My family found me a wife


I'm the youngest of 3 and a nerd according to my brothers, I'm shy around strangers and prefer quiet to nosey parties. My parents had me 6 years after my second brother and 8 years after my oldest brother. I'm referred to as awkward to explain my shyness to strangers, which doesn't improve my confidence any. So, at 24 having never been on a date and of course still a virgin. My family decided they should step in and find me a wife, especially my mother who thought it was her duty to get me married. My father had business interests that were international and thru his interests he came across an opportunity to grow his business. An international business contact had an equally awkward daughter to me and as a way of bringing their businesses closer together a marriage was proposed between me and the daughter. My parents were all for it as were my annoying brothers. I was expected to do as they required, which I had always done the past. But this time I thought they had gone too far; I was going to refuse. But that changed when I saw the woman I was to marry. I was instantly attracted to her; she wasn't how I thought she would look. I thought if she had to be ugly or overweight, neither were true. She was slender and plain in looks with blacked rimmed glasses and dressed like an old librarian in old movies. I'm no looker myself skinny also with glasses and gawky looking face. Instead of refusing, I started to panic that she wouldn't want me. But like me she was under the thumb of her family. The marriage was all arranged that same day, I was now somewhat eager to marry. But went along with all their arrangements, never alone with her at any time. Fearing I would make a fool of myself, I decided to get laid and get some instruction. I knew the basics due to the sex education and wanted actual experience first before the wedding night. I'm not short of money and very nervous around strangers. But we had a woman 57 working for us, who I wasn't nervous around and she had some financial woes, her car was overdue to be replaced and medical bills that drained her paycheck every month. As I had 3 months to the wedding, I asked her to teach me about sex (short version). It was a bumbling enquiry on my part, at first, she was shocked once she realized what I was asking. But after giving some thought she agreed, she wasn't slender, but wasn't overweight either about halfway in between. So, I started visiting her for sex lessons and she taught me how to please her and in return. I got her a good secondhand car and paid off her medical bills. But I got to have actual intercourse with her 7 times. Which may seem an expensive exchange, but to me it was priceless. It gave confidence I wouldn't stuff up my wedding night with my bride. It also included several sessions of getting to know her body to relax me enough to have intercourse in the first. My wedding night I was confident and was able to relax and then fuck my bride. I hadn't taken any precautions at all, and my wife got pregnant fairly quickly and we now have 5 children and another on the way. It has been 10 years since we married, and I have more children than my brothers combined. I also surpassed them by having 2 daughters which has greatly pleased my mother. My brothers only have boys, I've gone from the awkward one to the cherished one in my mother's eyes, she had always wanted a daughter or a granddaughter. My wife comes from a large family of 8 children, and she won't take precautions at all. I go with the flow; she doesn't refuse me sex and if she gets pregnant. I'm happy with that and I know it will annoy my brothers also.
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