A Real Story of how I believe my wife cheated (you be the judge)
Eugene Questionmark
So this story has so much back story I am not completely sure where to begin and maybe I will just save most of that for another story.
My wife and have been married for over 10 years. Through our marriage journey we tried different things to spice up the bedroom. Most probably experienced by every couple, but more extreme was swinging and eventually cuckolding.
The swinging and cuckolding is an extremely long backstory but for sake of speed to get to the basis of this story I will only mention. As an average cock sized man who is probably a rating of “decent” in bedroom skills. I was never the draw when we tried swinging. My wife on the other hand was always very popular and there were always more men interested than women, which led to cuckolding. This story transpires after we had mutually decided (or so I thought) to put this behind us.
Though I am sure many couples find great success and enjoyment with this type of lifestyle. It seemed to only cause arguments and bad feelings for the two of us. We decided to leave it behind even though much of it we both found hot and enjoyed.
That’s brings us into our story. One of my wife’s favorite “Bulls” before we left the lifestyle was a younger fit just out of college cocky big dicked guy. My wife had played with him once early on and then again at the end of our cuckolding experiment. He had no trouble, hell no one within reach of my wife’s voice, had any trouble knowing how much she enjoyed him. I think this made him even more bold and cocky when it came to my wife.
This guy had both my cell as well as my wife’s cell number and though we had told him we had decided to leave the lifestyle he took it upon himself to check in on us from time time.
My wife would insist to me that she had no interest in him or starting any of this back up. But every so often she woukd let me know she had received a text from him that she either declined seeing him or just ignored. None of this was not over concerning as he was sending me the same occasional texts. However, over time I began to notice that that his texts only appeared when I was out of town. Again I am partly writing this story for you to form and give your opinion on if she did in fact cheat.
Once thie “coincidence” was noticed the seed was planted. I began to wonder even imagining that they may be hooking up whenever I left town. Once again out of town on a business trip around the time my kids would be in school. I decided to text and ask my wife and ask her if she ever thought of him or wished she could sleep with him again. She told me no: However, not even 15 seconds after her response I received a text from him asking me how I was doing and what we were up too. That made me feel that they were together at that moment…. Or it was an even bigger coincidence.
I still did not have enough information to make an accusation but the seed of doubt was now firmly planted. Full disclosure I do understand that once that happened my brain may very well have seem every unusual act as more evidence. So the things that transpire past this point of the story may be less unbiased.
About a month later I was sitting at home with my wife and received another txt from him. It said that he would be down the road from us working today and wanted to know if he could swing by and see my wife. This struck me as extremely odd bc the two times they had played in the past both were at his apartment. He had never been to our home. I told him no but instantly became angry at my wife and asked her how he knew where we lived. She looked frightened and insisted I must have told him… I never told him. “Ding” her phone goes off. I get to it before her, it’s him and he message reads “I can’t wait to stretch your ass again”. There are many ways that I have thought with hindsight of how I wish I handled this moment. What I wish I had said was “my husband is getting ready to leave, he will be gone all day can you come see me?”. From that I could have either waited to see if he showed up (and did in fact know our exact address) or maybe he would have given up more details that would prove they were fucking around. But angry in the moment and not thinking clearly I told him “she doesn’t want to see you anymore take a hint”. Yes I know a very big missed opportunity in my investigation.
For weeks I continued to press my wife on the issues of “how he knew what street/and town we livef and the “stretching her ass” comment as my wife hates anal and did not have anal sex with him on the two times that they met. Her story would continue to change about his knowledge of our town and street. Maybe because I refused to accept the first answer that I had given it to him. She finally claimed maybe she mentioned it when hey had met up. But that only made me ask why. Unless you wanted him to come see you why giv him out street? There were no answers that satisfied my questions because at this point I had already began to make up my mind that she had cheated.
Fast forward time, I am in an airport coming home from a work trip and my wife and I are fighting, My treatment of her as of late had declined with his thought of betrayal. But I had still not outright accused her. My treatment of her had just turned cold but not accusatory. In this fight we kept pushing each other further and I finally boiled over and I called her many unkind names like slut and whore and told her that I knew she had cheated. She denied it and out argument came to an end (unresolved) as I boarded my plane to come home.
