Wife turns the tables on marauding seals
My wife Cheryl and I had booked a short trip interstate to a small coastal village where we intended to see the local sights and get some sun and some surf. Our main reason for the trip had been to go out on a tour with a local company to swim with the seal population that came to the offshore islands each year to mate before swimming south again where they gave birth and raised the seal pups. The islands were very close to shore so it was a very short boat ride out. Wearing snorkels and fins we all swam in the shallow water as our guides slapped their fins on top of the water making noises that the curious seals couldn't resist, and they swam out to us to investigate. It was great fun watching the agile creatures swim around us and we enjoyed the day immensely.
We had two more days to kill and decided we would explore the sights in the afternoons and spend the mornings at the beach where Cheryl was keen to work on her tan. I also enjoy her sunbathing as she goes topless at any opportunity and her D cups tits, blonde hair and shapely figure make her a head turner wherever she goes. We have a great sex life and Cheryl regularly spices it up by fucking other guys while I watch, usually from a hiding spot or on a screen fed from a hidden camera.
The next morning we decided to go straight out to a beach about 5 miles from town that required a bit of a walk from the carpark. For this reason we figured it would be unlikely that any families would be there and Cheryl could strip off without offending anyone. There were no cars in the carpark when we arrived which was a good start. We walked the path to the beach and made our way along the shore and went around a small headland and onto a small beach where we laid out our towels on the sand. Cheryl discarded her t shirt and bikini top before she even sat on her towel and handed me a bottle of baby oil to rub onto her back and legs which I happily obliged.
Forty minutes passed and finally Cheryl flipped onto her back. I put considerable time into oiling up her tits, making sure to put enough pressure on her pink nipples between my fingers to make them harden. I oiled her stomach and was reminded not to get the oil on her bikini. I suggested she may as well remove it since we had not seen a sole since we arrived and she did so, making me promise to tell her if anyone came along. I agreed and oiled up her legs and shaven pubic mound as she got comfortable and put her shirt over her face so as not to get too burnt. I drizzled a little more oil out of the bottle over her pussy and watched it run down between her legs. I apologized in jest and ran my oily finger between her legs while offering to rub it in. She obliged and let me rub the oil all over her pussy and between her thighs. Thoroughly lubed up she brushed my hand away and told me to let her sunbath in peace.
It was late in the morning now and after 40 minutes of sunning her big tits Cheryl raised herself onto her elbows and watched the small waves for a couple of minutes before declaring that we should go for a swim to cool off a bit. It wasn't an overly hot day but I guess having baby oil all over you and laying in the sun would make you hot. I was happy to go with her and suggested she stay nude to keep her bikini oil free. She dared me to strip off and join her and I accepted since we had still seen no sign of life.
We waded into the cool water and walked through the shallow section where small waves were gently rolling to the shoreline. We got into the deeper water and stayed where it was about chest deep. I wrapped my arms around Cheryl from behind and kissed her neck while watching her tits float. It wasn't long before my cock hardened and was making its presence known against the small of Cheryl's back. With a boob in each hand and continuing to kiss Cheryl's neck I lowered my position until my cock slid between Cheryl's legs. It was sliding easily against her pussy from all of the baby oil and she was responding by pushing back onto it. After a minute or two of this Cheryl reached between her legs and guided my cock into her pussy which was now wet with her own juices as well as the oil.
Balls deep in my wife's pussy I was startled by a dark shape that swam in front of us only a few feet from where we were standing. It was Cheryl that first identified it as one of the seals that we had seen out on the island the day before. The guide had told us that there were many seals that stayed on the outer from the main group and they were mostly young males that were kept away from the females by the older seals. Nerves calmed I slipped my cock back inside Cheryl and we went back to our slow fucking. Another minute passed and the same seal swan by even closer and was with two other seals this time. We were quite excited by the close encounter as they seemed completely unafraid of us. We decided that it was because we weren't bothering them so we continued fucking and just watched as they swam around us.
