Wifes niece sent to us for "That Talk"
I could scarcely believe my ears. My wife Cheryl's sister has asked her if her daughter Danielle could come and stay with us for 3 weeks. And since she had just turned eighteen would Cheryl mind talking to her about what being a woman entailed, which was her way of saying "The birds and the bees". The reason I was so amazed was that Cheryl was the last person I would expect to educate a young lady on how to conduct herself. For years we had been living a lifestyle that mostly involved Cheryl being screwed by other men while I watched from a distance or remotely thanks to modern technology. From her sisters point of view I could understand that she wanted Danielle to hang out with someone away from the strict religion they were a part of and Cheryl was family so what could go wrong.
Of course we agreed to have Danielle stay with us and were looking forward to seeing her since it had been several years since we last saw her. Cheryl knew full well that although she had just turned eighteen she would be very immature when it came to matters of sexuality. Cheryl intended on giving her enough information to help her out when boys began to ask her out. This would only be boys from within the church since outside relationships were forbidden and if it happened expulsion would be the outcome as had happened to Cheryl.
Danielle arrived by train and we only recognised her from her dawdy oversized clothes style that made her stand out in the crowd. All girls in the religion dressed this way so that they avoided being noticed and ogled by men from the outside world. Danielle was a little shorter than average but had a pretty face framed by short bobbed brown straight hair. We went home and let Danielle know that she was welcome to anything in the house and Cheryl promised her a girls shopping trip first thing the next day which seemed to please Danielle very much.
When we went to bed Cheryl explained that she was going to get Danielle some new clothes that didn't make her look like she was from the last century. I warned her to be careful not to upset her sister but she didn't see any harm in it. I went off to work the next morning and left them to their shopping. When I arrived home that evening it was like meeting Danielle for the first time again. She had a new pair of jeans and a plain white tee on but what a change from the day before outfit. The jeans hugged her curvy hips and tee covered a big set of tits that were not even noticeable the day before. Cheryl explained later that she had also been surprised when she saw that Danielle had kept her tits tightly pressed in bra that was clearly poorly fitted. She had got her some nice new bras that fitted properly and supported the F Cups that we handn't even noticed were there. Cheryl had D Cups that had always impressed me but her niece had one size up on her and Cheryl said that they were also still young and firm.
The next day they had planned to do some hairdressing and make up which also resulted in a new looking Danielle who was now having a ball and keen for the next days events. She loved Cheryl's company and attention and was way more confident even after just a couple of days.
Getting Danielle comfortable with her own body was next on Cheryl's agenda. Danielle had been very shy about her aunt seeing her tits while trying on bra's and Cheryl was hoping she could help her to be more confident and to be proud of her assets. They had planned to stay home the following day and Cheryl told me they just planned some girl stuff like waxing and eyelashes etc. The following night Cheryl told me that she had been naked in the bath and called Danielle in to show her how shave her legs. Danielle had been shy at first and didn't know where to look but after watching Cheryl shave her legs and pussy decided she also wanted to do hers as well and even let Cheryl help her get to the tricky bits on her pussy after the previously untouched hair had been removed. It was while all of this was going on that Cheryl had explained most of what happened between men and woman in the bedroom and she said that Danielle had been really intrigued about the whole subject. She had let her aunt touch her nipples and pussy gently to show her the sensitive places and at the end of the day she was completely comfortable with her own nudity and that of her aunt as well.
The following day Cheryl was peppered by questions from Danielle on all manner of things. She wanted to know all about men's erections and how they occurred and ejaculation and how it happened and if a girl could feel it and anything else you could imagine a young woman who had led a sheltered life would want to know. She hadn't even seen a mans cock until Cheryl showed her some pictures online. She was fascinated as could be expected and wanted to learn as much about them as she could from Cheryl who gave her in depth descriptions but also told her that really the best way to learn was from experience. Danielle told Cheryl that she was not going to get any experience until she was married so wanted to learn as much as possible from her before she went back home.