My wife picked me up from the airport. We did not say much at first but she let it be known that under her skirt there were no panties and she had really been missing me while I was away. My cock also missing her while away began to win over my anger. I began caressing her leg while she drove. I ran my hand up and down further each time until I could feel how wet my wife’s pussy was. She began rubbing my cock in turn as we headed home. We were all over each other and I felt like I was going to pop. My wife too needing a release turned down a road about a mile from our house that I had never been on. To see it from the highway we had been traveling in route to our home it looked like it just turned into a crowded subdivision. Cookie cutter houses all side by side with no privacy. But then she made another turn to the right and came upon a parking area for a not so popular walking path. It was very secluded except for one house directly in front of where she parked. There were hedges between us and the house but because it was winter the hedge was a little sparse enabling us to see the house and use to be visible in kind. At this moment my wife made of what I consider her biggest mistakes thus far. Without thinking and in the excitement of climbing over on top of me she said “I don’t remember that house being there”. I caught the comment but my cock was in full control so I did not interrupt our momentum. We fucked in her car for about 30 minutes before I finally blew my load inside of her.
As we were getting ourselves put back together “post nut clarity” began kicking in. My brain was racing from her comment that seemed to be an admission that she had been to his spot before, not to mention how could have she ever known of this spot had she not been here in the past?
As we were driving out I asked her how she knew about this spot. She said that she saw the sign when taking the kids to school and driving back after drop off every day. That excuse may have been enough to soothe my mind had it not been for the fact there was no sign when we got back to the intersection to turn back on the main road. When I pointed that out she clearly panicked and corrected her story. She could see the spot from the road when stopped at the light…. You could not. This story change and gas lighting went on for countless weeks. She finally did manage to grab on straw of hope when she showed me on google maps the name of the walking trail, and then changing the story she saw it on her gps. Though the weakling trails name was listed there was no evidence of such a secluded parking spot so her explanation I felt weak at best.
I know truly felt I had caught her so I became obsessed getting to the truth. Though I felt she had definitely fucked someone in that spot before me I had no proof of who but took a stab that it was with their person I already suspected.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks to months my wife and I had more and more fights because I knew or at least I truly believed she had cheated on me in that spot and could not give me good explanations to her comment about not remembering the house or how she knew that spot. Every day I drive by that spot to take and pick up my kids from school. I would stare at it at every angle attempting to see it from the road. Stopped or moving it just wasn’t visible. I drove back to the spot to see if I could figure out any other possibilities of how she knew it was there. This time however winter had ended. Spring had made the once sparse hedge and foliage grow in full bloom. That house was now completely non visible from where we had parked. She had fucked him at that spot in the warmer months. That is why she didn’t remember seeing that house, that and she was preoccupied with the huge cock she was taking from him.
One night I randomly texted that guy and asked him how many times he had met up with my wife. He told me he didn’t remember maybe 3 or 5. Two was the correct answer unless there had been other meet ups behind my back. Trying my best not to tip my hand I asked him where they had occurred. He seemed confused and now more guarded and on alert. So I asked if he had ever met her at our house. Where before his memory was fussy and he was slow to answer this time he was quick to respond “no, I’ve never been to your house”. Is that true I wondered or had he figured out the reasoning for my questions? I then told him that my wife had too much wine and confessed to cheating on me. Immediately I had his full attention. Now he’s asking the questions. With who, what did she say? Again this was a moment I probably could have played my hand better (hindsight) I told him she didn’t tell me who, she told me that she met up with a guy at (and I gave him the best description of the location we had been) and fucked him. He seemed more relieved and even said he was sorry to hear that. I told him that blood was in the water and it was just a matter of time that I got hr rest of the truth out of her. I told him I am not mad at the guy I just want the truth because it’s my wife who is the only on who I am upset with. I then told him that if it was him to please just tell me and again no repercussions I just wanted the truth. He admitted nothing. But didn’t seem very convincing. But I did leave that convo now with the knowledge or at least his statement that he had met up with her 3 or 5 times.
