Very Happy


I wasn't that that great at relationships, not that confident with women. So, I did poorly if you go by what other guys said about their own success. But I knew they embellish their successes, but even if you cut their successes in half, I still did poorly. But my turn finally came, I wasn't even trying to date the woman either. I thought she was well out of my reach and so didn't try. It seemed to be the right approach, as all the Romeos tried and failed. She at first thought me to be gay as I made no attempt to ask her out. But seeing me watch women and not bothering to look at men changed her mind. I'm successful careerwise and well off financially and okay looking I suppose. So, as I was now on her radar, she made some discrete enquiries and found I wasn't in any relationship. Then she asked me out and I thought it was work related at first, a sort of get to know you type thing. But one date became two and then three and even I who was at first slow to pick up on her interest in me, finally realized her interest in me. On our fifth date we became lovers, and a strong bond developed. Finally, (after a year dating) I took a chance as we were in a strong relationship I believed asked her to marry me. She accepted my proposal straight away and we married a month later (2015). Now we've four children and both our careers are booming still, her mother (widow) moved in with us and looks after our children while work. Also, her mother sleeps with us for her sexual satisfaction and ours also. Her mother prefers keeping it inhouse as she says and being close to her only child and her grandchildren. She quite likes me also she says and we're all very happy with our current lifestyle.
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