Killer 2


For Claire... (because you asked.)

The cop came and saw me on Monday morning, questioning me...
What could I tell the cop's?
I told them as much of the truth as I could.

Yes, I knew Rebecca...
Yes, she visited, she walked the dog...
No, I hadn't seen her recently, no, I knew nothing about her disappearance...
No, I had no idea where she was now...

That was true... mostly.

I thought she would have gone home... afterwards.
Maybe never to visit again... thinking it would be better to avoid me.
I could understand that. Jeez, both of us had been shocked by what had transpired.

The cop was standing on the porch, as she asked the questions... right on the spot where Rebecca had been, Saturday night.
Standing where I'd last seen her, on her knee's, looking up at me... the load of spoof, pooling underneath her.

Luckily, it was dry now, although the wooden floor had been stained by it, clearly visible, if you looked.
I forced myself not to look down at the mark, willing myself to keep looking the cop in the eye... trying to stop the lies and fear from showing on my face.
Praying the female cop wouldn't look down... she might recognise the stain for what it was. They'd blame me for Rebecca being missing... for causing her to disappear... arrest me, start looking for her body.
That wasn't the way it had been.
That was the way their mind's worked.

Right now... they thought she had run away from home.
They had been told that she came here... they were following up on that tip... they thought they might find her here, with me.
I wish that was true...

They looked through the Office, the Warehouse.
They noticed the old mattress, out the back...
That had nothing to do with Rebecca... but I knew that they would think it did.
I was trapped in my need to keep my secrets... and the truth about Rebecca, secret too.

Even after the cop's had left, the ache in my heart remained... fear, for Rebecca and for myself...
I felt so guilty.
It was my fault!
It had been stupid to try and touch her!

Chapter One.
Six months ago...

The scrap yard was open, the Main gate's were swung wide. She had walked in, so she was knocking at the door before I knew anyone was around.
I'd expected that it would be another hairy-arsed scavenger type, bringing cast off odd's and ends that they'd picked up, or something along those lines...

Most folks arrived in cars or pickups, some by foot, but they just bowled on in to the Office... curious at who would be knocking, I went and opened the door.
A luscious looking teen, in tight denim shorts and a halter top... breasts out to here and a cleavage to suit.
Yeah... I liked that! I looked at them!, then looked past her breasts, which was difficult, seeing her tanned skin and navel below.
Swallowed at the way the shorts cut into her thighs slightly... so tight they could have been painted on... it wasn't was i... No, of course not!
Would she be blonde down there too?
Imagined it was so... nice!, shaved, warm... ready for you, wanting me to ask... to make the first move... stop that, don't torment yourself!
It's not like you're going to get some of it!

Why do they dress like that, anyway? What's with that?
Are they really unaware of what that looks like, from our side?
Don't they see it like we do?...
She looked as fresh as a daisy, a pretty little flower... I had a hard time repressing the urge to not pluck her and fuck her on the spot! Thought about it though...
"What?", I'd growled, scowling at her... hoping to scare her away... hoping she would leave off tormenting me... in my mind, I'd had sex with her 4 times already... slipping into her, doing it on the floor... nice and firm... both the floor and the flesh... so young!
Just stop looking so good, girl!... can't you frown or do something that isn't attractive to me? Better yet... go away and leave me alone!

She took a deep breath, completely unaware that her bust swelled up several inches larger, pressing those beautiful little puppies out at me... I certainly noticed (Good Grief! would you look at those!) and said "Hi, Mr Paxton!, my name is Rebecca Bailey, I live up the road, I've noticed your dog is always here and I was wondering if I could take it for a walk!, I'll look after him and I'm sure he would like to get out and exercise with me."... all in one breath!... good lungs!... not as good as those tit's though!

Wait... focus!... she wants to walk the dog!... walk your Guard Dog!. Seriously? She was that dumb?
"His name's Killer!", I told her... hoping she would take a cue from his name... Nope!, too easy!

"Ok... so can I take Killer for a walk?", she'd asked brightly...
I sighed inwardly... Hello... Killer? His name's, Killer... No?... Nothing?
I looked in her eyes... there was nobody home... nice body and all... but a vacant space between her ears.
She was all blonde, alright!

Ok... I know blondes aren't dumb!, My ex-wife was a blonde and she was as sharp as an tack and about as subtle as an axe. She hadn't coped well, with it... after I'd returned from deployment... she was gone by the time I got home from the second one... I missed her a lot, but not the smart-mouthed callous part.

But this girl fit the dumb blonde stereotype so well, it was scary... it was a wonder she still had all her limbs... she was that dumb!