I finally had enough of what I believed were my wife’s lies and told her we were going take the kids to a park. I instead drove to the road you turn on to go to that spot. With my kids out of earshot she and I got out and I showed her there is no way to see the spot from road. We then drove to the spot and I showed her how the house had completely been blocked from view by the foliage. It is why she didn’t remember seeing the house before. She got mad and said that I had “ambushed” her. I demanded she tell me the truth. I gave her my wedding ring and told her she had 24 hours to tell me everything. If she was completely honest about evetything I already knew and didn’t know that she would be forgiven otherwise I wanted a divorce.
The rest of the day I played with my kids at the park, I actually felt better getting it all off of my chest. My wife did not interact with any of us very much she was playing on her phone. I did not bring jr subject up again. That night I laid down beside her in bed and felt that she wasn’t goin to tell me anything. And then it happened…
For the few of you that are still reading and asking “wtf this is suppose to be a place for hot stories!”, well this is where it gets hot. This is what this fetish really looks like, there is a lot of bad feelings, a lot of hurt, a lot of investigating, but it’s also exhilarating and a rush. The thoughts of some man making my very quite and shy wife who was a virgin when we met become a cheating slut sends gets me extremely hard and turned on. That is a tremendous amount of power to have over her which in turn is a tremendous amount of power of me. To this day when I drive by the spot, I get instantly hard (most days, there are still some that I just get pissed off but mostly It’s Pavlov’s bell telling my body it’s time to jack off.
She rolled over and asked me if she told me everything it would all be better? I told her yes. And this is what she told me.
That morning was a normal morning like any other. She was getting out 3 year old daughter ready for school and making her lunch and making sure she ate her breakfast. Our 9 month old son was still sleeping. I was out of town. She got a text from the guy that I had suspected, he told her that he wanted to see her and he parked in his truck. He then sen a pic of him holding his cock and a pin to his location.(the pinned location possibility never occurred to me but finally how she found that spot to begin with made sense). My wife told me she told him no, and he texted back that he would wait there in case she changed her mind. She told me that she wasn’t going to go meet him. After dropping my daughter off at school our son was asleep in his car seat and as she drove closer to the pinned spot on the map she was curious if he was still there (a lot of time had passed and no more txts between them had been exchanged). She told me she never thought she was going to do anything, she just was gonna check to see if he was still parked there (which she was sure he wouldn’t be and that would be the end of it). He was.
She parked next to his white truck (these details about the truck are important for later in the story). Our son still asleep she got out. He too got out leaving his driver side door open and then he also opened the rear truck door on the same side. This door opener on the opposite direction and provided them cover with her car behind the two open doors. He bent her over into his truck and fucked her she never hesitated or gave any objection. Het mind and body not only gave total approval of him taking her she begged for more. He came inside of her as condoms were never discussed and she came home.
I tried keeping my questions to a minimum as I was worried it would stop her from telling me what really happened. But according the answers I received this was he one and only time it ever happened. They never had anal sex. He never came to our house. She never cheated on me with anyone else. To this day I do not believe any of the last 4 statements. And just like the above story I fantasize about what the truth might be.
That night after her confession she seemed to fall fast asleep. Maybe a heavy burden that she had been carrying was finally removed. Maybe it was something else. I on the other hand did not sleep at all. Part of me was extremely aroused while the other was mad hurt and angry. I had known it all along but still part of me had just not really believed it (or didn’t want to believe it). As I lay there next to my sleeping cheating spouse I came up with a plan to attempt to find out more information.
The next day was a Saturday and I told her we had one more thing we had to do and then we could put all of this behind us. We needed to go to his apartment and let him know you had confessed so that I could get his version of events as well. She wasn’t excited about the idea but agreed.