A fourth seal then joined the group and we became a little more concerned when one swam very close and bumped into us. They were definitely smaller than the seals from the day before and we decided they must be young males just being a bit naughty. When we were bumped again we decided to head back to shore just to be on the safe side. We remained calm and moved slowly through the deeper water as the seals stayed close by, darting in between us and occasionally bumping into our legs. By the time we had made it to knee deep water the seals had bumped us several times and we were about 12 feet apart as we started to walk into the shallower water. One of the seals bumped into the back of Cheryl's legs causing her to fall to her knees. As I made to help her up one of the other seals came between us and growled at me while raising itself on its flippers preventing me from going to Cheryl who was still on her knees and being prevented from standing by the other three seals.
I told Cheryl to stay as calm as possible and crawl the rest of the way and that the seals were just playing. The three seals let her move forward until she was midway between ankle and knee deep while I was kept away by the fourth seal. One of the seals bumped into Cheryl's hip and knocked her onto her side in the shallow water. The seal landed a heavy flipper onto her upper arm as she propped herself onto her elbow to keep her head out of the water while another seal went to the beach side of her head to prevent her being able to crawl any further. The third seal heaved his weight up behind Cheryl and rolled himself onto his side. It was then that I saw his thick heavy looking pink cock protruding from his brown coat and realized that these adolescents had either mistaken Cheryl for some kind of bald seal or that they were attracted by her pussy scent in the water and were planning to fuck her regardless of her species. Cheryl had also spotted the seals cock and tried to struggle free but the two other seals kept her pinned on her side. I was completely helpless and could only watch on as the seal awkwardly shuffled himself forward thrusting at Cheryl's legs with his pink dick. His cock was aligned with her knees and his thick tail had forced her legs apart.
Cheryl had often fantasied about being taken against her will in a controlled environment with me watching on but it was a fantasy involving humans not seals. Now here she was naked in nature with a group of teen males that were ready to mate but had been prevented by doing so by the older more powerful seals. These pups were young and full of cum and seemed happy to deposit it wherever they could.
The seal inched his way forward and his fat cock was slapping from side to side against Cheryl's inner thighs looking for its mark. When the tip of his cock finally reached her pussy it sprang out another 6 inches in length as he thrust forward thinking he had penetrated her. The 12 inch sword swung wildly about until just as suddenly it shrank back to the six inch fat version and he pushed blindly again and once his cock grew on impact and slid off Cheryl's pussy which was clearly still wet from the baby oil and her own pussy juices. He was patient and persistent and made two more failed attempts and then on the fourth attempt is watched as his fat short version parted Cheryl's lips and disappeared inside her pussy. Cheryl gasped as the fat cock first went into her and then shrieked with discomfort as the short fat cock suddenly became the thinner 12 inch version inside of her.
It wasn't Cheryl's first big big cock as we had experimented previously with mans best friend and also two small horses, but those had been on her terms and she had controlled the amount of cock she was taking. This was a different story and this cock had shot out like a periscope inside of her. The seal knew he was in right place now and was thrusting his lower body vigorously. I could see a couple of inches come out of her pussy and then push back into her with each thrust. Cheryl had managed to twist herself just enough to align her pussy into a position that better accommodated his length.
Cheryl confirmed that she was not in any pain and told me not attempt to do anything in case they attacked us both. I kept scanning the beach for anyone who may be able to assist us but there was no-one in sight. The seal thrust his cock into Cheryl for a couple of minutes and then stopped withdrawing it as his fat body shook while he pumped his cum deep inside her. Cheryl tits were shaking in unison with his orgasm. She told me he was cumming inside her and it was nearly over. The seal pups cock slipped out of Cheryl's pussy and a flood of cum gushed out of her into the shallow water as the seal rolled away from her.