I could tell she'd pester me until I agreed, so I just lead her out to Killer, expecting he'd lunge out to the end of his chain and snap at her... give her a good scare... then she'd go away and I'd be safely alone again.
Even as it was, I'd be jerking myself off, thinking about what I might have done with her... my eyes flickered over her, focussing on all the things that were attractive to me, imagining what they would be like...
Blonde hair wrapped around my cock,
Big smile... friendly, slightly pouty lips on me, sucking on me gently, arousing me, my cock rising up to meet her...
those big, firm tit's wrapped around my cock, in my mouth... sliding my dick between them, back towards her mouth...

"Go on then, try it and let's see what happens!" I said... looking at her butt as she reached over towards the dog. Nice tight arse!... thigh gap!
I bet that under those panties, that were peeking out from under the shorts, she had the tightest little...

She wasn't looking at me, but at the dog and, out of sight of her eye, I mouthed the word "Fuck!" silently to myself... I really wanted her... wished the opportunity might arise... I'd slip myself inside her and slowly run my cock up inside her, shivering with the pleasure of it, after so long without.
I licked my lips, looking, wanting to have her body under me, wanting to reach out and hold her.

The dog stood on the end of the lead, she dropped his chain and stood, smiling at me, I was caught between the thought of her all bent over, on the end of my cock and the shock I felt that Killer... MY trained Killer, was obediently sitting and waiting for the girl to take him away...

I could only say "He should have taken your fingers off!, girl!... I'll have to train him better!" Perplexed, I said "Right! You've only got an hour and then I'll need Killer back here. Get a move on, girl!"

"Yes, Mr Paxton", she said sweetly and led the dog away. I watched her walk down the footpath, bum cheeks and undies and God knows what else fighting to be free of her shorts... waiting and looking, until she was out of sight, before I went back to the Office.
I locked the door behind me. Went into the toilet and took myself out of my pants. Fantsised about her... getting hard was easy. Wetted it from the tap, applied some hand cleaner... it was so easy to come, thinking about her perfect little body wrapped around my ugly meat... daydreaming that she wouldn't flinch away at the sight of me, but wanted it, welcomed it.... took me inside her... enjoyed me. Use me to come, as I came too. Embracing each other afterward's... long afterwards... feeling the tenderness that you get when a woman means something more than just sex... I swallowed... a daydream... get back to reality, Bill!

I finished up, the pulses of my orgasm and gushing come so intense this time. Afterwards, I washed my cock and hand... staring at the scarred mess that the shrapnel had left behind.. the way it looked now revolted me... it had revolted my ex-wife... it would revolt young Rebecca too, I knew...
She'd never know!
I put it away... suddenly feeling down.
Don't cry, you pussy!
Toughen up!

She took longer than an hour.
I was ready to leave, wanting to go to the gym... the big gates were closed, it was past closing time.
I was leaning against the outer wall of the Porch, waiting, when she returned. Still looking too sexy for her own good, slightly flushed from the walk... perspiring lightly. I quietly smelled her body, inhaled the scent of her through my nose... added it to my mind's amalgam of her.
She was lying beside me... naked, hot, perspiring with excitement.. like we had given each other a real sexual workout... smelling sweet... hands on my chest... stroking it... stroking me...
I wished...

"Did you get lost?" I asked as she and Killer walked up to me.
"Nope... something came up" she said quietly, looking aside...
Shit! Don't make her cry, tough guy!
I felt bad... the thoughts I was having... about her, about using her... weren't her fault. I was the problem, not the girl.

She let the dog loose.
He seemed happy... he settled down to watch us talking, then lost interest in that and flopped onto the ground. We both looked down at him when he moved... Killer started to lick his balls... we looked away, as his dick started to show. Rebecca was blushing slightly as we looked back at each other, instead of the dog giving his dick a tongue lashing, the sound of of his tongue loud in the silence.
I wished she would lick me like that! Long, slow, slobbering strokes... licking me like the dog... from base to tip... so good!
... and then my tongue on her, reciprocating... long, slow, seducing her. Feeling my way across her skin... leaving a little snail trail of saliva on her... flickering over the sensitive bits... parting, delving inwards... tasting her... nibbling... following that with by my fingers, following that with by my cock, fully inside now... starting to pump her gently...

Stop that!
Dragging my mind away from the thought of Rebecca, naked, excited, I thought about something else... well... he did need the exercise!
"Hmmm, you can walk him whenever you like, he needs the exercise." it was not a complete lie... but not the reason I asked... I wanted to see her again... keep her fresh in my memory... if you pass a sexy woman on the street, you might recall that they were hot, but to visualise someone clearly takes constant exposure... and I didn't want to forget this girl! Yes, she was too young for me... but she was legal... hot and tender... looking was harmless... wasn't it?

