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PromotedI was transferred in to boost up productivity in an old factory, owned by the company I worked for. I'd a reputation as the axe man, I come in and people lose their jobs. This time I was to manage the factory boost it earnings, but at low cost to the company. Meaning no replacing the machines, replacements weren't available anyway, as there was no market. The old machines done the work and being a niche market, there was no competition and not enough demand for competition to start. The factory ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Willing to fuck Assistant
Cousin Alice update My cousin Alice is now pregnant to me and we're sleeping together every night now. I was asked by my boss if I would take over as manager at our interstate branch. I decided it would be a good move and accepted, also I would be in the same town as my mother Karen and her husband Robert. The company bought my house, so I could purchase a new one on arrival there. They would sell my old house and recoup their money, I was able to buy a house just down the street from Karen and Robert. Robert play... reading time 2 mingenre
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Sister returnI was widowed in 2019 and my 2 children had their own families, so I downsized and moved to a small town. I was 57 and my wife had died in a 3-car accident, I only had a one sibling a sister 53 who was overseas going thru a divorce. After it was completed, she returned and came to stay with me. Our parents were also deceased, and I was where she came first. That was early 2020 and she was to stay until she got sorted. But as we all know the pandemic started and a lockdown imposed. So, she had to... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Sibling Reunion
Thinking big, huge, monster cockThey say I'm crazy but I'm I am just a nymph. Sex sex sex sex sex. Just give me sex I love FUCK FUCKING FUCKER 🤣 With BIG MONSTER COCK, DICK,PENIS...or whatever name you called it. I wish I could call any dick towards my pussy and they'll come fucking me from all over the world.Yes, Africa, Europe, Caribbean, Asia (do they have Big cock)?? Even demanding fuck from other kind of cock. My favorites 😍 I love seeing animals in heat or seeing their cock...I crave their cock...the 🐎 th... reading time 2 mingenre
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Jane I'm Aaron now 34 and back when I first started school I met Jane and we were best friends ever since. But never boyfriend and girlfriend. I went off to university and Jane stayed in our home town work in the local council offices. By the time I returned, she had married Mark and I was still best friends with Jane and got on with Mark. I started work as an engineer for the local council and soon started to advance my career and after 5 years I was in charge of the council's whole works department... reading time 4 mingenre
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Seducing my UncleMy uncle is an uncle by marriage not a blood relative, was married to my mother's sister deceased. He is very well off financially and hadn't married again after the passing of my aunt. They had no children, and he wasn't dating at all I found out. I'm a high school dropout and working low paid jobs to get by. Last Christmas my uncle was there and alone as per usual for him. He doesn't look bad for his age, and I thought he would have a girlfriend at least by now. My aunt having died in 2020 Cor... reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Willing Niece
Living and work aboardAfter leaving university I got a job for a large multi national company and travelled widely. Finally landing a high paid job and with no need to keep travelling about, I got a house to live in away from the crowded city and the heat there. My house was in a quiet part up in the hills and a cooler place compared to the city. The company car picks me up and takes to to offices and brings me home again all in air condition comfort. The house has only the main bedroom air conditioned, but it get co... reading time 2 mingenre
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Jack I
My BossI'm Lionel 41 divorced 2 children who are with their mother. I've been working for the same company for almost 12 years now and last year the owner died of the virus and his wife Ruth 55 took over running the company. I'm the longest serving employee in the company and am the supervisor of the other employees. So I was a round Ruth a lot of the time and usually last to leave locking up after the days work was finished. Ruth left at same time usually, earlier this year I was just about to lock u... reading time 3 mingenre
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Lionel K
My ideaMy mother passed away when I was 19 and my father 12 years older than my mother would pass away 7 years later. As the only child I inherited everything, I'd started work for the family business and went from a mid-level employee to boss overnight. My father had wanted to learn the business and so I was placed mid-level. But his massive heart attack changed everything, almost 27 and had to cope with everything straight away. Lucky my father has a secretary and an executive assistant, both were a ... reading time 4 mingenre
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The Boss
Mother in LawMy mother in Law Pamela 48 widow is a drunk and gets drunk regularly, she lives with me and her daughter Frances 27 since the death of Paul 3 years ago. We're fairly well off and I work for family company and have to travel a great deal, I usually took Frances with me even after our first child was born and now she pregnant with our second has decided to stay home. But suggested I take Pamela along as my P A after my father said I should get one. I wasn't keen on having a P A and Pamela drank to... reading time 2 mingenre
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Hired for my CockI failed a school and so became a laborer and because of doing that type of work I (28) was well built. I was working near a company digging a trench as the digger couldn't be used, too much in the ground and the vacuum truck vacuum had broken down. But I was used to continue while got it fixed, I had my shirt off and attracted the attention of a middle-aged woman 54. Anyway, I received a note asking me if I wanted a better paying job and a cellphone number. I was interested and after work I ran... reading time 2 mingenre
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An offer I couldn't refuseI'm not the greatest looking man, on a scale of 10 I would make a 3. I'm Markus 34 single great career and prospects except in relationships. Never any good with women, I'm no virgin nor am I shy. I'm short 5'2" and skinny and the only thing I've going for is my intellect and done very well at university and career wise. I was relaxing and Thelma 39 who work s at the same place came asked me to a private conversation after work that day. I agreed, but no idea of what or why she wanted to talk to... reading time 3 mingenre
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Markus the Breeder
