Kidnapped While Camping


Stephanie loved camping in the fall. For as long as she could remember, her family had been coming to White Pines state park on the third week of October. This was the one week of the year when the park was the least busy. The cold weather always kept the more casual campers away, and most who were still brave enough to venture out would be waiting for next week, when the park hosted it's annual Halloween celebrations.

This was the first year in a long time that Stephanie would actually be able to stay for the whole week, as school activities had prohibited her from doing so in the past. She was certainly not regretting her decision to take a gap year between her highschool graduation and the beginning of college. Her parents were very supportive of this decision, and happy that she could join them for the entirety of the trip.

The first of many fun days was mostly spent setting up camp. The campsite was cleared, the trailer opened, and chairs set around the fire pit. They rewarded themselves with a dinner of juicy burgers, cooked to perfection over a hot charcoal grill.

After dinner, Stephanie decided to take a walk. Mom was busy with the dishes, and dad was working on getting a fire going, so she set out on her own. She didn't mind though, as she sometimes enjoyed the solitude. Besides, she thought, this might give me the opportunity to scope out some cute guys, without having to worry about my parents embarrassing me.

She walked through all of the main camping areas, taking note of how few campers there were this week. She made her way towards the very end of the park, where there were usually no campers at all. As she rounded the final corner she was surprised to come across a group of trailers, which sat encircling a campsite that was crammed full of picnic tables and coolers. A bonfire roared in the midst of the circle, and several attractive young men surrounded it. Despite the cold weather, many of them were shirtless, showing off powerful and well sculpted figures. Stephanie felt a slight tingling as she stared at this incredible group of potential suitors.

As she stood on the road, mouth agape, she realized that one by one they were beginning to notice her. An especially muscular boy smiled at her, and beconed for her to come over. A sudden wave of shyness crept over her, but what choice did she have but to obey.

She approached slowly at first, nervously running her hands through her wavy blonde hair. She hoped they thought her tight blue jeans and loose fitting sweater that hung off of one shoulder, but still clung tight enough to fit snugly around her breasts looked as cute to them as it did to her.

As she made her way into the campsite several of the guys started introducing themselves. She introduced herself in turn, loving all of the attention she was getting.

It seemed like she had only been there for minutes when she realized that it was already getting past dark. She didn't want to leave, but knew her parents would begin to worry about her. She politely informed the boys that she would have to be going, but that she had had a really great time, and would love to see them tomorrow. A few of them flirtatiously asked her to stay, making sure to let her know that they had extra bed space. She was flattered, but politely declined as she stood up and turned to leave.

Suddenly several hands grabbed her at once. Caught by surprise, she tried to struggle and pull away, but their grips were too strong. He wrists were quickly pulled behind her back, and she felt something hard and thin being pulled over and around them. The unmistakable sound of zip ties met her ears as her wrists were suddenly pulled and bound tightly together. She tried to scream for someone, anyone to help her, but a hand was quickly clapped over her mouth. "Gag her," said a voice. The hand was removed just long enough for a dirty rag to be shoved into her open mouth, silencing her.

She continued to struggle as she was shoved from one guy to another. "Let's see what she's got going on under there," one of them said, and others agreed. As she was shoved into the arms of the one who had spoke, he reached down and undid the button on her jeans, pulling down her zipper at the same time. She tried to kick him, but he shoved her to another guy, who held her back as the first guy grabbed at her jeans again. A few quick tugs brought the jeans to her knees, revealing her bright pink boyshort panties to all of her captors. The boys oo'd and ah'd as they continued to pass her around, each now taking the opportunity to watch her butt jiggle with the motion of their thrusting. A few even took it upon themselves to give her a spanking before passing her along, much to the delight of the others.

As she was being tossed around she tried repeatedly to spit the cloth out of her mouth. One of her captors took note of this, and as she was passed to him he removed a red bandana from around his forehead, and tied it tightly around her mouth. She was utterly humiliated. Being used as a sex object by a bunch of boys she had been crushing on only moments before was a very conflicting feeling. On top of that, her bound hands made her feel absolutely helpless, and her tight, mouth stuffing gag made sure that her thoughts and feelings about her situation stayed only in her head. Her butt was also beginning to get very sore from all of the spanking.