Thinking her ordeal was over, Cheryl tried to wriggle away from the two seals that had her pinned down. They made it clear that she was not going anywhere and I watched as the guard seal and the pup that just fucked her swapped positions. She tried hard to keep her legs firmly closed against the newcomer but she was no match for the powerful tail end of the young seal. He prised her legs open and kept his thick tail between them as he shuffled forward just as his predecessor had with his fat cock searching for a warm wet hole. The pup was more successful than his predecessor and hit the mark on his first attempt with Cheryl again taken by surprise by the sudden expansion of his cock as it entered her. There was no variation in technique from this seal and he to filled my wife with cum after a few minutes of thrusting and rolled aside as the cum leaked out of Cheryl and floated away in the shallow waters.
The seals changed places once again and the third pup followed the same routine as the first two and entered Cheryl after three misguided attempts. She was accustomed to the workings of the young seal cocks now and had braced herself for the pink cock to push deep inside her. There was no longer any fear of these pups hurting her and she had relaxed to a point where I could see that she was almost enjoying the raw animal lust. The third pups cock was coming out of Cheryl's pussy 4 to 5 inches with each stroke and this was having an affect on my wife who was now breathing heavier with the pleasure that was building. The fourth seal still had her pinned in position but in the change of places his body was slightly further forward than the previous seal. Cheryl was able to see his 6 inch long thick cock bobbing around in the water excitedly waiting its turn.
It may have been curiosity or it may have been natural sexual instinct that made her reach out and take the young seals cock into her hand while she was still being pounded from behind, but as soon as her fingers wrapped around the shaft it sprang into its full 12 inches of glory. Cheryl hadn't expected this let his cock go in surprise. It immediately returned to its shorter thicker state until she grasped it again and it sprung back to its full length. Cheryl had control of this pup now and she knew it. While ever she had her hand on its shaft the seal would relax its flipper from holding her down and started to roll onto its back. The combination of holding this strange long cock in her hand and the shafting she was still getting was turning Cheryl on even more. She gazed at the long pink cock that was now pointed skywards as she stroked its length. It looked like a plastic wand on her hand glistening with water in the sunlight. Just as it looked like Cheryl was building to a climax the seal that was fucking her spasmed and shook all over as he shot his load into her.
The pups cock withdrew from Cheryl and the now familiar cloud of cum oozed out of her pussy into the water once more. Still with pup number fours cock in her hand as the third seal rolled away Cheryl maintained her grip and waited to see if any of the seals moved positions to allow number four to fuck her.
Pup number four remained motionless and the three remaining pups looked confused and moved a few feet further away. Cheryl knew that while ever she held this pups cock that she was the one now in control. You boys are all the same she said to me laughing as she got to her knees. I asked her what she planned to do and suggested that she hold his cock while she got to her feet and then we should make a run for it. Cheryl was no longer concerned with getting away. She had the upper hand now and told me that if I was ok with it, she would like to make this fat little fucker finish what him and his buddies had started.
I knew the tone and I knew the body language. Cheryl had been denied a building orgasm and wanted the job finished. What had started as a frightening experience had now become a new sexual adventure and she was now turned on by it. I had absolutely no objection to her doing whatever she liked. Cheryl was now standing upright beside the seal with the tip of the pups cock still in her hand. To anyone on the beach it would have looked like a naked blonde woman holding a short pink walking stick resting on top of a fat brown rock out in the shallow water. Not wasting any time, Cheryl placed one foot over the seal and onto sand beside his body so that she was now straddling him. Sliding her hand down his shaft she guided his cock into her pussy a few inches and then placed both of her hands onto his body. The seals natural impulses kicked in and started to hump just as his friends had done. Cheryl's cock craft was now on show as she took his shaft in her hand again and liter herself off his cock again. She made smoothing noises to the pup until he stopped thrusting and then lowered herself down onto him again. She slid up and down six inches of his shaft while making the calming sounds to him. He started thrusting again and she repeated the same action a few more times until he understood that she would stay on his cock while ever he wasn't thrusting. Cheryl wanted to control the orgasm that she was intent on having and now had the seal pup eating out of her hand so to speak. She rode his cock up and down taking the length a little more with each stroke until she was finally fully impaled on it and sitting atop the pup. To his credit, he was resisting the urge to pump her and lay motionless as the strange hairless creature ground her hips down against his hairy body. His long cock would have been reaching area's inside Cheryl that she had only ever felt a couple of times previously and she was enjoying having control of it. Her eyes were closed now and she was rocking back and forth on top of the seal. She sped up as the impending climax was near and then moaned loudly as she shuddered uncontrollably as her orgasm overcame her. Cheryl slowly gyrated her hips as she came down from her high and the seal remained unmoved by the whole experience.
