Symbiotic Pet: The beginning...
Mostly Harmless
The flea-bag had adopted my family and I, about a year ago.
I had been out in the garden bucketing out a rain-filled bath of old water, leaves etc, tossing the buckets full of water onto the ground beside the bath when a flash of grey, in my peripheral vision, caught my attention. I had looked over see what it had been and spotted a tiny grey kitten cowering under our picnic table. It was looking back towards me, soaking wet. It must have been hiding under the bath, emerging as I dumped a bucket load of stinking water over it's back.
I had evaluated the kitten, was it feral? I moved closer to it... it didn't hiss or run away, it just looked up at me as I approached, no... not feral. Picking it up by the scruff of it's neck, I looked it over. It was way to small to be away from it's mother. What to do... put it down and ignore it?, fling it over the fence making it the neighbours problem or... take it inside, knowing that if I did, my wife and daughters would not let it leave...
OK, I admit that, despite not liking cats, I'm not the sort of guy that would ignore a young kitten, potentially having it die through my hard-hearted actions. I found a small cardboard box, dropped the kitten into it, closed the lid and took it inside.
I think it's a girl thing... loving cats. My wife took one look and the family had increased by one. My two daughters were much the same. We hadn't had a pet until then, to much trouble, we had told them.
As the cat matured, there was good news and bad news... good news!... the vet said it appeared to be healty, only about 4 weeks old... bad news... it's a boy-cat. Good news, it was cute and cuddly... bad news, unless it decided you were a chew-toy. Good news! it seemed to be naturally toilet trained! Bad news... I got to share the chore of scrapping it's turd out of the kitty litter box.
Right from the start, it took to sleeping in my wife's amd my bed, under the covers, pressing itself against us for warmth. I am a hot-sleeper... it preferred to snuggle against me. When it was young that made me a nervous... a couple of times I woke up, suddenly thinking that I had accidentally smothered it. The animal got itself scragged, as I would move it's sleeping body around until it started resisting... It's alive! Thank fuck for that! The trouble that I would have been in, if I had of killed it!
As it grew larger that fear decreased. Kitty slept with PJ's but I habitually slept naked, that, coupled with my... predilection for animals... made me find it erotic, when it slid itself under the duvet and sheet, brushing against me, fur and whiskers slowly moving down my chest, stopping at my groin... I could feel it licking itself, it's amazingly soft fur pressing rythmically against me as I lay on my side, sensually moving against my cock, brushing over me, like fingers covered in silk, or as soft as a mouth, caressing, stroking, teasing me into getting hard as I imagined it tonguing me, feeling myself responding to it, cock poking into the warm fur, swelling up, my length increasing, pressing firmly against the cats warm body, listening to it purring, thinking that it liked feeling my erection against it, wanting it. Starting to hump it a small amount, accentuating the movement of my dick on it's fur, wondering if it would lick the semen from the end of my knob... bad news! a twitching cock can seem to be a new chew toy for young cats. Ouch! luckily it never drew blood.
Also bad news, it had no inclination to lick me... nothing could entice it to. I was either ignored or a chew toy... no middle ground. No, cats have no value to me.
Another disconcerting habit was the one where I would wake up during the night and find it asleep, pressed like a blunt furry wedge between my inner thighs, at the top of my legs. The presence of it's body would force my legs to stay apart. Close my legs, get a crushed, pissed off, cat... but leaving them open? my cock was down there, vulnerable to a cat-attack. Also, there were times when I woke, feeling a weird furry sensation against my arse, its body pressed around the curve of my backside, chest and belly lying in the space between my buttocks, whiskers tickling my lower back, enjoying my warmth and happily purring away. ooohhh! vibrations!... nice!
Over time I became jealous of the cat... I can state with perfect honesty that it got more petting and caresses than I did. Kitty would reach PAST me to stroke it. I wanted her affection too, preferably coupled with sexy looks and dirty actions... but no!... "Good morning!, I love you!", talking to the CAT! pat, pat, stroke, stroke... little bastard!
Kitty got out of bed and went to the bathroom... the cat and I watched as she went, I focused on her pajama clad body; as always, her breasts and bum grabbing my attention like a magnet... even after 20 years of marriage I loved to look at her move, change clothes or get naked. My morning hard-on pressed against the bed... I wanted her to come back and jump on it... get on top, take control, be dominant and fuck me silly... no such luck!. She closed the door behind her and, after a few seconds, the shower started.
