My Family
Father of the Family2
Brief history. My parents both died when I was 12 and mother's only sibling took me in. My aunt was only 27 at the time and already had a daughter 9. Being a single mother as the father of her daughter left as soon as she got pregnant. With the help of her parents, she raised her daughter. Her father passed away and then my parents passed away in car accident and with the help of her mother my grandmother she raised me and her daughter. When I was 17 her mother my grandmother passed away. I had little knowledge of my father's side of the family. My aunt didn't date and just cared for her daughter and me. When I was 20 and training to be a mechanic, we got visited by a lawyer who was looking for me. An uncle of my father had passed away and I was his only heir. My father had been quiet about his family and was 13 years older than my mother and his parent died when I was 7 and 8. I hadn't ever heard of the uncle, and he had no children of his own. Anyway, I was now very well off and wanted to help my aunt and cousin. My cousin was like me not smart enough for university and worked at clothing store. My Aunt worked as a receptionist. I didn't need to work anymore but kept up my training anyway, nothing really changed at first. We stayed in the same house (her parent's house) and only went out together. Just before Christmas 2021 we went away for a holiday together and I was now 23 and we had a great time and started having a sexual relationship. My cousin went to bed early and my aunt and me stayed up longer and ended up in bed together fucking. Being found naked in bed together next morning by her daughter/my cousin. My cousin wasn't happy because she hadn't been included and still a bit drunk and not thinking right. We said join us now and we all had sex again and have continued having sex ever since. As we were now all sleeping together every night, we decided to sell up and move somewhere new. My uncle's home was empty, and we moved there and being in another state we weren't know as much as we were in our previous hometown. Not working and living together it was assumed my cousin was my wife and my aunt my mother-in-law. Which we encouraged and also my aunt had missed 2 of her periods and likewise my cousin. Perils of unprotected sex, but they every test going nothing bad was found. My cousin changed her surname to mine and worn wedding rings. My aunt didn't do much more than hide the fact she was pregnant. When they were close, we went away for a holiday and returned after the babies were born 2 days apart. A boy to my cousin and a girl to my aunt and as far as anyone knew the babies were twins. Not needing to work my cousin is happy being a mother and my aunt is happy being a grandmother/mother. Sex is still part of our lives together and we'll continue as long as we all want too.
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