Cheryl regained her composure and knew that the she would have to make the seal cum before we would be able to make for shore. She looked straight at him and told him it was his turn now and planted her feet back into the sand and began to slide up and down on his cock. She started with 4 inches at a time and then 6 and worked her way up to a good 10 inches with each stroke. The seal remained motionless as he had been trained and I teased Cheryl that she may have done too good a job of his obedience training. I'm gonna make this fucker cum she said in defiance to my jibe and lifter herself further up his cock on the next upstroke until just the tip of his pink torpedo was inside her. She made deliberate slow long squats with her legs taking his full foot long cock inside her as I stood behind her and watched her stretched pussy do its work. She was working hard and her breathing was getting louder again. She was building to another climax and sped up the speed of her squats while maintaining the full stroke lengths. I noticed the seals tail beginning to move in a twitching manner and told Cheryl that I thought he was going to cum soon. She maintained her pace and was focused on her own orgasm that was not far away as the young pup could no longer resist the urge that was building inside him.
Cheryl rode that seal until he could not control his head and tail thrusts any longer and he started to shake as his climax overwhelmed him. Cheryl knew the signs well and had managed to hold off on her own orgasm until she felt the seal unload inside her. With fresh cum running out of her pussy she kept riding his cock until she also orgasmed and then dropped her whole bodyweight down onto the pups cock in exhaustion. I watched from behind as his now shorter thicker cock had stretched Cheryl's pussy and slowed the flow of cum to a trickle. Cheryl seemed to enjoy the short thick version inside her as she regained her breath and was slowly rocking back and forward on the softening slug until it plopped out of her and disappeared completely back inside the brown fur of the seal pup.
The pup was done now and wriggled to get out from under Cheryl. She stood up and allowed him to move away towards his buddies who were still loitering several feet away. Thick wads of cum leaked out of Cheryl's pussy, splashing heavily into the water below as we watched the pups swim away.
The rest of our trip went by uneventfully. We returned to the same beach the following day for some more sunbathing but as Cheryl didn't think her pussy was up to another marauding seal pack fucking we decided to stay out of the water. We did see a coupe of older gents fishing further along the beach when we first arrived. They were a good distance from us so at my suggestion we put our towels down on the sand much closer to the shore than the previous day. I told Cheryl how nice it would be for a coupe of old fisherman to see a pretty young lady lying on the beach on such a nice day. Cheryl removed her top but kept her bikini bottoms on and followed the same ritual as the day before starting on her stomach. After 30 minutes I saw the old guys packing up and told Cheryl that I was going to go for a walk in the dunes and would oil her front now before the old guys came by.
Always the good sport. Cheryl let me oil up her tits, stomach and legs before I grabbed my towels and jumped behind the nearest dune where I couldn't be seen. The old men made their way slowly along the beach and didn't seem to notice Cheryl until they were quite close. I saw elbow the other and then watched as they both ogled my wife who was lying on her back only about 50-60 feet away. When they drew to about 30 feet away Cheryl called out and asked them if they had caught anything. Doing their best to pretend that she wasn't topless they replied that they had caught some fish and motioned to the buckets they were carrying. Cheryl was sitting up now and also acting as if she was fully dressed. She asked if she could take a look and both of the guys nodded their approvals.