It was then that Cheryl asked what I felt about offering to let Danielle watch her demonstrate hand jobs and blowjobs on me. It was usually me watching Cheryl do these things to other guys that was a turn on for me but the thought of Danielle looking on as Cheryl sucked my cock did have some appeal so I told her I would be ok with it. She was excited by the idea and said she would check with Danielle the next day to see if she was comfortable with the idea. Cheryl called me the next day and said that after many deep breathes Danielle agreed to the idea and it would be happening that night. I went home as usual had dinner and watched some tv. Cheryl was keeping Danielle occupied to keep her mind off things in case she got cold feet and backed out. Eventually I went and showered and went to bed naked as instructed and waited until the door was opened and they both came into the room. Cheryl has told me that they were both going to remain clothed as this was just an education lesson and not meant to be sexual. I was fine with that although I did really want to see those big young tits of Danielle's.
Cheryl directed Danielle onto the bed on the near side to the door and went to the opposite side herself. Never one to delay proceedings Cheryl slid the sheet of my covered hips and revealed my placid cock to her niece. I was really focusing on not getting hard as Cheryl pointed out the various anatomical parts of my cock and balls but the fight was short lived as she gently took my cock in her hand and stroked it hard as her student watched on. Once fully erect she showed Danielle how to hold it and stroke it and then demonstrated some ball fondling techniques. Danielle was at how hard my cock looked and Cheryl told her she could touch it if she wanted to. Danielle looked at me and I nodded my approval. Cheryl stopped stroking and let her nieces finger touch the side of my cock and she said OMG it's really hard. Cheryl told her to hold it in her hand and moved hers away to see if Danielle wanted to hold it. Danielle gently wrapped her fingers around my shaft and held it in her soft fingers which felt amazing. Cheryl put her hand on top of Danielle's and guided her with the stroking speed that she knew I loved. Once Danielle had the rhythm Cheryl removed her hand and watched as her niece continued to pump my cock. I encouraged her by saying how nice it felt and Cheryl explained to her that this would make me cum if she wanted to continue. Danielle nodded and kept jerking my shaft until I could not hold on any longer.
The first spurt gave her a little fright and Cheryl took her hand again and helped her milk my cock until I was drained. Danielle had my cum all over her hand and was looking at it just like a girl who had never seen cum before would. We all grabbed some tissues and cleaned up and I though we were done for the night until Cheryl asked Danielle if she wanted to see how to suck cock. I suggested we wait but Cheryl replied that there was no time like the present and checked again if her niece wanted to learn more. Danielle was exited at the prospect and nodded with glee. I knew Cheryl could get me up again but told them that I would need some visual assistance if I was to continue and suggested they both remove their tops to help the process. Cheryl asked Danielle if she felt okay with that and Danielle just replied "seems fair" as she shrugged her shoulders.
Cheryl removed her top and bra and we both watched as Danielle took her off and her big tits spilled into view. What a lovely big firm set of tits she had, I was almost instantly hard just looking at them and complimented her on how lovely they were. I didn't dare touch them in case she got cold feet. Cheryl watched as her niece took my cock in her hand again and worked it until it was fully hard. Cheryl then took over and lowered her head down and took my cock into her mouth and sucked it slowly up and down as Danielle watched her. I took one of my wife's tits into my hand as she sucked and massaged the soft tissue. Cheryl made sure I was well into the task before she stopped and offered my cock to Danielle. Growing ever confident with her new found skills Danielle took my cock into her mouth and sucked my cock just like her aunt had been. I moaned a little to encourage her and waited another minute and then slowly reached for the nearest hanging tit just as I had with Cheryl. Danielle's tit was large and heavy and felt fantastic. I stroked her nipple until it responded and she didn't miss a beat the whole time. I was going to cum soon and thought I should probably warn her but then changed my mind and decided I was going to cum in her mouth without any notice and suffer the consequences afterwards. I kept my breathing as steady as possible so as not to alert either of them and then blew my second load for the night straight into her young soft mouth. To her credit she was surprised but nature took over and she kept sucking until my orgasm finished before removing her lips and transferring my cum into a tissue. She was a natural just like her aunt and I gave her that compliment which pleased her very much.
