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D N A shocked meI had a very eventful sex life while at university and after I met and married my late wife and had 3 children before she passed away from cancer 2 years ago. I was left to raise our children alone, which I enjoy a great deal. Late 2019 then 46 I was contacted by my brother Mark about him having a D N A test to discover our family history. He was curious of where our forefathers came from, but that's not the reason her called, after having the test he was contact by the testers that there was m...reading time 3 mingenre
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George S
Family HonorI'm the youngest of my family and attending the local university, at 24 I wasn't great on the local dating scene. Meaning I didn't date, I've asked and was always refused. No real prospect of it improving in the future, but then fate took a hand in my future. My father's uncle's younger daughter 19 got pregnant and the man responsible cleared out as soon as he heard. It may sound old fashion these days but, in our family, it seen a huge disgrace and the family wanted to cover up the disgrace asa...reading time 3 mingenre
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Honor Bound
Younger sister and me part 2After ten years when Ibwas when Ibwas 33 and she 29,by coincidence we both reached our home for ten days. We both were alone. In the Kate evening on the first day she told " My darling brother I have to tell you something. To tell that to avoid embarrassment we have to consume some whiskey " I happily arranged for the whiskey. After consuming one and an half pegs of whiskey each she started. " you must be thinking I was not aware you peeping the bathroom while I was bathing. I was aware and als...reading time 2 mingenre
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My brother in law and my younger sister part 2Next night, as per my guidance, sister and me became totally naked.seeing her naked my huge cock became half erected. I brought down her right palm towards my cock.After fondling cock became fully erected.She removed a couple of pubic hairs stuck on the tip of my cock. Then she swallowed the cock. It must have touched her throat.She made to and fro motions until it cummed into her mouth. We waited for ten minutes. Then I positioned her in front of the wall facing awY from me.I spread ger ass C...reading time 7 mingenre
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I got my Neighbor PregnantQuick background. I'm Frances 22 and live in the old family home alone my parents retired to the coast 2 years ago. Last year during the lockdown, I was hanging out with my neighbors Keith 49 and Rebecca 39, they already had 2 children 21 and 19 who away at university. After the lockdown finished Keith went back to travelling for his work and was gone for weeks at a time. Rebecca and me would still hangout together a bit, when I wasn't at work. On the start of another lockdown, Keith was caught ...reading time 3 mingenre
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My brother is my DD (part 4)A few days had past since I had the best fuck of my life and I could not stop thinking about it. I had concocted a plan to make it happen again. I texted Joe morning and asked him if he wanted to go paddle-boarding with me this afternoon. He protested saying it was going to rain. I begged and pleaded till he gave in. I had poured out some beer bottles and filled them with water so Joe could see me chugging beer so he wouldn't asked when I start acting drunk. We met at the loading dock and...reading time 9 mingenre
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Long Story ShortMy sister Maryanne 45 widow (oldest of 3) was doing okay in everything except having a relationship. I'm her only brother Gerald 37 (youngest) married to Ellen and have 2 children, we live in the same town as Maryanne and she is a regular visitor to our home. Except when she is visiting her only child George 27 named after his late father. But those visits don't last long, as Maryanne doesn't get on with John (George's partner) all that well. Then last year I had a job to finish and Ellen and th...reading time 3 mingenre
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Gerald B H
I get want I want.I was born into well to do family and grew up to expect to get anything I wanted. I headed off to university and didn't want to rough it with the common people. So I got my own place to bring girls too and keep anyone I didn't want away. My first few years were as I thought it would be. But the coronavirus came and changed my lifestyle, I had to stay at my off campus home. Alone except for the housekeeper Mary 52 war widow and had 2 children who lived somewhere. I wasn't interested in them so ne...reading time 3 mingenre
