others? They’re further along.”

“His interest is on this one, so I told him he would have to wait at least a month until she’s fully trained. I’m hoping Lamar will eventually settle for Shii Ann or Marin. They’ll be ready to go to auction soon, so we’ll see.”

Both of them sat for a few moments in silence, enjoying their drinks and trying to relax after a busy evening. While Sonia’s thoughts were preoccupied with Amber’s training schedule, Raven’s attention once again turned to her.

The consensus among most members in The Organization on whether they found Sonia attractive or not was mixed, at least in the classical sense. Her dark oval eyes were narrow set with dark neatly trimmed brows and a vertical crease in between them that always deepened whenever she was angry or just deep in thought. Her skin was fair, typical of most ‘gingers’, her face and arms were just lightly dusted with pin-sized freckles. What secretly intrigued Raven the most though, was the thin, horizontal scar, about an inch long at the base of her neck. She once told him it was from thyroid surgery two years back. It had long since healed over and almost matched the natural color of her skin, yet Sonia always tried to conceal it with make-up. Raven liked that scar.

Little was known about Sonia’s past before she joined The Organization, only that she apparently led a hard life. There were rumors she once worked as a prostitute, while other men believed (or perhaps fantasized) that she was once a ‘kajira’, or sex slave, freed by her previous master and allowed to live under a new identity. She neither confirmed nor denied any of it. Whatever the world had dished out, Sonia clearly survived it, and she didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought of her.

"When you little scamps get together, you're worse than a sewing circle," she once said to a group of men. Raven found that indifference to opinion attractive too.

With that thought, he set his drink down and slowly rose from his chair.

"So much for business," he finally announced, "it's late, and my mind has been entertaining other thoughts, such as that dress you're wearing. Very provocative, yet elegant, though at the moment, I would rather see you out of it."

“It’s a little late for that and I need to get up early.”

“You can sleep in,” he smiled, “I’ll see to the girl.”

Sonia set her drink on the table and stood up as he approached. She knew how this meeting was going to end the minute she entered the room. She found Raven to be both handsome and threatening. His gaze in particular, was penetrating. When his dark eyes rested on something, they seemed to devour it, to encompass the whole of it. They were a predator's eyes, not human, and though they were black as coal, they seemed to blaze. Sonia felt drawn to them like a moth to a burning streetlamp.

Raven curled his fingers lightly around her neck, caressing it, then unclipped her hair, allowing it to spill over her shoulders. His hands were rough and strong, but so gentle as they touched her, almost too gentle. Sonia knew that would change. She had been through it before. Their eyes locked for a few pounding seconds. Sonia’s cool manner suddenly melted away then, as if directed by a higher power, they suddenly fell into a hungry embrace.

As they kissed, Raven moved one hand down her thigh, and behind the slit that parted her dress so invitingly. Just as he had surmised earlier, she was wearing nothing underneath. Sonia moaned as he raised the dress over her hips, exposing her smooth, porcelain skin to his wolfish eyes. He pushed everything off his desk, and Sonia leaned back and relaxed her body back on the cool, hard surface. The dress was hiked up almost to her breasts, her knees spread wide and bent over the sides of the desk, her most intimate parts fearlessly displayed.

Returning his lips to hers briefly, Raven began a silent exploration of her warmth, traveling erratically downward, pausing to inspect the tiny scar on her neck, then to the place where her taut stomach curved up to her ribs.

Sonia didn't move; she didn't open her eyes; she just lay there, still savoring his touch. His mouth continued its slow trek around her navel, then down to her open thighs and amidst the dark red curls nestled between them. She drew in a gasp and reached for the edges of the desktop, gripping it tightly with her hands. Raven pulled the thin black cloth over her breasts, applying friction to her hardening nipples in the cruel-but-oh-so-nice way she loved. The gentle hands became more insistent as she arched into them, moaning her encouragement. He twisted her breasts savagely between his strong fingers, until her nipples swelled and turned a deep red. Sonia cried out, her body squirmed on the table like a helpless animal, though her legs remained spread. Her fear heightened, only to be quelled again by her own arousal.

Raven's hands roamed at will around the curves of her body, spurred on by the sounds of her pleasure. He spread moist open kisses around her inner thighs, tracing that sexy and provocative crease where her upper leg joined the core of her body. Sonia groaned, shifted her hips in an effort to hurry him, but he was in charge now. Her eyes remained closed, her white-knuckled hands clutching the edges of the desk. She was paralyzed, unable to move, as though someone had nailed her body firmly down to the wood. She felt light kisses against the heated flesh between her legs, felt him breathing in her scent as she bucked and writhed beneath the onslaught.

"Stop playing," Sonia begged with a whisper.

"Patience, my dear."