It was only Mostly Harmless... as things turned out.

Rebecca visited, more and more frequently, until she came around most day's, taking the dog for walks or watching me go through some training... he was mature... but, of course, refreshing the training helped keep him proud, alert and obedient... She wanted to expand on the commands that she knew, so I let her do some training with him too, offering advice... watching her as she worked the dog... wanking myself after she had left.
She wasn't as dizzy as she had originally seemed. As she grew comfortable in my presence she, we... started talking about what was happening in our lives... trouble at home, with her older brother, the military, how they used dog's... but not about Iraq.

This continued for 5 or 6 months.
The problem was, I was getting... fixated... on Becky. I constantly wanted to have sex with her... I was fighting it away... but... for how long could I do that? I wanted to touch her!, hold her to me... please her, please myself.
When I thought about it now, my hands clenched and I shook with my need... until I was done.
She isn't for you, Bill!
I know!... but...
No but's!... just No!
Fuck!, I hated feeling like this!
But I wanted to satisfy my need!

Chapter Two.

Near the end of the day, a dog trotted into the yard... a German Sheperd bitch. She ignored me when I told her to fuck off, (Even female dogs have got that "Fuck you!, male" attitude, I thought to myself) and went over to Killer's box, sniffing around it... but he wasn't there... he was off with Rebecca, somewhere. They were due back soon. Then the female trotted up to me and looked at me... eye's imploring me for something... she looked like she had been on the street for a while, all skin and bones.

I bent over her, patted her... she wagged her tail, whining softly.

I'd called him "Puppy" but he'd been mature enough to give me the best time that I'd ever experienced... not that I would have admitted that to him.

"I live at the Scrap Yard", he had told me... and invited me to visit.
Now, 6 months later, starving and desperate... I'd finally decided that I had to take him up on his offer...
Both the dog-box and the human smelled of the dog that I once knew... but the dog wasn't here...

Time had reduced me to the distressed state I was now in.
I was desperate now!
I hadn't wanted him to see me like this, I'd been beautiful and proud when he knew me, too proud to ask for his help.
But I'd been forced to swallow my pride...
I'd beg for his help, now.
Beg for food from him... even scraps, whatever he could spare or he deigned to leave for me.
But he wasn't here!
I sighed sadly...
What now?

The two dog's that had been following me slunk into the Yard too... they wanted to mate with me... pestering me for it, trying it on... I'd driven them off, but they kept following me, keeping up a near constant vigil, biding their time.
They were waiting for me to weaken, too tired and hungry to resist their advances anymore... and then they would take turns at fucking me.

Once, I could pick and choose who I mated with... but now I was reduced to the point that I would be passed around and shared between many.
I'd have cried if I was able to.
I didn't want those mongrels to have me.
But soon I wouldn't have any choice in the matter, I'd be too weak to prevent it from happening.
The horror of what would happen then, made me snivel dejectedly...
it would be soon.

The human patted me, as I whined in sadness, seeking comfort from him, anyone...
where was the dog that I once knew?
I needed him!

I noticed that she was in heat, swollen vulva, discharging a musky fluid. No wonder those ugly mutt's were following her around...
I drove them from the yard... they didn't go far, just out of range of the rocks that I threw at them... then they sat down... licking their lips, their cocks and their ball's, waiting for the bitch to leave.

Well, they could wait!.
I decided to give her some food and opened the door to the Office, letting her follow me inside.
I gave her a big chunk of dog-roll watched her greedily scoff it down, her thin body jolting as her mouth worked at getting as much as posible down her throat....all of her butt wiggling as she wagged her tail... drops of her discharge falling to the floor as she did, bringing my attention back to her pussy...

I could use her for sex!...
if I was careful!... VERY careful!
I'd get my cock bitten off!
No!... it's worth trying!
I was such a sorry, desperate bastard that the thought of it made me start to get hard.

I pictured my hard-on in her mouth, down her throat, her long tongue protecting me, from her teeth. I moved myself around inside her mouth, over her rough tongue, she gagged on it, the roof of her mouth and her tongue clamping down on me, tightly. My cock, now covered in her saliva, the slippery coating all over it, running down my balls. I thrust it into her, coming, as I held her jaws open slightly! She swallowed it, liking the taste of my skin, my semen... I added it to the mixture on her tongue, to the roof of her mouth, down her throat...
Then I put that slipperiness against her butt, rubbing her with lubrication that allowed me to gently enter her... gently fucking the animal, so gently that she wouldn't want to bite me... but slowly let me increase the speed, the depth, until my cock was rampaging in and out of the bitch, the remainer of my come flowing out of me, into her hot, tight pussy...
It had been so long since I'd had a woman! Now any female looked good... I looked at the bitch again, the smooth black skin of her pussy glistening with wetness, She was wet for me! She wanted me to! Why else would she follow me into my place?
In here, I was in charge! and I wanted to fuck her!
It was alright... merely being in here with me, meant she gave her consent.

