Story search continued

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My Sexual TrainingI was 15 when my father remarried 5 years after the death of my mother (cancer). He was 39 when I was born and my mother 37, so I was their only child. Home schooled and kept secluded from the world till I was 9 and then sent to boarding school on my mother getting very ill. Brought home just before she passed away to say goodbye and then back to the boarding school. Rarely seeing my father at all, then home again to meet my stepmother after the wedding and then back to school again. Finally re...reading time 5 mingenre
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Willing pupil
Comforting My MotherShort History. I'm now 35 and my mother was 15 when she had me and married my father then 24. Anyway, fast forward 19 years and my father died in a motorcycle accident, my mother was shattered. I was working as a mechanic having left school at 15 to train as a mechanic. I was still living at home with my mother 35 and sister 17, we were okay financially as we own our home, and all had good jobs. Neither me nor my sister could be called scholars and we had left school to train in a trade rather t...reading time 3 mingenre
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Caring son/Lover
New EmployeeI'm Damian 32 married with 2+ children, I run a storage and supply business. My wife Katherine 30 was in a car accident and was left using a wheelchair. She use to work with me at our business. But due to accident and less mobility she works from home now, doing the bookwork. I needed another person to do the other stuff Katherine use to do. So I was going to advertise for someone to do the work. At the same time my Jenny 47 (Mom's youngest sibling) had just divorced Donald and needed a job. Be...reading time 3 mingenre
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My nephew's wife and me part 2Next Saturday at 5 evening we met at the same hotel same room. As usual after consuming our quota of whiskey we entered the room. We decided to play the game strip poker. She knew the rules of the game. We nade sure that we were wearing the same number of items of the dress. I -- shirt ,banyan lungi and underwear. She selvar and kammees,bra and lingerie. I lost the first game and removed my shirt. Second game she lostand she removed her blouse exposing her beautiful and huge blossoms which w...reading time 2 mingenre
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Going to a party with my girlfriendThere was a college frat party down the street and I decided to go with my girlfriend, Carolina. We entered the party and there were a bunch of people dancing drunk and a few were making out on the couches. We had a few drinks and danced around a bit. Carolina had to use the restroom so I stood by the corner. A few minutes later, 3 amazingly hot chicks came up to me, Drunk, and asked me to fuck them. I checked them out One was blonde, has a great ass and decent boobs. Another literally looked l...reading time 2 mingenre
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Sex breakSo I've been fucking my dog Hank for about six months now. I don't really need to. My boyfriend Ronald gives me all the dick I want. It's just that Hank is always there and ready to please. It all started one evening when I had been studying for exams and getting drunk. I was in need of a break so i grabbed some peanut butter from the shelf and plopped down on the couch. Well hank being who he is piled in right next to me and kept looking at me with his big brown sad doggy eyes. I started...reading time 3 mingenre
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Janice Joe
Mother knows bestI know people think the mother should be close to their children and I am well my one child any way I wanted more but unfortunately my husband died soon after my son was born, life was hard after my husband died but I didn't let that ever stopped me I worked three jobs, called in Many favors so that I could to get my son to a good school and I still found time to be an effective role model for my 1 son. He and I were so close when he was younger and we still are but we don't see each other much ...reading time 9 mingenre
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David goldburge
Grandma caught me Early last year I was at home and my mother's friend Elizbeth dropped by to see my mother. But she and my father had gone over to the next to see my older sister Harriet 24 who had just returned home from holiday with her Husband and 2 children. They had not long left when Elizabeth arrived, Elizabeth 58 is a widow and fairly good looking and she started to talk to me. I'm Raymond 19 youngest of 2. Elizabeth asked all the usual questions and became quite interested in me when I said didn't have ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Doctor Dick Part 1"My back is killing me." I groaned to my husband, as I hobbled into the house after three hours gardening. "Don't look at me for sympathy!" He shook his head in despair as he continued typing a report "I told you to leave it until tomorrow when I could help." I mouthed an obscenity behind his back. He had offered to help, but it was such a glorious afternoon and I wanted to make the garden look nice before the weather changed for the worse. "Go and have a hot bath. That usually works." He mutter...reading time 9 mingenre
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Trish Maine
Running a Plant Nursery I'm Roscoe 38 divorced 1 child 7 who is with her mother, after the divorce I decided for a career change. Not short of cash even after the divorce, wanted a more outdoors lifestyle than sitting in an office all day. A plant nursery came up for sale and after some investigation I bought it. I no gardening expert, but it was staffed with qualified people who knew their jobs and I would learn what I needed over time. I would walk around and get taught by the staff how to do different jobs and now I...reading time 3 mingenre
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Mother's demandsMy mommy taught me to respect her wishes. They were more like demands. I was only sweet 16 but frequently woke up with erections. Mom and I lived alone so I felt like I could be myself with her. With COVID around for 8 months we were quarantined. I had no contact with girls or guys. Mom conveniently left her silky lace wet panties and pantyhose for me and they drove me crazy. Mom's sweet scent and her expensive pantyhose..... SOON I WAS DEVELOPING A SERIOUS MOMMY FETISH! SHE TAUNTED ME WEARING S...reading time 2 mingenre
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Mama's Boy
The Balcony. Two early rises eat out to have some quiet, public and arousing masturbating fun. Turned out they did that, together She woke up early on this beautiful spring morning. It was already warm at 7:00AM as she stepped out onto her mostly private balcony, wearing only her light cotton robe, and carrying her coffee. She sat in her chair and while adjusting her robe she accidentally grazed her breast with the back of her fingers. She looked around cautiously, surprised at the sudden arousal at such a brief touch of her own hand. Satisfied that she was alone, she traced small circles around her nipple and watched it...reading time 5 mingenre