Two days later the three of us were in bed together again and I was slowly feeding Danielle's pussy my cock. She had asked us if we could go all the way and I was more than happy to oblige. Cheryl had been reluctant at first but had agreed after much begging from her niece. And now here we were, Danielle on her back with her well lubed pussy being opened up by the head of my hard cock. I took my time, savouring the tightness of her pussy as my wife watched on. Bit by bit I worked my cock inside her as Cheryl encouraged her to relax and enjoy it. Cheryl had asked me earlier to not take too long as Danielle's first couple of times would be uncomfortable but I already knew I was not going to be able to hold on for too long. I fucked her at a slow pace until I felt my seed enter the final length of the straight and then I pushed into her and stopped as I flooded her insides with my cum making sure to pump it out so she could feel my cock twitch inside her.
I fucked Danielle every way I knew how over the next week and with three days to go until she went home Cheryl and I were satisfied that she was now ready for anything and anyone. Before she left us Cheryl had promised her a girls night out and having never been to a night club or pub Danielle was very excited about dressing up and going out with her aunt even though there was a ten year age gap between them.
The girls dressed up and left early, I was hoping to see them come home early as well so I could put one last load into Danielle's young pussy but when midnight ticked over I was ready for bed and decided not to wait up any longer. Two hours later I was woken up by my phone ringing next to me on the bedside table. It was Cheryl and she explained that she was standing at the taxi rank with a very tipsy Danielle and a couple of young guys that Danielle had befriended and invited back to our place for drinks. The guys had accepted before Cheryl even found out about and she didn't have the heart to say no. She added that the boys were Danielle's age and she didn't expect them to stay any longer than one or two drinks. I had no objections and told Cheryl that I would not be joining them but would keep an eye on things from a distance. We had camera's set up around the house that could be monitored via wi-fi from anywhere. I used these often to watch Cheryl get laid by men she occasionally bought home.
Soon enough they all arrived and Cheryl sat them all down in our lounge room while she got them all drinks. Both of the young guys were of average build and looks and seemed like clean cut types. One of them had fair sandy colour hair and sat beside Danielle on the 3 seater while the other guy who had dark hair sat on the two seater by himself until Cheryl had finished pouring drinks and then she joined him. They all chatted while the first drink went down and Cheryl offered another round which all accepted readily. She went to the kitchen to make the drinks and dark hair went along to help her. By the time they came back into the lounge Danielle and fair hair were kissing and the young man had his hand inside her top manhandling one of her tits. Cheryl saw what was happening and left their drinks on the table beside them and ushered dark hair out of the room. I couldn't see where they went but with a short scan through the camera's found that they had moved out onto the patio with their drinks in hand and sat on our cane two seater. I split the screens on my tablet and had both of the girls on my screen and saw that Danielle was now completely topless and her new friend was sucking on her nipples as she was unzipping his pants. She must of decided she was going to practice all she had learnt with some random guy before she went home and was not wasting any time.
I turned my attention to Cheryl and dark hair and they were having a conversation as they sipped their drinks. I switched on the mic in time to hear him telling her about how his friend always got the girls. Cheryl was giving him the mom speech how girls are attracted to guys who take the initiative and are confident. He told her it was hard to be confident and was always worried he would frighten girls off by doing the wrong thing. She said that girls would always let him know if they were not comfortable with anything and he should be guided by that. "For example" she said, and asked him to kiss her. When he reluctantly leaned, in she leaned away and put her hand on his chest to stop him following her. He nodded and she explained that it was a simple as that and then she asked him to kiss her again. This time she met his lips with hers fully and held the kiss while reaching for his hand and placing it on her waist. She then broke the kiss and told him how she loved to be kissed on the neck and undid her top button to give him better access. He didn't need another invitation and as she leaned back against the seat back he followed her and went to work on her neck.
Back in the lounge room Danielle was on her knees in front of fair hair with a mouthful of cock and her heavy tits hanging between his legs. He was in heaven perched up watching her suck his dick and seemed in no rush to do anything else. Cheryl was enjoying the attention she was receiving from her newest student and was making low moaning sounds whenever he kissed her below her neck line. She held his head lightly and guided him lower on her chest until another button was preventing him going any further. Still unsure of what was happening he didn't make any further advances and she quietly reminded him about being confident and that she would let him know if she wanted him to stop. She put her head back again and guided his lips back to her neck. This time when he reached the same spot and she didn't object he undid the offending button and he could now see the top of her bra and the flesh of the d cup tits that they cradled. He was on his way now and kept the momentum going until her shirt was completely unbuttoned and her sexy black bra was the only thing between his lips and her tits. Cheryl leaned forward and lifted his shirt up as if to take it off and he obliged and removed it for her, she removed her own shirt and unclipped her bra and placed it aside as well and then let him explore her tits with his hands and lips for a while and then guided him back against the seat back and started kissing his chest just as he had done to her.
