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My aunt selected me a wifeMy aunt 53 (widow) in politics and is a closet lesbian, her voters are mostly born-again Christians, and it would be bad for my aunt politically if it became known she was a lesbian. She was married to an older man and had 2 children, married at 17 and her husband died 22 years later (stroke), and her children have their own families now. so, she lived alone for a time then got a housekeeper 45 (widow), but also was her lover. The housekeeper has a daughter 22 a quiet shy girl. When my aunt hear... reading time 2 mingenreStraightwritten on
Selected HusbandAdult step daughter loves to get high and make masturbation videos for me to jack to!This is 100 percent true ,I even have video proof!Well our daughter is a mess,heroin,meth.she is a redhead with zero ass and is usually way over wieght,but sexxy just the same,no tits!She likes to go into our bathroom when mom is at work and she has smoked a bunch of meth,where she then gets on the floor with whatever vibrator and dildo she has chosen and record herself masturbating to a squirting orgasm or two,or three.she loves to really stretch her asshole with extremely large dildos while vi... reading time 1 mingenre
Masturbationwritten on
squirtn4crtnCompliant Women I was at university and decided to live off campus and rented a room and the daughter of the lady (widow) who I was renting from was also going to the university. Both were very quiet, and I didn't take that much interest at first. I've always been well off and brought up to respect others or get a clip around the ears. I'm not a jock nor a nerd, I'm in between and I play sport and study or get into trouble if my grades slip. Anyway, I would walk to and from the university with the daughter and... reading time 4 mingenre
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Happy Husband and Son-in-lawSadness to HappinessMy wife died in a car accident with her parents, and I (36) was left with my 2-year-old daughter. At the funeral was my sister-in-law (32) 5mths pregnant with her son at the time, the father of the child had left her pregnant and broke and so her had been living with her parents. But stayed home the day of the accident due morning sickness and not wanting to go shopping. I was living in our forever home as my wife called it and my sister-in-law (SIL) was staying the condo her parents had at a re... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy againPerfect ResultI'm now 40 and 6 years ago I was working overseas and staying in a hotel. It was the only hotel in the area I was working and there wasn't much in the way of entertainment, except for drinking alcohol. I do drink, but not enough to a bar every day. Anyway, I started getting aroused by one of the 2 maids, she was 38 widowed and had a daughter 21 the other maid. The male owner of the hotel had a sexual interest in them, but his wife kept a very close eye on him. I knew they were having a rough tim... reading time 3 mingenre
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Perfectly happy.. Getting my neighbor pregnant I'm 22 and work as a plumber still lived with my parents, our neighbor we'd known for many years. I was between girlfriends and the long weekend I'd nothing planned, the neighbor's daughter 19 and I were on good terms. I hadn't ever thought to ask her out, we were friends, and I hadn't thought of her as a possible girlfriend. With nothing planned and talking with the neighbor's daughter who likewise had nothing planned. I asked her to go out with me mainly for something to do. The Friday night ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Accidental HusbandChance TakenI wasn't ever much good with girls thru high school and university but done well at my studies and passed out in the top 5 of my year. Because of that I was offered a great job which I took and started making my way up the totem pole of my chosen career. Not much happened in my love life, but I had lost my virginity while at university. Fucking a much older woman who was drunk at the time, but a fuck is fuck they say. Anyway, I turned thirty and came to the attention of the wife 56 of the CEO 70... reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Mother-in-law fuckerGot my sister pregnantI'm 51 and divorced for 4 years and my sister 47 my only sibling came to live with after her divorce last year when she was 46 and we started fucking. Neither of us took precautions and my got pregnant after every test there was, and no problems found she decided to have the baby girl. Our daughter was born last week a little early but healthy, as for our families, they support us, but are still a little shocked. Neither of us thought she could get pregnant and were both taken by surprise. We st... reading time 1 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Happy with the ResultAfter a long streak of bad luckI was having bad luck with everything I tried, I pick a sure-fire winner and the jockey fell off. My car broke down just when I needed it the most and then I was dumped by my girlfriend and the next day lost my job. Followed by the news they wouldn't be renewing my lease. Perfect I thought time to restart and sold off most of my stuff and gave the rest away. Moving to another state and getting a job before I left, I found a small room to rent. It would do until I was more settled in and at the j... reading time 4 mingenre
