Lauren Beautiful Girlie 2


It was Friday and this weekend was one my wife Sarah had been talking about for bloody weeks. Actually she got my bloody tits keep going on, and 'Make sure you've booked the weekend off' she kept reminding me. Like I could bloody forget - she wouldn't let me. You see it was her friend's birthday, not just any old birthday, but the big 3-0. Like that's something to celebrate? Anyhow, she and her friends had planned a big 'girls night out' for the Friday, and the plan was for her to stay overnight, and get some retail therapy in on the Saturday. The plan for me? Oh I'm the babysitter didn't you know? I didn't mind as I love my daughter to bits, and being that she's so young I thought I'll put her down and that'll be that, as she's as good as gold of a night bless her. I thought maybe I'd get some beers in and a couple of videos or something. Either way it would be a quiet night in for me, and her friend would drop her home late on Saturday evening, or she'd stay until Sunday. I said I wasn't bothered provided she a). Didn't expect me to come and get her, and b). She rang me before she left to say she was on her way. And so it was, her friend picked her up about 5.30pm, she kissed me and Marie goodbye and left for her wild weekend. Not long after I bathed our daughter and got her ready for bed. Ten minutes later I heard the sound of her sleeping soundly as she lay on my chest. I wonder what 2 1/2 year olds dream about...or even if they dream at all? I carried her to her room and settled her down for the night. I sat there for 10 minutes or so in case she woke up, and just watched the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. When she was first born I watched her for hours, afraid if I left she'd stop breathing, as I'd heard so much about cot death, but I was thankful everyday that I had a beautiful and healthy daughter.

On the way back I made a coffee and settled down in my chair with a cigarette. After I smoked I must have dozed off as I woke with a jump about an hour later as I heard someone knocking on the door. Still half asleep I trundled to answer it, as the door knocked again. 'Okay okay I'm coming!' I called, assuming it was Sarah's friend from upstairs. I opened the door and Sue stood there. 'Sorry Sue' I said, 'I'd dozed off in the chair and thought it was her from upstairs' Sue was looking concerned. 'I'm really sorry to disturb you Keith' she started, 'but I think Anthony has hurt himself, could you take a look?' She knew I'd been trained in emergency medical aid for the past 5 years because of my job, so people often came to me in an emergency. 'Of course!' I said, grabbing on my emergency bag that I left beside the door. I followed her into her flat, and she led me into the kid's room with its bunk beds. Anthony was on the floor crying clutching his leg. 'What you been up to mate?' I asked. I didn't like him much, but I never liked to see ANY child in distress regardless and part of the training, especially when dealing with children, was to talk to them in a friendly manner, reassure them and put them at their ease as much as you can. Sue interrupted. 'Thinks he's fucking spider man don't he? Thought he could fly from the top bunk, silly bastard! He's old enough to know better! she said. For the first time ever I felt a bit of sympathy for the boy as I knelt down to his level. 'Where's it hurt me 'ol mate?' I said in a friendly singsong way. ' really hurts' he managed to get out between sobs. 'I need to get his trousers off' I said to Sue, reaching in my bag. 'I'll have to cut them' 'They're old anyway' she replied as I started cutting his trousers away. 'Actually...' Sue said to me very quietly, ' can I say...caught himself on the wood at the end' then whispering, not wanting to embarrass him 'between his legs'. I winced at just the thought. 'Ah..right..I understand!' I said, understanding her own embarrassment, 'no problem' 'I'll be in the other room' she whispered taking hold of Lauren's hand who'd been watching proceedings. I quickly exchanged glances with her, and her hand went to her mouth to stifle a giggle. I was glad she left as I was afraid I'd giggle too. I cut away his trousers so that all Anthony had on was a matching sideman t-shirt and pants. He still looked a little embarrassed but it was better now the females had left the scene. 'Don't worry mate' I told him, 'soon sort you out! Gonna have to cut these off too' I told him pointing to his pants. He'd stopped crying now and nodded, giving me a look of 'it don't matter 'cos we're all boys together' I cut through the side of his tight pants and pulled them away. I was quite surprised, as he had a nice little package for his age. Although what had gone on with Lauren, I'd never thought of Anthony in a sexual way even though I liked boys as well. I was seeing him in a different light, but continued with the job in hand (which isn't an intended pun considering what happened next). His ball sac was very, very red and so was his groin area. He'd obviously hit himself hard, and in a very tender delicate place and I genuinely felt really sorry for him as he was obviously in a lot of pain. 'I'm gonna need to look a bit closer' I told him, 'which means I'm gonna have to touch you down there to move it and have a good look' He nodded as if he'd already realised that. 'Okay' I said, 'you need to open your legs a little first Ant' VERY gingerly because of the great pain, he slowly opened his legs as much as he could. 'Oh..aargh!' he grimaced. It obviously hurt to do that. 'I'm gonna take a look okay?' I asked him. He nodded again, and I noticed tears had welled up again. I put a reassuring arm around his shoulders. 'Don't worry' I told him, 'you'll be okay, and don't be embarrassed' jokingly I said to him 'I've got one of those as well you know' He laughed a little but it hurt him to do so.