I had never been to his apartment but could not help but notice his apartment was very close to where they met up. Literarily right down the road. At first she took us to the wrong apartment. Claiming she had not been there in so long that she had forgotten. But as drove around there was a white truck and I asked if that was his. She told me that she thought so and finally “remembered” his apartment. She called again he didn’t answer. This time I had her leave a vm saying that she told me everything and my husband just wants to talk with you.
I knocked on his door very forcefully and this time he showed life, swinging the door wide open. He was a fit guy but a little too lanky for me to believe he had ever been in a fight or at least had a chance of winning one. I on the other hand maybe not blessed like him in the cock department am a pretty muscular guy. I don’t remember how I introduced myself but it wasn’t long before I was shouting me. I guess in hopes or lessening a scene he stepped out and asked me to walk with him to a nearby tree. There he denied everything. He said my wife had lied to me. That she was using him as a scapegoat. That he had never met her beyond the 2 times I knew about. I in that that talk he slipped up and said the street by name that she and I live on. I kept interrogating him on how he knew our street it he had never been there. He told me I had told him, which I knew was a lie bc I had already gone through every txt that excited between he and I when my wife suggested that very answer.
Even after the threat and almost escalation of violence he never changed his story. I think yelling at him and almost beating his ass had somehow released a lot of anger I had been holding in. I went back to the car and as I drove home with my wife. I asked her if she had told me the truth. She told me no. She said she made up the story because I wouldn’t accept anything else.
To this day I don’t know if I was a victim of gaslighting or not but I do know she somehow guessed correctly what color truck he had and that the back door was a suicide door (something my wife has never even heard of). I know that he knew our street name (and that he didn’t get that info from me). That somehow he seemed to know when I went out of town. Somehow my wife miraculously took me straight to that spot though she had never been there before. It seems odd to me that someone would make up a story that included a 9 month old baby sleeping in the car while they were performing adultery. And it’s still a mystery of why he would text her that he wanted to “stretch her ass” again if he never performed anal on her.
I know I would love answers to all of my questions and to know any other possible affairs that have taken place because the idea of her mystery encounters has become a major erotic fetish of mine. Sadly I also know she will never tell me (only that she never cheated and that she invented the story)
I leave it to you to form your own opinions and feel free to let me hear your thoughts (good or bad)
My wife and have been married for over 10 years. Through our marriage journey we tried different things to spice up the bedroom. Most probably experienced by every couple, but more extreme was swinging and eventually cuckolding.
The swinging and cuckolding is an extremely long backstory but for sake of speed to get to the basis of this story I will only mention. As an average cock sized man who is probably a rating of “decent” in bedroom skills. I was never the draw when we tried swinging. My wife on the other hand was always very popular and there were always more men interested than women, which led to cuckolding. This story transpires after we had mutually decided (or so I thought) to put this behind us.
Though I am sure many couples find great success and enjoyment with this type of lifestyle. It seemed to only cause arguments and bad feelings for the two of us. We decided to leave it behind even though much of it we both found hot and enjoyed.
That’s brings us into our story. One of my wife’s favorite “Bulls” before we left the lifestyle was a younger fit just out of college cocky big dicked guy. My wife had played with him once early on and then again at the end of our cuckolding experiment. He had no trouble, hell no one within reach of my wife’s voice, had any trouble knowing how much she enjoyed him. I think this made him even more bold and cocky when it came to my wife.
This guy had both my cell as well as my wife’s cell number and though we had told him we had decided to leave the lifestyle he took it upon himself to check in on us from time time.
My wife would insist to me that she had no interest in him or starting any of this back up. But every so often she woukd let me know she had received a text from him that she either declined seeing him or just ignored. None of this was not over concerning as he was sending me the same occasional texts. However, over time I began to notice that that his texts only appeared when I was out of town. Again I am partly writing this story for you to form and give your opinion on if she did in fact cheat.
Once thie “coincidence” was noticed the seed was planted. I began to wonder even imagining that they may be hooking up whenever I left town. Once again out of town on a business trip around the time my kids would be in school. I decided to text and ask my wife and ask her if she ever thought of him or wished she could sleep with him again. She told me no: However, not even 15 seconds after her response I received a text from him asking me how I was doing and what we were up too. That made me feel that they were together at that moment…. Or it was an even bigger coincidence.
