⇤ V
All erotic stories in alphabetical order for section V
There are 93 erotic stories in this section
V - Tinder Find ‘ In partnership with Tinder' the phrase popped up on every social media feed which tempted me into installing the app again. Swiping wasn’t an unfamiliar ground. In fact, I had lost the count of times I used this app. I was quite picky this time around. My bio didn’t read sapiosexual but I kind of was one. I was attracted to men who could outwit me with their intelligence and it turned me on. Amongst the fishes, one caught my eye. I’ll call him 'V'. He had looks of a long lost crush, intellect... reading time 5 mingenreMasturbationwritten on
KomorebiV - Tinder Find FinaleThe day finally had dawned. I was anxious, excited everything at once for the dry spell was finally going to break. “Babygirl, you got this!”, I reminded myself. Letting a breath out I made sure everything was okay before leaving. Since it’d also be our first time meeting, I kept my make up light by doing just the brows and applying a nude shade on my lips. I curled my hair to suit the outfit I chose– a deep red wine summer dress paired with Rose-gold studs and other accessories. “Bye Maa. I to... reading time 7 mingenre
Straightwritten on
KomorebiV - Tinder Find part 2I propped myself up, dressed to leave before reverting. My phone went off just as I stepped out of the house. “Hello?” “Why is it taking you so long? Come home soon”, said Amma. “I was locking the door Ma. You had kept the packet of milk in freezer. I had to defrost and then boil meanwhile I cleared the mess from bedroom.” “Okay. Get a pack of bread on your way back.” “Hmm”, and she hung up. I waited until the elevator arrived at the floor. To pass the time I did what any person today doe... reading time 5 mingenre
Straightwritten on
KomorebiVacationI'm Elroy 23 single handyman solid build, after I finished high school I started work as offsider to a carpenter and then a electrian and plumber. By the time I was 20 I had a good deal of experience in those areas. I wouldn't tackle any major jobs in them, but general jobs. I also done yard work, mowing, weeding and trimming hedges and minor tree trimming. So I started to work as a general handyman doing work for the elderly and busy people. In the winter months work was slow, so I would go to ... reading time 4 mingenre
Incestwritten on
ElroyValentine’s Day Sex GamesThinking outside the box of chocolates to keep things fresh When you fuck your wife three times a day every day of the year, how do you make Valentine’s Day special? Simple: you take the day off from fucking. That seems weird, right? If anything, you’d think we should fuck even more on that day, not less. It’ll all make sense when I explain what I mean by taking the day off. See, all I mean by “not fucking” is that there is no direct contact. No dicks in holes. No mouths on genitals. No hand-t... reading time 9 mingenre
Romanticwritten on
Trish MaineValentinstagVALENTINSTAG Conny ging langsam den Strand entlang. Was meinte er mit Überraschung? Er ließ sich jedes Jahr zu Valentinstag etwas Besonderes einfallen .Was war es diesmal? Sie hatte sich rechtzeitig nach seinen Anweisungen auf den Weg gemacht. . Es war angenehm warm und zu dieser Zeit war der Strand menschenleer. Ihr leichtes Sommerkleid umschmeichelte in der leichten Abendbriese ihren schlanken Körper. Ein paar Hunde streunten auf der Suche nach Essensresten über den Strand und durch die Düne... reading time 10 mingenre
Bondagewritten on
Zahra PrechtVamos ala playaIt was a hot summer and I had been waiting all the years of my life to finally take my womanly growing body to the beach with a barely little coverings on. I was smooth all over, I had bought the best bikini top and a string bottom from the downtown surf shop. I put them on along with a transparent looking light blue maxi to cover up. My black bikini was showing off nicely out of it. I drove to the beach that evening with a bit of snack and a nice erotica. I put down the towel a bit far away... reading time 10 mingenre
Transwritten on
MiaVanilla frosting and Napolean I stumbled going up the stairs and tripped over myself planting my face right in the stupid cake I had made for the man I was eager to see, being the clumsy dumb ass that I am. Vanilla frosting all over my face, my lips swelled up, being that I am allergic to frosting. I wasn't planning on eating the cake but I mean I hadn't really planned this out. He opened the door...this man that I was eager to see. He looked so much different from his pictures online. He was a lot shorter than I had anticip... reading time 4 mingenre
Gaywritten on
