Me, tod driving older lady home


On saturday afternoon i went over Tods house and said this would be a good day to try out our plan!! He said what plan,i told him remember,we would take the work van and pretend to be college guys doing a survey,,pick up girls,ask them lots of questions,and try to see if we can get there pants off!! oh yeah,i even printed up some question sheets! see,isaid they look real!ok but can you drive and ill interveiw?? i said yeah, this time,,i want to watch you anyway,your more smooth than me lets go.
Tod said we need to stop for coffe first,it ll calm me down,,ok,,we stopped at starbucks and when we came out with the coffee tod poured some out !! i said why you wasting it,then he poured in a miniture of pepprmint scnapps! i said oh i see.We just got on the road when we see 2 teen girls walking down the sidewalk,Tod says pull over,he rolls his window down and starts his speall ,hey would you 2 wanta take a survey we are doing for our college psychic class?? the one girl turned and said not today,we need to get home! ha,ha!so away we went,i said it was a nice try,smooth! maybe we should offer some cash?Tod said i just got paid the money tom owed me,all in 20s,he showed me the thick roll!
We made the next turn by the library and saw a ladys car being towed away,she was older maybe 55? i said try her,try her,Tod said but shes like my granmoms age! i said do it for the chance to per fect your craft!! Tod said yeah right,,ok pull over,The lady was short about 5foot,dressed nice a brown skirt to her knees,and a tan button down blouse.Tod says do you need any help?? no she says they say my battery went up,so theyre towing it to the shop,i wonder what that will cost?just need to get home to belair first an,get a cup of coffee and start saving,,
Then Tod goes in for the kill,,we can give you a ride ,but youll have to answer our survey first its for our college psychic class,,and we pay $40 to!! you could see her go from i dont know to ok in a word!! $40 As she climbs in the side door and sits on the seat she says what type of questions are they,she does look alot older,still cute tho,doable,she has a little bubble butt and maybe 34 tits??Tod hands her the clipboard as she glances at the questions her smile changed to a sad look! she said i dont know if i can answer all these some are personal ,tod says its all confidental,,,knowbodys gonna know who you are! she says well ill try! but ,can i have a sip of your coffee??she takes a drink and says oh! thats strong! Tods says its from starbucks,,with peppermint creamer! she says it is good tho!
Tod starts fireing off the Questions, whats your first name? DEBBIE,,are you married? YES,,WELL I MEAN IM DIVORCED,,how long were you married?? ABOUT 21YEARS,THATS WHY I NEED TO WORK AT THE LIBRARY,FOR THE EXTRA MONEY,,AND NOW THE CAR ,ILL HAVE TO WORK OVERTIME,,Tods says oh heres your $40 for the interveiw,,now she smiles!great thanks,,you can see the more she talks the looser,more relaxed she is,,Tod says ok,,how offen did you have sex?? WELL IN THE END ABOUT 2 TIMES A YEAR,HE HAD TO BE DRUNK NORMALY,,ok did you enjoy it?? IN THE END NO!! BUT A FEW YEARS BEFORE OH YES I DID! ID DO ANYTHING HE D SUGGEST,,she now had this little grinn on her face like she liked talking about sex!! Well do you ever mastrubate?? UM,UM DO I HAVE TO ANSWER THAT ONE?? Tod says knowbody will know!! she says,, YOU 2 WILL!! oh come on be honest!! WELL OK I DO EVERY MONTH,,Tods almost starting to blush!!but says do you use toys?? or??NO I JUST USE MY FINGERS,, she asks CAN I HAVE ANOTHER SIP OF THAT COFFEE?
Tod really is cranking her up! she answers more than he asks!! good!! i think shes gettin excited!! or wet?? Tod puts his plan in high gear and asks hows your memory?? what color bra do you have on today?? OH I THINK ITS A PINK ONE
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