I reached between his legs and gently moved his flaccid little boy cock to one side. Then I cupped his tight ball sac and lifted it up, causing Anthony to wince. I then inspected his general groin area, which was turning black with bruising. I noticed his little uncircumcised cock had stiffened due to my handling. Anthony looked at me as if to ask what it was and why. I looked at and it was now hard, and then looked at him. He was noticeably embarrassed. 'Don't worry about that' I told him, 'it's normal for that to happen when it's handled, and sometimes even if it hasn't' That seemed to allay his fears. It seemed he had sustained quite a nasty injury which was beyond my scope of knowledge, and I really couldn't do anything much to help the poor little sod. I grabbed a blanket and put it over Anthony's lower body. 'I think you need to go to hospital' I told him, 'just to be checked and be on the safe side'. I called Sue back in and relayed the same information to her. 'Oh' she said ' but what about Lauren and how will I get him there?' She was starting to panic a little. 'Right' I told her, call an ambulance and that way they'll lift him so he doesn't get injured further. Lauren can stay with me until you get back' I offered. 'Only thing is that Sarah's not home...'I started to tell her. 'That don't matter' she replied, 'she adores you! She's always saying she loves it when YOU baby-sit, no-one else, just you, and I trust you implicitly!' she continued, 'are you sure you don't mind?' I smiled inwardly. 'Course not! I'm on babysitting duty anyway!' I told her. 'Don't know what I'd do without you' she said. 'You call an ambulance and I'll sort Lauren out' I grabbed a Lauren's duvet and pillow, and 'Tickle' which I knew was Lauren's favourite cuddly toy that she normally took with her to bed, as I heard Sue call 999 for the ambulance. I spun round and Lauren was there behind me. I hadn't noticed earlier but she was already dressed in her pyjamas. She looked delightful, and it was the first time I'd ever seen her with her hair down. She had on a dark red pair of pyjamas which were silk effect and had little Disney's '101 Dalmatians' puppies printed all over them. 'Am I coming in your house? she asked. She always said 'house' even though we lived in a flat! 'Yep!' I replied. Her face lit up. As she followed me through to the kitchen. 'And' I added after checking no-one was within earshot, 'Sarah's not in!' Lauren gave me a very knowing smile. We walked into the other room and I could see the reflection of the blue flashing lights, signifying that the ambulance had arrived. 'Sorry I couldn't do more' I said to Sue 'You done more than enough' Sue replied, 'and thanks again for having Lauren. Do you know she never plays you up? You're the only one where she always behaves herself!' I laughed and grinned at her. 'Must be my charm....or scared I'll tell her off and then tell you' Sue laughed, 'no she really like you. I think she see's you as the Dad she doesn't have!' 'Happy to be the replacement!' I said, 'if my Marie grows up like her, I'll have a daughter to be very proud of'. I meant it as well, although of course I was already immensely proud of my daughter. 'I'll leave you to it' I whispered to Sue as two paramedics entered. 'Okay, and thanks again. I'll call from the hospital' 'No problem' I said, 'but you know what accident department's are like. If it gets real late I'll settle her down for the night on the sofa and you can get her in the morning if you like?' 'Okay thanks. See you later' 'Hope everything's okay Ant!' I shouted. 'Thanks! I heard him say. Poor little bugger I thought, fancy crushing your nuts like that. Then wickedly, I wonder if Spider man has ever crushed his nuts? [giggle] Lauren carried her pillow, 'Tickle' under her arm, and I carried the duvet. We got into my place and I closed the door. 'Just dump it on there for now' I said to Lauren pointing to the sofa. I was elated.

