
Physical subjugation, slavery, passively suffer sexual pleasures

The genre bondage, which is derived from the definition of slavery, collects all the erotic stories that deal with the physical subjugation of the partners with the use of ligatures, corsets, hoods, gags. So in general standard, on consenting to the physical freedom, to move, to see, to speak, to hear. The only concession is passively sexual pleasures of one or more persons.

149 erotic stories of the genre bondage which were read 1.3M times.

Chastity with Ex as Keyholder Part 1Several days off. I was looking forward to it. The days off had been meant for something else, but those plans fell through. Now, I had the weekend plus several extra days. I could barely contain myself as I was excited to try out the new toy I had recently purchased. As soon as I got to my apartment, I checked with the management building and sure enough, the package was there. Before I could do anything else, I had the package opened on my table and trying to decipher the many parts of this c...reading time 21 minwritten on
Caught and used - FantasyIt was a great afternoon and being away on holiday was great. I had booked a lodge in Cornwall and had a long weekend to my self. The lodge was an expensive one with Jacuzzi and all the latest mod cons. The first night was great as I was able to dress up and be myself and just be a general slut really. I had bought along my dildo collection and was slowly but surely stretching my arse wider and wider. I had made and brought with me a dildo contraption. It was attached to a belt and that went aro...reading time 6 minwritten on
Remembering your duties3:30am You awake with a start. You had drifted off peacefully hours ago, waking up so suddenly has disoriented you. Your eyes frantically dart through the darkness as your heart races. Soon you realize I am climbing on top of you, poised to mount your face. Now you realize that your punishment is about to start. My hand runs through your long, dark hair, gripping it tightly. I yank your head back. You gasp. "Rise and shine, Alexandria!" My voice cuts through the silence as I rub my hard dick a...reading time 10 minwritten on
Death of the heroA Hero's death need not always be literally. As the old saying goes, you either die the hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villian. But in doing so a Hero is dead anyways. Gone are the morals and the justice. No longer are they a role model for the youngsters. Often they don't even maintain the same appearance or name. So in essence they are dead regardless. And this is one such story. Our Hero doesn't meet her life's end, but her no beginning as something not quite what she used ...reading time 16 minwritten on
PaulaPaula looked at the slip of paper in her hand again. No, there was no mistake, this was the right address, but the place was looking kind of closed down. It was, or rather, it had until recently been a bar, but now both windows were covered in plywood. But the door was slightly ajar. She entered, calling out a testing “hello..?” There was no immediate response. All the furniture were still in place, but covered in clear plastic. The place had been a bar until a few day ago; a brew-pub, but ...reading time 8 minwritten on
This is how the fantasy goesI arrive at the Hilton Garden Inn before nightfall. In advance, I had made reservations for a handicap room as these rooms have a nice big walk-in shower and me being handicapped as well. From inside one of the bags that I had packed, I pull out all of the interesting toys that I brought. I set up everything on the table, the night stand and the dresser before you have a chance to arrive. You arrive about an hour later than I do from a long drive to meet me for what has been a long over-due rend...reading time 27 minwritten on
Boss ladyIt wasn't the first time I'd stood up to a woman and been knocked onto my ass. All I could think of at the time was that here was a pushy bitch riding roughshod on my plans; plans with much time and effort invested in them. She had come sashaying into my office while I was planning the day's schedule with my assistant, Bernice. "Tim, I won't beat around the bush." she said. "I've had doubts about your strategy with the Demerest account all along. I've just talked to Grant, and he agrees that ...reading time 25 minwritten on
Please not the paddlePlease not the paddle. Anything but the paddle. Other girls get paddled, not me. I'm a good girl. A good student. Anything else, not the paddle. I turned eighteen today. They can't possibly paddle me, can they? Beverly's mind raced and raced. She tried to keep her hands and feet still but they seemed to have a mind of their own. Her palms were sweaty and her tummy was in knots. She needed to go to the little girls' room, but she couldn't go anywhere. Maybe they won't paddle me. I was just ...reading time 6 minwritten on
RayleeRaylee should have been more careful, but she was in a good mood. She just got back from a first date and it wasn’t too bad, a little awkward, but he asked her out a second time before she got out of the car. There was the kiss before she got out of the car, but that was all. She opened the front door, the living room dimly lit by the small lamp. She walked in and was grabbed from behind before she knew what was happening. He held a knife to her neck, making sure that he sliced the flesh and a d...reading time 22 minwritten on
Marla in controlMarla was young still, right? She was still hot, right? She'd gotten married at 24. The first year or so had been great, but life had gotten in the way the last few years and at this point she was more just going through the motions. Her tits weren't quite as perky as they'd been at 18, but she still noticed a few construction workers put down their hammers as she walked by a jobsite. Sure she noticed a few gray hairs, who doesn't in their early thirties? But her hair stylist made sure that it s...reading time 27 minwritten on
My self-bondage walkI am of Italian decent, born in the south and raised in the north, I have been lucky enough to move to Nashville to pursue being a TV Reporter. Now I know that the profession of Reporting has fallen into the same category as being a Politician, or a Lawyer. I have always thought that exposing the wrong people do to help the little guy was a noble thing, but regrettably not everyone thinks this way. For example the Bad Guys, the Politicians, and the Lawyers that we expose. Sometimes for the good ...reading time 22 minwritten on
VIPs in bondage - FiveBeyonce Knowles sat in the comfort of the leather back seat of the limo and stared forward at the back of the chauffeur’s head. She was headed for her day long session with Jennifer Lopez, prepared to be her slave for the day, set up as a deal between Jennifer and Mistress Whitney. She had heard rumour that Jenny had been forced to submit to Mistress Whitney to get this chance. This thought worried Beyonce quite a bit., she wondered exactly how much Jennifer must want to dominate her. But worrie...reading time 23 minwritten on
