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The Fight and Deal that followedI'm Neil 35 married 2+ children, my wife Kristen 33 is in the the last month of her pregnancy with our third child. Early last month she found out I was fucking a woman at my work, which caused a fight. But it wasn't a sexual relationship with the other woman Joanne 53 divorced, it was just one fuck. Joanne was horny and I was willing and Kristen found out by me not being careful and forgetting there was lipstick on my underwear. Joanne was already leaving to live in another state and at the far...reading time 2 mingenre
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Riding the BusI'm Mike 26 single average looks and height and I work afternoons and finish around 9pm sometimes 9 30. I don't have a car, so I ride the to and from work. I'm no ladies man far from it. Then late last November I was heading home around 10pm on the bus, when a woman got on the bus, she was a little worst to wear as they say. Not drunk or sober and she sat opposite me and started staring at me. That she continued as the bus travelled it route, not saying anything. So I ignored her as best I could...reading time 3 mingenre
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Mike L B
Claire's Submissive FantasyClaire worked as a graduate assistant at a small university. Her boss was a professor who reviewed her work and advised her. Late one Friday afternoon she was working with the professor after all of the other staff had gone home. "Your paper seems to indicate that you believe some women enjoy being told what to do", he asked Claire. Somewhat surprised, Claire said, "yes I think that it is true." "Why is that" he asked. "Well it is probably nice to have someone take charge." The professor ...reading time 6 mingenre
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I went to help my Aunt updateLast August my father's sister Elizabeth had put her car into a ditch and as I was the only one home it was up to me to help her. After we had sex and more sex the following day. She also asked me to help her clean up around her country house. I went with her and cleaned up its yard. That took 2 hours and I was finished by lunchtime, Elizabeth had given the inside a dusting and tidy up. We had lunch together and then we went to the main bedroom and fucked. We returned home late the following day...reading time 2 mingenre
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Andy B
Pushing caring for CarrieWhen Trent calmed down and cleaned himself up. I continued to rock Carrie to keep her calm. I watched the porn on the TV and I had moved my fingers down to her sloppy pussy. I worked my fingers slowly, one by one into her pussy as not to scare her. But I was going to die literally die if I didn't feel her coming on my cock. I leaned Carrie into her side and I kept my fingers in her pussy. I moved my mouth to her neck. I kissed and sucked her skin. Careful not to leave a hickie. I felt...reading time 4 mingenre
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The Patient “Why are we going to this event?” I asked my wife. “One of my patients invited us and it’s a great way support a good cause” she responded. The event was a breast cancer awareness fundraiser. The crowd was nixed age. We enjoyed dinner and drinks. I can mix easily in any crowd so as the alcohol took hold i became even more comfortable. “Hey Jennifer!” I heard my wife exclaim. I tuned to see an attractive woman hugging my wife. She was probably 20 years younger than my wife and I but that didn...reading time 6 mingenre
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Married Fun
Ashamed but happy Hi my name is Kelly.I have 2 boys both in there early teens and a husband who's always at work.My husband is gone a lot cause of work and doesn't spend much time with me and the boys.So I never thought about cheating on my husbamd at all always was a loyal wife.So about 2-3 years ago my kids joined this roller hockey club,the coach was really nice looking and was a really great coach.Through the season I started to have a thing for him,my husband was away and he was basically like the father fig...reading time 3 mingenre
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Daddy's Good Girl (part 8)The next morning was typical until I went out to the garage to start my jeep. It wouldn't start again. I complained to mom who asked James to drive my to school. I rolled my eyes but agreed. As I got in James car he turned left. Meaning taking the long way to my school. I was horny and still jealous from listening to James fuck my mom last night so I decided to be aggressive. I placed my hand on James hand and I pulled his hand to my bare thigh. James smiled as his fingers began to s...reading time 6 mingenre