I had my sweet little Lauren all to myself, we were all alone, not having to rush things and best of all, other than my sleeping daughter who was too young to tell tales, with Sarah gone all night, Sue off to hospital with Anthony, no listening out for others. I couldn't have planned this. No matter what, I had already decided that Lauren was staying the night! 'Well' I said to my little 7 year old lover, 'what do you make of all that? Lauren giggled. 'Did Anthony break his willy? she said. I burst out laughing; the things kids say! 'No darling' I said still laughing, 'he didn't break his willy! I don't think you can..maybe..I dunno, but no he hasn't!' She gave this a little thought. 'Thought not cos I saw it was still in one piece' I didn't quite follow what she meant to be honest. 'Eh?' was all I could say. 'I looked through the crack of the door when you were helping him, and it was sticking up and it didn't look broke!' 'Oh..err..right' I couldn't think of an answer to that. 'Crafty little moo!' I said, 'you shouldn't spy on your brother like that' 'I was worried 'bout him' she said. I could see the logic in her answer. 'Come here ya little minx!' I said. She came to me and I lifted her up. I kissed her lips and her little button nose. She looked so different with her hair down. It was kind of scraggly, and made her look wanton. My hands were on her small bottom as she wrapped her legs around me. 'Are we..err..going to do things? she asked. 'What things? 'You know..'she said. 'I don't' I replied, 'you'll have to tell me. If you want something then you have to tell me exactly what it is you want' I love hearing sexy dirty talk from little girls, so I was hoping to encourage her to do just that. She whispered in my ear. 'Sex things' 'You don't have to whisper' I told her 'there's only us here. You can say anything you want when we're alone, swear words, sexy word, dirty words, but ONLY when we're alone okay?' She nodded and then said louder, 'sex things?' 'Do you want to?' I asked. She nodded vigorously with enthusiasm. 'Maybe..' I said 'later on. You'll have to ask me though' I told her. I kissed her forehead before putting her down. I made a coffee for myself and a milky chocolate drink for Lauren. Walking past the window I spotted the stretcher with Anthony on it being wheeled out. 'There goes your brother!' I told Lauren. I knelt down looking out of the low window so only my top half could be seen from outside and Lauren came and stood next to me. Being so little only her head could be seen. I put an arm around little Lauren and she stood closer into me. I slipped my hand down the back of her silky pyjama trousers, and was pleased to discover she didn't wear knickers to bed. 'You haven't got knickers on' I said to Lauren 'I don't wear them to bed silly! she replied, as if I was stupid not to have known that. 'Don't you wear them with a nightie?' I asked. She shook her head. I mentally stored that snippet of information away as I ran my finger along her bum crack. I saw Sue look up and wave at Lauren, and we both waved back min acknowledgement. As she done that my tip of my little finger entered he tight little bum hole.

Lauren acted like nothing was happening, and I couldn't help wondering what Sue's reaction would have been if she'd known her little 7 year old daughter was waving at her while my finger was up her little bum hole. I suspect I'D be the one needing that ambulance that was just pulling away! We watched the ambulance round the corner out of sight, then I pulled the curtains closed. When I turned round Lauren was pulling her pyjamas bottoms down. Then casually she stepped out of them, and kicked them to one side. I was surprised; I knew she was keen, but never realised she was THAT keen! I decided to tease her a little, as my cock hardened even more. 'What you doing? I asked. 'Getting ready!' she replied like it was the most natural thing in the world for a 7-year-old girl to go in her neighbours flat and strip off in preparation for a sex session with an adult. 'For what?' I teased. 'Sex things' she said casually 'What makes you think I want to?' I asked. 'The size of your hard willy' she said just as casually. I was beaten, and knew it. I looked down to my grey joggers and my rock hard cock had tented them out, and a damp satin had just started appearing where I'd leaked copious amounts of pre-cum. I couldn't help but laugh at this cute, sexy and very intelligent little girl. 'So are we going to have sex then?' she said matter of factly. 'Course we are sweetheart...what shall we do?' Mindful of what I'd said earlier about saying exactly what she wanted she said 'will you lick my Minnie again? I really like that, it makes me feel all squishy and tingly!' 'Oh..alright' I said as if not really wanting to, 'if I have to! Lauren went and sat on my armchair, while I got on my knees between her open legs......... .........