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My Friend’s family private farmMy Friend’s family private farm By Dina Petro Lately, I have met a new friend, Jasmine, who happens to be a real rich kid, we got a long together really well and real fast too, she seems to have the same habits and same thinking as me, we happen to be both wide open minded, we got very close to each other so fast. Jasmine and I are both bisexual and we started enjoying sex together, not only with each other, but involving other friends as well, males and females, I would say we have almost sh...reading time 13 mingenre
First times
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Dina Petro
Dating my SisterLong story short, I'm Brian 34 divorced and live in a small town since my divorce and able to work from my home. No women that interest me in the town, either too old or far too young. Any who would be datable have left the town for a life somewhere else. Last March my only sibling Katherine 31 broke up with her than boyfriend and it was a bitter parting of the ways. They worked at the same place and he was her boss and she decide to relocate and get another job. Our parents was both passed away...reading time 3 mingenre
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Brian G
Family SecretI found out the family secret quite by accident, I came home from work early and found my mother Joanne in bed with her brother Ian. Ian had a heart attack or something had blacked out and was still on top of Joanne, she was distraught and I help get him off her. The ambulance took Ian to the hospital and he recovered fairly well but had to take things easier in the future. I said to Joanne looks like you won't be getting much sex if any from Ian in the future. Joanne is 38 divorced and she just...reading time 3 mingenre
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My Sister DebraI'm John 26 youngest of three, my brother Bruce 31 (oldest) is in the army and overseas. Then there is Debra 28 who I thought was a lesbian, but last month I found out she was into Zoophilia. She lives on the outskirts of our town away from the extended family, she like me has a large trust fund to keep us. I went out on the spur of the moment to see her and asked her about staying with her a couple of days as home was being treated for a spider infestation and our parents would away. I walk to ...reading time 3 mingenre
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Family is bestI'm a 61yrs old male a bit over weight divorced and was living alone on my 200 acre mainly pig farm. My wife divorced me 12 yrs ago and she remarried 7 yrs ago. We get on better now we are divorced, but hardly see each other. Except at family events, our 3 children are all grown and have families of there own. March of last year my sister Susan 56 came to visit at my request, as she was having a lot of troubles (financial and personal). Her Husband Malcolm had killed himself, when his business c...reading time 3 mingenre
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My luck was having an uncleMy family are born again church nuts, I can't call them Christians as show no compassion at all. Anyway, I had an affair at university and got pregnant and my compassionate family threw me out as they say. I would've to leave university and work just to survive, I wouldn't be able to continue as my family was paying all my cost at university and that had stopped. Luckily My father had a younger brother David 38 successful and was regarded as the black sheep of the family. He had committed the bi...reading time 3 mingenre
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Mary of Uncle's Harem
Keeping it in the FamilyBy keeping it I mean the Family Wealth. After immigrating to this country back in the late 1700's, my ancestors made a fortune and wanted to keep it in the family. So they only married family, family is anyone up to and including third cousins. They didn't marry sisters or brothers or first cousins. My older brother married a second cousin. My great uncle Ken got a waitress pregnant and had to marry her, because of the double Barrel rule. Double Barrel shotgun that is. Anyway I was having troube...reading time 3 mingenre
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Cheating familyI wonder what is so good at my in law place ,my wife Jenny 24 yrs old at this time spend all her time at her parent home sometime even the week end .We have a 2 yrs old boy name Roshan look just as his uncle Vinay wife brother a yr younger than her i didn't care at this time ,but the more Roshen grown the more he look like his uncle .I'm Ramseh 27 yrs old been a police officer wasn't that easy and was always busy well went i met Jenny both her holes wasn't a virgin ,she told me that she love se...reading time 16 mingenre
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I can't stop Fucking my SisterI'm Warren 33 and 6 years ago I visited my sister Grace then 24. I had recently finished university and had gotten a job in same city as Grace lived. Grace had married at 20 and her husband Clark was serving in the army. They had a son called Maxwell after Clark's father, then Clark was sent overseas and was killed just before he was to return home. That was 14 months before I visited Grace, Maxwell then 3 and Grace stayed in the same city as they had been before Clark deployment. Grace had bee...reading time 3 mingenre
