I was wanting
Found It
I was a real pain growing up and finally my father had enough and sent me to military school. I was 12 at the time and it did straighten me out you could say. I was now very self-assured and believed in myself and only myself. I like sports and exercising and studied hard as well. I would never be a great sportsman, but I graduated third in my year. The other two student were exceptional and went on to great things, I went to work for a large international business. I'd relationships and wasn't interested in marrying and played the field you could say. But I also felt empty inside, like something was missing. I didn't know what and hadn't thought much about it. Then I was invited to my boss's family Christmas party as I was away from close family. His family were all very happy and were all married and had their own children. That is when it dawned on me, I wanted a family of my own. But none of the women I was dating were what I wanted in a wife. I couldn't put my finger on why, I just knew. I started thinking and decided it was because they slept with me. But I now believe they were to like me and that's why I rejected them. I've seen women like them with children and they are on their phones and not watching the children at all. I wanted a woman who would be watching the children instead of being on her phone. I got promoted and got a PA 46 divorced 1 child 25 and I got on very well with PA and I was soon fucking her for our mutual pleasure. I was pretty well-set career wise and only 33. another Christmas came and I wanted to go somewhere private and just fuck my PA the whole holiday break. Except she was celebrating Christmas her daughter. The daughter wasn't the type I give a second look after meeting. Quiet and a bookworm was my impression on our first meeting, which was basically correct. I realized I could still take my PA to a quiet lakeside cabin and her daughter could come along and wouldn't stop my fucking her mother. So, I pitched my idea, and it was accepted. We arrived got settled and the daughter had soon found her spot to read and whatever. My PA couldn't have any more children due to women's problems and had surgery to fit that's what I was told, and I left at that. But my PA had a yearning to be a grandmother and have grandchildren. But her daughter had no interest in dating, but she decided as we were all together. Maybe she and I could seduce her daughter and get her pregnant. She really wanted to be a grandmother, so she asked me about helping her. I wouldn't be expected to marry her daughter just get her pregnant. At first, I was against the whole idea. But lodged in my head and it kept coming to the fore in my thoughts. Lying in bed in early hours, I started thinking it over again and again. Then I came to realize that the daughter might be the answer to my hollow feeling I had inside me. So, the next morning I told my PA I had changed my mind and was now agreeable. That afternoon she and I started our seduction of her daughter, it sometime to get the daughter into bed with us and a fair bit of wine. But we managed it, and the daughter was stayed in our bed every night after that. On returning home they moved in with me and as far the company staff knew I was having a relationship my PA daughter. But I was fucking my PA more than her daughter. In March she was pregnant, and I had gotten close to her and decided to marry her. Which I did and my PA shared our bed every night still. That was 7 years ago now I'm much happier and have 3 children and my wife is the perfect mother to them and only just had our third child. Her mother is still my PA and still sleeps with us. It just normal for us after all these years.
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