My Parents Died


I was suddenly orphaned in 2020 because my parents believed Covid lies about why you shouldn't get the vaccine or wear a mask. They 40 and 31 when I was born and so I was an only child. Their deaths were mainly because of other issues, which Covid was the final straw and caused their deaths. Because they listened to the antivaccination lobby, they caught the virus. If they had the vaccination, they may have lived. I was 22 at the time and now alone no really close family except Andrew 32 my mother's stepbrother. Her father had remarried and adopted his new wife's son 8 at the time. Her parents died 11 years ago in a car accident. Andrew went to university and got a great job overseas afterwards and he regularly kept in touch, and we visited him in 2019. My mother treated him as her brother, even those there was 21 years different in their ages. He was like an older brother to me growing up. As I was going to university at the time and Andrew was overseas, he asked me to transfer to a university closer to him. I hadn't the money to afford such a transfer, but Andrew said he would pay my tuition. The transfer was helped by Andrew paying for my courses and I moved in with him. As it was England there wasn't a major language problem for me. Living with Andrew and just catching a bus to the university as easier than back home as I had to ride a bicycle 6 miles there and back. I didn't drive much, and Andrew taught me to drive in England. I settled in fairly quickly but didn't date, I wasn't big on dating even before I moved to England. I had to adjust to their teaching methods and studied to catch up. Andrew took me around seeing the sites and out to dinners and concerts. I went with him to his firm's award dinners, and we became very close. But he didn't make a move on me, but I was very attracted to him and last Christmas eve I joined him in his bed and got him to fuck me. As they say once you start it's hard to stop. I moved my clothes into his bedroom and sleep with him fulltime in January. I not pregnant yet but I'm planning on having our first child when I finish university.
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