The cat looked at me, gave a little shrug, ***OK... she's gone... she's a nice piece of arse, I grant you... but no fuck for you, this morning. Suck it up, get over it!. Now!... feed me!.***
Pragmatic ceatures, cats... and you wonder why I'm not fond of them.
It moved closer to me and nibbled my chin.. a so-called "love bite". It never drew blood, on purpose, but it sure as hell knew how to get your attention. It was it's not so subtle way of hinting that I get up and feed it... now!.
Knowing it was safer to acquiesce to it's demands, I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen, the cat padding along behind me. I dropped some cat food into one of it's bowls... it started to scarf it down. I added some milk to the second bowl and went back to bed. I dozed off, secure in the knowledge that the cat would be too busy to pester me for 10 minutes of so.
I started awake, feeling something brushing along my cock... smooth, long strokes that curled sinously around the head and back down to the base. I opened my eyes to see Kitty, naked, smiling with wicked intent written all over her face... "Want a fuck?" she whispered. I eyed her up and down, droplets of water were still on her damp body, the smell of soap and shampoo came to me... I licked my lips as I appreciated her... "I think I could manage something... " I replied. Kitty already knew that... her hand was now wrapped around me, drawing me closer. I rolled towards her, my fingers seeking and finding it's way into her body. We stroked each other until she wanted me inside her body, drawing me onto her, into her, Missionary style... not the usual way for us... but I welcomed being on top. I gently worked my way fully inside Kity, and built up to the rhythm that we normally used... feeling our bodies pressing and withdrawing, enjoying giving Kitty pleasure while trying to hold mine back, so I lasted the distance. She placed her hands on my hips and pulled me into her more, "Harder!" she asked... I deepened my strokes, feeling the head of of my cock pressing further into her. I was starting to get warm now, grunting softly with the additional effort that it required to do what Kitty wanted. She was smiling, eyes closed... I wondered what she saw in her head... she wasn't looking at me! "Faster!" she coaxed me... I speed up, a slapping sound starting to sound out as our bodies grew damp from sweat and met with increasing force.
"I don't know how long I can keep this up", I panted, I could normally... disassociate... myself from feeling too good while we made love... it made me last longer, but our faster than usual pace made me fully aware of my cock plunging in and out of her hot pussy. Her tit's were bouncing around sexily, kind of following her bodies movement, kind of drifting off in different directions. Helping to heighten the mental and physical stimuli.
Kitty's eyes popped open... she looked, eyes unfocussed, past me, imagining or seeing something else... and said "Just do it!, whatever it takes! Take me hard and make me come!"
I was getting a little disturbed by how unusual her actions were... was she drugged or something? I slowed down... wanting to check she was OK... She groaned and said "Keep going! Don't stop!, fuck me hard!" but I did. We stared at each other for a second. "Make him do it!" she said decisively.
Suddenly I felt needles of pain in my buttock, I instintively tried to get away from it, driving my cock deep into Kitty... she lifted her hips and arched her back, meeting me, welcoming it. Another surge of pain, I pushed away from it again, pushing Kittys pelvis onto and then along the bed, I was fully imbedded inside her in my efforts to get away from what I was feeling. "Sorry!, Kitty!" I said, trying to withdraw and apologise at the same time, "it feels like a pin went into me!" Kitty lifted her legs and placed them around my butt, hooking her ankles into my flesh. She wrenched me forward again, emulating the violent thrusts that I had inadvertantly given her. She forced my cock back inside her, at least as deep as before... posibly deeper, "Don't stop!" she commanded, contracting her body and legs again..."Don't stop!"
I swivelled my head around looking behind myself... in time to see the fucking cat raise it's front paws, flare them wide, extend it's claw and latch them on to my butt. I yelled "Fuck!" in shock and pushed myself away from it, trying to evade the claws and escape the pain. "Yes!" Kitty said triumphantly as, once again, I drove my erection up inside her. Despite this, the shock and non-sexual pain was starting to make me soften up. The cat released me again and I moved to get up, out of Kitty and away from the cat, it's death my only goal. Kitty grabbed me, wrapping her arms around me and pulling against my bum with her ankles, flaring my buttocks wide.