In my mind it seemed the perfect solution... we'd both get the sex we needed!
No one would get hurt!
Well... maybe I would...
but I was willing to risk it for SEX!,
it would be worth trying anyway!
My cock was getting bigger at how I thought things would work out... at how good the bitch would feel, how much she would like to be screwed... but...
Becky would be coming back soon!
Think fast!
Be quick!
Grabbing more dog-roll I lured the bitch back into the Storeroom, out the back of the Office. Then I washed her scent off my hands.
Back outside, I closed the gate... cock still throbbing with anticipation. The bitch was going to be mine!... I wasn't going to let her out until I was finished with her.
I let myself imagine what she would be like... all fur and fangs, wet and warm...
tonguing me, taking me... liking it, liking me... and through it all... I imagined how good it would feel as I used her to ease my need!
Maybe I could do her twice...
Several times!
Keep her forever!
Fuck her forever!
Yeah, that sounded good!
I could have a root when ever I wanted, and no one would be any the wiser!!

Rebecca returned and leaving Killer loose, waved and left for home... for once, I was happy to see her go!
I chained and locked the small gate, not wanting to be disturbed.
I fed Killer, then fed the bitch some more... and settled down, waiting for her to finish...
She didn't seem agitated by my presence... I appraised her demeanour... she seemed calm enough... I waited...
Oh fuck it!, enough with the waiting! Do her now, Bill!

I rubbed my cock with my hand and then held my hand to her nose... she sniffed and licked it... tongue rasping over my fingers. I pulled my clothes off and stood naked as she snuffled my body... leg's, butt... she licked me!, licked my cock, tongue caressing me, making it flop around... feeling and seeing it start to expand.
"Good girl... Good girl!", I praised her, "That's it... lick it!, Good girl!"
I patted her head encouragingly and pulling her closer as I started to stiffen up more. Touched her butt again, stroking the skin, rubbing the entrance... she accepted my finger!
Yeah! she wanted it!
I rubbed the wetness around the outside and moved to position myself, ready to make my first attempt. The bitch let me approach... I rubbed my tip over her, touching her furred skin, then closer, over the smooth moist part. I took her tail in my hand... lifted it out of the way, eased in closer... my cock touched her and I saw the lips of her sex flare slightly around me... tried to slip it in, deeper...

I guess she didn't think a human would try that on, with her? But I showed her she was wrong about that! Stabbed myself at her...
Anyway, she sidled around... feeling it at the entrance, uncertain about it and trying to see what I was up to. I fell away from her.
That didn't stop me from trying again!
Another failed attempt.
I tried to do it again...
And again!
Cock in hand, tail in the other... now I was trying to pull her back onto it, trying to get it close to her, into her...
Harder!, faster!... would that work?... Nope!
Now her eyes were wide!...
Yeah, she knew exactly what I wanted from her!...
And she was reluctant to share it with me... I kept trying, even as I started to soften again.
Hmmmm... this was going to be trickier than I thought...
If she wasn't willing to let me do it to her... what were my options?

Whip's and chains, rope and duct tape...
The visualization of having to chained her to the wall or feet bound together, mouth wrapped, tightly muzzled so I could force her into sex with me... that... probably wouldn't work anyway!. It didn't appeal to me... well, not much... No!

Fine! I wanted to do it... obviously going without for so long had made me slightly... completely... depraved. My moral compass was allowing me to contemplate bestiality... but not to rape the bitch, and that made it easier for me to think about?... go figure!

I stopped trying to get it inside her, tried to think about it rationally... instead of being focussed on her... me... SEX!
Eventually, I hoped, she'd reach a point where she would be willing... so all I needed to do was wait. I could keep her here! No one knew she was here. Even if she was reported missing and I doubted that would happen given the state she was in, no one could get into the Yard too find her. After I was finished with her, I'd let her out and she could go home... if she had one to go to.


I gave her more food.
Patted and talked to her... and tried to fuck her. Over and over.
Failed, jerked off thinking about it instead.
She licked the come off my hand, off my cock, her tongue caressing me as I watched it flash out of me, connect with her tongue and go into her mouth... the bitch seemed to like the taste of it and was enthusiastic about eating it and licking me. It felt so good, looked so good!
No luck with getting it into her though.
That was the frustrating part...

Saturday evening...