Wet WeekendI'm Ben 46 single artist and live alone, I mainly do landscapes and some people. I have a neighbor Etta 57 widow who lives next door. Her children have all grown and left home, she does my house cleaning for me. Not that I'm a messy person, but I spend most of my time painting for clients. I get sent photo's of landscapes and from it, I paint a reflection of it. I was doing a large painting of a valley for a client, it was from an old color picture of the valley before it was built up in the lat... reading time 4 mingenre
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Timid AuntMy aunt Trisha 49 is a very quiet woman and always has been, she married my father's younger brother Alexander. Alexander was a risk taker and a know it all and took one risk too many. I'm Jeffery 33 oldest of 3 and work for a large national firm. Then I got promoted and required a personal assistant and with the passing of Alexander, Trisha needed to find a job to get by. She had no children and quiet, she wasn't ideal as PA, but I knew she could handle the work. So, I employed her and to make ... reading time 3 mingenre
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My NieceI'm Greg 42 divorced 2 grown children, I lived alone on my seventy-acre property. Then I had an accident that left bedridden for six weeks after leaving the hospital. My children didn't come to help as they always take their mother's side after a bitter divorce. For the first two weeks, I had home help come as arranged by the hospital. Then my niece Gale 34 single came and looked after me. Gale is the oldest daughter of the oldest sibling Arnold (deceased) she had lost her job due to government ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Living AloneI'm Colin 33 single and last of my family in this part of the country, the others haven't died just moved away for work and careers. I never went to university like them and kept myself going doing all types of jobs. Had some relationships that faded away and now I was alone, but I do have friends but feel like a third wheel as they are married and I'm not. So I'm left them to their lives and kept tp myself more. Any woman I meet around my age is either married or in an relationship or a lesbian... reading time 5 mingenre
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HandymanEarly last year I got laid off and I started to do basic repairs for friends and neighbors. I'm Alexander 58 (Alex) divorced and have 3 grown children who now have there own families. I was told by my former boss that I was too old for his business image and that's why I was laid off. I made furniture for a hobby and always done my own plumbing, which had learnt when I was younger. Anyway word got around that I done good work and was reliable and reasonable in my costs. So I started getting more... reading time 2 mingenre
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Perfect WifeGrowing up I saw the troubles of my father, uncles and friend's father had with their wives, not all the fault of the wives. But their marriages all ended in divorce, I'm not a church goer haven't the time to waste. I'm driven to succeed, but I also want a family and so I decided to work out what my ideal wife would be like. Attractive not that important, easy to talk with not just too, like father used to do and most important easy going and nice to be with. Were the things I thought were best ... reading time 4 mingenre
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Marry 2 sisters
Haunted HouseI don't believe much about ghosts or the paranormal, but I became a believer last when a woman I knew. Told everyone she had a Haunted house and wanted someone to stay at her house with her until the spirit departed or was exercised. I'm Hubert 37 single and the woman is Glenda 35 and she is hot. I'm plain at best and wasn't the usual type that Glenda would go out with. As she had no takers I put my hand up, hoping no one else would do it also. I was lucky, most were married and the couple of ot... reading time 3 mingenre
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My Lady BossI left school at 15 and worked different jobs to make ends meet, still lived at home with my mother. Who was always busy, she sold real estate and was very good at it. Anyway, I finally cracked a better job working in a hardware store's warehouse, I was 22 and tall at 6'3" and muscled from working laboring job and average at best in looks. I did date, but rarely scored and got most of my fucks from mature women I was working for. I was hired to do work around their home and some not all wanted e... reading time 3 mingenre
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Willing Employee
Married to improve my LifeI'm Dianne 32 and have 2 children 7 and 3, my loser husband Gregory got drunk and mucking about with his drunk loser buddies fell off a bridge. He hit the concrete supports and died 2 years ago' With 2 children and the town where we lived not having many jobs for a unskilled person like me and allowing me to take care of my children as well. So we were just getting by, I did spot work to make extra money. While working cleaning the television was on and there was a story about young women overs... reading time 4 mingenre
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Dianne K
ShortageThere's a shortage of men locally, due to the usual things like lack of work and enlisting in the military. Most move away for work and other join the military to see the world, I couldn't do that as I was an only child and raised to take over the family business. It's the only garage in the area and I'm now the only mechanic. My father passed away in 2020 due to the pandemic, I left school at 15 and trained to be a mechanic and took over the business. At 20 I had no choice as the oldest of 3 an... reading time 2 mingenre
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Fucking my old AuntI'm Scott 34 divorced 2 children who live with mother, I'm doing doing very well even with payment to my ex wife and child support. My job pays great and I also earn extra on consulting work outside my normal work which isn't covered in the divorce agreement. So I don't have to pay my ex wife any of it and haven't told her anything about it either. I do paid extra every now and then, but only for the benefit of the children. On the surface looks like I'm not earning more than before my divorce. ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Scott M
My Aunt the PreacherLong story short, my uncle John was our Preacher till he had a heart attack and died at 57. Karen my mother sister took over the preaching, I'm not a church goes. The only times I go to church is for funerals and weddings. I can't get into being a Born Again Christian like my parents and Karen 47. They seem to break almost every rule set down and their holey than you shit is annoying, so I keep my distance. I'm Fredrick and answer to Fred 29 single not much of a ladies man, but I've had my momen... reading time 3 mingenre
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Fredrick the preacher fucker
My MotherI'm David 23 youngest of three and only one still at home with our mother Grace 46 divorced. My siblings have both moved to the city to work. Grace then became very clingy to me and I thought she was worried I would leave also. But I didn't intend to leave our town as I like it a lot and have a job as a mechanic and am happy there. I'm not a ladies man, far from it but I do get lucky every now and then. I was read a paper from the city, it came in a box for Grace from my sister. It had a vase in... reading time 4 mingenre
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