Dark Cloud
VIPs in bondage - FourThe dark, stretch limousine cruised silently through the cold, deserted streets of Los Angeles, snaking through the streets inexorably towards its destination. It was late at night, just past midnight and in this business area of town on a Saturday night you rarely saw anyone around. The long car wound around one last corner and gently slowed to a stop in front of a non-descript grey stone building, whose windows were tinted out ? not that that was uncommon around here. Almost as it came to a ha...reading time 25 minwritten on
Dark Cloud
VIPs in bondage - ThreeMariah Carey sat on the edge of her bed in Whitney Houston’s mansion and absent-mindedly played with the full, long, luxurious hair of Beyonce Knowles, who knelt at her feet with her head resting against Mariah’s soft, naked thighs. They both stared at the wall clock, watching the minute hand tick inexorably towards one’ o’clock. At that time Beyonce would enter Whitney’s dungeon alone for a domination session with her new Mistress that would have major ramifications for both Beyonce and Mariah....reading time 19 minwritten on
Dark Cloud
VIPs in bondage - TwoThe taxi came to a halt before the huge mansion and Beyonce rather tentatively exited from the back seat. She was alone and in something of a disguise (sunglasses and a dowdy jumper and jeans to hide her stunning looks and figure) and was both extremely excited at the possibilities of this weekend may bring and extremely worried as well. Since her night with Mistress Mariah she could think of little else than what the older diva had done to her and how she had reacted to it and enjoyed it. Actua...reading time 13 minwritten on
Dark Cloud
VIPs in bondage - OneBeyonce Knowles finished her final encore and thanked the audience in the arena and left the stage blowing air kisses at her fans as they yelled their approval and thanks. Sweat dripped from her long athletic body, soaking the tiny white, lacy bra top and miniskirt she had sang her final two numbers in. She smiled as her entourage and other backstage congratulated and praised her performance but was finally relieved to reach the sanctuary of her dressing room. It was a awash with bouquets and f...reading time 13 minwritten on
Dark Cloud
Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 4The rape, accurately filmed in all his lewdness and artfully camouflaged as a lewd prostitution trick by Bob, went on again and again. When their cocks were limp, they got them hard again torturing her with huge rubber cocks and dildoes taken from Bob's stock in the shop; they put clips on her sore nipples, plunged bottles and a special ultra-wide dong in her asshole. After they had finally stuck in her cunt and asshole the biggest dildos that Bob had at the shop, they lost interest in her. Th...reading time 20 minwritten on
Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 3They walked out. Their old, battered sedan was in the street, and she was forced to enter in the back, squeezed between Johnny and Amos. Jessie drove, Roy was beside him. They began to cruise slowly with the car, and it was clear that they were looking for someone or something. They arrived in front of a disco, or so it seemed from the mass of lights. Natasha was horrified at the idea that the for nigger boys would drag her into that huge, flashy disco to show to everybody that she was their s...reading time 34 minwritten on
Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 2Natasha awoke, slowly and confused, in a room that she didn't know. It was a damp, dark room ; she felt the stench first, then tried to move, but she couldn't. She was lying on a bed, and when she tried to sit up and stand, she found herself immobilized. His wrists had been taped together and tied high to the bedpost, and each of her feet had been tied to two feet apart to the word bedposts. She wasn't alone, of course. She pulled, trying to strain in the bindings, but couldn't do it. She groa...reading time 75 minwritten on
Forced into a ghetto whore - Chapter 1Natasha walked out of the studio at 5 in the afternoon. It was a drizzly afternoon, but she was happy; hell, she'd done it! She had been accepted! Next Tuesday, she'd be in that studio again, for a couple of contracts and, then, the shooting would begin. She was to be the next Playman's Playgirl! It was all too good to be true. Sure, she knew she was beautiful. It was all her life that she had been told that she was nice. And her beauty had been important to escape from her family and home in ...reading time 11 minwritten on
A demon in my bedHis hands and feet were tied to the bed and she was floating above it. When he had met her at the bar earlier and she had taken him home, he had been thinking that it had all seemed a bit too easy. She laughed at everything he had said, bought him drinks and then suggested they leave. When they arrived, she led him quickly to her bedroom, laid him down, and tied him up. Even before she floated, he knew that something was wrong and that this whole night was a huge mistake. It was the way she spo...reading time 5 minwritten on
Little Tie-up Games - part 2I found myself in a strange but happy situation with the 'game' that I played with one of my good friends and his wife. Things were simple, I wanted to be tied up. I really didn't have a need for sex because I was happy and faithful in my marriage. Andrew and Amy had found out about my fetish and offered a safe place for me to get my 'fix' as Andrew so commonly put it. They would contact me with a time that they had made themselves available to play. Their kids were out somewhere else and I had...reading time 20 minwritten on
HC Monkey
Little Tie-up Games - part 1So first I'll start with a little background on this story. I'm 35 6'2" and keep in fairly good shape. I work out alot and would say that with blonde short hair and green eyes I am a decent catch. I've always been hetrosexual. This is a true story that involves a former friend of mine for years named Andrew and his wife Amy. I'm now their slave, but that's geting ahead of myself. Andrew is in medicore shape, at about 5'11" and 210 lbs. His wife Amy would be a pretty girl, if she lost a few pound...reading time 10 minwritten on
HC Monkey
BrokenSusan and I married right out of college. I became an investment broker dealing primarily in Futures and Commodities, and the first few years were lean ones as I learned my trade. Our financial situation turned around after five tough years, and we’d been married for about eight years when we were able to buy our dream home in a gated, upper-income-level community. I drove a three-year old luxury SUV and Sue drove a small BMW. We were moving up in the world. Everything seemed to be falling into ...reading time 19 minwritten on
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