I'd stayed at the Office, leaving to get food for me, for her, giving her portion's when she was good to me... got an old mattress from home, blankets... I planned on sleeping here, with her, not wanting to miss the moment when she relented.... let me have her.

Trying it on with the bitch, every couple of hour's and when I got hard, thinking about it... trying... getting tantalisingly close several times, rubbing my erection around... just at the point where it would really start to penetrate... no... another refusal...

I was starting to think she'd never give in!

Patted and touched!
I was full now!

All I needed now was to sleep!

I'd come for the Puppy and had got a man instead!
I was in the right place, the Puppy's scent was everywhere! But not inside the building where the man had taken me.

All last night and all today, I had avoided his unnatural attentions... his fingers lightly touching and stroking was nice enough. But his... thing... was a different story. Probing, stroking me, he would try to enter me, if I let him get too close, he'd tried to push it in, he'd succeeded in parting me, that was all I let him do before my instinct to flinch away kept him out of me. But he kept on trying, as insistant as a dog, wanting to mate with me. The feeling of the tip of it rubbing over my skin, the wrongness that I felt when he did that, was fading... was I getting used to it... to him... beginning to like it? no!... not yet... I fought off the instictive desire that was growing in me.

His come was very tasty, I'd discovered... I had no problem with eating that as a delicacy... rolling my tongue over the tip of his cock, lapping it all up, as he shot his load into my mouth. I savoured the delicate flavour of it.
That had probably been a bad idea... I shouldn't have encouraged him with all that licking... but it tasted so good!

Now he was trying again!... firm, yet softer than a dog, more bulborus than the sharp tip of a dog... bigger to start off with... rubbing me, getting wet from me, from inside himself... long, firm strokes on the outside...
It was starting to feel good, part of me acknowledged to myself...
Don't let him do it!
I squirmed away again.

The bitch seemed to like what I was doing, at least for a few seconds, then lay down on the blankets... I felt deflated, my cock deflated in response... this wasn't working... it wasn't going to work!
Here I was, shorts around my knee's trying to get inside a dog!
Let the bitch out and go home, Bill!
Give up!
Chasing after her is not going to work!
No!... there's still tomorrow!

Disappointed, I took off my clothes and turned off the light, crawled onto the mattress, beside the bitch. I pulled the blankets over myself and tried to settle down.
Maybe it would work tomorrow?!
I fell asleep.

I started awake!
Puppy was somewhere near, in the dark!!
I came to my feet quickly!
I could smell him!
I wanted him!
Needed him.
Needed it.
Need it NOW!

I rose to my feet, testing the air... man smell... female smell... dog smell... all mixed... and that spark, that... smell, that... chemistry... was in the air, in my mind!
He was behind me... touching me... and I knew it was time! I stood still, aching for it, like last time... Puppy was older now! Perhaps he would be even better this time?

Something nudged me apart and I pushed back against it, wanting it, feeling the urgency that took hold of your senses... made you crazy for it.... made you mate wildly, blindly... made you... just stop thinking!
Just do it, now!
I took the thin pointy start of Puppy's cock into me!
The rhythmic pumping of my body aiding his penetration, taking it into myself, as instinct took control of me...
It felt good!
I wanted all of him!
But he withdrew... or slipped out!
I was lunching backwards... wanting it back inside me.

Something larger took it's place... big and fat... I didn't care! I pumped at it, liking the feeling as I made Puppy drive it deeper into me...
Hands touched my hips and pulled me back onto it... then I realised... it was the man that was stretching me wide!, going deep!
The man's cock... felt good, satisfying!
I couldn't help myself!
My body pumped it into me... so big!... I backed up onto his erection, impaled myself onto his hardness... wanting, needing it, all of a sudden!.
Stop that, you sick bitch!, part of my mind shrieked at me...
Not bestialty! Don't do it!
But I couldn't help myself!
I continued on, as more of the human entered... and stretched me wider...

In the dark, the bitch had suddenly started and risen to her feet... I cast off the blanket and touched her body... she was stiff... shaking... was the time now?
I stroked her soft wet entrance... she pushed against it, taking my finger inside, then used it to finger fuck herself, jolting it up inside, a ridge of bone rubbing the top. My cock reacted to both our needs, I helped it along until I was hard, excited that I would have my chance after all.

I removed my finger and guided my erection against the bitch, she reacted by driving herself backwards, a series of short pumps that forced me into her, made me slip inside. Her sex was tight around me, wetting me with her lubricant, the black skin at the entrance pulsating around me as I filled her... I gripped her hips to help guide her, pulled her gently while letting her do most of the work, enjoying the sensual tension of her body taking me inside, feeling her tightly compressing me.

