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I wanted to bed my sisterI've always wanted to bed my sister Melanie 30 since I was about 13 or so. I don't why I fixated on her, but she was my dream girl. Now many years later I'm Angus 34 single and doing quite well. I have my own home and home business, Melanie had married Donald at 22 and hadn't had any children by the time of her divorce from Donald. They hadn't done well and with the divorce she didn't get much at all. Donald left for work interstate and Melanie worked a low paid job and was barely getting by. I ...reading time 5 mingenre
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A shy guest boy and a really nice girl: Friends or More? Hi everyone, so there’s this girl that I met in Florida when we went to the house of a friend of my dad’s. Her name is O***. At first I was sitting in the balcony with the adults listening to the chat. I was kinda bored though. So I kindly asked the mother of O if I could join the girls inside who saluted us politely when we first entered. They were nearly my age and watching tv, so I thought why not be friends. I walked inside and saw 2 girls lying on the couches. Perfectly normal. I gotta ad...reading time 3 mingenre
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Very Bored one rainy afternoonI'm Alex 23 recently I was home with my sister Joanne 25 and it was pouring with rain. Nothing to watch on TV or the internet as everything was down due to the thunderstorm. Power was also out and I just asked Joanne for sex to pass the time, expecting No as her answer. But she said Alright I feeling horny and I'm on the pill and it will pass the time. So not wanting to back out, I went with her to her bed and I fucked her twice and then we had a nap together and then more sex. It was after 9 pm...reading time 2 mingenre
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Would a dog care? It has been another years since my dog rape experience and the babysitting incident, which both made my sexuality and brain twisting. It's summer holidays again. I just finished school, preparing myself for my first college year when my family decided to go on a nice vacation to the beach. I have not talked about it yet but I wa not a single kid. I actually had a sister called Debbie. She was 2 years older than me so when rottie took my virginity and heidy confused me, she was already in colleg...reading time 14 mingenre
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It just startedI (25) bought the family home off my parents when my father got a promotion (early 2023), and they moved to live closer to my sister and her family. With a bank loan to pay off I wasn't dating or partying at all, home alone mostly sometimes I got a visitor. My neighbor 57 widow and very old family friend, started to visit me regularly to talk and I think to check up on me. She was referred to as aunty by me and my sister growing up and had lost her husband to a work accident in 2021. One Saturda...reading time 4 mingenre
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Husband to be
Satisfying My Mom and My Sister. I was in my last year of college in the mid-eighties when something happened that for me turned out to be the best summer of my life. We have a close family but my parents divorced many years ago. So it's just me my sister and mom. As my studies were so important to me I spent a lot of time in my room, this didn't give me much chance to spread my seed among the very attractive girls in my neighbourhood. To compensate I mostly every day jerked off to give myself some lite relief from the constan...reading time 10 mingenre
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Honey Windowcleaner
The best Deal of my lifeI'm Devon 34 single and have a very good paying job, I've always been a high achiever in everything except with women and sports. A gigantic nerd according to my sister Rosalind 25 and unemployed. She lost her job due to the pandemic last year and not wanting to go home and live our parents. She asked me to let her stay with me, I couldn't refuse as she is my only sister. But we are so different, she would go out partying and I would be home studying. I passed with high marks and she just passed...reading time 4 mingenre
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My true storyHi I'm Marc 41 yrs old with a fat dick 9 half inch live with mom Sarah 57 yrs old short and chubby very sexy at her age she still look young and my sister Jessica a yrs younger than me and been my wife for long time .People may think i'm crazy or sick because of all my incest story that i wrote but for me its real love that we share , i have a son with mom and 4 children with wife or sister and i don't regret and no guilt ,it start when i was 16 yrs old my dad passed away few month ago then mo...reading time 5 mingenre