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My MotherMy mother Robyn was 18 when she married my father Roger 55 and by the time I was 15, Roger had gotten cancer. He passed away 3 years later and everything was left to me, nothing to Robyn except an allowance he had given her. It wasn't a huge amount, but she lived in the family home on the family estate. It was mainly for clothes, as she didn't need to buy food or pay for power and such things. But there was a catch, if she ever left the family estate for another man. She would stop getting the a...reading time 3 mingenre
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Life on the FarmI'm not a great ladies' man and go to the city and hire hookers, as where I live is too small to have hookers and everybody would know. I went once a month and stayed Friday thru to Monday morning. I'm Simon 32 single solid build and plain looking and financially well off. I met a waitress Suzie 28 in the city at a diner I used to get meals and tried like every other diner had in asking her out and had the same success I failed. Anyway, she told me she was leaving the city and didn't where she w...reading time 3 mingenre
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Simon now married
My Sister PattyMy sister Patty lost her job and was forced to live with me, no job so no cash couldn't pay rent. Always a payday to payday type person, no savings and so she asked me to put her up until she got back on her feet. I'm her only close relative and her older brother, our mother died 7 years earlier in a car accident and our father Donald fucked off when Patty was 3 and we haven't heard from him since. I have the misfortune to be named after him, but I claim I'm named after our late mother's grandfa...reading time 3 mingenre
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Donald sister lover
Such a hard throbbing penis in his speedo!this is a fictional story of 19 yo guy, and his almost 38 yo pregnant mom, and no real name were ever used at all. he was just 19, and it was in the early 1990's and his sexy slim mom was 37, almost 38, and she had always been single from what her son could remember. it was on such a hot summer day and that his mom was dressed in only big panties that swept way high up over her belly button (for the 1st time since her pregnancy with her son), and her bra, all revealing so very little of her al...reading time 4 mingenre
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big panties fan
Last MaleIn 2020 my uncle died of Covid, and his son died early 2021 car accident. That left me as the direct male in the family, my father was the younger brother of my deceased uncle. But had died in 2018 heart attack, he was a heavy drinker and smoker and liked to party with drugs also. Because of his excess I didn't take up his bad habits, neither was I great with women. Our family was somewhat reduced to my aunt and her daughter, my mother didn't hang around long after my birth. At 25 and in my last...reading time 3 mingenre
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Lucky Cousin
Divorced new startI'm the oldest of 3 and my brother next oldest had passed away years before and my parents also gone. I still have a sister no other really close relatives, with the divorce final I 40 moved in with my sister 34 single to restart my life no children in the marriage which is why it ended she wasn't ready for children code for didn't want any. My sister also a career first type like my exit. I'd a good career and could work from home if needed and was willing raise any children allowing her to con...reading time 3 mingenre
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Very happy brother
Best Idea everPlease note all names changed to protect me. I'm Clark 34 married 2 children, my wife Nancy's family is very well off and I work for their family firm and if I play up on her I'm gone. So any other women and I lose everything. I love Nancy and that's not my problem, after 2 children she isn't that willing now when it comes to sex. I'm lucky to get a fuck every couple of months and my doctor says it might pass over time. I really like sex and have started checking out other women and was thinking...reading time 7 mingenre
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Clark ?
Planned myself a better LifeI'm Pamela 31 single pregnant now have a better life in front of me. Back in January 2021 I was broke out of work and with no future. I was a party girl going thru and paid for it with bad grades and didn't go to university and having to work shit jobs to get. Regularly fucking just to keep myself going, nobody wanted me as a wife and I was a bimbo and with pandemic my life just went down. I decided I had tow choice keep going down or improve my life somehow. I had no money and would soon have n...reading time 7 mingenre
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