A stepmom in leather


If there are errors... sorry! I wrote in Italian and translate on Google but I hope that you like my fantasies.
Write to me at mammadaniela35@gmail.com

My name is Daniela and I am a 45 year old woman, married to my husband Roberto for 5. Our relationship after only 3 years went into crisis because I am preferred to other women obviously younger than me. Roberto now prefers women up to 30 and I'm not now
not even worthy of his looks and this depresses me. Yet the fact that I have passed the 'door' for quite a while, I do not consider myself a woman whose beauty has faded. I am 1.65 m tall and weigh 68 kg, of course I should weigh less since I have a bit of a belly, but unfortunately I don't know how to give up the pleasures of the table and then physically I am curvy, because I have a large third, wide hips and a big ass. Finally my hair is blonde (natural) and short at the shoulders. In short, despite my age I still have a beautiful body only that I do not collect the interests of my husband, however I am studied under x-rays by other men, especially boys. This happens especially when I wear the numerous leather clothes I have in my closet: skirts, pants, boots… (clothes that he doesn't like, once seeing me he told me that a woman of my age if she dresses like this is a slut).
Despite these numerous looks I resist and do not betray my husband although he has been doing it for some time. Since I no longer collect the interest from my husband, I try to give all my affection to Marco, his son, who he had with his first wife. I've always wanted to be
mom, but unfortunately I didn't have this luck and so I have to be content with being a stepmother.
My relationship with him is not idyllic because he has not yet completely overcome the death of
mom to whom he was very attached. The thing I regret most is that despite being 19 he doesn't have a girlfriend and masturbates continuously, since he has a large collection of porn DVDs and his panties are dirty with cum.
One day my relationship with Marco changed radically when I decided to let him accompany me to the new shopping center.
- Marco! I'm going out, would you like to accompany me?
- No, I have to study.
- Again, but if it's 7 o'clock.
- Yeah, but I'm doing my homework for tomorrow and the day after.
- Come on, come on at least let's stay together a bit.
- No, please don't insist.
- Come on up - pulling him by the hand.
- Alright then.
We put on our coats, got into the car and drove in the direction of the mall. We visited several shops until I stopped at a shop selling leather goods.
- Let's go in here- I said.
- OK.
We entered and looked for the shelves, there were numerous leather dresses but what struck me was a black calf-length leather skirt. I took it and went to the dressing room to put it on.
Entering there I took off my 8cm high heels and then unbuttoned and slipped my jeans down my hips. As soon as I took them off I took the skirt and put it on, buttoning the button and then pulling up the zip. After this I looked at myself in the mirror and I saw myself beautiful, I caressed my belly and felt some wonderful sensations in contact with the skin of the skirt, then I turned to check if the zip and the button were in the center and finally put my shoes back on. I left the dressing room:
- Marco, how does it fit me?
- Yes, good, but you know that dad doesn't like you wearing leather clothes. Why are you buying more?
- Ugh, you can not give a compliment without putting ten thousand criticisms. Anyway, I like it and I took it- I answered a bit crossly. I went back to the dressing room, took off my skirt and put my jeans back on.
We went to the cashier and paid for my purchase and then we headed to the car to go home.
Back home, she puts her newly purchased skirt on the armchair in the bedroom and then
go to the kitchen to prepare dinner. While I was cooking Marco set the table for three.
In the kitchen there was silence which was then interrupted by the boy:
Daniela, are you angry by any chance? I'm sorry.
No I'm not angry, just that if you give a compliment you only have to pay a compliment.
I understand. Listen, I can ask you if you could wear the skirt you just got on tonight
But am I cooking?
Okay - but his eyes showed a bit of disappointment.
Okay, I'll put it on, I'll go to the bedroom to change, while you set up and check the stove.
I went back to the bedroom, thinking of Marco's words and my astonishment at that request which, although strange, I decided to fulfill, maybe in this way our relations would improve.
I took off my shoes and jeans, remaining with the pantyhose. I noticed that they were frayed and then I took them off too. I opened the drawer and decided to dare, putting on a pair of stockings and putting on a pair of black leather boots with stiletto heels. Then I pulled out my skirt and put it on. Once
worn I went back to the kitchen and when Marco saw me he exclaimed:
- You are very beautiful Daniela.
- Thanks Marco.
I resumed cooking and after a while the phone rang, I answered it was my husband:
Daniela I'm not coming to dinner tonight, I have a meeting at the company ... bye - and hung up on the phone.
I knew it was not true anyway as he spoke he could hear giggles and some voices were feminine.
Marco remove a plate, dad doesn't come - in a very disappointed tone.
We ate and talked about this and that, but I noticed that Marco was more open than usual in mine
Once we finished dinner we sat down on the sofa.
Are you in a bad mood because Dad didn't come to dinner?
Yes, but by now I've got used to it. Your father doesn't love me.
I'm sorry, you don't deserve it you are a very beautiful woman.
Thank you, you are very sweet Marco - and I caressed his face.
He liked the caresses a lot, but immediately afterwards the situation worsened because Marco gave me a
kiss and began to sneak into my skirt, caressing the inside of my thigh.
What are you doing? - throwing a slap at him.
Excuse me - and fled to her room.
You followed him and I went into the bedroom and looked at him
I'm sorry I didn't mean to give you that slap.
Please don't say anything to dad.
I sat down next to him on the bed
Why did you kiss me?
Because I like you a lot, as a woman.
But I'm your stepmother.
Yes, but dad doesn't want you and I do.
Do you want me?
Yes a lot. Don't say anything to dad.
Don't worry, I won't say anything, it will be our little secret - and I put the index finger of my right hand on his lips.
Thank you.
Look daddy won't be back tonight, would you like to sleep with me?
Yes, it would be beautiful, I'll take the pajamas.
We went into my bedroom and I stood in front of the dresser, took off the pearl necklace and a bracelet and from the mirror I saw that Marco was watching me, I smiled at him.
- Daniela, I want to hug you.
- And why don't you do it?
He came up to me and hugged me from behind. Except that wasn't a sweet hug between mom either
better stepmother and son, he was much more. When he was behind me, he hugged me and with his hands began to massage my belly, while his head was resting on my shoulder. I noticed that while she was doing it she was looking at the hollow of my breasts that you could barely see from my white blouse.
What are you doing look at my neckline? - laughing.
Yes. - while he answered me I unbuttoned my blouse showing my breasts supported by the
black nylon bra.
That vision was a real provocation for him, he left his belly and touched my breasts. His gaze was full of desire on my body and I smiled and whispered:
- Do you want to make love with me?
My question stunned him and sent him into raptures and he replied:
- Yup.
- Get on the bed.
Marco released his grip on my body and lay down on the bed undressing. Once I turned around I undid the bra, took off the skirt and thong, thus remaining with the stockings and boots.
I rested my knees on the bed and then I positioned myself on Marco's penis welcoming him into the vagina. That first penetration caused a shudder in him, I smiled again and then I started a smorzacandela with slow and then fast rhythms. As I moved on his penis, he was enthralled by my third abundant that bobbed with each penetration and in the moments when I stopped I offered it to his mouth that sucked greedily as if it were a child.
We continued for a few minutes until I felt the loads of cum filling my vagina and he panting said:
- Oh, siiiiiiiiii Danielaaaaaaaaaaaaa.
We kissed and then we put on our night clothes, me a blue nightshirt and he his pajamas. That night was very beautiful because I felt appreciated as a woman.

Write to me at mammadaniela35@gmail.com
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