Jumping to her feet. Cheryl skipped down the beach like an excited girl, with her D cup tits bouncing freely. She reached the men and looked int the buckets while they feasted their eyes on her naked tits. The interaction didn't last long but the men had been treated to some young firm tits that they would not have been expecting. Little did they know that if they had been one day earlier they would have seen this young lady being gang banged by seal ups and if it was one day later she probably would have fucked both of them right there on the beach.
We had two more days to kill and decided we would explore the sights in the afternoons and spend the mornings at the beach where Cheryl was keen to work on her tan. I also enjoy her sunbathing as she goes topless at any opportunity and her D cups tits, blonde hair and shapely figure make her a head turner wherever she goes. We have a great sex life and Cheryl regularly spices it up by fucking other guys while I watch, usually from a hiding spot or on a screen fed from a hidden camera.
The next morning we decided to go straight out to a beach about 5 miles from town that required a bit of a walk from the carpark. For this reason we figured it would be unlikely that any families would be there and Cheryl could strip off without offending anyone. There were no cars in the carpark when we arrived which was a good start. We walked the path to the beach and made our way along the shore and went around a small headland and onto a small beach where we laid out our towels on the sand. Cheryl discarded her t shirt and bikini top before she even sat on her towel and handed me a bottle of baby oil to rub onto her back and legs which I happily obliged.
Forty minutes passed and finally Cheryl flipped onto her back. I put considerable time into oiling up her tits, making sure to put enough pressure on her pink nipples between my fingers to make them harden. I oiled her stomach and was reminded not to get the oil on her bikini. I suggested she may as well remove it since we had not seen a sole since we arrived and she did so, making me promise to tell her if anyone came along. I agreed and oiled up her legs and shaven pubic mound as she got comfortable and put her shirt over her face so as not to get too burnt. I drizzled a little more oil out of the bottle over her pussy and watched it run down between her legs. I apologized in jest and ran my oily finger between her legs while offering to rub it in. She obliged and let me rub the oil all over her pussy and between her thighs. Thoroughly lubed up she brushed my hand away and told me to let her sunbath in peace.
It was late in the morning now and after 40 minutes of sunning her big tits Cheryl raised herself onto her elbows and watched the small waves for a couple of minutes before declaring that we should go for a swim to cool off a bit. It wasn't an overly hot day but I guess having baby oil all over you and laying in the sun would make you hot. I was happy to go with her and suggested she stay nude to keep her bikini oil free. She dared me to strip off and join her and I accepted since we had still seen no sign of life.
We waded into the cool water and walked through the shallow section where small waves were gently rolling to the shoreline. We got into the deeper water and stayed where it was about chest deep. I wrapped my arms around Cheryl from behind and kissed her neck while watching her tits float. It wasn't long before my cock hardened and was making its presence known against the small of Cheryl's back. With a boob in each hand and continuing to kiss Cheryl's neck I lowered my position until my cock slid between Cheryl's legs. It was sliding easily against her pussy from all of the baby oil and she was responding by pushing back onto it. After a minute or two of this Cheryl reached between her legs and guided my cock into her pussy which was now wet with her own juices as well as the oil.
Balls deep in my wife's pussy I was startled by a dark shape that swam in front of us only a few feet from where we were standing. It was Cheryl that first identified it as one of the seals that we had seen out on the island the day before. The guide had told us that there were many seals that stayed on the outer from the main group and they were mostly young males that were kept away from the females by the older seals. Nerves calmed I slipped my cock back inside Cheryl and we went back to our slow fucking. Another minute passed and the same seal swan by even closer and was with two other seals this time. We were quite excited by the close encounter as they seemed completely unafraid of us. We decided that it was because we weren't bothering them so we continued fucking and just watched as they swam around us.