I still did not have enough information to make an accusation but the seed of doubt was now firmly planted. Full disclosure I do understand that once that happened my brain may very well have seem every unusual act as more evidence. So the things that transpire past this point of the story may be less unbiased.
About a month later I was sitting at home with my wife and received another txt from him. It said that he would be down the road from us working today and wanted to know if he could swing by and see my wife. This struck me as extremely odd bc the two times they had played in the past both were at his apartment. He had never been to our home. I told him no but instantly became angry at my wife and asked her how he knew where we lived. She looked frightened and insisted I must have told him… I never told him. “Ding” her phone goes off. I get to it before her, it’s him and he message reads “I can’t wait to stretch your ass again”. There are many ways that I have thought with hindsight of how I wish I handled this moment. What I wish I had said was “my husband is getting ready to leave, he will be gone all day can you come see me?”. From that I could have either waited to see if he showed up (and did in fact know our exact address) or maybe he would have given up more details that would prove they were fucking around. But angry in the moment and not thinking clearly I told him “she doesn’t want to see you anymore take a hint”. Yes I know a very big missed opportunity in my investigation.
For weeks I continued to press my wife on the issues of “how he knew what street/and town we livef and the “stretching her ass” comment as my wife hates anal and did not have anal sex with him on the two times that they met. Her story would continue to change about his knowledge of our town and street. Maybe because I refused to accept the first answer that I had given it to him. She finally claimed maybe she mentioned it when hey had met up. But that only made me ask why. Unless you wanted him to come see you why giv him out street? There were no answers that satisfied my questions because at this point I had already began to make up my mind that she had cheated.
Fast forward time, I am in an airport coming home from a work trip and my wife and I are fighting, My treatment of her as of late had declined with his thought of betrayal. But I had still not outright accused her. My treatment of her had just turned cold but not accusatory. In this fight we kept pushing each other further and I finally boiled over and I called her many unkind names like slut and whore and told her that I knew she had cheated. She denied it and out argument came to an end (unresolved) as I boarded my plane to come home.
My wife picked me up from the airport. We did not say much at first but she let it be known that under her skirt there were no panties and she had really been missing me while I was away. My cock also missing her while away began to win over my anger. I began caressing her leg while she drove. I ran my hand up and down further each time until I could feel how wet my wife’s pussy was. She began rubbing my cock in turn as we headed home. We were all over each other and I felt like I was going to pop. My wife too needing a release turned down a road about a mile from our house that I had never been on. To see it from the highway we had been traveling in route to our home it looked like it just turned into a crowded subdivision. Cookie cutter houses all side by side with no privacy. But then she made another turn to the right and came upon a parking area for a not so popular walking path. It was very secluded except for one house directly in front of where she parked. There were hedges between us and the house but because it was winter the hedge was a little sparse enabling us to see the house and use to be visible in kind. At this moment my wife made of what I consider her biggest mistakes thus far. Without thinking and in the excitement of climbing over on top of me she said “I don’t remember that house being there”. I caught the comment but my cock was in full control so I did not interrupt our momentum. We fucked in her car for about 30 minutes before I finally blew my load inside of her.
As we were getting ourselves put back together “post nut clarity” began kicking in. My brain was racing from her comment that seemed to be an admission that she had been to his spot before, not to mention how could have she ever known of this spot had she not been here in the past?
As we were driving out I asked her how she knew about this spot. She said that she saw the sign when taking the kids to school and driving back after drop off every day. That excuse may have been enough to soothe my mind had it not been for the fact there was no sign when we got back to the intersection to turn back on the main road. When I pointed that out she clearly panicked and corrected her story. She could see the spot from the road when stopped at the light…. You could not. This story change and gas lighting went on for countless weeks. She finally did manage to grab on straw of hope when she showed me on google maps the name of the walking trail, and then changing the story she saw it on her gps. Though the weakling trails name was listed there was no evidence of such a secluded parking spot so her explanation I felt weak at best.
