Very Horny


I'm skinny nothing much to look at and quite a failure when it comes to dating. But on the brighter side I've a great career, having done very well at university. No trouble finding a job as I work for my extended family business. It has many business interests, and I got a good paying job straight from university. Due to my graduating in the top 3 of my year, I started higher than if I would've normally. After 3 years, I was promoted on merit, the family always puts the family business interest higher than family. You've to earn promotions in other words, they aren't just given to you because your family. At my new position I would be away from the family, for the first time. I'd still lived at home while attending university, but I was comfortable with living alone. Anyway, the family bought an 3bed furnished apartment for my use. I arrived the weekend before I was to start and settled in fairly quickly. Being in a new city and not able to access my usual services, I decided to check out what was available locally. I've always paid for my sex and liked getting sensual massages. I found a massage service, made a booking and went to access it as my regular massage provider. The place was well presented, and I liked what I saw. Only one masseuse was available a mature woman in her fifties, but she looked great, and she also done a great massage and masturbated me off. No touching allowed, but she was naked doing the massage and I was quite happy with the service. The next day I started at my new job, not the boss but third in line you could say. I was in charge of my section and had 10 staff all females. After lunch I was able to meet and greet each staff member, as the morning was taken up with induction and meeting with my superiors (both cousins). It was while meeting my staff, I again met the masseuse, she was one of my staff. She was shocked to see me; I was also a bit shocked, but it didn't worry me much if any. She asked to speak to me privately and I agreed, she told she only done the masseuse job parttime to make ends meet. I told her I wasn't concerned over her masseuse job, and I wouldn't tell anyone about it. That relaxed her and after a couple of days I called her into my office, to ask her when she would be massaging again. She said it depends on the parlor, if they called her, she goes in if not she doesn't. I asked her did she do massage privately and she said No. I said pity as I liked the massage you gave, she said she would if I really wanted her too but had no place or table of her own to do it, as the room she rented wasn't very big. I said you could come to my place, and I will get a table, if you want too. She agreed and so I got a table and made an arrangement for her to come on the Saturday afternoon. I also gave her my pin for the front door, she arrived and as we weren't on the clock. We talked before starting and I again really enjoyed the massage. After several such massages I'd started feeling her up and finally fucked her after 8 massages. Also enjoyed her company, so when my cousin above me was promoted, I was elevated to take on his job as well as mine, I was told to get a PA and of course I chose my masseuse. I was comfortable with her, and she was quite able to do the job and I was already fucking her regularly. It also dawned on me, I should've her live with me. I'm a greedy person and liked the sex I was getting, she readily agreed to moving in with me. A year later she suggested I find a younger lover, I said I'm not great with younger woman, she said she would help me. I said go for it, not expecting her to find anyone. She already had a woman in mind, she worked for me already and was quite timid and very quiet. Another plus was she had no family that knew of, and my PA used the suggestion I'd received to get an assistant PA/secretary. To appoint the woman into that position, as I said she was quite able to be my PA and ran the office mostly by herself, leaving me free to deal with my main role. I accepted her choice no problems as I trusted her completely. She then suggested we all go away somewhere private and secluded for a team bonding type exercise on the upcoming long weekend. The family owns a private island, and it would be perfect for such an exercise. Remote and no chance of interruptions, I arrange to get use of the island and the 3 of us headed there on the Friday before the long weekend, leaving just after lunch for the 3-hour drive. Arriving on the island, I gave a quick check over just in case something needed fixing. Everything was fine, my PA suggested we all go swimming, and I followed her lead. I already knew her reason for us all being there. I would do as required, hoping for the best, but not expecting too much also. I'm quite a good cook having been taught to cook growing up, as I wasn't into sports. While I made us dinner my PA got my secretary alone and seduced her, wasn't hard she said as my secretary was so timid she went along with the flow you could say. After that we all had dinner and then my PA got my secretary to join us in my bed and I fucked for the first and also fucked my PA as well. On our return home my secretary moved in with us, several months later. My parents started pressing me on getting married unaware of my relationship with my PA and secretary. My PA suggested I marry my secretary to solve that problem. So, I told my mother who was the main person trying to get me married I had a girlfriend. Of course, my mother wanted to know everything about her, I didn't her she was my secretary. But she was quiet timid woman, and I wasn't rushing it. But then I asked my secretary to marry me, and she accepted and so I told my parents. Fully expecting a drop in pressure for a time about me marrying, it didn't happen as my mother quickly came to meet her soon to be daughter-in-law. I was totally shocked on hearing she was on her way from my older sister, who decided I should get heads up. My mother arrived at my office several hours later, telling my secretary she was my mother walking straight passed her into my office. My secretary followed her into my office, my PA was introduced and then my secretary as my fiancé. That was the last of me seeing mother that day or my fiancé either, as my mother took her with her for a get to know her session. After work that evening the 4 of us had dinner and my mother told me straight, I'd picked a beautiful woman as my wife to be and as there was no family on her side the wedding would be at our next family gathering in 3 weeks times. Three weeks later I was married, my father gave away the bride, I was quite happy as now the pressure would be stopped. WRONG, it had just started, when were we going to start a family was the next point of pressure. Along with a promotion and transfer closer to home, my mother's doing. I of course kept my PA who was like an adoptive mother to my wife and accepted at all family events as sort of family herself. We arrived back to live on the family estate in our own house, along with news my mother was wanting. My wife was pregnant.
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