A fourth seal then joined the group and we became a little more concerned when one swam very close and bumped into us. They were definitely smaller than the seals from the day before and we decided they must be young males just being a bit naughty. When we were bumped again we decided to head back to shore just to be on the safe side. We remained calm and moved slowly through the deeper water as the seals stayed close by, darting in between us and occasionally bumping into our legs. By the time we had made it to knee deep water the seals had bumped us several times and we were about 12 feet apart as we started to walk into the shallower water. One of the seals bumped into the back of Cheryl's legs causing her to fall to her knees. As I made to help her up one of the other seals came between us and growled at me while raising itself on its flippers preventing me from going to Cheryl who was still on her knees and being prevented from standing by the other three seals.
I told Cheryl to stay as calm as possible and crawl the rest of the way and that the seals were just playing. The three seals let her move forward until she was midway between ankle and knee deep while I was kept away by the fourth seal. One of the seals bumped into Cheryl's hip and knocked her onto her side in the shallow water. The seal landed a heavy flipper onto her upper arm as she propped herself onto her elbow to keep her head out of the water while another seal went to the beach side of her head to prevent her being able to crawl any further. The third seal heaved his weight up behind Cheryl and rolled himself onto his side. It was then that I saw his thick heavy looking pink cock protruding from his brown coat and realized that these adolescents had either mistaken Cheryl for some kind of bald seal or that they were attracted by her pussy scent in the water and were planning to fuck her regardless of her species. Cheryl had also spotted the seals cock and tried to struggle free but the two other seals kept her pinned on her side. I was completely helpless and could only watch on as the seal awkwardly shuffled himself forward thrusting at Cheryl's legs with his pink dick. His cock was aligned with her knees and his thick tail had forced her legs apart.
Cheryl had often fantasied about being taken against her will in a controlled environment with me watching on but it was a fantasy involving humans not seals. Now here she was naked in nature with a group of teen males that were ready to mate but had been prevented by doing so by the older more powerful seals. These pups were young and full of cum and seemed happy to deposit it wherever they could.
The seal inched his way forward and his fat cock was slapping from side to side against Cheryl's inner thighs looking for its mark. When the tip of his cock finally reached her pussy it sprang out another 6 inches in length as he thrust forward thinking he had penetrated her. The 12 inch sword swung wildly about until just as suddenly it shrank back to the six inch fat version and he pushed blindly again and once his cock grew on impact and slid off Cheryl's pussy which was clearly still wet from the baby oil and her own pussy juices. He was patient and persistent and made two more failed attempts and then on the fourth attempt is watched as his fat short version parted Cheryl's lips and disappeared inside her pussy. Cheryl gasped as the fat cock first went into her and then shrieked with discomfort as the short fat cock suddenly became the thinner 12 inch version inside of her.
It wasn't Cheryl's first big big cock as we had experimented previously with mans best friend and also two small horses, but those had been on her terms and she had controlled the amount of cock she was taking. This was a different story and this cock had shot out like a periscope inside of her. The seal knew he was in right place now and was thrusting his lower body vigorously. I could see a couple of inches come out of her pussy and then push back into her with each thrust. Cheryl had managed to twist herself just enough to align her pussy into a position that better accommodated his length.
Cheryl confirmed that she was not in any pain and told me not attempt to do anything in case they attacked us both. I kept scanning the beach for anyone who may be able to assist us but there was no-one in sight. The seal thrust his cock into Cheryl for a couple of minutes and then stopped withdrawing it as his fat body shook while he pumped his cum deep inside her. Cheryl tits were shaking in unison with his orgasm. She told me he was cumming inside her and it was nearly over. The seal pups cock slipped out of Cheryl's pussy and a flood of cum gushed out of her into the shallow water as the seal rolled away from her.
Thinking her ordeal was over, Cheryl tried to wriggle away from the two seals that had her pinned down. They made it clear that she was not going anywhere and I watched as the guard seal and the pup that just fucked her swapped positions. She tried hard to keep her legs firmly closed against the newcomer but she was no match for the powerful tail end of the young seal. He prised her legs open and kept his thick tail between them as he shuffled forward just as his predecessor had with his fat cock searching for a warm wet hole. The pup was more successful than his predecessor and hit the mark on his first attempt with Cheryl again taken by surprise by the sudden expansion of his cock as it entered her. There was no variation in technique from this seal and he to filled my wife with cum after a few minutes of thrusting and rolled aside as the cum leaked out of Cheryl and floated away in the shallow waters.