Fair hair in the meantime had his face between Danielle's legs as she lay on her back and she was arching her back like she was about to orgasm. I watched her as she shook to climax and then relaxed as her man lapped up the juices. Cheryl had reached dark hairs stomach with her kissing and was no expertly undoing his pants with one hand. She reached inside and carefully bought his hard cock out and stoked it a couple of times before lowering her mouth over it and sucking it up and down as she pushed his pants down over his knees. She let him stand and remove his pants completely and also slid her skirt and panties of at the same time.
Danielle was now underneath fair hair and he was pumping his cock in and out of her and good speed judging by the way her tits were heaving up and down. They were well ahead with proceedings compared to my wife and dark hair and unless he slowed down he was going to be done with at any moment. Cheryl had laid across dark hairs lap and resumed her cock sucking. The lads hand had made its way between her legs and was exploring the shaved folds of Cheryl's pussy which would be wet and ready by now and this was confirmed a few moments later as his middle finger slid inside her.
Danielle was on top of fair hair now and grinding her hips hard against his thin hips with his cock buried inside her. He had no control now and the sight of her big tits above him as she arched her back with another orgasm was too much for him and he bucked back against her as he shot his load deep inside her pussy. Danielle rode it out until he stopped convulsing and then gently slid off his cock and lay beside him as they regained their breath.
Cheryl had straddled dark hair and slid herself down his cock until it was well buried inside her. She settled into a slow rhythm as he helped himself to her tits again as they dangled in front of his face. I noticed movement on the other screen and saw Danielle and fair hair walking out of the lounge room, probably to go look for Cheryl and dark hair. They had dressed again and I watched them move quietly through the kitchen and then the dining room. They reached the sliding glass door that gave access to the back patio where Danielle's aunt could clearly be seen completely naked and sitting atop an equally naked young man who was balls deep inside her. Oblivious to their presence, Cheryl and dark hair changed position and she kneeled on the soft cushion of the chair as he stood behind her and entered her again, this time doggy style. He fucked her slowly and didn't seem to be in any hurry whatsoever.
The scene in front of them was clearly turning the other couple on and Danielle's tits were once more being man-handled by fair hair as he stood behind her and she had his cock in her hand again wanking it back to life. They undressed them selves again and showing no lack of confidence at all slid the glass door quietly open and crept out onto the patio directly behind where Cheryl was being fucked by dark hair. They were both oblivious to the presence of Danielle and fair hair who was now sporting another hard on.
Dark hair saw them first and he remained quiet at the signal that his friend had given him. Danielle had stood beside him and he ogling her huge f cup tits as he kept sliding in and out Cheryl who had her head resting on her folded arms on the chair back and only realised they were no longer alone when fair hair ran his hand over her blonde hair. As she looked up she was greeted by his hard cock only inches in front of her. She turned to see Danielle smiling at her as her dark haired fuck buddy grabbed at her large mounds. Without breaking stride Cheryl turned back and opened her mouth to accept the cock in front of her and sucked on it as she was still being fucked from behind. Taking up position beside her aunt, Danielle beckoned dark hair away from Cheryl and he obliged by slipping out of her and easing his cock into Danielle's waiting pussy.
At the sight of his friend vacating Cheryl's pussy, fair hair walked away from her face and positioned himself where his friend had just stood and pushed his cock into her waiting hole and and started fucking her right beside his mate who was now fucking Danielle. The girls were now enjoying their second cocks for the night and seemed to be even more turned on by each others closeness. Cheryl was pushing hard against her new fuck buddy, looking to get off for the first time tonight before he came inside her. Fair hair was up to the task and sped up his pace until Cheryl gave one final push back and held herself against him as she climaxed. Dark hair was watching on and as Cheryl orgasmed he also gave Danielle her second cunt full of cum for the evening. Fair hair pumped Cheryl again until he got his second load away into a willing pussy.
They were all spent now and the boys took their final opportunities to give the girls tits a squeeze before they got dressed. Without any further formalities they showed the boys out and shared a few giggles as they had another drink each before retiring for the night.