She was just beginning to wonder if it could get any worse when one of the guys pulled out a knife. "Let's see some tits," he jeered, as he began to cut a line down her sweater. In no time the sweater was off, revealing her round breasts, covered only by a plain white bra. Tears ran down her face as hands began groping her from every direction.

After what seemed like hours of this humiliation, the boys began to settle down. The one who had beckoned her over, who she judged to be a sort of ringleader, took hold of her shoulders. "Say goodnight to our guest, boys." They did, and Stephanie was led into one of the trailers.

The interior was dimly lit. When her eyes adjusted, she was shocked by what she saw. Pinned to every available inch of wall space were dozens and dozens of pairs of panties. They came in all different varieties and colors, and most of them appeared to be about her size, though there were a few larger ones here and there. Her captor, noticing her look of shock, laughed, and told her he would explain them soon enough. But first, she probably needed a bathroom break.

He pushed her towards the back of the trailer, where a small bathroom was located. Just before they reached it, he pivoted her towards the couch that sat just outside it, and bent her over. He grasped her panties with both hands, and quickly worked then off of her ass and down her legs. She tried to scream in protest, but her gag kept her muffled. She had never been naked in front of a boy before, and this was the last way she would have envisioned it happening for the first time.

The panties were dropped on the couch next to her, and she was picked back up. He led her into the bathroom, and sat her down on the toilet. She winced as her delicate cheeks met the seat. That spanking had really done a number on her. Her captor told her that she had better go now, because this would be her only opportunity for a while. He then exited the room, but not before letting her know that he would still be in the trailer, and not to try anything that she would regret.

The bathroom door was left open. As Stephanie sat and recounted the night's events, she could hear her captor rummaging around. Taking his word about using the bathroom seriously, she did the one thing she still had control over, and relieved herself. He returned in a few minutes, just as she was finishing. In his hands he held a small box, which he placed on the couch. Although she could not see inside the box, she noticed that a bit of coiled rope was protruding from the top.

He asked if she was done, and when she nodded, he lifted her from the toilet, flushed, and sat her down on the couch. As she sat down she noticed that her panties were gone. The boy smiled, and pointed to a spot on the wall. There hung the bright pink boyshorts, which only moments ago had covered her most intimate area. While she looked on in horror, she noticed the boy reaching into his box out of the corner of her eye. The first thing he pulled out was the coil of rope that she had noticed. He unwound it, revealing that it was actually several smaller coils. Stephanie had already guessed the purpose of this rope, and was proven right as he began using it to bind her feet. When her feet were finished they were anchored to the frame beneath the couch. He then proceeded to tie some of it around her waist, pinning her already bound hands tightly to her back. This too he ran over the back of the couch, anchoring it to the frame beneath. The ties were quite strict, and she was unable to move at all.

Next, the boy pulled out a strange device. It looked like some sort of dog toy mixed with a collar. "Do you know what this is?" She thought she might, but shook her head no anyways. "I thought not. You seem like too much of a good girl. Don't worry, I'll show you." With that he pulled out another item from the box, a photo album. He opened it, and Stephanie's eyes went wide with horror. The inside was filled with polaroid pictures of women and girls. Most of them looked to be about her age and size, but some were much older, even as old as her mom. There were a few rather big ones too. All were sitting on the very same couch she was, bound in a similar fashion. Many were naked, but some still had bras on, and a few even had panties still. Some of the panties she recognized from the wall. A few were blindfolded, but most of them looked on at the camera, with the same pleading, tear stained faces. In each of their mouths was a device like the boy had shown her. "It's a ball gag," he said. So that's what a ball gag was. She had heard some of her friends mention them before. It was mostly conversations about how creepy they were, or how they never wanted to wear one. Although she did have one friend, Kim, who claimed that she loved when her boyfriend made her wear it. Still, this guy was definitely not her boyfriend.