The seals changed places once again and the third pup followed the same routine as the first two and entered Cheryl after three misguided attempts. She was accustomed to the workings of the young seal cocks now and had braced herself for the pink cock to push deep inside her. There was no longer any fear of these pups hurting her and she had relaxed to a point where I could see that she was almost enjoying the raw animal lust. The third pups cock was coming out of Cheryl's pussy 4 to 5 inches with each stroke and this was having an affect on my wife who was now breathing heavier with the pleasure that was building. The fourth seal still had her pinned in position but in the change of places his body was slightly further forward than the previous seal. Cheryl was able to see his 6 inch long thick cock bobbing around in the water excitedly waiting its turn.
It may have been curiosity or it may have been natural sexual instinct that made her reach out and take the young seals cock into her hand while she was still being pounded from behind, but as soon as her fingers wrapped around the shaft it sprang into its full 12 inches of glory. Cheryl hadn't expected this let his cock go in surprise. It immediately returned to its shorter thicker state until she grasped it again and it sprung back to its full length. Cheryl had control of this pup now and she knew it. While ever she had her hand on its shaft the seal would relax its flipper from holding her down and started to roll onto its back. The combination of holding this strange long cock in her hand and the shafting she was still getting was turning Cheryl on even more. She gazed at the long pink cock that was now pointed skywards as she stroked its length. It looked like a plastic wand on her hand glistening with water in the sunlight. Just as it looked like Cheryl was building to a climax the seal that was fucking her spasmed and shook all over as he shot his load into her.
The pups cock withdrew from Cheryl and the now familiar cloud of cum oozed out of her pussy into the water once more. Still with pup number fours cock in her hand as the third seal rolled away Cheryl maintained her grip and waited to see if any of the seals moved positions to allow number four to fuck her.
Pup number four remained motionless and the three remaining pups looked confused and moved a few feet further away. Cheryl knew that while ever she held this pups cock that she was the one now in control. You boys are all the same she said to me laughing as she got to her knees. I asked her what she planned to do and suggested that she hold his cock while she got to her feet and then we should make a run for it. Cheryl was no longer concerned with getting away. She had the upper hand now and told me that if I was ok with it, she would like to make this fat little fucker finish what him and his buddies had started.
I knew the tone and I knew the body language. Cheryl had been denied a building orgasm and wanted the job finished. What had started as a frightening experience had now become a new sexual adventure and she was now turned on by it. I had absolutely no objection to her doing whatever she liked. Cheryl was now standing upright beside the seal with the tip of the pups cock still in her hand. To anyone on the beach it would have looked like a naked blonde woman holding a short pink walking stick resting on top of a fat brown rock out in the shallow water. Not wasting any time, Cheryl placed one foot over the seal and onto sand beside his body so that she was now straddling him. Sliding her hand down his shaft she guided his cock into her pussy a few inches and then placed both of her hands onto his body. The seals natural impulses kicked in and started to hump just as his friends had done. Cheryl's cock craft was now on show as she took his shaft in her hand again and liter herself off his cock again. She made smoothing noises to the pup until he stopped thrusting and then lowered herself down onto him again. She slid up and down six inches of his shaft while making the calming sounds to him. He started thrusting again and she repeated the same action a few more times until he understood that she would stay on his cock while ever he wasn't thrusting. Cheryl wanted to control the orgasm that she was intent on having and now had the seal pup eating out of her hand so to speak. She rode his cock up and down taking the length a little more with each stroke until she was finally fully impaled on it and sitting atop the pup. To his credit, he was resisting the urge to pump her and lay motionless as the strange hairless creature ground her hips down against his hairy body. His long cock would have been reaching area's inside Cheryl that she had only ever felt a couple of times previously and she was enjoying having control of it. Her eyes were closed now and she was rocking back and forth on top of the seal. She sped up as the impending climax was near and then moaned loudly as she shuddered uncontrollably as her orgasm overcame her. Cheryl slowly gyrated her hips as she came down from her high and the seal remained unmoved by the whole experience.