Danielle went home as planned a couple of days later and thanked us both immensely for letting her stay with us. Of course, we were happy to have her and hoped she had enjoyed her stay which she assured us that she had. She was going home a changed person who was much more confident in herself and if nothing else she sure knew her way around a cock now.
Of course we agreed to have Danielle stay with us and were looking forward to seeing her since it had been several years since we last saw her. Cheryl knew full well that although she had just turned eighteen she would be very immature when it came to matters of sexuality. Cheryl intended on giving her enough information to help her out when boys began to ask her out. This would only be boys from within the church since outside relationships were forbidden and if it happened expulsion would be the outcome as had happened to Cheryl.
Danielle arrived by train and we only recognised her from her dawdy oversized clothes style that made her stand out in the crowd. All girls in the religion dressed this way so that they avoided being noticed and ogled by men from the outside world. Danielle was a little shorter than average but had a pretty face framed by short bobbed brown straight hair. We went home and let Danielle know that she was welcome to anything in the house and Cheryl promised her a girls shopping trip first thing the next day which seemed to please Danielle very much.
When we went to bed Cheryl explained that she was going to get Danielle some new clothes that didn't make her look like she was from the last century. I warned her to be careful not to upset her sister but she didn't see any harm in it. I went off to work the next morning and left them to their shopping. When I arrived home that evening it was like meeting Danielle for the first time again. She had a new pair of jeans and a plain white tee on but what a change from the day before outfit. The jeans hugged her curvy hips and tee covered a big set of tits that were not even noticeable the day before. Cheryl explained later that she had also been surprised when she saw that Danielle had kept her tits tightly pressed in bra that was clearly poorly fitted. She had got her some nice new bras that fitted properly and supported the F Cups that we handn't even noticed were there. Cheryl had D Cups that had always impressed me but her niece had one size up on her and Cheryl said that they were also still young and firm.
The next day they had planned to do some hairdressing and make up which also resulted in a new looking Danielle who was now having a ball and keen for the next days events. She loved Cheryl's company and attention and was way more confident even after just a couple of days.
Getting Danielle comfortable with her own body was next on Cheryl's agenda. Danielle had been very shy about her aunt seeing her tits while trying on bra's and Cheryl was hoping she could help her to be more confident and to be proud of her assets. They had planned to stay home the following day and Cheryl told me they just planned some girl stuff like waxing and eyelashes etc. The following night Cheryl told me that she had been naked in the bath and called Danielle in to show her how shave her legs. Danielle had been shy at first and didn't know where to look but after watching Cheryl shave her legs and pussy decided she also wanted to do hers as well and even let Cheryl help her get to the tricky bits on her pussy after the previously untouched hair had been removed. It was while all of this was going on that Cheryl had explained most of what happened between men and woman in the bedroom and she said that Danielle had been really intrigued about the whole subject. She had let her aunt touch her nipples and pussy gently to show her the sensitive places and at the end of the day she was completely comfortable with her own nudity and that of her aunt as well.
The following day Cheryl was peppered by questions from Danielle on all manner of things. She wanted to know all about men's erections and how they occurred and ejaculation and how it happened and if a girl could feel it and anything else you could imagine a young woman who had led a sheltered life would want to know. She hadn't even seen a mans cock until Cheryl showed her some pictures online. She was fascinated as could be expected and wanted to learn as much about them as she could from Cheryl who gave her in depth descriptions but also told her that really the best way to learn was from experience. Danielle told Cheryl that she was not going to get any experience until she was married so wanted to learn as much as possible from her before she went back home.
It was then that Cheryl asked what I felt about offering to let Danielle watch her demonstrate hand jobs and blowjobs on me. It was usually me watching Cheryl do these things to other guys that was a turn on for me but the thought of Danielle looking on as Cheryl sucked my cock did have some appeal so I told her I would be ok with it. She was excited by the idea and said she would check with Danielle the next day to see if she was comfortable with the idea. Cheryl called me the next day and said that after many deep breathes Danielle agreed to the idea and it would be happening that night. I went home as usual had dinner and watched some tv. Cheryl was keeping Danielle occupied to keep her mind off things in case she got cold feet and backed out. Eventually I went and showered and went to bed naked as instructed and waited until the door was opened and they both came into the room. Cheryl has told me that they were both going to remain clothed as this was just an education lesson and not meant to be sexual. I was fine with that although I did really want to see those big young tits of Danielle's.