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Mom felt strange yet warm towards her son during his visit I never thought about finding myself in a position where my biological mother suddenly felt like she was beginning to have the hots for me. I just came in for a quick visit to see my adult daughter and visit others. I was taking a bath when she somehow needed to take a pee, I left the door unlocked in case she needed the washroom while I kept the shower curtain closed. She came in and as she was peeing, she opened the shower curtain and asked me if she could join me and wanted to rub and ...reading time 5 mingenre
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The adams' maidMr and mrs adams seemed like a wonderful couple when they hired me as their housemaid. I liked their house especially as it was not very big or having many artifacts like paintings or such -- which are all just dust catchers in my opinion. They offered to pay me a pretty decent sum for working 6 days a week,which was more than okay by me especially as i only had to clean and dust the place. Mrs adams was a good cook and adamant she needed no help in the kitchen. On my first day at the adams hou...reading time 2 mingenre
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I paid my Neice to have my Child.I'm Henry and I'm now 67, back when I was 43 my wife Liz was 42 and couldn't have children. I want a child as much as Liz did, but we had no success at anything we tried and we had tried everything there was. Karen was then 21 and Liz's sister daughter, she was a bit wild at the time. Liz was the first to think of a surrogate, but her sister was 46 and no other family members of first choice for surrogate were able. That left Karen the budding actress, Liz asked her would she have a baby for us....reading time 3 mingenre
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Christmas Break (part 2) The next day Ben my brother that lives with me asked me what was wrong. He is my best friend. We talk about everything includeing sex. But how could I tell him about our dad. After lunch my brother's went hunting and I decided to stay home since I hate the cold. I was watching a movie sitting on the recliner. Dad came and wake up to the back of the recliner. Dad began to massage my shoulders. His fingers inched lower down my chest until his fingers were kneading into my tits. I didn...reading time 4 mingenre
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Threes companyI’m. 38 year old man into older men and I met Dave, 62 and tall. He is perfect for me. Patient and intelligent. We had a few meet ups before we did the deed and it was great. But last Saturday he invited me over to his condo for dinner and a movie (and probably more!). When I arrived, Jacob was there! Never met him before. He is a shorter white guy in his 60’s too. We talked and laughed together around dinner eventually making it over to the couch. Jacob and I sat on the love seat while Dave was...reading time 2 mingenre
Group sex
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Cousin RachelMy cousin Rachel 30 moved to the west coast 4 years ago after finishing university. As I was already living there and had my own place she decided to stay with me for awhile. I'm Andrew 31 (Andy) like Rachel a only child. Both our parents had us late and had passed away in the last 12 years. My late mother Louise was Rachel's mother Rebecca older sister and only sibling. My father Andrew was a only child himself and Rachel's father Patrick was youngest of 3 and his siblings didn't have families ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Andrew 9
My Korean Oppa pt 1A colleague and dear friend told me about a dating app that was in rage. And I hopped on the bandwagon. My dream of partnering with a Korean oppa was a click away. Surfing through plethora of profiles felt tiring. But then I found his profile—U-jin… He was a tough competition to Gong Yoo. A cute smile, earnest eyes and well kept physique: everything about him screamed “Oppa material”. The guardian angels had finally granted me my wish. I grabbed the opportunity with both hands. We spoke. Contin...reading time 2 mingenre
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My Wife Turned SlutMy wife is 28 and a very attractive petite woman. We have been married for 5 years. Our sex life has always been great. My wife openly and freely spoke with me of the many men she had been with and the sex she had with them. She was this way when we first met. I always found this sexually exciting. She went out one day to a bar dancing. I had to work that night and couldn’t go. About 12:30 AM I got a text from her. She had met a man at the bar and wanted to fuck him. She asked me if I was okay...reading time 7 mingenre
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Sam's sexy sisters part 1Jaina had just returned from college for winter break and she could not be happier, she had missed her family but most importantly she had missed her younger brother Sam. Jaina had always been an over proactive sister over her younger siblings but over the years she had been more protective of her younger brother Sam. She and Sam had only been born 2 years apart but she had always seemed older, she was tall for her age, she had long bright red hair, pale skin, and bright green eyes. Evan, so sh...reading time 7 mingenre