Cheryl regained her composure and knew that the she would have to make the seal cum before we would be able to make for shore. She looked straight at him and told him it was his turn now and planted her feet back into the sand and began to slide up and down on his cock. She started with 4 inches at a time and then 6 and worked her way up to a good 10 inches with each stroke. The seal remained motionless as he had been trained and I teased Cheryl that she may have done too good a job of his obedience training. I'm gonna make this fucker cum she said in defiance to my jibe and lifter herself further up his cock on the next upstroke until just the tip of his pink torpedo was inside her. She made deliberate slow long squats with her legs taking his full foot long cock inside her as I stood behind her and watched her stretched pussy do its work. She was working hard and her breathing was getting louder again. She was building to another climax and sped up the speed of her squats while maintaining the full stroke lengths. I noticed the seals tail beginning to move in a twitching manner and told Cheryl that I thought he was going to cum soon. She maintained her pace and was focused on her own orgasm that was not far away as the young pup could no longer resist the urge that was building inside him.
Cheryl rode that seal until he could not control his head and tail thrusts any longer and he started to shake as his climax overwhelmed him. Cheryl knew the signs well and had managed to hold off on her own orgasm until she felt the seal unload inside her. With fresh cum running out of her pussy she kept riding his cock until she also orgasmed and then dropped her whole bodyweight down onto the pups cock in exhaustion. I watched from behind as his now shorter thicker cock had stretched Cheryl's pussy and slowed the flow of cum to a trickle. Cheryl seemed to enjoy the short thick version inside her as she regained her breath and was slowly rocking back and forward on the softening slug until it plopped out of her and disappeared completely back inside the brown fur of the seal pup.
The pup was done now and wriggled to get out from under Cheryl. She stood up and allowed him to move away towards his buddies who were still loitering several feet away. Thick wads of cum leaked out of Cheryl's pussy, splashing heavily into the water below as we watched the pups swim away.
The rest of our trip went by uneventfully. We returned to the same beach the following day for some more sunbathing but as Cheryl didn't think her pussy was up to another marauding seal pack fucking we decided to stay out of the water. We did see a coupe of older gents fishing further along the beach when we first arrived. They were a good distance from us so at my suggestion we put our towels down on the sand much closer to the shore than the previous day. I told Cheryl how nice it would be for a coupe of old fisherman to see a pretty young lady lying on the beach on such a nice day. Cheryl removed her top but kept her bikini bottoms on and followed the same ritual as the day before starting on her stomach. After 30 minutes I saw the old guys packing up and told Cheryl that I was going to go for a walk in the dunes and would oil her front now before the old guys came by.
Always the good sport. Cheryl let me oil up her tits, stomach and legs before I grabbed my towels and jumped behind the nearest dune where I couldn't be seen. The old men made their way slowly along the beach and didn't seem to notice Cheryl until they were quite close. I saw elbow the other and then watched as they both ogled my wife who was lying on her back only about 50-60 feet away. When they drew to about 30 feet away Cheryl called out and asked them if they had caught anything. Doing their best to pretend that she wasn't topless they replied that they had caught some fish and motioned to the buckets they were carrying. Cheryl was sitting up now and also acting as if she was fully dressed. She asked if she could take a look and both of the guys nodded their approvals.
Jumping to her feet. Cheryl skipped down the beach like an excited girl, with her D cup tits bouncing freely. She reached the men and looked int the buckets while they feasted their eyes on her naked tits. The interaction didn't last long but the men had been treated to some young firm tits that they would not have been expecting. Little did they know that if they had been one day earlier they would have seen this young lady being gang banged by seal ups and if it was one day later she probably would have fucked both of them right there on the beach.
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