Cheryl directed Danielle onto the bed on the near side to the door and went to the opposite side herself. Never one to delay proceedings Cheryl slid the sheet of my covered hips and revealed my placid cock to her niece. I was really focusing on not getting hard as Cheryl pointed out the various anatomical parts of my cock and balls but the fight was short lived as she gently took my cock in her hand and stroked it hard as her student watched on. Once fully erect she showed Danielle how to hold it and stroke it and then demonstrated some ball fondling techniques. Danielle was at how hard my cock looked and Cheryl told her she could touch it if she wanted to. Danielle looked at me and I nodded my approval. Cheryl stopped stroking and let her nieces finger touch the side of my cock and she said OMG it's really hard. Cheryl told her to hold it in her hand and moved hers away to see if Danielle wanted to hold it. Danielle gently wrapped her fingers around my shaft and held it in her soft fingers which felt amazing. Cheryl put her hand on top of Danielle's and guided her with the stroking speed that she knew I loved. Once Danielle had the rhythm Cheryl removed her hand and watched as her niece continued to pump my cock. I encouraged her by saying how nice it felt and Cheryl explained to her that this would make me cum if she wanted to continue. Danielle nodded and kept jerking my shaft until I could not hold on any longer.
The first spurt gave her a little fright and Cheryl took her hand again and helped her milk my cock until I was drained. Danielle had my cum all over her hand and was looking at it just like a girl who had never seen cum before would. We all grabbed some tissues and cleaned up and I though we were done for the night until Cheryl asked Danielle if she wanted to see how to suck cock. I suggested we wait but Cheryl replied that there was no time like the present and checked again if her niece wanted to learn more. Danielle was exited at the prospect and nodded with glee. I knew Cheryl could get me up again but told them that I would need some visual assistance if I was to continue and suggested they both remove their tops to help the process. Cheryl asked Danielle if she felt okay with that and Danielle just replied "seems fair" as she shrugged her shoulders.
Cheryl removed her top and bra and we both watched as Danielle took her off and her big tits spilled into view. What a lovely big firm set of tits she had, I was almost instantly hard just looking at them and complimented her on how lovely they were. I didn't dare touch them in case she got cold feet. Cheryl watched as her niece took my cock in her hand again and worked it until it was fully hard. Cheryl then took over and lowered her head down and took my cock into her mouth and sucked it slowly up and down as Danielle watched her. I took one of my wife's tits into my hand as she sucked and massaged the soft tissue. Cheryl made sure I was well into the task before she stopped and offered my cock to Danielle. Growing ever confident with her new found skills Danielle took my cock into her mouth and sucked my cock just like her aunt had been. I moaned a little to encourage her and waited another minute and then slowly reached for the nearest hanging tit just as I had with Cheryl. Danielle's tit was large and heavy and felt fantastic. I stroked her nipple until it responded and she didn't miss a beat the whole time. I was going to cum soon and thought I should probably warn her but then changed my mind and decided I was going to cum in her mouth without any notice and suffer the consequences afterwards. I kept my breathing as steady as possible so as not to alert either of them and then blew my second load for the night straight into her young soft mouth. To her credit she was surprised but nature took over and she kept sucking until my orgasm finished before removing her lips and transferring my cum into a tissue. She was a natural just like her aunt and I gave her that compliment which pleased her very much.
Two days later the three of us were in bed together again and I was slowly feeding Danielle's pussy my cock. She had asked us if we could go all the way and I was more than happy to oblige. Cheryl had been reluctant at first but had agreed after much begging from her niece. And now here we were, Danielle on her back with her well lubed pussy being opened up by the head of my hard cock. I took my time, savouring the tightness of her pussy as my wife watched on. Bit by bit I worked my cock inside her as Cheryl encouraged her to relax and enjoy it. Cheryl had asked me earlier to not take too long as Danielle's first couple of times would be uncomfortable but I already knew I was not going to be able to hold on for too long. I fucked her at a slow pace until I felt my seed enter the final length of the straight and then I pushed into her and stopped as I flooded her insides with my cum making sure to pump it out so she could feel my cock twitch inside her.