"I'm going to change your gag now. I don't want to hear a peep out of you when I take that one off, or you'll be getting something much worse in your mouth." He motioned to the front of his pants. "Understand?" Stephanie nodded. What choice did she have but to obey? The boy reached back and undid the bandana, before pulling the coarse and soaking rag from her mouth. She had only a moment to stretch her lips before the silicone ball was shoved into place. Its cold, smooth feel was almost welcome, after nearly choking on that rag. She was ordered to bite down on it to hold it in as he fastened the straps behind her neck. He pulled it snugly into her mouth, making sure it was tight enough that she couldn't get it off, but not quite tight enough to really hurt her.

After he finished gagging her, he reached back into the box and retrieved the last item, a polaroid camera. He stood in front of her, and she could see through a bulge in his pants that he was quite hard. "Look at me," he ordered, and she obeyed. He snapped a picture, and waited for it to print. When it came out he checked it over, and then showed it to his young captive. Stephanie's eyes filled with tears as she looked at the image. Bound, gagged, and naked besides her bra and some rope, it was utterly humiliating.

The boy sat down beside her again, and began to stroke her inner thigh. "Don't worry, sweetheart. It's almost over. All we want is a little entertainment. It's strictly catch and release though. All of those women you saw in the pictures are back with their families now, and I'm sure they've forgotten all about their nights with us. That's why we keep their trophies, so we can remember them." He motioned to the picture book, and then the panties on the walls. With that, he wished her goodnight, and laid down on the bed in the front of the trailer.

Stephanie waited what seemed like hours for him to fall asleep. When she heard a light snoring, she began to struggle against her bonds. It was no use. She was too tired, and the knots were too good. Clearly these guys had much more experience with kidnapping than she did with escaping. She would just have to wait, and hope he was telling the truth about the catch and release.

A clock on the wall across from her read 3 am when her captor's alarm suddenly began to sound. He rose quickly, walked over to her, and began undoing her ropes. He unsecured her from the couch, but left her hands bound behind her. He pulled a poncho out from a closet at the end of the trailer, and draped it over her, covering her naked body down to her thighs. Next he removed the ball gag, but not before pressing a finger over his lips and waiting for her to nod in acceptance. The dirty rag from the night before was quickly shoved back into her mouth. It was still damp. He the pulled out a roll of clear tape, and wound it around her head, making sure that her hair fell behind it. He explained that they were going to let her go, but they didn't want to arouse any unwanted attention. He didn't anticipate running into anyone this early in the morning, but wanted to keep the fact that she was bound and gagged as discreet as possible, just in case.

With her new bondage and attire complete, they exited the trailer. Stephanie was amazed to see that the campsite was entirely packed up, and the rest of the guys appeared to be ready to move out. A few of them blew her kisses and thanked her as she was led past them. Her captor took her into the woods, on one of the many trails that lined the outskirts of the campground. After about five minutes of walking, they reached a small clearing that overlooked the park's day use ranger station. There her hands were finally unbound, but we're quickly re-bound in front of her, around a thick tree trunk. "Thanks sweetheart, you've been wonderful," whispered her captor. He lifted the bottom of her poncho and folded it into the top, so that her bear bottom faced the park rangers cabin. "They'll find you when they get here in a few hours," he reassured her. Then, with one last kiss on the cheek and spank on the ass, he was gone.

Stephanie was found a few hours later, luckily by a very sympathetic female park ranger. As it turned out, this woman had been in the army, and after having been kidnapped herself, by insurgents, knew a thing or two about bondage aftercare, such as how to rub the bound areas so that the rope burn wouldn't hurt so much. As she suspected, the boys were long gone by the time she was rescued and able to recount her story. Because the park was so slow this time of year, they had not had to make a reservation, and had paid in cash, so there was no record of their identities.

Although she continued to camp, Stephanie never forgot her night of bondage with the mysterious young men, and she couldn't help herself from wondering if every trailer she walked past might be lined with stolen panties, or housing its own bound and gagged woman.
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