My cock tapped against the end of the passage and the bitch started to fuck me hard in response.
Driven by her instinct, she panted and whined and fucked me in a frenzy, slamming herself onto me, in a way that was both exciting and frightening in it's intensity. I wrapped my fingers around the shaft of my dick, feeling it ramming it's way into her, feeling the lips of her sex moving forwards and backwards on me, lips caressing gently, the inside gripping me tightly, a bone just past the entrance pressing down onto me. My fingers got wet as her skin rubbed against them.

I added my own need to her's and began to pump myself into her too... harder than I would have dared to fuck a woman... harder and faster, deeper... deeper! I moved my hands and gripped her by the back legs, pulling the bitch back against me. Pushed myself in as far as I could.
She loved it like that!
Welcomed it.
I loved doing her like that!
I fucked her in a way that would have had a woman screaming, begging for me to stop!, scrabbling to escape... but the bitch soaked up my sex-fueled need to come, my roughness, shrugged it off as inconsequential or not even painful and added her own violent needs to it too.
Together, we satisfied each others lust.

Humans are different... I hadn't realised... and now, by accident, I discovered the wonderful truth.

A dog is pretty much finshed after thirty seconds... once they get knotted with you, it's all over... you get to enjoy the nice sensation of being full of dog-meat and dog-come, feel the cock, rock solid in you, flexing as it fills you to overflowing... but no more thrusting... that parts over!

But a man... this man, anyway... was so much more!... how to describe it?
It was a dry fuck!
Dog's fill you with liquid immeadiately, the man did not... so there was more friction, more... heat and no buffer between our bodies. I felt more of everything that I needed to feel.
Once a dog is in, and knotted... he stay's in! The man kept withdrawing and inserting his erection, murmuring softly as he did it... the sound's lulling me as he voiced the pleasure that he was feeling, matching my own. Minutes past and still he was stretching me wide, pumping it up me... I just closed my eyes at how good the man made me feel... sending his cock from entrance to the end of me each time he thrust... I chased his cock, demanding he give it all to me!
But this is unnatural!... my mind screamed at me... my body, utterly enthralled with how he made me feel... ignored that. It felt so good... I didn't care!... as long as that feeling continued.
He talked to me! Told me how good it was.
He used his hands too!
Three points of stimulation... all moving... focused on making me feel good, rubbing, pulling, pushing stroking...
I closed my eyes and let him continue...

The other bitches would have held me in contempt for doing what I was doing... but I was the one, with this male, under this male, feeling him up inside me... and I knew what I was feeling was special!... good!
It was so good!
Bestiality fufilled me in a way I never thought would be posible!
I loved it...
I loved what he was doing to me.
Loved doing him hard and fast.
Made him do me hard and fast...
Couldn't keep quiet any longer and starting panting and whining to let him know how he made me feel... begging for more!

I'd never begged for it before, like I begged for it from him!!
I was such a dirty bitch!
But I couldn't help it... didn't stop him.
I didn't stop the man... I should have... but I didn't.

He didn't seem able to match the... absolute pummelling.... that a dog gave you in the first few seconds, but he more than made up for it by making the actual mating last and last... and last!. I came on the end of his cock, a wonderful pulsation, gripping his boner even more tightly! He kept right on thrusting, over and over, never stopping. Pumping that cock in and out, the head of the thing stimulating me as it slid around, hitting the end... the broad head rubbing my entrance, opening me wide, and slowly going deeper until the sensual pressure stretched me wide and touched everywhere inside me. Withdrawing, I collapsed back into the sapce he vacated, only to expand and stretch all over when his cock returned.
A dog... uses... you... and sure, it feels good... but it just couldn't compare to man-sex.
The man pleasured me! It seemed to be as much for my enjoyment as it was for his... that was such a sweet thing... a revelation!
Pleasure, not procreation! Yeah! I could handle that!
I never wanted this to stop.
But I couldn't handle how good he made me feel!
I came a second time...
I might let a dog in me, to breed, at some point in the future... but I would never be able to stop seeing humans in this new light.
They would make love to you!
If you let them.
I sighed, my legs were getting shaky again... the third time was coming soon!!
He was perfect, and now he was speeding up too!
Now he fucked me like a dog, as my body orgasmed again... the perfect finish to my first time mating with him. Hard and fast, I felt his come squirting out of him, filling me with his wetness and the spasms of his cock as he ejaculated... I felt it all so deep inside me.!
This man gave me the best of both worlds!... he could fuck me like a dog! and fuck me like a man!
Now he slowed down, gently pulling and pushing himself in smaller movements... cock flexing still.
"That's right! Take it all, you sexy girl!" he said quietly, passionately into my ear...
I whined my satisfaction and desire to have all he could give me... to do it again...
So good!