Before I could escape her grip, the cat took advantage of my wide-open butt cheeks, leaping onto me, placing paws and claws on my hip's and gripping me. It wiggled itself into position... I felt the tip of it's cock probing me... it found the middle of my sphincter and then it stabbed into me, my bum hole swiftly parting, as it nailed me up the arse.
One second I was a cat-virgin, the next, three inches of barbed pain was up inside me, being rammed backwards and forwards. I forgot about anything other than mitigating the pain the little fucker was causing. He was ramming it up me for all he was worth, I was ramming myself forwards and backwards too. Kitty was getting my cock rammed around in a similar fashion... only she didn't seem to mind. She kept a firm grip, with one hand on me as the cat fucked me over... calling encouragement " Oh yes! Thats it... fuck me hard... thats what I wanted... do it to me you bastard!... Yes!" I could feel the barbs pulling at my bum hole when he pulled backwards, it felt like I might prolapse, the way he was going at me. But, with me matching what the cat was doing to me, I became aware of my cock in Kitty, hardening up as I gave her a fucking such as I never imagined she would have wanted. I realised the cat was purring as it did me over... The vibrations sending the tip of his cock vibrating around inside me... Kitty's other hand was patting it's head! We all suddenly accomplished a movement that was satisfying all of us... taking Kitty hard, being taken hard by a small vibrating dick... the cat, purring still, obviously loving my tight bum. Looking at the expression on my face when I looked back at him.
It was a first for me... and... I liked it. I started to be more proactive. If Kitty wanted it hard! OK... "This is what it feels like to be fucked by a cat, Kitty!" I said, she nodded and gripped me to her harder, coaxing every bit of sensation out of me. I could see her body start to quiver as her orgasm approached, her eyes fluttering as if they were to heavy to open. My arse was suddenly wetter and I realised the cat was finishing up also, his balls emptying out into me, filling me with his come and adding a squishy feeling inside me. It wrenched his cock from me, this final act bringing pain breifly to me again. I pumped forward, once more seeking to get away from him. Kitty took this final full-length spasm and came too, locking me to her in a bone crunching hug. Powerful contractions wracked her as I continued on, knowing that this had been a unique experience... my wife had encouraged an animal to fuck me! I had fucked her like an animal and she had liked it... I came too, my own sperm flooding into her, hugging each other as we finished together. We all lay gasping for breath...
"Fuck that was good!, Kitty said... eyes glowing...
"Oh, yeah!", I said... moving off her, lying behind her, reaching over to stroke her breasts and stomach with my fingers...
"What was the cat like?" she asked curiously... reaching out to pat him gently as he cleaned off his dick.
"Like a finger up the bum, with fish hooks attached", I said...
"Oh...", Kitty said... "Painful?"
"Only to start with". I replied, "But we all came in the end"
"The cat came too?"
"Uh huh, I have a wet arse!" I said, her fingers slid to my wet bum hole, seeking the evidence of that statement, getting soaked with cat sperm. Kitty looked at it, curiously, smelt it and then wiped it off her fingers, onto the sheet.
"Gross!"... she looked more thoughtful than disgusted though.
You made him do it" I laughed at her.
"I guess... sorry!, I went kind of crazy for a while... we're usually so... gentle, predictable... I needed a bit of excitement, something different... and the cat was there." Kitty said.
"Being banged by a cat was a change... and you know that making you happy is important to me. We can try different things", I said... a sudden burst of hope filling me.
"I think I'd like that... you don't mind?" she asked.
"As long as it's not with another guy... I don't plan to see other women... you are enough of a handful for me" I stated, laughing as I stroked her again..
The cat sniffed her fingers, discounted the smell of his own sperm and went looking for mine... he started to tongue up my come, leaking out of Kitty... she gasped as his raspy tongue flicked over her upper thighs, she opened her legs slightly... he licked her pussy.... she let him continue for a few seconds, then closed her legs again.
Kitty smiled... and said, "The girls and I were talking about getting a dog... what do you think?"
Was she changing the subject... or were we still obliquely talking about the same thing?
I shied away from the direction my mind veered towards...