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My not so innocent little sisterAhhh,another beautiful day,sunny,hot,no school and we had an awesome swimming pool that my little sister and I and lots of her sexy friends,loved hanging out around all day and nights.I was 16 and cary was 14,almost 15 as were her friends. All of these girls were filling out real nice and of course they were boy crazy.I don't think any of them were dating so I ended up as the main topic many times.It was great and I was surrounded by girls in sexy swim wear all the time.I had a rather large cock...reading time 6 mingenre
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Handjobaddict/mike g smooth
Thanks to CovidI'm Daniel but answer to Dan, I'm 29 and have my own place. It's nothing fancy, but suits me very well. I've not had much luck with women, except if you count paying for sex. Last year when Covid pandemic hit and the lockdown started, I was okay as I could work from home and so I had no worries about income. Then my mother Heather rang me, her younger sister Paula 46 had lost her job at a travel company and couldn't afford her rent. Asked if Paula could stay with me till she got back on her fee...reading time 2 mingenre
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Daniel J
FarmingI own a farm and every year I hire pickers to harvest my crops. For the most part they are the more mature men and women who do the work for me. Some younger ones but not that many and are usually in some type of relationship with another picker in the group. But last season a woman named Maria 46 came to work for me. Tall at 6' and slender good looking and most important unattached. She worked hard and stood out amongst the others, she looked great in her work clothes. I believe she would look ...reading time 4 mingenre
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Henry T
Finally a real ManI'm 34 and doing wonderfully good in my career and wasn't doing great in relationships. Most of the men I dated were into themselves so much there wasn't any room for anyone else. So, I moved on and same again, finally last July met a real man who was quite content with everything. Knew his abilities and limits and didn't focus on himself, he was into sports, hiking, camping and had a great career also. But had his work lifestyle balance perfectly balanced, I only met him as he had returned earl...reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy Bride to be
My FarmI'm John 42 widower 2 grown children who have moved to the city. My late wife Cheryl died 5 years ago in a car accident and we had married when both were 17 and Cheryl was pregnant. We never regretted how the decision to marry and had a great life together. I was devastated at her death and became a recluse for a year and rarely left my farm, my children were the only people I talked too during that year. Then 3 years ago I had a visit from Maureen my cousin, daughter of Caroline (deceased) sist...reading time 3 mingenre
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I found my Wife on the InternetI'm Barry 34 married in June tp Cassie 31, I was on on the internet searching for a site to meet women. I put an ad on one site and got the usual crap replies, I tried again and only got one reply on another site and this time it was Cassie and we started to message each other and once we were both sure it wasn't some scam. We met in January and on meeting on very well together and the relationship moved forward and were soon sleeping together and then planned to marry and did so in June. I work...reading time 2 mingenre
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Barry D
Sam's sexy sisters part 1Jaina had just returned from college for winter break and she could not be happier, she had missed her family but most importantly she had missed her younger brother Sam. Jaina had always been an over proactive sister over her younger siblings but over the years she had been more protective of her younger brother Sam. She and Sam had only been born 2 years apart but she had always seemed older, she was tall for her age, she had long bright red hair, pale skin, and bright green eyes. Evan, so sh...reading time 7 mingenre
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David goldburge
Why notI'm Gerald 29 1 daughter Emerald 2 and this is how I got her. Emerald is also my niece as her mother is my sister Casey 32. Casey liked to party and would come home drunk and pass out on her bed or the lounge. Neither of us are anything close to looking like model and average might also be a bit of a stretch. anyway I don't do well with women and with Casey passed out I got to explore her body. One thing led to another and one night I fucked her, next day she didn't know I had fucked her and so ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Gerald G D
Mistakes happenLast March I went to a party with friends, just about everybody was there. An end of lockdown party, after several hours everybody was start to leave. I had been chatting up a girl and went to get another drink for us. But she left by the time I returned, then I heard a noise in bushes in a dark area of the backyard. Thinking it was her I headed over and came across another girl who was totally smashed. Taking advantage of the moment made a move on her and ended up fucking her in the bushes. By ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Harry M