For the first time really, I saw her sweet little pussy in all its glory. The smooth hairless lips looked beautiful. I grabbed Lauren's hips and gently pulled her towards the edge of the armchair, and placed her ankles onto my shoulders. I was so close to her I could smell her sweet little girl scent. One of the things I really loved about Lauren was her smell. I'd never smelled anything quite like her before, and I haven't since. From the lemon shampoo I knew she used, to the slightly scented soap. Even her clothing smelled lovely, thanks to the fabric conditioner her Mum used. 'Let me have a good look sweetheart' I told her. Lauren brought her hand down to between her legs, and with her little fingers pulled her sweet pussy lips apart for me to have a closer look. I was surprised to see a sheen of wetness down there, as I peered into her tight little hole. It was so tiny, yet so sexy. 'Are you still doing it yourself in bed?' I asked her. Lauren nodded. I kissed her mound. 'Show me how you do it' I said to her quietly. Lauren moved one of her fingertips along her tiny slit after lubricating it in her mouth. Then she started to rub the little love button at the top of it. Every so often she slipped her finger into her love tunnel. she was a little clumsy with it, being only 7, but what she lacked in technique, she certainly made up for in enthusiasm. As she rubbed her little pussy, I pulled off my joggers, and slowly rubbed my cock. It was so erotic watching my sweet little Lauren fingering herself for me. I moved in between her legs and Lauren moved her hands away. Pulling her pussy towards me I planted little kisses on her beautiful little mound, much to her delight. Then I teased her by lightly licking the top of her mound, before moving my tongue down slightly onto her tiny little clit. As the tip of my tongue made contact with it Lauren jumped like I'd touched her with a red-hot poker. 'Oooh' she squealed, 'lick me there, that it so nice'. With the tip of my tongue I flicked her love button gently with the most feather light of touches. Each time I done this Lauren arched her back. 'Ooh..yeeess...nice' she gasped. Then I sucked on her little clit, and she nearly went into orbit. This little girl loved a good oral session; but then, I'd never met a little girl who didn't once they'd experienced it the first time. Lauren's hands went to the back of my head and she pulled me closed. I licked her slit up and down a few times, going right down to her little rose bud bum hole. Then I poked my tongue into her. 'AAhh..oohh' She was really squealing now! Her hands had a vice like grip on the back of my head now, and she pulled my mouth onto her little pussy so hard I thought I was going to suffocate. Still, what a way to go, with my mouth attached to a little juicy pink puffy wet pussy. At least I'd have died deliriously happy! I was now tongue fucking little Lauren as much as I could, and she was squirming all over the place and arching her back. 'Ooh put it in more...just there...lick me harder....' she was squealing, I was obliging, although with her continual movements, it was sometimes difficult to keep my tongue in the right place! I'd never tongued a little girl who had got this wet before. My little lover was very turned on and excited, and oh her juices tasted like pure nectar! 'Ooh..the squishy feeling....' she gasped, as I felt her little legs clamp round my head blocking off sound to my ears, as her body shuddered. Now not only was I suffocating, I felt like I'd gone deaf! My little girl was having a climax. I pulled my mouth off, and gently encouraged Lauren. 'Let it happen're cumming...cum for me...' Lauren was still squealing and making other pleasurable sounds as I lifted up a little, my hands travelling up her little body and teasing her little nipples. I noticed her eyes were closed and she was still writhing a little as her orgasm started to slow. I very gently lifted her legs off my shoulders and placed them down on the floor, then moved up to her sweet face and plated little butterfly kisses on her lips. Eventually she came back down to earth and my sweet little Lauren opened her eyes to see me looking straight into them. 'You okay?' I asked her. Dreamily she nodded. 'That felt nice I take it?' She nodded again, and threw her arms around me. I kissed her nose, 'I love you' I whispered 'Love ya back' she whispered in reply. 'Wanna kiss properly?' I asked her. She looked slightly puzzled. 'I'll show you' I told her and bought my lips to hers. Slowly I slipped my tongue into her mouth, and was surprised she didn't recoil or react negatively in any way. My tongue searched her little mouth, and when our tongues touched it was like a bolt of lightning between us.