"Well, I like them more than I like cats", I said, "That little fucker is starting to grow on me though... we can think about a dog too, I guess"
I had been out in the garden bucketing out a rain-filled bath of old water, leaves etc, tossing the buckets full of water onto the ground beside the bath when a flash of grey, in my peripheral vision, caught my attention. I had looked over see what it had been and spotted a tiny grey kitten cowering under our picnic table. It was looking back towards me, soaking wet. It must have been hiding under the bath, emerging as I dumped a bucket load of stinking water over it's back.
I had evaluated the kitten, was it feral? I moved closer to it... it didn't hiss or run away, it just looked up at me as I approached, no... not feral. Picking it up by the scruff of it's neck, I looked it over. It was way to small to be away from it's mother. What to do... put it down and ignore it?, fling it over the fence making it the neighbours problem or... take it inside, knowing that if I did, my wife and daughters would not let it leave...
OK, I admit that, despite not liking cats, I'm not the sort of guy that would ignore a young kitten, potentially having it die through my hard-hearted actions. I found a small cardboard box, dropped the kitten into it, closed the lid and took it inside.
I think it's a girl thing... loving cats. My wife took one look and the family had increased by one. My two daughters were much the same. We hadn't had a pet until then, to much trouble, we had told them.
As the cat matured, there was good news and bad news... good news!... the vet said it appeared to be healty, only about 4 weeks old... bad news... it's a boy-cat. Good news, it was cute and cuddly... bad news, unless it decided you were a chew-toy. Good news! it seemed to be naturally toilet trained! Bad news... I got to share the chore of scrapping it's turd out of the kitty litter box.
Right from the start, it took to sleeping in my wife's amd my bed, under the covers, pressing itself against us for warmth. I am a hot-sleeper... it preferred to snuggle against me. When it was young that made me a nervous... a couple of times I woke up, suddenly thinking that I had accidentally smothered it. The animal got itself scragged, as I would move it's sleeping body around until it started resisting... It's alive! Thank fuck for that! The trouble that I would have been in, if I had of killed it!
As it grew larger that fear decreased. Kitty slept with PJ's but I habitually slept naked, that, coupled with my... predilection for animals... made me find it erotic, when it slid itself under the duvet and sheet, brushing against me, fur and whiskers slowly moving down my chest, stopping at my groin... I could feel it licking itself, it's amazingly soft fur pressing rythmically against me as I lay on my side, sensually moving against my cock, brushing over me, like fingers covered in silk, or as soft as a mouth, caressing, stroking, teasing me into getting hard as I imagined it tonguing me, feeling myself responding to it, cock poking into the warm fur, swelling up, my length increasing, pressing firmly against the cats warm body, listening to it purring, thinking that it liked feeling my erection against it, wanting it. Starting to hump it a small amount, accentuating the movement of my dick on it's fur, wondering if it would lick the semen from the end of my knob... bad news! a twitching cock can seem to be a new chew toy for young cats. Ouch! luckily it never drew blood.
Also bad news, it had no inclination to lick me... nothing could entice it to. I was either ignored or a chew toy... no middle ground. No, cats have no value to me.
Another disconcerting habit was the one where I would wake up during the night and find it asleep, pressed like a blunt furry wedge between my inner thighs, at the top of my legs. The presence of it's body would force my legs to stay apart. Close my legs, get a crushed, pissed off, cat... but leaving them open? my cock was down there, vulnerable to a cat-attack. Also, there were times when I woke, feeling a weird furry sensation against my arse, its body pressed around the curve of my backside, chest and belly lying in the space between my buttocks, whiskers tickling my lower back, enjoying my warmth and happily purring away. ooohhh! vibrations!... nice!
Over time I became jealous of the cat... I can state with perfect honesty that it got more petting and caresses than I did. Kitty would reach PAST me to stroke it. I wanted her affection too, preferably coupled with sexy looks and dirty actions... but no!... "Good morning!, I love you!", talking to the CAT! pat, pat, stroke, stroke... little bastard!
Kitty got out of bed and went to the bathroom... the cat and I watched as she went, I focused on her pajama clad body; as always, her breasts and bum grabbing my attention like a magnet... even after 20 years of marriage I loved to look at her move, change clothes or get naked. My morning hard-on pressed against the bed... I wanted her to come back and jump on it... get on top, take control, be dominant and fuck me silly... no such luck!. She closed the door behind her and, after a few seconds, the shower started.