I know truly felt I had caught her so I became obsessed getting to the truth. Though I felt she had definitely fucked someone in that spot before me I had no proof of who but took a stab that it was with their person I already suspected.
As the days turned into weeks and weeks to months my wife and I had more and more fights because I knew or at least I truly believed she had cheated on me in that spot and could not give me good explanations to her comment about not remembering the house or how she knew that spot. Every day I drive by that spot to take and pick up my kids from school. I would stare at it at every angle attempting to see it from the road. Stopped or moving it just wasn’t visible. I drove back to the spot to see if I could figure out any other possibilities of how she knew it was there. This time however winter had ended. Spring had made the once sparse hedge and foliage grow in full bloom. That house was now completely non visible from where we had parked. She had fucked him at that spot in the warmer months. That is why she didn’t remember seeing that house, that and she was preoccupied with the huge cock she was taking from him.
One night I randomly texted that guy and asked him how many times he had met up with my wife. He told me he didn’t remember maybe 3 or 5. Two was the correct answer unless there had been other meet ups behind my back. Trying my best not to tip my hand I asked him where they had occurred. He seemed confused and now more guarded and on alert. So I asked if he had ever met her at our house. Where before his memory was fussy and he was slow to answer this time he was quick to respond “no, I’ve never been to your house”. Is that true I wondered or had he figured out the reasoning for my questions? I then told him that my wife had too much wine and confessed to cheating on me. Immediately I had his full attention. Now he’s asking the questions. With who, what did she say? Again this was a moment I probably could have played my hand better (hindsight) I told him she didn’t tell me who, she told me that she met up with a guy at (and I gave him the best description of the location we had been) and fucked him. He seemed more relieved and even said he was sorry to hear that. I told him that blood was in the water and it was just a matter of time that I got hr rest of the truth out of her. I told him I am not mad at the guy I just want the truth because it’s my wife who is the only on who I am upset with. I then told him that if it was him to please just tell me and again no repercussions I just wanted the truth. He admitted nothing. But didn’t seem very convincing. But I did leave that convo now with the knowledge or at least his statement that he had met up with her 3 or 5 times.
I finally had enough of what I believed were my wife’s lies and told her we were going take the kids to a park. I instead drove to the road you turn on to go to that spot. With my kids out of earshot she and I got out and I showed her there is no way to see the spot from road. We then drove to the spot and I showed her how the house had completely been blocked from view by the foliage. It is why she didn’t remember seeing the house before. She got mad and said that I had “ambushed” her. I demanded she tell me the truth. I gave her my wedding ring and told her she had 24 hours to tell me everything. If she was completely honest about evetything I already knew and didn’t know that she would be forgiven otherwise I wanted a divorce.
The rest of the day I played with my kids at the park, I actually felt better getting it all off of my chest. My wife did not interact with any of us very much she was playing on her phone. I did not bring jr subject up again. That night I laid down beside her in bed and felt that she wasn’t goin to tell me anything. And then it happened…
For the few of you that are still reading and asking “wtf this is suppose to be a place for hot stories!”, well this is where it gets hot. This is what this fetish really looks like, there is a lot of bad feelings, a lot of hurt, a lot of investigating, but it’s also exhilarating and a rush. The thoughts of some man making my very quite and shy wife who was a virgin when we met become a cheating slut sends gets me extremely hard and turned on. That is a tremendous amount of power to have over her which in turn is a tremendous amount of power of me. To this day when I drive by the spot, I get instantly hard (most days, there are still some that I just get pissed off but mostly It’s Pavlov’s bell telling my body it’s time to jack off.
She rolled over and asked me if she told me everything it would all be better? I told her yes. And this is what she told me.