Mr. Dafuq happened Vegas dream part 2The next morning I’m up early in my hotel in Vegas. Having a lovely bath and making sure my legs are as smooth as silk. I’m going back to the wedding gown store, god knows what the woman in the there has in store for me but it sounds exciting to say the least. I got myself dressed , a white suspender belt then seamed bronze 50s stockings, Oh yes this is making me hard already. Now for that beautiful petticoat, dropping it over my head and allowing it to float over my hips and slither down my sto... reading time 13 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
JoeyVegas dream part 3After this Rachel turned round and kissed me passionately, we held each other tightly and then moved round to the sofa and sat down holding each other. Beth went off to clean herself up I believe, after a few minutes we drifted of to sleep. About half an hour later I awoke to find that Rachel had pushed her hand up inside my petticoats and was gently rubbing my cock through all that chiffon. I was starting to arise again, she was aware and looked up into my eyes with a look of want. “Please can... reading time 5 mingenre
Fetishwritten on
JoeyVenom girlsMarlene looked at the other girl standing across the bushes, right within her area of sovereignty. It did not take her long to realise that she was facing a competitor. The other girl, a brunette like her, was dressed in the typical wild outfit, clothes scantily covering her tanned body. Marlene observed her from bottom to top. The girl had a body that could match Marlene's in every respect. Long, slender but well-formed legs, slim waist, followed by a glistening belly up to the chest that swell... reading time 27 mingenre
Dominationwritten on
FF loverVera's dark secretHi I'm Vera and I need some good advise. I'm a young 40 year old woman in great shape almost 6 ft tall with 38D boobs I weigh 135. My nice husband died 3 years ago, he left me in great shape financially, I 100% own a Condo complex that is valued in the millions. But I have now discovered that he starved me sexually, he would only do sex the missionary style. For protection and companionship I bought a Show dog Mastiff (Brutus). He has become a problem as he tries to mount anything that moves. My... reading time 6 mingenre
First timeswritten on
VeraVera's dark secret #2Hi Its Vera again, When I had my sister read story # 1 she said that is a great story but it can't be true. I then explained to her that I had video's of every sex act in the story but I had not attached them to the story as I wanted to edit out the human faces especially mine. After I started the edit I became aroused again and then I realized that John's face was a great part of the story, his look of helplessness when he was knotted told the whole story. And the shot of the Dane cumming in hi... reading time 3 mingenre
First timeswritten on
VeraVera's dark secret #3Hello readers of my stories. Yesterday I submitted my videos. Today I learned that this site anerotic story does not accept or publish sex videos, what a sad developement. I have attempted to find another site that would exhibit them but so far with out any luck. If any of you know of such a site please respond in the comment section so I can post them for your viewing pleasure and to prove that my stories are true stories. The videos were at first kinda jumpy as we are not pro photographers but... reading time 5 mingenre
First timeswritten on
VeraVera's dark secret #4Hi readers, NO comments from you on a site that will exhibit my videos for your viewing pleasure. I finally found a site that would take them but they wanted paid for accepting the videos and also charged those who wanted to view them, so of course I declined them. Our planned sex party with my sister has been postponed as she started her period early, she was very disappointed as she stated it is perfect group 3 Hot women and 3 hot Males. Jill will be paired with John, I with the Dane and Lisa... reading time 3 mingenre
First timeswritten on
VeraVera's sex with her dog.Hello readers, I'm saddened that this might be my last story. Love is screwing up all my plans for John and My dog Brutus. As Lisa told me she was in love with John and wanted to marry him, I was shocked and told her that I was in love with John and was going to marry him. We argued for the first time and almost came to blows. After we calmed down we decided to ask John to choose which one he would marry, we were both shocked when John told us that he was a happily married man who's spouse worke... reading time 3 mingenre
First timeswritten on
VeraVery Bored one rainy afternoonI'm Alex 23 recently I was home with my sister Joanne 25 and it was pouring with rain. Nothing to watch on TV or the internet as everything was down due to the thunderstorm. Power was also out and I just asked Joanne for sex to pass the time, expecting No as her answer. But she said Alright I feeling horny and I'm on the pill and it will pass the time. So not wanting to back out, I went with her to her bed and I fucked her twice and then we had a nap together and then more sex. It was after 9 pm... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