The cat looked at me, gave a little shrug, ***OK... she's gone... she's a nice piece of arse, I grant you... but no fuck for you, this morning. Suck it up, get over it!. Now!... feed me!.***
Pragmatic ceatures, cats... and you wonder why I'm not fond of them.
It moved closer to me and nibbled my chin.. a so-called "love bite". It never drew blood, on purpose, but it sure as hell knew how to get your attention. It was it's not so subtle way of hinting that I get up and feed it... now!.
Knowing it was safer to acquiesce to it's demands, I rolled out of bed and went to the kitchen, the cat padding along behind me. I dropped some cat food into one of it's bowls... it started to scarf it down. I added some milk to the second bowl and went back to bed. I dozed off, secure in the knowledge that the cat would be too busy to pester me for 10 minutes of so.
I started awake, feeling something brushing along my cock... smooth, long strokes that curled sinously around the head and back down to the base. I opened my eyes to see Kitty, naked, smiling with wicked intent written all over her face... "Want a fuck?" she whispered. I eyed her up and down, droplets of water were still on her damp body, the smell of soap and shampoo came to me... I licked my lips as I appreciated her... "I think I could manage something... " I replied. Kitty already knew that... her hand was now wrapped around me, drawing me closer. I rolled towards her, my fingers seeking and finding it's way into her body. We stroked each other until she wanted me inside her body, drawing me onto her, into her, Missionary style... not the usual way for us... but I welcomed being on top. I gently worked my way fully inside Kity, and built up to the rhythm that we normally used... feeling our bodies pressing and withdrawing, enjoying giving Kitty pleasure while trying to hold mine back, so I lasted the distance. She placed her hands on my hips and pulled me into her more, "Harder!" she asked... I deepened my strokes, feeling the head of of my cock pressing further into her. I was starting to get warm now, grunting softly with the additional effort that it required to do what Kitty wanted. She was smiling, eyes closed... I wondered what she saw in her head... she wasn't looking at me! "Faster!" she coaxed me... I speed up, a slapping sound starting to sound out as our bodies grew damp from sweat and met with increasing force.
"I don't know how long I can keep this up", I panted, I could normally... disassociate... myself from feeling too good while we made love... it made me last longer, but our faster than usual pace made me fully aware of my cock plunging in and out of her hot pussy. Her tit's were bouncing around sexily, kind of following her bodies movement, kind of drifting off in different directions. Helping to heighten the mental and physical stimuli.
Kitty's eyes popped open... she looked, eyes unfocussed, past me, imagining or seeing something else... and said "Just do it!, whatever it takes! Take me hard and make me come!"
I was getting a little disturbed by how unusual her actions were... was she drugged or something? I slowed down... wanting to check she was OK... She groaned and said "Keep going! Don't stop!, fuck me hard!" but I did. We stared at each other for a second. "Make him do it!" she said decisively.
Suddenly I felt needles of pain in my buttock, I instintively tried to get away from it, driving my cock deep into Kitty... she lifted her hips and arched her back, meeting me, welcoming it. Another surge of pain, I pushed away from it again, pushing Kittys pelvis onto and then along the bed, I was fully imbedded inside her in my efforts to get away from what I was feeling. "Sorry!, Kitty!" I said, trying to withdraw and apologise at the same time, "it feels like a pin went into me!" Kitty lifted her legs and placed them around my butt, hooking her ankles into my flesh. She wrenched me forward again, emulating the violent thrusts that I had inadvertantly given her. She forced my cock back inside her, at least as deep as before... posibly deeper, "Don't stop!" she commanded, contracting her body and legs again..."Don't stop!"
I swivelled my head around looking behind myself... in time to see the fucking cat raise it's front paws, flare them wide, extend it's claw and latch them on to my butt. I yelled "Fuck!" in shock and pushed myself away from it, trying to evade the claws and escape the pain. "Yes!" Kitty said triumphantly as, once again, I drove my erection up inside her. Despite this, the shock and non-sexual pain was starting to make me soften up. The cat released me again and I moved to get up, out of Kitty and away from the cat, it's death my only goal. Kitty grabbed me, wrapping her arms around me and pulling against my bum with her ankles, flaring my buttocks wide.