Our tongues danced with each other and we kissed with genuine passion for a couple of minutes, like it was the most natural thing for a man to do with his sexy beautiful neighbour. Eventually I broke it off, and let my little lover come up for air, although it seemed we could have carried on kissing forever. 'That was SO nice', I told her, 'you've never kissed like that before have you?' I teased. She shook her head, and I believed her, but she was such a natural it made me wonder briefly. Lauren happened to look at my cock and saw the pre-cum that had leaked out. Pointing at it she said 'Look! all that stuff's coming out!' I looked at my cock and she was right. I was leaking all over! 'That's your fault' I told her. She gave me one of her quizzical looks, so I explained about pre-cum and it's purpose. I also explained to her about cum itself, and how it made babies, but she was too young etc. Her only response was 'Oh'. 'I need a wee' she told me. 'Okay' I replied starting to get up, 'you know where it is' 'Lo?' I said 'Yeah' 'Can I come with you?' I asked. 'Yeah, but why?' 'Well', I began, I'd like to watch you...if that's alright?' 'Okay!' she said. It obviously didn't bother her. I was elated. I loved the idea of watching a little girl peeing, and it wasn't something I'd seen too often, although I had, so I always took the opportunity if I could. We entered the bathroom, which was combined with the toilet. Lauren stopped and didn't sit on the toilet, which I thought was a bit strange. 'You okay? You changed your mind sweetheart?' I asked, 'I don't mind if you have' 'Just finking' she replied. 'Lift me up' she said. 'Lift you up where?' I asked. 'Lift me into the bath' I lifted her up and put her into the empty bath. 'If I do it in here, you can see better' she told me, 'then you run the tap! Just like flushing ..see?' Lauren had this habit of saying things in such a way that it made you feel stupid as if you should have known or worked it out for yourself. I sat on the toilet bowl with the lid down as Lauren squatted down, opening her legs and pulling her little pussy open, then I saw a slow trickle of golden liquid, which to me was a glorious sight. I don't know what it is but I love to watch little ones peeing, especially little girls, and Lauren realised this pretty quickly. She moved closer to me and invited me to stroke her pussy while she peed. I didn't need asking twice as my fingers stroked her little lips, feeling the wet warm liquid flowing over my hand as I did so. I was so close to her that I could smell her urine. It was sweet smelling, not like the usual dank acrid smell you usually associate with it. Eventually the flow slowed to a little trickle again...Lauren forcing out the last in little squirts, before it slowed up totally. 'Pass me some tissue please' she asked. 'I got a better idea!' I told her, and pulled her close to me. I closed my lips over her mound and licked her little pussy clean for a couple of minutes. I tasted the last remains of Lauren's we. She tasted so sweet, I wished there had been more. When I'd finished I looked up at her smiling face. 'That feels much better than just wiping' she giggled, 'wish that happened every time I did a pee!' So did I! I stood up, my cock sticking out solid again, and I knew I had to get some relief as my cock ached so much from this sexy little 7 year old. Lauren being an intelligent and astute little girl, realised this.

I was stiff standing quite close to her and I felt her warm little finger wrap around my hard man cock. The feeling was heavenly as Lauren squeezed it. I wrapped my hand around hers and gently showed her how to slide her hand back and forth over my cock. ''s all slippery! she giggled 'I like that though' I gently coaxed her to do it faster and she decided that she'd have a better grip if she used both hands. I wanted the feeling to last as long as I could as it felt exquisite having a beautiful sweet juicy girl old masturbate me. I decided to try and up the ante. 'Lauren?' I said Still wanking me in quite a steady rhythm she looked up at me. 'Would you put it in your mouth for me sweetheart?' I asked her. I could tell she was thinking about it and wasn't quite sure. 'If you don't like it then you can stop straightway' I told her, 'but try it first eh?' She nodded and moved her face close to my cock. I could see that the copious amounts of pre-cum leaking might have been putting her off, but I watched as her tongue snaked out and licked the tip. she must have decided that it wasn't as bad as she'd thought it might be, and the next thing I felt was a small soft pair of warm lips over the end. She was sucking on the tip and then moved so that a little more was in her mouth. Oh my god I was in heaven I really was. Then I felt her tongue flicking the end of my cock while she sucked. I knew I wouldn't last long. I gently held the back of her head as I moved my hips back and forth ever so slightly, but enough to be ever so gently and ever so slightly fucking her mouth. I didn't want to frighten her or put her off, but she hadn't stopped or said she didn't like it so that was a good sign. I could feel my cum building and decided to warn little Lauren.
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