The warm rush of air from his words caused her hips to jerk. The light kisses deepened, his tongue snaked out to taste her, to play with her clit, drawing short, raspy cries from her mouth as she struggled to breath. She began mumbling incoherently, jerking her head from side to side, and tossing her ginger hair, spilling it over the desk. When her eyes finally opened, Raven was above her, watching. The sight of her mounting pleasure only increased his own painful need until, he too, could bear it no longer. Bending forward, he kissed her, traced the lines of her mouth with his tongue before locking his lips tightly against her lips. He fumbled with the belt and opened his pants. Gripping his heavy cock with one hand, he slid the head up and down the wet folds between her open thighs before guiding it in. One slow steady push seated him deeply inside her body, drawing a whimper from her lips, while the tight velvet of her heat surrounded and caressed him. Each long and steady thrust pushed her closer to that orgasm she was waiting for. She could feel her stomach tighten and blood rush to her core. She could hear her pulse thumping loudly in her ears and her vision began to blur.

Her nails dug into the wood; her spread legs tightened against the sides of the desk, then suddenly, crying out, her body clenched and spasmed in its release. Raven panted, and hot puffs of his breath assaulted her face. His hips jerked wildly as he joined her, then with one final thrust, he threw his head back and moaned before collapsing the full weight of his body on top of her.


Amber watched the candle die slowly. As the light wavered, moving shadows seemed to reach out and claw at her naked and helpless form. She didn't know how long it had been, though it felt like hours, and still there was no sign of Sonia. Her back and shoulders ached terribly as her own weight bore down on them. Her hands were going numb from the cuffs. The room seemed colder, almost frigid, and she shivered occasionally, unable to shield herself from it.

She strived to keep a positive attitude, though the prospect of being left alone, forever, allowed virtually no hope for her to draw from. Suddenly, the fading candle flickered back to full life and, as if by an act of mercy, its light chased the shadows away. For a moment, she breathed a sigh of relief, until another draft of cool air from the open corridor in front of her snuffed the flame out for good, extinguishing her only source of light. Amber tried to hold back the panic. She could feel her nipples begin to tighten and her skin grew cool and pimpled as the shadows crept toward her for one final assault until she was swallowed completely in primal darkness. Her blind eyes searched for something in the room to focus on. Finding nothing, she finally lost herself and tugged, pulled, twisted her hands against the leather cuffs, chafing her wrists terribly.

Her mind began to scream, "You have to find a way out of this, or you’ll be chained down here forever!"

She was aware of her body turning on the cord while she struggled in the dark; her pointed breasts bouncing provocatively against her jutting ribs as she strained to keep her footing. She listened to her own ragged breaths and caught the musky scent of sweat from under her arms. Finally, she went limp, too exhausted, too breathless to go on, and resigned to just hang there and suffer silently in agony.

Her mind grappled with growing thoughts of despair -- no sight, no conversation, no books, no sounds from the outside to keep her company. She was only beginning to understand how empty her new world was. Her senses cried out for more data, for more input, anything to divert her from the growing loneliness, protracted by her painful suspension.

More time passed, and Amber began to lose hope that Sonia would even return. Her bones felt thin and brittle, every muscle wracked with searing pain. Her breaths now came in shallow pants, like a woman holding off the urge to deliver her child.

Then something strange happened. In her mind, she felt herself rising, as if her spirit, soul, or whatever it could be, were choosing to desert this useless sack of flesh and free herself from the misery holding her in. Looking down, she saw her own body, adrift and alone in a vast ocean of blackness. She had finally been liberated!

Then somewhere in the darkest recesses of her new reality, an apparition appeared. It possessed no physical form, only a wisp or faint trace of something hideous and foul with glowing red eyes, swimming around the body she had just left behind. Looking down in horror, she felt a need to warn it, but that would mean getting back inside, and she was too terrified to try. Then another appeared, and another, and another. They joined the first, moving like predatory shapes, plying the space around her body. One of the shadow creatures closed in, took a nip at her leg, then darted away. It was then, Amber knew she had to go back, as if something were drawing her into her own tortured body to be extinguished with it.

And so, she returned, just in time to see them close in on her, their sharp, razor teeth bared and ready to devour her flesh. For a moment, she couldn't remember how to breathe, let alone scream. She could make no more sound than a whimper that seemed odd and faraway. Her heart pounded like surf on a beach, sending blood crashing through her inner ears. Amber desperately wanted to leave her body again, to liberate herself indefinitely, but it was too late.

Instead, her mind turned inward to memories of the past, and at the same time, those fowl creatures investing the black space she was floating in seemed to be draining every good feeling, every happy memory out of her, leaving only the worst experiences of her life; mistakes that could never be absolved. She relived all the sins she committed, and with extreme pessimism over whether she had actually learned from them. She held court within her own mind and forced herself to see it all again in the effort to find the reason for why she was being punished. She wept without sound. Her tears ran for days. Every transgression of her life played out again and again before her eyes in fullest detail, then culminated as her thoughts turned to Sonia. With almost instant clarity, she realized there was nothing she could do to rewrite the past. Only the present mattered now. More than anything, Amber wished she could go to Sonia, beg her forgiveness, and make amends for her own shameful behavior. She now understood the necessity of the punishment and tried to focus on carrying out the full sentence, no matter how long, and how unbearable it might be.

The shadow creatures were coming back now, ready to devour whatever was left of her old self. This time, Amber welcomed them before drifting into unconsciousness.


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