My Brother got me Pregnant
I had been married 5 years and had been trying to start a family without success. I had see doctor a few times and I was told there was no problems with me. I asked my husband Richard to get a ceckup and he said he was okay. So one night when he was drunk and passed out as he usually was he drank alot. I sucked him off and got a sperm sample and had it tested. It came back that he had a very low sperm count and we would artificial help for me to get pregnant. There was no way Richard would agree to that, he was a very stubborn man. I was talking to my brother David, he is 2 years younger than me and most people think he's Richard brother, because he looks like Richard. Some think they are twins, David is single and works as a truck driver. Richard works for his family firm and is dosen't do much at all except drink. Richard parents keep asking about when are going to have grandchildren for them. Early last year Richard, David and me went to his family cabin in mountains for fishing. Richard got drunk for the whole trip and David and me spent the time together. While Richard was passed out in the cabin, I told David about Richard's low sperm count and how my inlaws were pushing for grandchildren. He said I should collect more sperm from Richard and get medical help to get pregnant. I said It would take years and might not work, especially with Richard's drinking. Then I said You look so much like him and if you got me pregnant, nobody would probally notice any differents. He was unsure at first, but I talked round and we had sex out in the forrest by the river. We had sex 4 times before we return home from the cabin and when David was off work I would meet him for sex. This went on for 3 months till fell pregnant, Richard dosen't have a clue and most days he can't remember what day it is. I've had tests to check if the baby is healthly and it is. I wasn't going have tests, but Richard's mother insisted because of his drinking habits. That was last year and I had a baby girl in August, Monica after Richard's mother. I've asked David to get me pregnant again next year and he has agreed. Richard is just a bigger drunk as usual and keep saying I told you I am stud. I haven't had sex with him since before the trip to the cabin. His Parents are happy, that what counts. Also Richard's drinking is causing him health problems and his father Richard sr has just him put into a health spa to dry out. I hope he can dry out, but it hasn't worked for long in the pass.
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