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Very Lucky ManMy boss wanted me to fuck his wifeI'm 27 and workout quite a bit, it keeps me fit and hopefully attracts women. But I'd attracted the attention of my boss 67, he plays golf to relax, and his second wife wanted sex. She's 16 years younger than him and quite good looking for her age, she loves sex and with no children of her own. She wanted his attention in the bedroom, and he want to play golf. They married 6 years earlier to join their respective businesses, he saw as a pure business deal. She as a marriage, so he'd to satisfy h... reading time 3 mingenre
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Willing ChauffeurMy Family's neighborsShort history, I 36 finished university and went overseas to pursue my career and have done very well in the 10 years since I left. My parents only had me and I wanted them to join me, but they only came for holidays and then returned home. The pandemic started and that finished them both, my father passed away and my mother just gave up and died shortly after my father. Which was after the vaccines were ready and lockdown was being removed. I came home to bury my parents and sell up everything ... reading time 2 mingenre
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Average manMy BrotherI've a brother 27 and a sister 29 and then there's me 31 the oldest married 2 children. My sister is also married and has 1 child so far. My brother doesn't seem to date or show any interest in women at all. So, I and the family were totally shocked when he told he was getting married, not engaged as would usually be announced first. But straight to marriage he was marrying the daughter of a former close business friend of my father, who sadly passed away in 2020. The daughter 20 the only child ... reading time 3 mingenre
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Shocked Older BrotherLife after MarriageMarried for 10 years divorced by her because I wasn't the man she had married. She used use to brag she made what I am and then she decided she preferred the old me better. We have 8-year-old son and I get him every other weekend and half the holidays. I've a great career and do very well even with the child maintenance I have to pay, no alimony as she has the same career and she thought it would make her look less successful in her career than me. I just moved on with my life and only looked fo... reading time 3 mingenre
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Married AgainHow I got MarriedBrief personal history, I'm very well from my career and thru family wealth. I finished university and started my career, and it was going great from the start. My personal relationships were nonexistent and that was normal for me. I 31 had my own place and hire a housekeeper 45 who came 6 and left about 4 Monday to Friday. On arrival she would get me breakfast and leave my Dinner made for me before she finished. That was how it was until I was told to take holidays, I took 2 weeks the minimum t... reading time 3 mingenre
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Geek/nerdHow I got my wifeI was 30 at the time successful in my career and doing very well financially as well. But I'd a head start I inherited quite a lot; I wasn't a self-made man and would never claim to be. At 29 I met my now father-the-law (FIL), he had an idea to boost his company and his finances. I wasn't interested at that time, as I was distracted my career at the time. A few months later our paths crossed again, this time I wasn't distracted. But also, not looking to invest in something new either. My soon to... reading time 3 mingenre
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Joined a familyI'd to marry to get perfect home siteWanting a change in my life I decided to move to the country to live well away from the city noise and chaos. At 36 (single) doing great career wise and able to work from home, never a Ladie's man by any stretch of the imagination. I'd come to accept never marrying and had used hookers for sex ever since I was 23. But I wanted a special home in the country and not average in any sense. I wanted a great view and a quiet isolated area; I could and would travel to the city for sex when I wanted it.... reading time 3 mingenre