Everything had suddenly gone right... she had relented and her willing acceptance of me was such a turn on!

All thoughts of me taking advantage and using the bitch, the wrongness of bestiality, disappeared as she took me into herself. From the initial connection between us to the end of it, the feeling of our bodies joined together felt right.
It was the bitch that urged me to go deeper and I could tell that she was pleased by what was happening, by the little sounds she was making as I felt her stretch tightly around my cock... she pumped and wiggled her bum, working me up inside her until only an inch or so remained outside of her body. Using my hands to guide her, I added my own movements to hers, feeling my dick sliding in and out, making sure I didn't fall out, least she thought I was finished and walk away.

It was a good thing I had jerked off earlier, she would have made me come in a minute or so with the way she was riding my cock. As it was though, I managed to stave off my orgasm for quite a while by taking my time, thinking of other things, before refocusing on the body under me. The bitch alternated between feeling merely snug around my cock as it moved to a wild pulsation of skin and muscle that gripped and pulled me inwards... it was almost as if she was sucking me into her. It felt so good when that happened!

So good!
Oh shit... this is so good!
Come in her now, Bill...
Give it to her.... come inside her!
You want it!
She wants it!
Do it to her!

I closed my eyes as my orgasm hit me, felt the first couple of wild flexings of my cock, the ones where your come literally flies out of you, as the pressure is released.
I suddenly pictured Becky in my mind's eye, I replaced the bitch's body with her's... Rebecca was hot and horny for me, letting me sex her up, welcoming me into herself, I was straining, coming into her, feeling my sperm flowing out of me and into her as I pulsed and jetted it out of myself... coming into Rebecca's body, not the dog's.
My heart was thumping in my chest as I imagined the enjoyment I had given, received... from the girl... from the dog.
"That's right! Take it all, you sexy girl!" I said quietly, passionately... loving her... loving Becky. Thank you! Thank you for understanding what I needed... I love you! Oh God... Becky!, I could love you, if you'd let me!

I slowly came back to my senses. My heart slowing back to normal.

My body was arced up against the birch, cock fully imbeded, pushed hard up inside her, my nut's were soaked with our come... against her bum, tail wedged between us, quivering slightly.
I sighed at the satisfaction she had given me, tapped it up once more, feeling more come seep out of the head... again, again, sighed in satisfaction... yeah... I was done now!, finished...
Thank you!

I eased my wet, hard, cock out of her, quietly enjoying the sensation as inch after inch slowly emerged from her still tight body... she was still pulsating after her last orgasm... trying to suck me back up inside... still willing... still hot for me...
Good girl!
I'll do you again later!
She had been so good!
Good girl!

Chapter Three

Thump-thump-THUMP-thump-thump-thump... it wasn't my heart, I realised!
Someone was knocking on the door!... somebody was HERE! Somebody KNEW!
For an instant, I felt fear so strongly that I thought my heart had burst.
How loud had I been?
Had I been yelling?
I saying thing's... lot's of things... I didn't remeber what exactly...
How loud had I been?
How loud had the bitch been?

The thumping sounds continued... whoever it was, they weren't going to go away!

I launched myself at my clothes, quickly pulling underwear and shorts over my wet cock, as it shrivelled away... pulled the shirt on, over my sweaty smelling-of-dog body and quietly walked to the Front door...
Thump-thump-thump-thump... the noise hadn't stopped, it was a steady, regular sound... but it was coming from low on the door... not at the height of a human.... the dog, maybe?
Had he heard us... and wanted to come to the party too?

I flicked on the outside light and opened the door slightly, braced to slam it shut if I needed to. Looking through the gap I saw Killer, wagging his tail, looking immensely happy with himself. I relaxed slightly. He was licking a massive boner, a seven inch monster of a cock that looked bigger than my one did. His tongue was quickly travelling along it's length, wrapping around the tip that was squirting little jets of liquid out of it... Killer took the tongue back into his mouth... savoured the taste and then swallowed it down. I felt relief... it was only Killer!, I was safe!, I opened the door wider, to talk to him.

Killer looked up and saw me, turning towards me... but beyond him I saw a body!

I looked at it in shock!
Head down, bum up, on it's knee's, beside him!.
Head pointing into the corner of the Porch, face covered by hair.
My first thought was that, who ever it was, they were crouched like that to avoid being bitten by the dog, but then I discerned the truth... there wasn't any clothing, on the bottom half of the body.
Nice arse! So very obviously a female!... her sex was flushed, lips open, wet!
Her thighs and arse had minor scratches on them...
Her smooth, rounded butt was slick with wetness, glistening in the light, but the wetness was centered around her vagina... the area around it was soaked and reddened from the workout it had received.

