Haunted House
I don't believe much about ghosts or the paranormal, but I became a believer last when a woman I knew. Told everyone she had a Haunted house and wanted someone to stay at her house with her until the spirit departed or was exercised. I'm Hubert 37 single and the woman is Glenda 35 and she is hot. I'm plain at best and wasn't the usual type that Glenda would go out with. As she had no takers I put my hand up, hoping no one else would do it also. I was lucky, most were married and the couple of others had work to do. So I chosen to stay at Glenda's home, on my arrival I checked the yard for things that might cause noises. Nothing found and checked trees in case their branches, hit the house. Also none and on entering I checked the house anything that might cause noises in the night, nothing again. I had the bedroom across from Glenda's room and during there was noises. That I must admit gave me a scare, I could hear but not pin point them to any one place. In the morning after a restless night, I again check the house and yard over. Glenda had to go to work and I could work anywhere with internet access. While was there alone I heard the noises again. But this time I was able locate them as being in the walls and banging on the wall the noises stopped. But returned later, again I banged on the walls and heard a rustling sound and followed it and ended up near a window and saw some cats run away from the house. Glenda didn't have any cats or pets at all, so they must strays or the neighbor's cats. I checked the outside of the house on side I had seen the cats run away from . I found a hole in the side of the house outside wall about the size of hand. Insulation was hanging out the hole, I thought the cats were using the hole and getting into the wall and living there or maybe chasing mice. There must be something wrong with the wall to allow them so far inside the house. A first I was going to tell Glenda, but that would mean I wouldn't stay at her place anymore. So I stayed quiet on my findings and as I hoped Glenda and me got a lot closer and finally started to sleep together. She had come to rely on me and then I pretended to find the hole and that stay cats were getting into the house. After that she called in a builder who opened up the wall and found it was a quick stud wall and didn't have much timber at all behind the drywall. Glenda and I are still together 3 months later and the noises have stopped.
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