I fucked Danielle every way I knew how over the next week and with three days to go until she went home Cheryl and I were satisfied that she was now ready for anything and anyone. Before she left us Cheryl had promised her a girls night out and having never been to a night club or pub Danielle was very excited about dressing up and going out with her aunt even though there was a ten year age gap between them.
The girls dressed up and left early, I was hoping to see them come home early as well so I could put one last load into Danielle's young pussy but when midnight ticked over I was ready for bed and decided not to wait up any longer. Two hours later I was woken up by my phone ringing next to me on the bedside table. It was Cheryl and she explained that she was standing at the taxi rank with a very tipsy Danielle and a couple of young guys that Danielle had befriended and invited back to our place for drinks. The guys had accepted before Cheryl even found out about and she didn't have the heart to say no. She added that the boys were Danielle's age and she didn't expect them to stay any longer than one or two drinks. I had no objections and told Cheryl that I would not be joining them but would keep an eye on things from a distance. We had camera's set up around the house that could be monitored via wi-fi from anywhere. I used these often to watch Cheryl get laid by men she occasionally bought home.
Soon enough they all arrived and Cheryl sat them all down in our lounge room while she got them all drinks. Both of the young guys were of average build and looks and seemed like clean cut types. One of them had fair sandy colour hair and sat beside Danielle on the 3 seater while the other guy who had dark hair sat on the two seater by himself until Cheryl had finished pouring drinks and then she joined him. They all chatted while the first drink went down and Cheryl offered another round which all accepted readily. She went to the kitchen to make the drinks and dark hair went along to help her. By the time they came back into the lounge Danielle and fair hair were kissing and the young man had his hand inside her top manhandling one of her tits. Cheryl saw what was happening and left their drinks on the table beside them and ushered dark hair out of the room. I couldn't see where they went but with a short scan through the camera's found that they had moved out onto the patio with their drinks in hand and sat on our cane two seater. I split the screens on my tablet and had both of the girls on my screen and saw that Danielle was now completely topless and her new friend was sucking on her nipples as she was unzipping his pants. She must of decided she was going to practice all she had learnt with some random guy before she went home and was not wasting any time.
I turned my attention to Cheryl and dark hair and they were having a conversation as they sipped their drinks. I switched on the mic in time to hear him telling her about how his friend always got the girls. Cheryl was giving him the mom speech how girls are attracted to guys who take the initiative and are confident. He told her it was hard to be confident and was always worried he would frighten girls off by doing the wrong thing. She said that girls would always let him know if they were not comfortable with anything and he should be guided by that. "For example" she said, and asked him to kiss her. When he reluctantly leaned, in she leaned away and put her hand on his chest to stop him following her. He nodded and she explained that it was a simple as that and then she asked him to kiss her again. This time she met his lips with hers fully and held the kiss while reaching for his hand and placing it on her waist. She then broke the kiss and told him how she loved to be kissed on the neck and undid her top button to give him better access. He didn't need another invitation and as she leaned back against the seat back he followed her and went to work on her neck.
Back in the lounge room Danielle was on her knees in front of fair hair with a mouthful of cock and her heavy tits hanging between his legs. He was in heaven perched up watching her suck his dick and seemed in no rush to do anything else. Cheryl was enjoying the attention she was receiving from her newest student and was making low moaning sounds whenever he kissed her below her neck line. She held his head lightly and guided him lower on her chest until another button was preventing him going any further. Still unsure of what was happening he didn't make any further advances and she quietly reminded him about being confident and that she would let him know if she wanted him to stop. She put her head back again and guided his lips back to her neck. This time when he reached the same spot and she didn't object he undid the offending button and he could now see the top of her bra and the flesh of the d cup tits that they cradled. He was on his way now and kept the momentum going until her shirt was completely unbuttoned and her sexy black bra was the only thing between his lips and her tits. Cheryl leaned forward and lifted his shirt up as if to take it off and he obliged and removed it for her, she removed her own shirt and unclipped her bra and placed it aside as well and then let him explore her tits with his hands and lips for a while and then guided him back against the seat back and started kissing his chest just as he had done to her.