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After my father's deathMy father caught the Corona virus and passed away in late 2020, he had lung problems from many years of heavy smoking and was 58 when he died. He had been a widower for serval years then married again in 2015 to a younger woman 11 years his junior. I was still living at home with him as the youngest of 3 and had taken over most of my father's building business. His lung problems stopped him from actually building and he done the paperwork side of his small business and I done the actual building...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Stepson
Cousin loveI went home for the holidays and we went and visited my cousins. I don’t particularly like them except Louise. 23 and a sweet girl. She went through a bad break up and was heartbroken. As we were over their house Lou and I talked a lot, we even touched each other’s hands too. We were into each other. We all went for a walk in the country and as everyone walked ahead Louise and I found ourselves falling further and further behind. At one point we were holding hands. I was getting pretty hard by n...reading time 3 mingenre
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My wife finds her colleague sexy Pt 3Since my last story my wife and I have enjoyed Adams company a few times. I love coming home from work and seeing his shoes on the mat at the front door. This happened pretty much once a week on any random day. I would come home from work and just seeing his shoes at the door would make my cock swell up. I knew that he was upstairs having his way with my wife and that if I wanted in on the action all I had to do was go upstairs and open the bedroom door. Normally I would find them naked and eith...reading time 8 mingenre
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My sisters AssMy sister Jackie 26 is very shy and doesn't date at all, on finishing her courses at university. She got a job in the city and lives with me, I work as a plumber and never went to university. I don't date much at all as I'm buying my own house and would rather pay it off first. I'm Earnest 28 only sibling of Jackie, our parents live in the same town as we were born and never plan to leave. They visit us or we visit them, anyway last Christmas we had visited our parents and were on our way back ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Earnest the ass man
My makeover 2After the first blowjob. I called Vickie and asked her if there was a location where men were looking for cross dressers to have sex with. She gave me a location,and I drove there.It was a street where there were lots of adult book stores.I parked and started walking up the block.I got lot's of whistles and comments.I walked down an alley behind one of the bookstores.There were lot's of men hanging out there.There was a really cute guy standing by a car,I walked up to him and kissed him on the l...reading time 3 mingenre
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Nylon lover
Fun at UniversityI'm not people person and prefer to study than party, on getting to university I studied instead of partying. I'm Karl now 32 and have 2 children with my sister Lauren 30, I was fairly lonely at university till Lauren came to study there as well. I lived in a cottage owed by the family near the university and on Lauren arrival she moved in with me. She also didn't party and we kept to ourselves mostly except when in class. At first it was like being at home together, but at the start of her seco...reading time 2 mingenre
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Karl sister lover
My old DoctorI 28 live alone since my parents move to be closer to my brother and his family, I've my own home and work in the building industry. I was hurt at work when a colleague threw an old tire off the work truck, it landed and bounced straight into me hitting my groin area. Everyone laughed at first, but realized I was hurt and came to help me. I was kept in hospital overnight as a precaution and released next day. I went and seen my doctor 58, she had been my doctor as long as I can remember. I only ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Horny Patience
Marriage Night Husband2Husband. Love, Part 1This 63 year old white bottom Daddy Jonathan and my masculine young Army husband Jason,my masculine Army husband Jason who is 28 years old and who is a masculine top have just experienced the most cherished-treasured day in our life. Jason and I have just shared our promise , commitment , love , marriage vows with each other and have just become husband and husband. Jason and I now had arrived at the husband&husband honeymoon suite where we were going to spend the next three nights and two d...reading time 2 mingenre
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Wondering part 2Ron showed up as I unlocked the door he had gin Jay said damn we thought you got lost. Ron poor's 3 glasses I told him I can't drink you know how I get and your point is?.Jay says it's ok i like drunk white girls and he laughs. Ron said i bet you had many drunk white girls yes i have but been a while. Jay said so tammy tell you you ever had a black cock well I've suck one but never fucked any. Really ron said jay said so did you like it I look at ron and said honey you know I love sucking cock ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Hot and horny tammy
Bathing at beach part 3After returning from the beach next two months once a month we visited the beach. The third month mother had annual leave for two months. One day my wife told me " my mother has suggested some thing also and asked your willingness. " I instantly asked " what is that?" Wife told " swapping of wives including among close family members are very common in the family of westerners. Among Indians also it must be there ,but as usual we Indians keep it as a big secret. Mom was asking whether we...reading time 2 mingenre
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Collecting payment I was recently divorced and a little dishearten with life, I had relocated to a quiet suburb and planned a peaceful life. As I was on a corner and warehouse behind my home, I only had 1 neighbor and she was 60 unemployed and I hadn't had much to do with her up to the time of the accident. I had a patio with covered bar area close to my neighbor's fence, I wasn't planning any parties and was planning its removal. But fate intervened and old tree in my neighbor's yard fell on it crushing to the g...reading time 3 mingenre
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New Neighbor/Lover
Lonely and HornyI'm Bronwyn 56 divorced and living alone, my family is all grown and have left home. My ex married his PA and moved to the city, I got the family home as part of the settlement. It's on a large block 5acres and away from close neighbors, my only company is Bob the Great Dane my youngest sons Bruce's dog, Bruce is in the air force and stationed overseas. So I look after Bob for him, Bob is a gentle giant and stays close to me most of the time. A local church washes dogs regularly to raise money ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Visiting my GrandmaLast year my grandfather Daniel had passed away and I was overseas at the time and couldn't get back in time for the funeral due the pandemic restrictions. When I got back I went to visit my grandma Deanna. I'm Jerome and on arrival at Deanna's home I was given a warm welcome. I intended to stay a week, but after everything had calmed down after my arrival. I noticed several problems with Deanna's house and decided to fix them for her, I didn't have a job as yet and would do the repairs before g...reading time 3 mingenre
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