A Sudden Threesome with the New Couple Next Door


She leaned forward, long silky dark hair framing high cheekbones, and I saw the curve of her breasts shifting beneath the designer robe.
A strange thing happened to me recently. You just never know what surprises the day may have in store for you…

I had taken in a delivery for my new neighbours. At that point, the nearest I’d come to meeting them was a quick wave across the landing when they had moved in the previous week. I was stunned at what a handsome couple they were. Mediterranean I think. Both tall, tanned, strong and lithe.

I was on my way out to meet a friend and knocked on their apartment door with the parcel. The woman opened it and enthusiastically greeted me, “Ah, darling, you are the beautiful neighbour. We’ve been wanting to meet you. Come in. Come in. Bearing a gift, too.”

Before I could explain anything — Sophia — held my hand and pulled me inside.

Almost as if they’d been expecting me, she gave me a glass of champagne and led me over to sit on a bar stool against her large kitchen island.

As we got acquainted, she casually dropped one hand onto my conveniently placed knee, her nails slowly grazing my bare skin.

I took a sharp intake of breath.

“My husband, Carlos, is resting from a hard day at work.” She gestured with her long slender fingers towards the sofa across the open-plan room.

“I think he is fast asleep, darling. He naps like… a big lion or something.” She laughed loudly without inhibitions.

We chatted and I watched Sophia watching me as my face burned.

We’d only just met, but I felt inexplicably drawn to her.

She leaned slightly forward, long silky dark hair framing high cheekbones, and I saw the curve of her breasts shifting beneath the designer loose robe.

“Tell me, Cas — do you have a lover?”

My heart skipped a beat.

“I… no, not exactly. I’m between boyfriends at the moment,” I stammered.

I could feel myself blushing again. Unsure why I felt compelled to be so honest with her. She seemed to read my every thought as it was. Holding my gaze, she eased off the barstool and stepped around me. I felt her breath on the side of my neck before her lips. Without saying a word, she unfastened the pin which secured the bodice of my dress in place and the fabric peeled down, exposing my breast — exposing me!

Her tongue coiled around my ear, and she began to whisper soft Italian sounds, strange and thrilling.

Standing, I turned, into her arms, and our mouths locked in a fierce, deep kiss. Her robe conveniently fell open, and I eagerly stroked her bronzed skin.

Two fingers slipped inside my damp heat as her hand weaved between my open legs. Then, she pulled back slightly from our embrace, my lips inches from her own… panting.

Our play had literally roused Carlos from his nap. Joining us, also without speaking — as if all this had been rehearsed — he removed my dress completely. I groaned appreciatively as he picked me up like a rag doll and set me down on the leather cushions as if I was a prized possession.

Looming over me, he held me fast, his smile broad and simple, while Sophia knelt in front. The smell of her was like a drug.

My dress was gone, my inhibitions went with it, and my willpower was following them out the door.

I opened myself — inviting, expecting her devilish mouth to feed from me, but instead Carlos threw off his dressing gown and I saw his length standing proud, rearing up in front of my eyes.

I knew exactly what they wanted. What I wanted…

Sophia sat next to me and whispered some soft obscenity, then pulled my wrists into her hands, above my head, holding me firmly in position while her husband ripped into my core.

I shrieked.

In response, Sophia’s lips fastened on mine. We kissed, twisting our faces like teenagers. I had lost all control. Carlos was pounding me, to an orchestration of squelches, backed by the rhythm of flesh on flesh slaps, as our bodies met in a slam dance. I was powerless to resist, willingly forced tight against the leather pillows, gasping.

All of a sudden, I felt my moment rising and gave in; wrenching my mouth away from Sophia’s I released a howl of pleasure as I shuddered, my hands gripping for something, anything to hold on to.

Then something odd happened… I must have blacked out for a few seconds. A peculiarity brought on by the intense scenario. Next thing I knew I was sat upright, cradled in their arms and being fed sips of ice-cold water from a glass. Sophia sprinkled some drops on my brow and cheeks.

“Cas, darling, you are okay, yes?”

“Yes — yes, I’m just…” I could hear my own thumping heartbeat beginning to slow. “… just a little overwhelmed, that’s all.”

“You are so, so red and hot… Red-hot, darling.” She smiled and I found myself beaming back, captivated by her eyes.

Carlos raised me to my feet and placed me into the biggest, softest chair. I took the glass from his wife’s hands and rolled its coolness against my cheek. I could see the concern in her expression.

“Really, I’m fine.” I closed my eyes for a few seconds and came up grinning yet still not quite sure what had gone on.

Was I unwittingly coerced into a threesome with my gorgeous new neighbours?

Or did I knock on their door, expecting this enthralling scene to unravel in the way it did?

Perhaps I will never know…

But, I am a firm believer, you should grab every unexpected pleasure that is thrown your way with both hands. And that is exactly what I did…
Guys! Give your ladies an Australian kiss. It's the same as a French kiss, but down under, like this: tichaz.com/b/nUX7
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