The Goat Hunter 1


They've been dead for years... decades... now.
I visited them, off and on... whenever I was between girlfriends, before I was married, I would fall back into that old habit... desire... and pay them a visit.
Renewing our aquaintance, so to speak.

I last saw them was when I was in my thirties...
That time, I was only there to hunt...
Did they recognise me?
I don't know... they neither ran away or approached me.
Who can tell what animals think?

One year, they simply weren't there any more.
I never knew what caused their death's... did the farmer just get tired of having them around, did he want to feed the grass to other animals?.
He didn't strike me as a soft-hearted man and he was running a business after all... but he'd kept them for years, why kill them, after such a long time?
Did they die of old age?... natural causes?
They must have been old when I saw them last...
I like to think they lived out their days in peace, but I'll never know.

I do know that they didn't die because of something that I did to them.

What lead me to do it the first time?
They came to me... literally.
This was back in the 1980's...
I was 15... maybe 16... it was my first time, I'd never had sex... never felt the need for a girlfriend... not attracted to them at that age. Sex was never offered, I never asked... I was too unsure of myself, not popular, my family moved around a bit, I was the new kid... introverted.
One of those quiet guy's...
I still am...
Mostly Harmless.

My father had just died.(Heart attack at 42... That was a bummer, I can tell you!)
Mum moved back to be close to Dad's parents... for support I guess, her own parents had died already.
Mum rented a small house on a dairy farm. I was allowed to hunt on the guy's property, I had Dad's .22 rifle (I still do... I'll never part with it.)
I helped the farmer, after school, with the milking of the cow's... for $25 a week... that job funded my first shotgun. (I still have the shotgun too!)

The farmer owned several hundred acres of land as well as the house that Mum was renting.
Sometimes I would go out at night and use a spotlight to hunt rabbits and hares. The farmers stock would follow me around... if I stopped moving to look at something or to shoot, they would gather so close around me that they would sometimes obscure the target.

Around here... back in the '80's, there was a brief boom/bust in the farming of goats for mohair fibre... people were paying $100,000 for one stinking goat!
That didn't last... and the goats were practically worthless after that.
This particular farmer had 4 or 5 of these worthless goats, they ran with the dry cows and heifers, on his run-off... 100 acres of land that was seperate from his main Dairy farm, but only 5 minutes walk down the road. There were no houses on the land itself and no other houses for hundreds of metres.. flat, clear land... good for hunting hares...

The first time:

I had been using the small amount of moonlight to navigate across the paddock. But I had stopped as the cow's and heifers encircled me. They stood close by, not threatening or milling around... just a small herd of shadows, silently watching me. Then the goats came through the herd... their white bodies more easily seen than the cows... right up to me, sniffing at my body, curious at my presense, I guess.
I was curious as well... they'd never been this inquisitive before.
All of them pressed in to investigate... fearless.
I just stood still and let their noses wander over me... feeling their exhalations... warm on my shirt, through my shirt, on my belly, back, chest, butt, legs, crotch... I fended that head away, gently... but scratched the goats head and neck instead.
They all wanted to have their heads scratched but I only had two hands... they started to rub their heads against my hips, my bum... rubbing me, all over, all of them. It didn't feel bad... it felt quite good, in fact... not rough, but firm, constant, up and down on me, feeling nice!
I could jerk off, it felt so good!
I looked around... I was surrounded by the cow's!
I couldn't see the road, it was so dark and the cows pressed in so closely.
I took my cock out of my pants, the goats sniffed at it as I stroked it, as I made myself hard.
I offered it to the goats, but they weren't that interested in it. Sniffed the head, licked it... nope!...

That's when the idea of fucking them came to me... they were fairly tame... why not?
I took a random goat's hip's into my hands and turned it towards me, it paid no attention to what I was doing, until I lifted it's tail and put my hard-on against it's butt... that made it nervous!
I soon learnt that the goats weren't going to be that easy... they didn't want to be butt-fucked, today... if ever.
I was soft again... it wasn't exciting to fail to do what I wanted...

I thought about what I could do... how to improvise... make a goat stand still long enough to slip up inside it, hold still long enough to have sex with it?...
I got an idea!

I lead the whole group, cow's, heifer's, goats and all, a short distance across the paddock... over to a piece of farm machinery that had been left behind after the hay had been brought in... I walked around it... this would do the trick, I thought! I walked in close to it and stopped.

Once again the livestock gathered around as I stood still... once again those stupid goats came close to me, without fear... I latched onto the one that had tasted my cock and pulled it to me, rubbing it's face with my cock again, I'd softened up by this stage, but that goat knew what I wanted, so it was backing away as best as it could. I turned so it's butt aimed where I wanted it to go... let the goat back off... back off... it was working!... a little bit more!

In it's effort to escape, it had focussed on me... and with me holding it's head so it couldn't see where it was reteating to... it backed up between the parts of the machine, the escape route getting smaller and smaller. When I was sure it had nowhere else to go, I let it turn away from me, let it see the trouble it was in.
Head facing away from me now, arse against my pants, my hands on it's hips, guiding and pushing it... it had no choice, but to move forward and be wedged into a small triangle of space... too high to jump over, me pressing against it and holding it securely.
It bleated in shock... only now realising it's predicament...
It was held on either side by the metal arms of the machine and, on the third side?... a school-boy... intent on fucking it.

I smiled...
Your arse is mine!

I undid my pants and lowered them to my knee's... this goat waasn't going anywhere now!
I rubbed the head of my dick against the bare skin, under it's tail, thinking about what was going to happen now... stiffening up slightly again... I spat onto my hand and rubbed it over the glans, pressed it forward, making contact with it.
Pressed it in harder...
Ow!... shit!
What the fuck?
My cock could get cut on that!

I rubbed it's butt clean, used my finger to smooth the pathway, the goat stiffened as my finger pentrated it, but made no sound.
I tried my cock again, holding the base to aim it, to firm it up... tail up!, press inwards, feel it's skin warming the head of me, feel it being gripped by dry skin, stopping the forwad motion.
I eased it back and coated it with spit again... reinserted it, back to the previous depth... increased the pressure slightly, feeling the extra depth that the glans gained... a centimetre? backwards! forwards again! 2? Feeling it's warm bum, soft and smooth... I must have been oozing pre-come because it suddenly started feeling warm and slippery... so good! so good! so good!
Too good! I didn't hold off at all , just let myself squirt my come against it's arse, coating it's hole, coating my cock, the best lubricant ever, my come just gushing out of me... now I really fucked at it hard and the glans penetrated it, now it bleated and squirmed in earnest... too late, my erection entered it... just the head of my cock as I finished coming... I was coming and coming just inside it... but then I softened too much to go deeper. I slipped out and could only pump myself out on the underside of it's tail... I didn't mind! It was so much better than jerking off!
I wiped myself on it's back... and stepped back as I milked the last of my come out of me... letting it turn and shuffle past me. The other goats sniffed at it's arse, the mess on it's back and followed it as it disappeared into the herd of cows... I turned and made my way through them too... going in the other direction... a different type of predator, looking for a different type of game.

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