She had given herself to the dog!
Clearly, the dog had taken her up on her offer and fucked her until she was overflowing!
I appreciated how good that looked, wet and sloppy, presented to me... I wouldn't have said no to something that nice!
Shame I wasn't up to doing it again... not yet, anyway!

In fact... she fucked dog's... perhaps she might think about having sex with me? I might get lucky!, I thought hopefully... I'd taken all this in, in a second or two.

Then she looked up!
It was Becky!...
For a second, she looked like the Becky of my dream's, the look of the girl that stripped off for me, let me sex her up, made me come... all flushed with the emotions and passion of having had recent sex... she looked fantastic to me... I judged her with the insight of my own fresh experience with a dog... she was still the same girl, to me... still desireable!

She stood slowly, in the light and I saw a stricken look take over from the emotions that had been on her face... saw the guilt, self-loathing and fear... and the tears that were forming!
I reached out to her!
I understood!
It was OK!
We'd talk!
It's OK!, Becky...

Mr Paxton stood at the door, looking down at the dog, who was still wagging his tail and happily licking the taste of my pussy from his cock...
then Mr Paxton's attention moved, and he LOOKED at me.

How long had he been standing on the other side of the door?
Listening to the sounds that the dog had brought out of me?
Loudly incriminating myself as I debased myself with the dog?
Had he been there long enough to have heard my orgasm?

Pump my pussy!
Fuck me!
Pump it!
Pump me!
Oh yeah!
Work it hard!... Killer!!,
Fuck me!
Fuck me!
Fuck me!
Good Boy!
Good Boy!

If it had been with a boy, I would have been embarrassed to have been caught having sex with him....
But I had done it with Mr Paxton's dog!
There wasn't anything I could do to change being caught!
Dog Fucker!
Dirty slag!
The words cut me deep... because it was the truth!

I stood there as he looked at me, unable to fake what had happened.

I was nude... beside me, the dog's cock was still big, hard and dribbling come.
I was soaked where the dog's spoof had washed over me, it was dribbling off me, out of me, down my legs... the stuff was pooling under each knee, slowly flowing to join togther in a larger puddle between both legs
I was well and truly fucked... had been well and truly fucked...
By the dog, I'd taken inside me.
Happily dropped my clothes and encouraged it to fuck me.
Let him screw me, empty bucketloads of come onto... into me?
Writhing like a slut, wanting it.
Begging him to do it to me!
I'd orgasmed under the dogs attention!
I had been the dog's bitch!... and I had liked it.

And now Mr Paxton had caught me at it.

I'd liked it too much!
You shouldn't have done it, Rebecca!!
What would Mr Paxton think of you now?
I knew what he would think!
He would think I was a slut!
He'd either be revolted at what I had done... or want a piece of me too... like all the other guy's.
I bet he'd want to sample more than what the dog had had too. Go into the place that the dog hadn't...
He knew my dirty secret!
He would blackmail me.
Then fuck me... anyway he wanted.
Because I was a dog-slut!, a cheap piece of girl-meat, willing to do all sorts of depraved things... the evidence of that was right in front of him... how could he ignore it?
Well, you had to go and fuck his dog, on his Front Porch, didn't you Bec's?
So disgusting!
and so dumb!

I started to cry, I knew what Mr Paxton would want from me now.
Up until now, He hadn't been like that...
No... he'd been nice... almost a friend.
I appreciated the bland looks that he gave me... no lust for my body in his eyes at all!
He'd never asked, he'd never even insinuated that he was interested in me...
I'd liked that about him, that he'd never tried it on with me.
I trusted him!
I hope he doesn't change!
Of course he will, stupid girl! You'r butt naked in his doorway!
My mind chastised me for my foolish hope... just as he reached for me!...
My trust in him to evaporated!

He wanted me too!
I saw LUST in his eyes!

Fear made me slap his hands aside, I scooped up my bikini bottom and then I was running away from that place... from him!... I scaled the fence and took off down the street, into the cold and darkness.

That was dumb of me...
Reaching for her like that.
She'd misconstrued what it had meant and run off, leaving me gaping after here.
That might be for the best, Bill!
Yeah, maybe!


I kept looking for her... every movement on the street had me looking out at it...
She didn't come back.
I took the bitch home, she would be mine, at least.
I put the mattress back in the shed...
No sign of Rebecca...


The cop came.

Clearly Rebecca hadn't stopped running!
She was out there, somewhere!
I listened to the news...
No word of her... or from her.
Fuck it!
Where had she gone?
Where could she go?
I was getting worried.
I'd try to find her!
For both our sakes...
Let's go, Killer!
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