I thought my brother was Gay updateLast weekend my brother David married Billy Jean and are now honeymooning. I'm getting on very well with my now sister-in-law and she insists me, and my children stay with them now that they're married. Which is really needed by me as I really need the help my brother gives me. Also, as David and Billy Jean work at the same place, she wants me to run the household and so I don't need to find a job. The only change other than Billy Jean moving in is her Dog "Happy" a Skye Terrier who is a great h...reading time 1 mingenre
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Katherine the bad judge
Getting LaidI'm Fredrick 23 Fred for short, I'm work at the local supermarket in the butcher shop area and have trained as a butcher. I live at home with my parents Richard and Nancy and sister Christine 18. I'm no great lover, but do get lucky and at the moment no girlfriend. Our next door neighbors split up, Anita came home and caught Donald up to his nuts in their cleaner. Anita 44 is divorcing Donald and he has moved out, they don't have any children and Donald has already given the house to Anita. Anit...reading time 4 mingenre
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Fredrick O'H
The WeddingI freely admit I'm a arrogant person and I think that's okay. Last April I had to attend the wedding of a cousin Laura, I really didn't want to go. But my mother said If I didn't go, that her and dad would have me transferred to the remotest place in the family company. So I attended, I went alone and was seat next to aunt Jane 43 divorced nice looking for her age who also was alone at the wedding. I was planning a quick exit from the wedding as soon as I could. But my mother was watching me lik...reading time 4 mingenre
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My Sister Took My Big Cock Part 2 My Sister Took My Big Cock Part 2 I still couldn't believe what my sister was asking us to do, but strangely enough, I thought “god what if she could take it all”. Me and my own sister fucking each other wasn't something I had planned but she does look amazing and like she said it's only sex. We both realised that we were a bit drunk after the beers we had drank but it didn't dampen the effects her offer had on my cock. It was now so hard at the anticipation of seeing her pussy devour my shaft...reading time 10 mingenre
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Honey Windowcleaner
Memoirs of a Slut Part TwoSo, where did it all begin? Well, my very first lover was a close school friend called Lucy. Lucy used to spend a lot of time at my house because her mother was ill and had to stay in hospital for long periods. Her parents were friends of my parents and she became as close as sister to me. I don't have a real sister. We shared a bedroom but had our own beds. One night she whispered to me that the hair on her pussy had grown really dark and thick and she asked if I wanted to have a look. I ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Carol H.
Drunk GrandmaRecently I attended my sister's wedding, I was a late arrival as I had trouble getting flights home. I'm Kenneth 28 single, I was also returning home as my contract was finished. I checked into a motel for the wedding and a place to stay till my home I had purchased being modified was ready. My whole family was at the wedding my parents, brother his family and father's parents and mother's mother Grace 64 widow and my sister who was the bride. I went alone and intended to leave early or just aft...reading time 4 mingenre
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Kenneth 754
Family FarmI've always been a farmer and had left home to work on farms around the country. Being the younger son and the older would inherit and the farm was too small to split up between us. So, I travelled around working and saving my money as much as possible. I don't drink much and never smoked or do drugs and met a nice girl in my travels and we married and had a daughter and my wife got killed in accident and I now had a daughter and no wife. The bad kept coming my father and mother died due to Covi...reading time 2 mingenre
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Farm owner
My Uncle DavidAt the time this started Uncle David 55 single and the oldest of 3, my father 49 the youngest and their sister 53. Their parents and grandparents have beyond the veil we could it in our family. Anyway, at my wedding David turned up alone and gave me a cheque for 100grand as a wedding present. we would use it for our house deposit. David enjoyed himself greatly, I didn't find out until 2 months later. That he had got on very well my friend and second bridesmaid Dianne 20 and her mother Alice 38 (...reading time 2 mingenre
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Proud Niece
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