AlexVery Happy On finishing university, I'd gotten a job in my chosen career before graduating and moved to the next state to start my job. I was lucky to stay with my aunt 36 who was just divorced by my maternal uncle 49. He claimed she was unable to provide him a child and so he divorced her. He was the youngest of my mother's 2 siblings and the most arrogant person I've ever met personally. My mother couldn't stand him herself but loved his now ex-wife. Hence, she arranged for me to stay with my aunt on my ... reading time 4 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Accidental FatherVery Happy I wasn't that that great at relationships, not that confident with women. So, I did poorly if you go by what other guys said about their own success. But I knew they embellish their successes, but even if you cut their successes in half, I still did poorly. But my turn finally came, I wasn't even trying to date the woman either. I thought she was well out of my reach and so didn't try. It seemed to be the right approach, as all the Romeos tried and failed. She at first thought me to be gay as I ... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Happy to be marriedVery HornyI'm skinny nothing much to look at and quite a failure when it comes to dating. But on the brighter side I've a great career, having done very well at university. No trouble finding a job as I work for my extended family business. It has many business interests, and I got a good paying job straight from university. Due to my graduating in the top 3 of my year, I started higher than if I would've normally. After 3 years, I was promoted on merit, the family always puts the family business interest... reading time 7 mingenre
Straightwritten on
A Happy Husband NowVery Horny BrotherMy younger brother (20) is a root rat according to my older brother (25), adding he would fuck anything with a pulse. I'd been away at university and returned home to the news my younger brother was getting married. Sudden I thought and after a talk with my older brother I (23) found out the reason. He had gotten his girlfriend pregnant (18), nothing unusual about that I thought. But then my brother added, he also got her mother (36) widow pregnant. Had also been fucking other women and as of no... reading time 2 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Surprised SisterVery Horny SisterI'm the youngest of 3 and my old brother is in the Navy and overseas, my sister was married but her husband died in a single car accident, he was drunk and rolled his car down a hill. I'm live the closest of all our family and after funeral and everyone returned to their own homes, I was the one who my sister relied on. She found out she was pregnant shortly after the death of her husband. The baby girl will be their first child, without her husband wages she couldn't afford to still rent the ap... reading time 2 mingenre
Incestwritten on
The Helpful Brother...Very surprised Every time I would buy a coffee before my lecture I would meet her in line. She wasn’t very pretty but she had a good looking body. One day when we were talking she asked me out for dinner after class. I said sure. I was lonley and kind of horny and I was hoping to get some. At dinner we had great conversation and a bottle of wine. After we went for a walk along the scenic street and she held my hand. She asked if I was seeing someone. I said no that I was only looking to have a good time. She ... reading time 2 mingenre
Transwritten on
Secretly BiVery true story of my wifeNot too sure how to start this as never spoke about it to others before, all started with me my name is Oliver I am 36, like any other males I like to watch porn and I started to watch alot of cheating, cuckhold and swinger porn, so basically anything involving the women getting fucked without her partner. This really started to turn me on and thought would I like it if my wife did it or is it just a fantasy? Anyway one night I was fucking my wife and told her to say someone else's name it just ... reading time 4 mingenre
Swingerswritten on
Oliv3rVery Willing and no takers I'm overweight and single and ready and willing to fuck but had no takers. I got my stomach banded to help reduce my weight and lost half my excess weight, still no interest from any man. But my luck changed I caught my old gardener 59 watching the young the young neighbor's daughters 18 & 20 in their bikinis around their pool. He had his cock in his hand and was masturbating, I'm 34 and decided on seeing him masturbating to give him the choice fuck me, or I tell the father of the girls he was w... reading time 1 mingenre
Straightwritten on
Ever Horny and willing