Down and out


I had only just been divorced and as a result was out of work and very little to show for my life so far. At 32 I'd married at university and after started work for her family company, she didn't want children so early in our marriage, so we had done when we divorced. We lived in her family-owned house and that wasn't part of the assets being divided. Not much in the bank either my ex-wife drained it as fast as it went in. One reason we divorced; the reason she gave I had become boring with my wanting to save money instead of wasting it as I described it. So, I had my clothes and nothing much else, the car was a company car so as I was let go on the divorce being finalized it went as well. What money I got went to her on my dismissal, so with $70 in my wallet that was me walking down the road. A car passed me and then stopped and then moved off again only to stop again and wait till I got close. I knew the woman; she 53 was a client of the family company and I had met her while working at the company. She already knew I was out on my ear as they say. Being a rich widow, she done whatever took her fancy and that day I had taken her fancy. She took me to her place for some fun as she referred to it and she was straight up about it. I would fuck her until she got bored with me then I would be sent on my way. Of course, I wasn't interested at first in her offer. Like hell I wasn't I couldn't get into her car quick enough. Anyway, I was giving it to all her and willing to do whatever took her fancy. Then her daughter 24 came home from university for the break, only child and quick description a nerd. Took after her late father not her mother, I was already getting the feeling my time was about up with the mother. My only hope was her employing me in her business, but she didn't think of that option. She wanted her daughter fucked and married and who better to do the job for than me. If her daughter was left to her own abilities, she would be an old maid and never fucked one as well. I was told to seduce the daughter and if I succeeded, I would marry her, and my future would be secure. The daughter wasn't interested in anything I was and didn't engage in small talk either. I needed to find something that interested her and fast, so I sneaked into her room while she was out and looked around for anything to give an idea. There were pictures of horses and unicorns and nothing much else, horses she loved horses. Big deal they had horses on their property, and I hadn't seen her riding any of them. Then as I was leaving, I saw a picture of a carriage being drawn by horses and she was driving it, and a man was with her I knew who it was her late father. She was really into carriage driving and had done it as a sport with her late father. Not since, I investigated a bit further found they still had the carriage and even the horses to pull it. Her father passed away of a heart attack 2019 and she hadn't done since. I rode horses and hadn't ever driven a carriage, but it was my only option. I found a place that taught carriage driving, not the competition she had done. More like you see in old western movies, so I thought it wasn't her style and so she mightn't know them. As it turned out she didn't, I asked her mother to fund my training as a way of getting close to her daughter. She agreed as it in her opinion had a chance of success, if not I would have a skill that might get me a job in a movie. I took several lessons and was told I was adequate, not a glowing report but good enough to try and get the daughter to be interested in me. With the mother's help we were all out by the barn and I pretended to see the carriage for the first time. I mentioned I used to drive wagons for fun in my younger days, not fancy carriages like theirs. I had laid the bait, and she took it and she said how she and her father use compete in competitions. I quickly said it was probably out of my league, but she was excited enough to see how good I was. Passed the first hurdle, got her interested, which pleased her mother. As I said I was told I was adequate, but as the daughter put it rusty. But she was still willing to try again, I had one thing going for me I knew horses and wasn't a complete novice. One benefit was noted by her mother, her daughter was happier than she had been. I was secure for the time being, anyway, I was now with the daughter more than the mother. Still fucking the mother now and then, as her interest in me had vaned. One day while outing driving the carriage with her, it started raining and we stopped under some trees, and I decided to make a move. Well, it went better than had hoped it would as I fucked, her. She was now my girlfriend in her eyes anyway, I was happy to go along with it. Once her mother heard I got a nod of approval from her mother. Things went faster after that as she was quite willing to let me fuck her, and she got pregnant from our first fuck. One thing I hadn't thought of at the time, was girls who don't date don't have to take precautions. But I was still happy she had got pregnant as it made our wedding happen, quicker than I thought it would. I was rewarded with a wife and a job with her family company, not near the mother. Near my wife when she was back at university, but my job wasn't strict on my being there all the time. I could go with my wife carriage driving whenever she get a break; I quite like carriage driving and my wife is fantastic, the complete opposite to my ex-wife. Also, it simple to stay married to her, keep getting her pregnant. We have 2 children now and another on the way and her mother is back wanting servicing by me again also. I put it down to her wanting to be near her grandchildren, I willing to fuck her and have my wife's permission to do it as well. My wife isn't dumb she knew I was fucking her mother all along and it didn't bother then and it doesn't bother now. Especially as she is pregnant.
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