Before I could escape her grip, the cat took advantage of my wide-open butt cheeks, leaping onto me, placing paws and claws on my hip's and gripping me. It wiggled itself into position... I felt the tip of it's cock probing me... it found the middle of my sphincter and then it stabbed into me, my bum hole swiftly parting, as it nailed me up the arse.
One second I was a cat-virgin, the next, three inches of barbed pain was up inside me, being rammed backwards and forwards. I forgot about anything other than mitigating the pain the little fucker was causing. He was ramming it up me for all he was worth, I was ramming myself forwards and backwards too. Kitty was getting my cock rammed around in a similar fashion... only she didn't seem to mind. She kept a firm grip, with one hand on me as the cat fucked me over... calling encouragement " Oh yes! Thats it... fuck me hard... thats what I wanted... do it to me you bastard!... Yes!" I could feel the barbs pulling at my bum hole when he pulled backwards, it felt like I might prolapse, the way he was going at me. But, with me matching what the cat was doing to me, I became aware of my cock in Kitty, hardening up as I gave her a fucking such as I never imagined she would have wanted. I realised the cat was purring as it did me over... The vibrations sending the tip of his cock vibrating around inside me... Kitty's other hand was patting it's head! We all suddenly accomplished a movement that was satisfying all of us... taking Kitty hard, being taken hard by a small vibrating dick... the cat, purring still, obviously loving my tight bum. Looking at the expression on my face when I looked back at him.
It was a first for me... and... I liked it. I started to be more proactive. If Kitty wanted it hard! OK... "This is what it feels like to be fucked by a cat, Kitty!" I said, she nodded and gripped me to her harder, coaxing every bit of sensation out of me. I could see her body start to quiver as her orgasm approached, her eyes fluttering as if they were to heavy to open. My arse was suddenly wetter and I realised the cat was finishing up also, his balls emptying out into me, filling me with his come and adding a squishy feeling inside me. It wrenched his cock from me, this final act bringing pain breifly to me again. I pumped forward, once more seeking to get away from him. Kitty took this final full-length spasm and came too, locking me to her in a bone crunching hug. Powerful contractions wracked her as I continued on, knowing that this had been a unique experience... my wife had encouraged an animal to fuck me! I had fucked her like an animal and she had liked it... I came too, my own sperm flooding into her, hugging each other as we finished together. We all lay gasping for breath...
"Fuck that was good!, Kitty said... eyes glowing...
"Oh, yeah!", I said... moving off her, lying behind her, reaching over to stroke her breasts and stomach with my fingers...
"What was the cat like?" she asked curiously... reaching out to pat him gently as he cleaned off his dick.
"Like a finger up the bum, with fish hooks attached", I said...
"Oh...", Kitty said... "Painful?"
"Only to start with". I replied, "But we all came in the end"
"The cat came too?"
"Uh huh, I have a wet arse!" I said, her fingers slid to my wet bum hole, seeking the evidence of that statement, getting soaked with cat sperm. Kitty looked at it, curiously, smelt it and then wiped it off her fingers, onto the sheet.
"Gross!"... she looked more thoughtful than disgusted though.
You made him do it" I laughed at her.
"I guess... sorry!, I went kind of crazy for a while... we're usually so... gentle, predictable... I needed a bit of excitement, something different... and the cat was there." Kitty said.
"Being banged by a cat was a change... and you know that making you happy is important to me. We can try different things", I said... a sudden burst of hope filling me.
"I think I'd like that... you don't mind?" she asked.
"As long as it's not with another guy... I don't plan to see other women... you are enough of a handful for me" I stated, laughing as I stroked her again..
The cat sniffed her fingers, discounted the smell of his own sperm and went looking for mine... he started to tongue up my come, leaking out of Kitty... she gasped as his raspy tongue flicked over her upper thighs, she opened her legs slightly... he licked her pussy.... she let him continue for a few seconds, then closed her legs again.
Kitty smiled... and said, "The girls and I were talking about getting a dog... what do you think?"
Was she changing the subject... or were we still obliquely talking about the same thing?
I shied away from the direction my mind veered towards...
"Well, I like them more than I like cats", I said, "That little fucker is starting to grow on me though... we can think about a dog too, I guess"
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Symbiotic Pet 2: Kitty-Cat awakens
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