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David goldburge
Cruising on a Cruise shipI went to an office outing on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. I opted to spend the night so I could do a little cruising. But I got super drunk that night making me unable to stand let alone hook up. The next morning I went to a work breakfast, struggling with a hangover ( which actually makes me horny). I got out of that meeting as fast as I could. Using a certain app to find cock I found a guy in his fifties (my go to), who was only a few hundred feet away. I asked could I come to his room as I ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Booted from the familyLast year I 19 was caught fucking my sister then 22 and as a result I was kicked out of home and out of the family. I was told it was all my fault as my sister has low esteem problems and I took advantage of her. I went from the favorite to the black sheep, just because I fucked my older sister. But undeterred I still had a job and found my own place to live, nothing flash in looks a rundown old house. Which I made an offer to buy, and it was accepted. I mainly bought the land as the house wasn'...reading time 3 mingenre
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Black sheep
The BetI was with my cousin Lea 27; we were discussing our cousin David 33. David, we thought was the nerd of the family and was a virgin as far as we knew. Successful career wise and as far as we knew no relationships at all. Also, an only child of the sister of our fathers. One thing led to another; we made a bet to see who could seduce David first. I'm Suzie 29 and I was sure I could win easily and getting fucked by my cousin David wouldn't ever be the weirdest thing I've ever done. As we both work ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Suzie the cousin Fucker
Doing GranMy name is Todd and I'm 23 and in 2001 I had just moved for work in the city from my home town. I'm a plumber by trade. I live with my Gran Karen 61 (Mom's Mom) a widow. Grandad was killed in Vietnam in 1970 and Gran never remarried. I was staying with Gran in her 2 bedroom 1 bath cottage. I was replacing Grans old rusted water pipe with new copper ones. I had done kitchen, bathroom and was now on the laundry and yard taps. My gran was sitting in the kitchen drinking wine as she did weekend. Did...reading time 3 mingenre
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My Step MotherI'm Gerard 27 and my mother Katherine passed away when I was 12, she was 39 when she had me. My father Donald put me straight into boarding school and I rarely saw him since, he was having affairs and doing anything he wanted. I only had my mother's parents to go too, and they they passed away by the time I was 23. I inherited everything from them, which annoyed Donald. But Katherine was an only child like me and Donald and my late grandparents didn't have any respect for Donald. Donald parents ...reading time 2 mingenre
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Being a FatherI married my wife in late 2019 and was settle as a married couple by the time of the pandemic starting. Her family were close by very close actually, her mother widow and sister right next door and her mother's sister on the other side of them, us being on the corner. The lockdown came and by the time it was finished my wife, and her sister were pregnant to me. Her mother was also a regular in our bed and at 44 hadn't got pregnant, her sister 39 likewise was joining in the fun as it was called a...reading time 2 mingenre
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I'm the man
My suspicious wife I'm David 34 married to Donna 32 who is afraid I'm going to leave for another woman. Especially when she is pregnant like now she 5 months pregnant. We have 2 children already and I'm very happy with my life and Love Donna very much. But it wears thin when she wants to know every detail of what your doing, like going to bread and milk because we ran out and returning about five or ten minutes later. Then having to tell her who you met or seen while you were out. Anyway I need to get another PA a...reading time 3 mingenre
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David randy man
Unexpected Surprise As of recently, my sexy woman has not ceased to amaze me with her insatiable desire to try new things sexually. I suppose I could go over all the new and exciting things that she has begun to do, but that's not what this story is about. This is about her most recent venture. You see, over the past year or so I have been expressing my interest in her allowing myself and another man pleasuring her at the same time, although it has been met with resistance until recently. It wasn't until I ...reading time 8 mingenre
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Jeff the curious
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