Fair hair in the meantime had his face between Danielle's legs as she lay on her back and she was arching her back like she was about to orgasm. I watched her as she shook to climax and then relaxed as her man lapped up the juices. Cheryl had reached dark hairs stomach with her kissing and was no expertly undoing his pants with one hand. She reached inside and carefully bought his hard cock out and stoked it a couple of times before lowering her mouth over it and sucking it up and down as she pushed his pants down over his knees. She let him stand and remove his pants completely and also slid her skirt and panties of at the same time.
Danielle was now underneath fair hair and he was pumping his cock in and out of her and good speed judging by the way her tits were heaving up and down. They were well ahead with proceedings compared to my wife and dark hair and unless he slowed down he was going to be done with at any moment. Cheryl had laid across dark hairs lap and resumed her cock sucking. The lads hand had made its way between her legs and was exploring the shaved folds of Cheryl's pussy which would be wet and ready by now and this was confirmed a few moments later as his middle finger slid inside her.
Danielle was on top of fair hair now and grinding her hips hard against his thin hips with his cock buried inside her. He had no control now and the sight of her big tits above him as she arched her back with another orgasm was too much for him and he bucked back against her as he shot his load deep inside her pussy. Danielle rode it out until he stopped convulsing and then gently slid off his cock and lay beside him as they regained their breath.
Cheryl had straddled dark hair and slid herself down his cock until it was well buried inside her. She settled into a slow rhythm as he helped himself to her tits again as they dangled in front of his face. I noticed movement on the other screen and saw Danielle and fair hair walking out of the lounge room, probably to go look for Cheryl and dark hair. They had dressed again and I watched them move quietly through the kitchen and then the dining room. They reached the sliding glass door that gave access to the back patio where Danielle's aunt could clearly be seen completely naked and sitting atop an equally naked young man who was balls deep inside her. Oblivious to their presence, Cheryl and dark hair changed position and she kneeled on the soft cushion of the chair as he stood behind her and entered her again, this time doggy style. He fucked her slowly and didn't seem to be in any hurry whatsoever.
The scene in front of them was clearly turning the other couple on and Danielle's tits were once more being man-handled by fair hair as he stood behind her and she had his cock in her hand again wanking it back to life. They undressed them selves again and showing no lack of confidence at all slid the glass door quietly open and crept out onto the patio directly behind where Cheryl was being fucked by dark hair. They were both oblivious to the presence of Danielle and fair hair who was now sporting another hard on.
Dark hair saw them first and he remained quiet at the signal that his friend had given him. Danielle had stood beside him and he ogling her huge f cup tits as he kept sliding in and out Cheryl who had her head resting on her folded arms on the chair back and only realised they were no longer alone when fair hair ran his hand over her blonde hair. As she looked up she was greeted by his hard cock only inches in front of her. She turned to see Danielle smiling at her as her dark haired fuck buddy grabbed at her large mounds. Without breaking stride Cheryl turned back and opened her mouth to accept the cock in front of her and sucked on it as she was still being fucked from behind. Taking up position beside her aunt, Danielle beckoned dark hair away from Cheryl and he obliged by slipping out of her and easing his cock into Danielle's waiting pussy.
At the sight of his friend vacating Cheryl's pussy, fair hair walked away from her face and positioned himself where his friend had just stood and pushed his cock into her waiting hole and and started fucking her right beside his mate who was now fucking Danielle. The girls were now enjoying their second cocks for the night and seemed to be even more turned on by each others closeness. Cheryl was pushing hard against her new fuck buddy, looking to get off for the first time tonight before he came inside her. Fair hair was up to the task and sped up his pace until Cheryl gave one final push back and held herself against him as she climaxed. Dark hair was watching on and as Cheryl orgasmed he also gave Danielle her second cunt full of cum for the evening. Fair hair pumped Cheryl again until he got his second load away into a willing pussy.
They were all spent now and the boys took their final opportunities to give the girls tits a squeeze before they got dressed. Without any further formalities they showed the boys out and shared a few giggles as they had another drink each before retiring for the night.
Danielle went home as planned a couple of days later and thanked us both immensely for letting her stay with us. Of course, we were happy to have her and hoped she had enjoyed her stay which she assured us that she had. She was going home a changed person who was much more confident in herself and if nothing else she sure knew her way around a cock now.
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