Suddenly Married


I'd just finished college and was thinking over my options. As an only child I was raised to be self-assured but polite. My Parents were in their early forties when they had me more by accident than planning. But they were very good parents, sadly health problems (lung) took them during their early sixties. I was at college; they left me very well off and I finished my studies. Not needing to work, I decided to travel weighing my options. I came to a town it was quiet and wouldn't look out of place in the 17th century if not for the cars. An ultra-religious town by modern standards, would give born-again Christians a run for their money in zeal. Two things allowed me to fit in fairly well, first I always had my late mother's crucifix around my neck second, I was polite and respectful. I met a family ultra, ultra-religious even by the town's standards. The family was the father, mother and two daughters, the women never spoke in when I was around. I was out on a Saturday walking along the pavement in front of the local shops. When older daughter 18 was shopping, a crack of thunder heralded a storm approaching. Almost straight away the rain poured down, knowing the daughter had about 3 miles to walk and my car was close by. Offered her a lift home, she never responded, but her local minister was in the shop and told her it would be okay. So, I drove her home, her father was angry at her, I told him their minister had told it was okay. He wasn't angry at me just his daughter, then suddenly changed from threatening his daughter. To asking me about marrying his daughter. I was shocked but nodded hoping he would calm down. In three days, I was married and still in shock. My wife was so, so quiet never spoke to me unless I asked her a question and then only in reply. I knew I needed to get her away from her father, so we left headed back to my hometown. Her clothes were very, very old style and her underwear was pieces of cloth tied to cover her breasts and panties were more like a nappy then panties. She had no privacy in her view, I could just walk in on her dressing, and she would say nothing. I hadn't consummated the marriage at that point, but my wife is gorgeous especially when naked. So, I consummated our marriage, getting her pregnant rather too quickly for my liking. As our lives together continued on, I got her to ask me question and speak to me without being asked. At first our marriage was like having a living sex doll, never speaking just letting you do whatever you wanted. About a month before our son was to be born, I received a call from her former minister telling me her father was dying. I took my wife back to see him before he passed away, which he did two days after we arrived. With the death of her father, I was now the actual head of the family and was expected to take care of the whole family. So, I settled all the debts and sold the family home. Returning to my home with my wife her mother 38 and sister 17, I was in charge of everything. My first task was getting new clothes and underwear and showing them how things worked. As my wife was close to giving birth, I wasn't getting any sex. My mother-in-law joined us in our bed one night and gave me sex, it was my right my wife told me. I didn't really care that much about my rights; I just enjoyed the sex. One problem I didn't think about was her mother getting pregnant, which she did rather quickly. Now with two pregnant females in my home, I decided it was time to relocate to a quiet out of the way property. After the birth of our son, we moved 23 miles out of town to an old farm living in the old farmhouse while a new house was built. With my sister-in-law coming of age, I was asked my intentions for her by my wife. My answer was what she wants, to my surprise it was me. Their form of religion a man could have more than one wife, in their view I already had two my wife and her mother. By accepting my mother-in-law into my bed I'd actually married. With my wife actually supporting her sister wish to join us in our bed. I decide why not and got a third wife, luckily it her a little longer to pregnant. They were taught to drive by me but wouldn't go anywhere without me, by the time my mother-in-law had our daughter. I was very settled into my new lifestyle. Now after forty-four years of marriage and having 16 children. Lost my mother-in-law in 2008 (cancer). I'm very happy with my life and wouldn't change anything.
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