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Suddenly MarriedI'm a horny old manI'm Andrew 64 retired widower and have 2 grown children who never visit me since my wife passed away 6 years ago. I'm like sex and have been having relationships with women for about 4 or 5 years but not interested in a relationship with them just sex. That changed in 2020 when the pandemic started and I was alone in my house and got a call from my sister (only sibling) Karen 60 divorced 1 child a daughter Kerry-Anne 30 single, she called me as I lived closer to Kerry-Anne then she did, Kerry-An... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Andrew old HornyControlling MotherMy father 57 remarried 3 years after my mother died, my new stepmother 40 was nice to me 24 and she had a daughter 18. Then my father had an accident, he survived but was left in a wheelchair and had some brain damage. As he hadn't updated his will since marrying, she wasn't in it. but it wasn't a big deal as she only just had to make a claim against the estate if he died. I was studying law at the time, but my stepmother wasn't concerned about herself it was her daughter, before his accident he... reading time 3 mingenre
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Happy Husband and Son-in-lawMy Know all Neighbor's DaughterMy neighbor 57 thinks he know everything about everything, and he doesn't. But I'm not going to tell all his mistakes, it would take far too long for that. But he had one redeeming factor, his daughter a nice shy girl who is now my wife 25. I (28) realized quite early in our interactions to not challenge his statements. Thus, I became acceptable to him to date his only daughter and able to visit their home. I'd bought the house next door in late 2021 and took a fancy to his daughter straight awa... reading time 3 mingenre
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Son-in-lawGrandmaI am usually in trouble within my family and most of it I've done. At 23 I lost my then job as I usually did, I'm not that great at staying employed for a long time. Anyway, my family decided I needed a break and send me to assist my grandma 59 recently widowed. So, with nothing else to do I went, she was a no-nonsense type of person. I arrived and quickly got off on the wrong foot. But I tried to keep a low profile and not cause any problems for my grandma. Over several weeks I was able to do j... reading time 3 mingenre
Incestwritten on
Grateful GrandsonBecame a fatherI live with my grandmother as both my parents died in a car with my father's parents when I was 10. My grandmother widow got early on-set dementia and as we well off. We employed help to run the house and care for my grandmother. The housekeeper was also a widow, no children and 34. I had just started university and kept to myself not dating, I'm not shy and attended university then straight home afterwards. During winter a snowstorm stopped me going anywhere and I was sitting, and the housekeep... reading time 2 mingenre
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Very Happy Chance Meeting changed my life I was finishing a contract (overseas) nothing to go on too. So' I was staying an extra day or so just to see what came my way work wise. Staying at the hotel I met a very nice-looking woman well dressed. We had started talking because I was the only who she found that spoke English that she could understand easily. The local spoke English but it takes some getting use too. Anyway, she was there on business, and we hung out together and ended up fucking. As she was returning home, she asked me t... reading time 3 mingenre
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Perfect AdditionOld Friend's DaughterThe daughter 36 of my late old friend approached me, she was his sole child. He died in 2021 at 73 (natural causes), had lost his wife in 2009. His daughter never married career woman, had decided to have a family without marrying. Thought of using a donor via IVF, found a legal nightmare, especially for single women. Ruled out male friends as they might want to be too involved in her life after the birth of any child. Then by chance we met again after several years January 2024, last time being... reading time 3 mingenre
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Willing old family friendNot planned, but I'm got married.Years ago, I was more into parties then relationships. Then after a boring party I was heading home and came across 2 women who car had broken down. I've always been a car nut and had built my own cars since the age of 7. I got their running but told them it wouldn't last as there were many problems with their car. The women who were fruit pickers and wouldn't make the next picking area in time. Asked me if there were any cleaning companies in the area that might hire them. I didn't know of any,... reading time 3 mingenre
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Accidental HusbandA little much partyingI 27 was engaged to marry and was having last fling before my wedding. I had been doing so for almost month, I'd nothing else to do, my wife 25 to be, was away finishing a dig with the university archaeologist and her classmates. I was out and about most nights and on the night this story is about I was alone my friends needed to work for a living I didn't. I drank quite a bit and awoke next morning in my bed and I'd a woman with me. I couldn't who or where I met her and how we ended up in bed f... reading time 2 mingenre
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Happy I Joined the Family