Own my own home
Finally to be a Father
I used my trust fund to buy my own home after completing college (2019) and starting my career. Not big on dating, I usually go to work and come home do my shopping on the weekends. That was how it was till November 2023, had a couple of dates before then, that didn't go anywhere relationship wise. With the local economy booming, rentals became harder to get as time passed, much less afford. I was sitting pretty as they say I'd my own home, which hadn't gone unnoticed. A receptionist 38 knew and having rental problems herself, decided to ask me was I intending to rent out my spare rooms. I hadn't given it any thought at all at the time. Anyway, it coincided with me having neck pain a fairly regular occurrence due to stress and old football injury. Nothing major wrong a simple massage fixes it, releasing the built-up tension. Also knowing of my recurring neck problem, she offered to give me a neck and shoulders massage. Which relieved the problem quickly, asking me about renting out my spares room while massaging my neck. I said she could have a look and makeup her mind that way, so the following Saturday she came over to my place with daughter 22. They liked what they saw, and I decided not to charge them rent or board, just split the costs (power & food) as they'd offered to do my washing and cooking. The pristine kitchen showed I wasn't into cooking; I'd never even boiled an egg in the kitchen. One bonus was regular neck massages, by April 2024 I'd dated the daughter more than my usual once per woman record. Her mother's 38th birthday (August) changed quite a lot in our relationships. First it was on a Saturday, and we were at home to celebrate, just the 3 of us. We overindulged in drinking, and we awoke Sunday morning all in my bed naked and had been very sexually active. Having fucked both mother and daughter, who both weren't protected against pregnancy either. I hadn't used condoms, I never had them to use. Well, what are the chances of me getting one of them pregnant, in my case 200% as I got both pregnant. I could say I shocked, but I was more pleased than shocked, neither were they very upset. Especially after we had talked about what we would do if one of them got pregnant. Both getting pregnant was as I saw it a bonus, we'd continued a sexual relationship after the birthday party, albeit using condoms every time. But after it was confirmed, they were both pregnant we stopped using the condoms. Using just my bed regularly was the new norm in the house. I married the daughter last November (no reason to wait), as both will most likely have their sons about the same time, we have said my wife is having twins. Both mother and daughter have the same Christian name, which makes it easier to claim both are from the same mother. Otherwise, everything is perfect we're quite happy with our relationship as it is'
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