That morning was a normal morning like any other. She was getting out 3 year old daughter ready for school and making her lunch and making sure she ate her breakfast. Our 9 month old son was still sleeping. I was out of town. She got a text from the guy that I had suspected, he told her that he wanted to see her and he parked in his truck. He then sen a pic of him holding his cock and a pin to his location.(the pinned location possibility never occurred to me but finally how she found that spot to begin with made sense). My wife told me she told him no, and he texted back that he would wait there in case she changed her mind. She told me that she wasn’t going to go meet him. After dropping my daughter off at school our son was asleep in his car seat and as she drove closer to the pinned spot on the map she was curious if he was still there (a lot of time had passed and no more txts between them had been exchanged). She told me she never thought she was going to do anything, she just was gonna check to see if he was still parked there (which she was sure he wouldn’t be and that would be the end of it). He was.
She parked next to his white truck (these details about the truck are important for later in the story). Our son still asleep she got out. He too got out leaving his driver side door open and then he also opened the rear truck door on the same side. This door opener on the opposite direction and provided them cover with her car behind the two open doors. He bent her over into his truck and fucked her she never hesitated or gave any objection. Het mind and body not only gave total approval of him taking her she begged for more. He came inside of her as condoms were never discussed and she came home.
I tried keeping my questions to a minimum as I was worried it would stop her from telling me what really happened. But according the answers I received this was he one and only time it ever happened. They never had anal sex. He never came to our house. She never cheated on me with anyone else. To this day I do not believe any of the last 4 statements. And just like the above story I fantasize about what the truth might be.
That night after her confession she seemed to fall fast asleep. Maybe a heavy burden that she had been carrying was finally removed. Maybe it was something else. I on the other hand did not sleep at all. Part of me was extremely aroused while the other was mad hurt and angry. I had known it all along but still part of me had just not really believed it (or didn’t want to believe it). As I lay there next to my sleeping cheating spouse I came up with a plan to attempt to find out more information.
The next day was a Saturday and I told her we had one more thing we had to do and then we could put all of this behind us. We needed to go to his apartment and let him know you had confessed so that I could get his version of events as well. She wasn’t excited about the idea but agreed.
I had never been to his apartment but could not help but notice his apartment was very close to where they met up. Literarily right down the road. At first she took us to the wrong apartment. Claiming she had not been there in so long that she had forgotten. But as drove around there was a white truck and I asked if that was his. She told me that she thought so and finally “remembered” his apartment. She called again he didn’t answer. This time I had her leave a vm saying that she told me everything and my husband just wants to talk with you.
I knocked on his door very forcefully and this time he showed life, swinging the door wide open. He was a fit guy but a little too lanky for me to believe he had ever been in a fight or at least had a chance of winning one. I on the other hand maybe not blessed like him in the cock department am a pretty muscular guy. I don’t remember how I introduced myself but it wasn’t long before I was shouting me. I guess in hopes or lessening a scene he stepped out and asked me to walk with him to a nearby tree. There he denied everything. He said my wife had lied to me. That she was using him as a scapegoat. That he had never met her beyond the 2 times I knew about. I in that that talk he slipped up and said the street by name that she and I live on. I kept interrogating him on how he knew our street it he had never been there. He told me I had told him, which I knew was a lie bc I had already gone through every txt that excited between he and I when my wife suggested that very answer.
Even after the threat and almost escalation of violence he never changed his story. I think yelling at him and almost beating his ass had somehow released a lot of anger I had been holding in. I went back to the car and as I drove home with my wife. I asked her if she had told me the truth. She told me no. She said she made up the story because I wouldn’t accept anything else.
To this day I don’t know if I was a victim of gaslighting or not but I do know she somehow guessed correctly what color truck he had and that the back door was a suicide door (something my wife has never even heard of). I know that he knew our street name (and that he didn’t get that info from me). That somehow he seemed to know when I went out of town. Somehow my wife miraculously took me straight to that spot though she had never been there before. It seems odd to me that someone would make up a story that included a 9 month old baby sleeping in the car while they were performing adultery. And it’s still a mystery of why he would text her that he wanted to “stretch her ass” again if he never performed anal on her.
I know I would love answers to all of my questions and to know any other possible affairs that have taken place because the idea of her mystery encounters has become a major erotic fetish of mine. Sadly I also know she will never tell me (only that she never cheated and that she invented the story)
I leave it to you to form your own opinions and feel free to let me hear your thoughts (good or bad)
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